Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 86: The battle for guild resources


The scene in front of everyone suddenly changed. The 100 members who were waiting in the event hall of the Judgment Guild were instantly teleported to an extremely vast battlefield. They saw a vast and boundless glacier in front of them. , the realistic effect of the holographic game makes everyone squinted in general conditioned reflex.

Chen Qianlin squinted his eyes to adjust to the environment in front of him, and quickly opened the battlefield panel to take a look - the guilds matched by the event, one called "Amusement Park", and one called "Iron-Blooded Master", both were fifth-level guilds.

The matching rule for resource competition is "matching guilds of the same level". Fenghua and Judgment will definitely be assigned to the seventh-level guilds to kill each other. Nirvana is a fifth-level guild, matching opponents to the fifth-level.

Such a rule also means that the points obtained by the small guild may be higher than that of the big guild, because the big guilds are fighting each other, and it is difficult to win too many resource planets, but the small guild is different. stand out.

- This is also the best way for a small guild to become famous!

The battlefield map of the resource battle is terrifyingly large, and it still seems very empty to accommodate 100 players.

The whole scene is divided into five planets of equal area, namely Saturn with deserts, Mercury covered by glaciers, Mars with fire everywhere, Jupiter with mysterious plants, and Venus with a lot of sharp blades on the ground.

Among them, the three planets of water, fire, and wood form an equilateral triangle on the periphery. The three guilds were born on one of the planets. This time, the Nirvana guild randomly came to the big glacier where Mercury was located.

Saturn and Venus, the most difficult to capture, were surrounded by three planets in the middle.

Between different planets, there will be a space conveyor belt for players to pass through.

Usually in this kind of resource competition, each guild first takes down the planet where they were born, and then squeezes into the middle to start a melee. In this big melee situation, the guild that can win three planets is already very strong.

Every time a resource planet is captured, 10,000 points will be added, and an additional 1,000 points will be added every 1 minute of occupation time. Therefore, the more planets you occupy and the longer you occupy, the more points you will gain. Chen Qianlin wants to win five resource stars, which requires very careful strategic arrangements.

Chen Qianlin ordered without hesitation: "The reconnaissance team 5 people go to Mars, 5 people go to Jupiter, to check the situation of the other party's capture. The others fight quickly, take down Mercury first."

In the glacier scene, the ice under the feet will make all players move faster. After capturing Mercury, all players will also get a "moving speed bonus of 5%". Mercury's guards, although the blood volume is not thick, but the group freezing control of the two guards will be very annoying. Fortunately, a large number of Liu Bei cards have been prepared for this guild battle, and they can take turns to release the control, but they can calmly deal with the negative state of the guards.

The cards I usually see in the arena have 200,000 HP. However, the guards of the guild resource battle, the two Mercury guards have 2 million HP, which is a big head at first glance. Huang Zhong's percentage damage is only valid for cards, not for all kinds of bosses - all bosses in the game are immune to control, percentage damage, and instant death judgment, and the 2 million blood still has to be fought honestly.

Most of Chen Qianlin's decks are group attack cards, but there are also about 30 single attack cards that specialize in guarding, including Xie Mingzhe's Zhang Fei and Guan Yu. These two bosses with high blood volume are super easy to use. , plus the bonus of Nuwa's baby mark, the two of them chopped down tens of thousands of blood with one knife. Liu Bei came to Taoyuan again for another round of friendship, and the blood volume of the two guards fell like a blood collapse.

3 minutes later, the area above the heads of all players on the Battlefield Channel swiped a system announcement—the Nirvana Guild has occupied Mercury.

At this time, the investigation team led by Ke Xiaoke also quickly reported the results: "The Jagged Guild is fighting the Jupiter Guard, and it is still 10% short of its health." "The Amusement Park Guild is fighting Mars, and it is still 15% short."

Chen Qianlin thought for a moment and said, "Jin Yue led the group to stay at Mercury, Xiao Ke led the team to continue the investigation, and the others waited for my order, all gathered at the teleportation point, ready to attack Jupiter!"

A minute later, the system swiped two announcements in a row—the Amusement Park Guild has occupied Mars! The Jagged Guild has occupied Jupiter!

The three planets of water, fire, and wood are all captured, and the earth and gold in the middle of the field will become the target of everyone's competition.

The decks of the other two guilds are obviously not designed for event matching, and the speed of playing guards is slower than that of Nirvana. But Chen Qianlin was not in a hurry to grab the two planets in the middle, because once the two guilds finished fighting their own planets, they would definitely rush to the middle. If Nirvana was playing the guards at that time, they would face the disadvantage of being attacked by the front and back. Situation - No matter how strong Nirvana is, one enemy and two will suffer heavy losses. It is better to retain strength and wait for an opportunity.

Sure enough, Xiao Ke quickly reported: "The two large units collided in the middle of Saturn, and they are fighting hard to separate!"

Chen Qianlin said calmly: "Groups 1, 2, and 3 teleport Jupiter. Jin Yue takes the group to guard the Jupiter teleportation point, and Xiaoke is ambushed at the Saturn teleportation point. If Jagged Blood returns to defense, stop them!"

With an order, the main attacking teams of Xie Mingzhe, Chen Xiao, and Chi Qing's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd regiments were all teleported to Jupiter. The defense group of Jinyue's belt came over to guard the teleportation point, and Ke Xiaoke's 10-member elite team lurked to Saturn to defend it. Portal.

The environment of Jupiter is a forest full of trees and vines. Players who enter Jupiter need to be careful about the vines under their feet. Zhou Yu and Lu Xun, who happened to be brought by Nirvana Guild, are particularly good at setting fires, and the vines have become their help to transmit fire!

The players of the Jagged Guild who stayed behind in Jupiter were frightened, and quickly sent a message to the president: "I wipe, Nirvana is doing a sneak attack!" "President, Nirvana is here to steal our Jupiter!"

The president immediately ordered: "Teams three and four, back to defense! Speed back to defense!"

However, he had just brought some people back to the teleportation point from Saturn to Jupiter, when suddenly a red-clothed long-haired female ghost appeared, her dense hair was aimed at the player who was rushing in front and strangled fiercely without hesitation!

The sneak attack group led by Ke Xiaoke was dispatched!

According to Chen Qianlin's instructions, he specifically ambushed at the teleportation point to kill the people who were returning from the Jagged Guild. Jagged was attacked by countless ghost cards, and more than a dozen players died instantly!

In guild battles, players can also be killed. What's worse, once a player is killed, the cards he carries can no longer be used.

Ke Xiaoke brings all the elites from the Nirvana Guild who have reached the star card master rank. Everyone has the strength of one-on-three or even one-on-five, especially Ke Xiaoke, who controls a hand of ghost cards and is like a fish in water in a melee situation— The bride in red, the white-haired ghost, the headless doll, the ghost cards mixed into the crowd madly assassinate the players who were singled out by the Jagged Guild!

In a blink of an eye, the players of the Jagged Guild suffered heavy casualties, and the calls for help from their base became stronger and stronger.


At the same time, the Jupiter base.

After the Iron Blood captured Jupiter, the names of the two guards became "Jagged Guild Jupiter Guards", and they will assist the player to stop the invaders. However, the main attacking force led by Xie Mingzhe and Chen Xiao had too much firepower. The mere two guards and a dozen players could not stop it!

Nirvana simply crushed the dozen or so players they had left to defend in an instant. Sun Ce took the lead, Zhou Yu and Lu Xun attacked the group, Shennong opened a healing formation in the rear to protect, Nuwa targeted the cards with high blood volume on the opposite side, and the raging fire burned more and more, burning the opposite side to the point of being unable to take care of themselves!

Iron-blooded players are about to collapse, and players who stay behind will be wiped out in less than three minutes!

At this time, Ke Xiaoke's guerrilla sneak attack team assassinated more than a dozen Jagged players and immediately retreated to save their strength. The remaining players of Jagged Blood finally returned to Jupiter, but they were blocked by the team led by Jin Yue!

Double interception? !

The iron-blooded president's scalp was numb, he knew that he should go directly to steal Nirvana's Mercury!

At this moment, the public screen swiped the news that the Nirvana Guild had occupied Jupiter.

The attacking varsity guard was quick, and almost the second after the announcement popped up, a dense crowd of people appeared at Jupiter's teleportation point.

Nirvana's large army came over, and President Jie Xue was shocked. Just the neatness of the momentum gave him a big jump. Sun Ce, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Liu Bei who rushed in front were all riding horses, followed by Zhou Yu. , Lu Xun's main output group, followed by a powerful magic card auxiliary group.

The moment they arrived at the teleportation point, the Fuxi cards in the hands of all players were dispatched collectively—

One after another huge fishing nets fell from the sky, immobilizing most of the Jagged Guild players in the fishing nets, followed by the gossip pictures one by one, and the group was in chaos!

The already chaotic situation was made even more chaotic by Fuxi's strong control.

Not to mention Lu Meng's blindness and Xiao Qiao's silence, the crowd control followed wave after wave, Zhou Yu and Lu Xun joined forces to expand, and the iron chain chain did not know how many people were connected. , Jupiter is already full of plants, and as a result, this wave of fire will almost burn out the entire planet!

Jagged blood was caught off guard by Nirvana's sudden attack, and most of them were killed and injured instantly, and the rest had to retreat to Saturn collectively.

At this point, the Saturn base.

The Amusement Park Guild was fighting the guards with all their strength, but the guards had just hit the last 5% of their health when they suddenly saw a few Terrans rushing in on horses!

Several Zhao Yun cards put seven in and seven out at the same time, Sun Ceka's range group mocked and pulled hatred, instantly disrupting their formation, Ma Chao's group accelerated, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei charged with their weapons, and the speed was as fast as lightning, and many players did not. There was no time to react - Guan Yu slashed with a knife, Ma Chao stabbed with a spear, and the two Saturn guards were killed one after another.

The output cards of Guan Yu and Ma Chao were operated by Xie Mingzhe, and the interference cards of Zhao Yun and Sun Ce were controlled by Chen Xiao. The two cooperated extremely well. After Chen Xiao completely disrupted the opponent's formation, Xie Mingzhe accelerated to bypass the crowd and attacked. A bloody guard was given a second!

- The Nirvana Guild has occupied the territory star.

The chairman of the amusement park almost vomited blood, and he was robbed after fighting for a long time to guard. No one would be happy. He couldn't help but burst out a foul language: "Fuck, I actually attacked! Everyone turned the fire and wiped out Nirvana. These sneak attack dogs!"

When they wanted to fight back against Nirvana, Xie Mingzhe gave an order: "Call Pangu!"

In the regiment he led, there were five people with full-level Pangu cards. Hearing his voice, everyone immediately summoned Pangu in accordance with the pre-allocated practice - I saw the giant axe in the hand of the three-meter-tall giant slashed down, and a huge ravine was split in front of our cards - forcibly Armistice for five seconds.

The countless group attack and group control skills released by the amusement park guild were all absorbed by the ravine!

At the same time that Pangu opened up the world, Shennong also began to plant healing herbs on a large scale. All the cards that were in bad condition on our side, the blood volume came back up—everyone has witnessed Shennong's power with his own eyes, and the area of healing array is here It is easy to use in a large-scale team battle, and Shennong is a percentage of blood, 80% in 10 seconds, almost all cards are full of blood.

Some cards that died accidentally were resurrected by Nuwa's baby. The auxiliary legion led by Chi Qing had ten Nuwa cards, but only five cards were dispatched this time, and all our dead cards were rescued.

Many of the players on the opposite side had never seen Pangu before, and they were a bit stunned when they absorbed a lot of skills. Nirvana used the time of the truce to quickly adjust its status, and the cavalry regiment that rushed to the sneak attack returned to its lineup unharmed, and their HP was fully restored!

At the moment when everyone was fighting, a message popped up again on the public screen—the Nirvana Guild had occupied Mars.

The chairman of the amusement park roared on the voice channel: "Fuck me!"

Nirvana's main force started a melee on Saturn with the Jagged and Amusement Park guilds, how could they still have the energy to split up a team to steal Mars? Do these people have three heads and six arms? !

- This is what Jin Yue and Xiao Pang did.

According to the report of Ke Xiaoke's investigation team, at this time, the Jagged Guild was overwhelmed by the casualties, the Amusement Park Guild was concentrating its firepower on Saturn, and there were not many players left behind at the Mars base camp. Instead of being idle at home, Jin Yue and Xiaopang should do something else.

So Chen Qianlin asked Xiaopang and Jin Yue to leave only 5 people to defend their hometown, and all the rest went to steal Mars.

If the other two presidents had the perspective of God, they would be pissed off at this time—there were only 5 people left behind in their hometown, but they could figure it out!

But it turned out that Chen Qianlin's strategy was correct, and the three parties in the melee area in the middle could not get out. Moreover, the main team led by Chen Xiao and Xie Mingzhe was too strong, and a series of attacks directly destroyed the two guilds head-on. With Chi Qing's backup force, Shennong + Nuwa were simply invincible.

Shennong's large-scale vegetation formation has been annoying to death, Nuwa's baby...

So many cards, where to find her baby? You can't even see it at all, okay? It can also automatically pick up corpses and resurrect, I have never seen such a shameless one!

After 5 minutes, Saturn's three-way melee finally came to an end.

Xie Mingzhe and Chen Xiao's main output team killed a large number of cards and players on the opposite side. The battlefield was a mess, countless iron-blooded and amusement park players fell, and countless card phantoms disappeared without a trace. In the end, the Nirvana Guild wiped out most of the two guilds with lightning speed, and fully captured Saturn!

At this time, Jagged Blood and Amusement Park knew that they had met a master.

In just ten minutes, the four resource stars of water, wood, fire, and earth were seized, and Nirvana's action ability was terrifying.

There are only 20 players left in Jagged Blood, and only 30 people in the amusement park. Nirvana has only lost about 10 people because of the strong backup force. Even if the two guilds joined forces, they could not win Nirvana.

With the last Venus left, the Nirvana army will definitely go to capture Venus.

At this time, the two presidents also set their sights on Mercury, the base camp of Nirvana.

With so many people in Nirvana running out to grab resources, there must be very few people left behind at their base. It's better to go back and steal their base, it's good to be able to steal a planet, but you can't be shaved!

Thinking of this, the two guilds came to Mercury at the same time, and sure enough, there were only five people defending the base of Mercury.

5 people…

What a humiliating feeling of being overwhelmed by IQ!

The two presidents were a little speechless, and immediately launched an attack!

However, the people who stayed behind also brought Fuxi to guard against sneak attacks from the opposite side. Almost at the moment when the two guilds appeared, the Nirvana left-behind players immediately summoned Fuxi and placed several yin and yang gossip arrays in a row. Kill each other for a while.

Following Ke Xiaoke, he quickly informed the commander-in-chief: "The two guilds are here to steal the house!"

Chen Qianlin was very calm: "Chi Qing returns to the defense, hold on, a few seconds is a few seconds, the main team will win the Venus first."

At present, Nirvana has occupied four planets, and the last Venus is still missing. Chen Xiao and Xie Mingzhe immediately took the main output team to kill the guards of Jin Xing, and Chi Qing led the auxiliary legion to return to the defense.

After the resource planet is occupied, the guards will become their own people. At this time, the guards of Mercury have the sign of "Nirvana" written on their heads, and they will naturally drive away the invaders. And one of the most annoying things about the Mercury Guardian is the mass freezing.

At this time, in addition to Xiaopang and a few powerful players staying behind, Chen Qianlin himself was also defending the base, holding a Pangu in his hand. He stuck the CD of the Mercury guard's freezing skill, and forced the guard to the middle of the two guilds. The group of guards was frozen, making the opponent hard to guard against, not to mention that Chen Qianlin was holding a Pangu. When the guard was about to be beaten to death, he directly Summoning Pangu to truce delays time.

The two guilds on the opposite side are about to go crazy, and the guards only need the last blood, but they can't kill them!

At this moment, the support team led by Chi Qing finally arrived. Nu Wa's baby automatically searched and resurrected all his own cards. At the same time, Shen Nong spread out a grass and tree healing array on the ground.

The condition for attacking the land star is to kill the guards.

As soon as the healing array was activated, the blood recovery rate was too fast, and the guards also began to recover blood. What's more exaggerated is that there is also a Shennong card that suddenly self-destructs, directly giving all allies within the range a wooden shield that restores 10% of blood per second...

Seeing that the blood of the residual blood guards was brought back up again, the players of the playground and the Jagged Guild felt a deep sense of helplessness. What made them even more desperate was that the area above everyone's heads once again displayed a system prompt - Nirvana Guild has occupied Venus.

Since then, the Nirvana Guild has captured the five planets of water, wood, earth, fire, and gold, and has left behind a group on each planet.

Most of the players from the Jagged Blood and Amusement Park guilds were killed and injured, and they had no strength to fight again.

On the Battlefield Guild's points statistics panel, the playground and Jagged Blood are 12,000 points and 11,000 points respectively from the initial occupation of the planet, while the Nirvana Guild has 50,000 points for the basic points alone because it occupies all five planets, plus the occupation time...

At this time, Nirvana Guild's points have reached 66,000 points, which is really 6 to burst!

There are still more than ten minutes before the end of the game. According to the speed of adding 1000 points per minute, the final points Nirvana will get will be a terrible number!

The two presidents scolded several swear words at the same time, and they also knew that they had encountered a master - neat actions, clever responses, and there must be masters behind them. Moreover, this card group is obviously specially matched, and a large number of character cards are obviously the masterpiece of Fat Uncle!

As time passed, the situation became increasingly unfavorable for the two guilds.

The Nirvana guerrillas began to patrol the field to kill the remaining players of the other two guilds, because killing enemy cards and players would also earn points. The patrol led by Ke Xiaoke was like mowing the grass, and the hostile players were completely wiped out.

The time points to 20:30 and the event ends.

After more than ten seconds of statistics, a golden full-server system announcement appeared above the heads of all online players—Congratulations to [Nirvana Guild] for winning the 1st place with a total score of 166,600 in this week's [Guild Resource Battle] One, break the event world record!

As soon as the news came out, the whole server was shocked!

More than 100,000 points, obviously all five resource stars accounted for, but only 50,000 basic points for five planets, so many points must have accumulated time to occupy. According to the bonus of 1000 points per minute, that is to say, within 15 minutes of the start of the event, they attacked all five planets? Is Nirvana so powerful? Could it be that the opponent they matched was too naive, standing still and letting them chop

The two opponents, Jagged Blood and Amusement Park, are miserable, and the president is so depressed that he wants to vomit blood. Who wants to match a boss like Nirvana? A fifth-level guild, its combat capability is comparable to that of a large club!

At the same time, the news from the Nirvana Guild channel dazzled the members.

- The guild resource competition event successfully captures Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, and Saturn, and rewards 500 each of Level 7 Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth Attribute Enhancement Fragments, Level 7 EXP Stone x 500, and Critical Hit Rate Enhancement Card x 20 , Basic Attack Enhancement Card × 20…

- The first place in the guild event will be rewarded with 10,000 guild construction points. The Guild Warehouse will give you an additional reward of 500 x 500 strengthening materials and 500 lvl 7 repairing stones. All Nirvana Guild members will be rewarded with Level 7 Experience Stones x 50 and Level 7 Repair Stones x 50.

—Congratulations to Nirvana Guild for upgrading to Level 6 Guild!

The players who participated in the event were so excited that they wanted to cry, this melee was really cool, and it was absolutely crushing the game! And players who did not participate in the event also came out to congratulate.

The guild channel was swiped crazy by players' screen swiping.

Many members of the Nirvana Guild felt a strong sense of pride in their hearts.

The first place, the total points also broke the activity record.

Our Nirvana is truly invincible!