Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 94: The ghost card is out


Xie Mingzhe has countless character cards and magic cards to use. Since he is creating a ghost card pool for Yu Ke, he doesn't want to hide it. Many ghost-related memories continue to emerge in his mind like a spring.

The King of Hell, Black and White Impermanence, Underworld Judges, Niu Tau Ma Mian, Meng Po, etc. are all officials in the underworld, and in a modern way, they are public officials in the underworld. The ghosts in "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai" such as Nie Xiaoqian, Painted Ghosts, Qiu Rong, as well as the Sanjie ghosts, sand ghosts, windmill ghosts, etc. in folklore belong to the nomads in the ghost world.

Xie Mingzhe had countless materials in his mind when he wanted to make a ghost card, but the key was to make a ghost card with useful skills that could be played in the arena, and also echo Yu Ke's personal style, which was difficult.

In Yu Ke's current deck, all the ghost cards used are original by Gui Sirui.

Xie Mingzhe also admires this great god. Without the premise of five thousand years of Chinese legends, Gui Sirui can come up with so many ghost cards by relying on his own imagination, and set up various skills to build rich The ghost card pool, his brain hole is really powerful.

The red-clothed bride and the white-haired ghost attack with their hair; the headless doll and the hanged ghost's basic attack will trigger a critical attack; the design of the ghoul card is very beautiful. Cards, the more dead cards, the stronger the attack, and it can even be operated at the limit, summoned when six cards are dead, and a wave of counterattacks will clear the field directly.

From the cards Yu Ke chose, it can be seen that he is very good at fast attack flow.

Today's game is also the same. Basically, every round ends in three minutes. Let him delay and play slowly. First of all, Xiao Ke doesn't have that kind of patience. Second, the low defense of ghost cards is not suitable for war of attrition.

Since Yu Ke is an explosive player, give him an output card to instantly destroy his opponent. In the future double and team competitions, Xiao Ke can also be the team's sharpest assassin, dropping the opponent's key cards in the shortest time and creating opportunities for his teammates.

High attack card, Xie Mingzhe quickly thought of black and white impermanence.

Black and white impermanence is the messenger of the underworld. If you see two impermanent ghosts in black and white after death, it means that you are dead and must follow them to the ghost world.

According to legend, Bai Wuchang's real name "Xie Bi'an" is called "Seven Master", and Hei Wuchang's real name "Fan Wujiu" is called "Eight Master". Once the two of them walked under the bridge, seeing that it was going to rain, Bai Wuchang asked his younger brother to wait a little while to get an umbrella by himself. Soon the torrential rain poured, and Hei Wuchang kept his promise and did not want to go away. After Bai Wuchang took the umbrella and came back, he found that his younger brother was missing.

After the two died, the King of Hell felt that the brothers had a deep and righteous relationship, so he arranged an errand for them, so that the two would go to the world to seduce their souls and lead the soul of the deceased to the ghost world.

Black impermanence represents yin, and white impermanence represents yang, which is also in line with the black and white color of the yin and yang fish in the Tai Chi picture.

It is said that human beings have three souls and seven souls. Men have a yang body, which is composed of "yang soul" and "yin soul"; women have a yin body, which is composed of "yin soul" and "yang soul". The white impermanence that belongs to yang absorbs the male yin soul and disperses the female yin soul; the black impermanence of the yin belongs to the female yang soul, and the male yang soul is scattered. Because the rules of the ghost world are "souling and dispersing", it is impossible for the two of them to complete the task alone, so they go together every time.

Black and white impermanence are inseparable ghosts, and they can obviously make powerful linkage skills.

Regarding the image setting of the two ghosts, Xie Mingzhe already had an idea in his mind.

Bai Wuchang is always smiling and looks very kind. He is thin, with a white robe all over his body and a high official hat on his head. Get good luck", it is said that worshiping him can also make money, so the common people also call him "impermanence".

Black Impermanence's face is relatively indifferent and fierce. He is a super thug under the command of the King of Hell, specializing in catching disobedient ghosts and ghosts, and his fighting power is strong. He wears a black robe and wears a high official hat like his brother, except that the words "Peace in the World" are written on his hat, which means "ghosts who disobey the law will not be forgiven", and all those who dare to run will be arrested. One fight, and the world will be at peace.

After the image was designed, Xie Mingzhe began to consider their skills.

Since Hei Wuchang is the main attacker and his combat effectiveness is fierce, then his skill name is set to the mandarin "Peace in the World" on the hat. If he dares to be disobedient, he will grab it and beat him up, causing explosive earth-based single-target damage.

Another skill, from the perspective of "impermanence", can also be made into an attack-type skill to supplement the problem of insufficient damage of the first skill.

Bai Wuchang is not the main output, his personality is relatively mild, and every time he performs a task, he is auxiliary to Hei Wuchang, so in the design of the card, Xie Mingzhe wanted to make his skill into an auxiliary skill - the hat wrote "One Seeing to make money", then there must be good things happening when you see him, of course, it can only be good things happen to your teammates.

The second skill can be made into a cooperative battle, after all, when Hei Wuchang is on a mission, Bai Wuchang can't watch the play next to him. When the younger brother kills someone, the elder brother also needs to help.

As for the linkage skills, it happens that Black Impermanence and White Impermanence represent yin and yang, respectively, so make a linkage of "Yin and Yang Soul Seducer", so that the combined output of the two people can be maximized.

Xie Mingzhe wrote down all his ideas on the Nebula paper, and then drew the images of black impermanence and white impermanence on the card. After all the preparations were done, he concentrated on connecting the card making system and began to make black and white. Impermanence these two cards.

Since the ghost card has a great god like Gui Sirui, if you want to avoid a crash, you have to waste some more thoughts.

Fortunately, black and white impermanence is an idea brought by Xie Mingzhe from another world. The image will never crash. In terms of skills, Xie Mingzhe used a lot of folklore about black and white impermanence, so he quickly passed the database. 's audit.

It took him several hours to make these two cards, and it was already early in the morning when he finished making these two cards, and he sent Yu Ke a message: "Are you asleep?"

Ever since Uncle Fat said he was going to make a ghost card for him, Yu Ke was so excited that he couldn't sleep, he kept wandering around in the game, and when he heard the voice from Uncle Fat, he immediately replied: "I didn't sleep! Could it be? Are the cards ready?"

Xie Mingzhe smiled: "I made two, come and show you."

Yu Ke was excitedly teleported to Uncle Fatty's personal apartment as if he had won the lottery.

Xie Mingzhe showed the finished card to Yu Ke, and Yu Ke took it with trembling fingers. He saw that on the back of the card with pure black metal texture, a dark brown pattern symbolizing the "earth card" was drawn. Sophisticated and beautiful.

He looked at the front and saw two ghosts painted on the fronts of the two cards. One of them was dressed in black with a grim face, the other in a white robe with a gentle smile. Both ghosts wore high hats with the words written on them. The design of the characters and images is very novel and interesting—

Black Impermanence (Earth)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 300, ATK 1500, DEF 300, Agility 30, Crit 30%

Additional skills: Peace in the World (Hei Wuchang enters a state of rage, basic attack power is increased by 100%, attack speed is increased by 100%, lasting 30 seconds; when attacking the enemy from behind, it will trigger a combo, when the number of combos reaches 5/10/15/ 20 times, the critical damage is increased by 5%/10%/15%/20% respectively; the cooldown is 40 seconds)

Additional Skills: Impermanence and Life (Black Impermanence teleports to the back of the designated target, causing damage equal to 200% of the target's basic attack power. If the target is successfully killed, a negative mark will be obtained, and each negative mark will increase its basic attack power by 50%. )

Additional skill: Yin-Yang Soul Enchanter (linkage skill, when Bai Wuchang is present, Black and White Impermanence triggers the linkage, releasing all Yin-Yang marks, each pair of Yin-Yang marks can cause 20% of the basic HP damage to the hostile target within 23 meters)

White Impermanence (earth type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 1000, ATK 700, DEF 1000, Agility 30, Crit 10%

Additional Skills: Seeing a Fortune After settlement; cooldown 120 seconds)

Additional Skills: Love and Righteousness (When Hei Wuchang kills the target, Bai Wuchang assists his younger brother in collecting souls, and each time a soul is collected, a positive mark is obtained, and each positive mark increases the defense power of friendly targets within 23 meters by 50%)

Additional Skills: Yin-Yang Soul Enchanter (linkage skill, when Black Impermanence is present, Black and White Impermanence triggers the linkage, releasing all Yin-Yang marks, each pair of Yin-Yang marks can restore 20% of the health of allies)

The shock in Yu Ke's heart is indescribable!

The skill descriptions of both cards are very long, and a novice may be dizzy. But Yu Ke's high comprehension, coupled with his rich experience in the arena, quickly understood how terrifying the combination of the two cards is!

Black Impermanence is the first card made by Uncle Fat that does not rely on skills, but relies on basic attacks to eat.

He can play "Peace in the World" every 40 seconds, and the skill effect will last for 30 seconds, which means that he only has 10 seconds without skills, and the CD is quite short. Peace of the world can increase attack and attack speed. As long as you hit a combo behind you, the crit bonus can be maintained for a long time, and the more the combo, the more the crit bonus, it can be said that it is a skill that becomes more and more fierce.

The second skill, "impermanence," allows Hei Wuchang to teleport behind the target. On the one hand, it makes Hei Wuchang's movement more flexible. On the other hand, when there is a residual blood card on the opposite side, Hei Wuchang can teleport directly to harvest, allowing The other party couldn't even come to the rescue.

The most terrifying thing about Black Impermanence is that the more heads you collect, the stronger your combat effectiveness!

Killing the target can get Yin attribute marks, each mark adds 50% attack, if Hei Wuchang can take more than 3 heads, the basic attack bonus is more than 150%, he will become an unstoppable existence in the audience. If Black Impermanence takes 6 heads and the attack bonus is 300%, then even the white elephant with the highest blood volume can be quickly killed by his combo!

At the same time, Black Impermanence's Yin attribute mark and White Impermanence's Yang attribute mark are used as the basis for the activation of linkage skills. Once there are too many marks, the linkage of Black Impermanence can reduce the percentage of blood from the group attack; the linkage of White Impermanence can be added to the friendly group. Blood. This linkage skill is very flexible and can be selectively activated according to the situation on the field.

For example, if you want to play fast break flow, you can use the black impermanence linkage. When the mark is almost the same, it will explode directly and clear the field in one wave. If the teamfight is dragged to the later stage, when there are many marks, it can be used as a blood increase skill, and the linked percentage of white impermanence will return blood.

The existence of yin and yang marks on the two of them will make the opponent fall into complete despair in the endgame!

Hei Wuchang's basic attack is super high, but his defense is too weak, and Bai Wuchang's skills can just protect him. In case Black Impermanence is killed in seconds, White Impermanence can activate "Get Rich at First Sight" - the friendly target will live 5 seconds longer.

This means: I'm sorry, I can still save it, wait 5 seconds before I die!

You can do a lot of things in 5 seconds, such as uncontrolling, adding blood, and rescuing cards that were originally going to die. The existence of white impermanence will make it difficult for one's own cards to be instantly killed by the opponent.

Just imagine that in the endgame, Black Impermanence outputs frantically, smashes the opponent with a combo and then harvests it, hits three or more yin and yang marks, and then launches a wave of "Yin and Yang Soul Hooker" linkage to blow up all the yin and yang marks - this is simply a nuclear bomb. Same damage, right? !

Yu Ke's hands are shaking, these two cards are too strong, they are terrifying!

And there is quite the sloppy style of fat uncle, especially Bai Wuchang's "five more seconds to live" will make the opponent mad.

Are these two cards really made for him

Yu Ke rubbed his eyes so hard that he couldn't believe it. He asked in a trembling voice, "A, A Zhe, did you really give these two cards to me..."

Xie Mingzhe smiled slightly: "Do you like it as a gift for you?"

Yu Ke: "I like it! I like it very much! This is much better than my current card!"

The boy wearing the helmet had red eyes and was so excited that he was about to cry. He clenched the two ghost cards tightly and said, "I joined the Nirvana Club, and I will follow you in the future. I will do whatever you want me to do!"

Xie Mingzhe stretched out his hand: "Then it's settled, let's go to the professional league together, don't go back."

Yu Ke held his hand firmly: "Well, I will never regret it!"

The little milk dog took the bait, Xie Mingzhe was in a very good mood, and planned to make a few more ghost cards for Yu Keduo.

However, since he is the third member of Nirvana, he can't expose the deck too early, so in next week's game, Xiao Ke only brings black and white impermanence to the field, and other ghost cards should be hidden first!

The author has something to say:

As for the 'Yin-Yang Ecstasy' linkage skill, this is an active skill, just like Liu Bei's Taoyuan tie, so you can only choose one of them to activate. Open the black and impermanent linkage, explode and mark the percentage damage of the group attack, and clear the field directly in the later stage; open the white impermanence linkage, explode and mark the percentage of the friendly group to restore blood. You can choose to use it according to the situation.

I have been thinking about black and white impermanent skill design for a long time. It is very difficult to design new ideas. I can't collide with other players' cards. Writing this book has ruined a lot of my brain cells Q_Q

PS: Bai Wuchang is the elder brother, and Hei Wuchang is the younger brother. Continue to play tricks tomorrow!