Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 95: A Chinese Ghost Story


Xie Mingzhe's two cards of Black and White Impermanence had good data, but he was still not at ease. He showed the cards to Master and Chen Qianlin asked him to fine-tune some values. Base defenses are stacked to the highest level.

In addition, he also modified some skill effects. Black Impermanence's attack method is melee claws, and the combo of bloody claws is quite terrifying. And because Bai Wuchang committed suicide by hanging, he would stick out his tongue when he used his skills. The system will only automatically generate skill special effects from the database. If you want the cards you design to have the ideal special effects, you can perform action decomposition in the card design process.

For example, first design a static card, and then add an action card when the skill is placed. In this way, the system will generate the skill action according to the design of the card maker, which will be more suitable for the card than the characteristics called from the database. feature.

After the final draft, Xie Mingzhe raised Black and White Impermanence to the full seven-star level, and brought Yu Ke, Chen Qianlin and Chen Xiao to the arena to experiment, Yu Ke said excitedly: "Black and White Impermanence is really the cutest ghost card I have ever seen! "

Xie Mingzhe: "Cute??"

Is there something wrong with this guy's aesthetics? The ghost with a pale face and sticking out his tongue called "cute"

Chen Xiao didn't pay attention to the image of the cards at all. He only looked at the skills and said with admiration: "These two cards are very well designed, especially the linkage skills. In team battles, teammates can deliberately give Hei Wuchang a head start and let them He saves the mark, and when he gets enough heads, he can blow up the mark and clear the field directly in the later stage."

Chen Qianlin pointed out a key point: "The linkage skill must be on the field at the same time as Black and White Impermanence. When these two cards appear together, the opponent with strong consciousness will definitely try to kill Hei Impermanence first, and will not keep him in the later stage."

The problem Master said does exist. Since it is a "linkage", as long as one of the cards hangs, the Yin Yang mark cannot be exploded. Xie Mingzhe thought about it carefully and said: "Xiao Hei is indeed quite fragile, and once he appears, he will definitely become the target of the opponent's priority to focus fire. Bai Wuchang alone may not be able to keep him, I have to do a few more protections. class of cards."

Chen Qianlin said: "Let's make another powerful output card to help the black impermanence distract the opponent's attention."

Chen Xiao nodded in agreement: "This is what we often call the 'multi-core' theory. When you have more than three core cards in your deck, your opponent will be at a loss, not knowing which one will come first. Black Impermanence is very Annoying, if there are cards in the deck that are more annoying than Black Impermanence, it will also reduce the risk of Black Impermanence being killed to a certain extent."

Xie Mingzhe's eyes lit up: "That's right! There are many cores, there are other things to die for!"

The three of them enthusiastically discussed the design of the cards. Yu Ke stood beside him and listened, the more shocked he became. The great gods were all very aware. He was extremely curious, but was too embarrassed to ask more, so he could only stand by and listen to the three people's discussion quietly, while touching his favorite black and white impermanence card.

Seeing the little boy obediently standing by, Chen Xiao walked over and said, "Xiao Ke, I heard Xiao Xie say that you have already decided to join the Nirvana Club, right?"

Yu Ke nodded as if pounding garlic: "Well, I will follow you in the future!"

Chen Xiao said: "Then I'll be the host and invite you to dinner tomorrow, and new players are welcome to join."

Xie Mingzhe and Yu Ke naturally would not object.

That night, the four of them studied the cards together. Chen Qianlin, Chen Xiao, and Xie Mingzhe kept discussing the design ideas of the card pool, until the 12 o'clock system anti-addiction reminder "continuously online for more than five hours, please go offline and rest as soon as possible", Everyone went offline at the same time and went to sleep. Yu Ke didn't know how to design cards, but he felt that he had gained a lot of knowledge by following along.

The next day, Xie Mingzhe went to Yu Ke in the dormitory after school and took him to the Nirvana studio.

On the way, Yu Ke finally couldn't help being curious and asked, "Azhe, what are the origins of those two great gods?"

Xie Mingzhe leaned into his ear and said mysteriously: "My master, Chen Qianlin, is the legendary originator of the wood clan, the forest god who retired in the fifth season; the other is Chen Xiao, his younger brother, who is also very skilled. powerful."

"Lin Shen!" Yu Ke's eyes widened, "Is it the Lin Shen who retired after falling out with the Sanctuary because of copyright issues?" Seeing Xie Mingzhe nodding, Yu Ke gasped, unable to believe the authentic, "I remember that Tang Muzhou was his apprentice, my God, is such a strong senior coming back? Your club is too defiant!"

"What do you call your club?" Xie Mingzhe gently stroked the boy's head, "It should be the 'our' club."

"..." Realizing that he was also a member of this club, Yu Ke immediately smiled and corrected: "Yes, our club is really awesome! It will definitely surprise the audience in the future!"

"Of course." Xie Mingzhe smiled slightly and came to Nirvana Studio with his little valet.

Chi Qing and others had already received the news and welcomed Xiao Ke's participation.

Ke Xiaoke has been in the Nirvana Guild for a while, and is very familiar with the management of Fatty, Jin Yue, Yingying, etc. In addition, he has a lively personality and is not afraid of life, so he will soon be with Pang Yu, Jin Yue, Yingying, etc. The people are familiar with each other, and each mouthful of Brother Yu and Sister Qing is very sweet.

Everyone likes this clever little guy. Chen Xiao is the host and invites everyone to dinner, which can be regarded as an official establishment of a new teammate.

During the dinner, Chen Qianlin said, "You need four people to play in the team match, and you are still one teammate away."

Xie Mingzhe suggested: "Other universities will also hold competitions? Maybe some talents can be found."

Chen Xiao also said: "That's right, I've been paying more attention to the forums and competitions in major colleges and universities recently. If you come across a good seedling, you can communicate and have a look. There are still a few months left, so we should hurry up."

Yu Ke said positively: "A few buddies I have a good relationship with are scattered in several universities. I will ask them to help pay attention!"

It's a good thing to be able to find it as soon as possible, but if you can't find it, Xie Mingzhe is not in a hurry. Next year's Star Card Masters National Invitational Tournament will definitely be a cloud of masters, and maybe they will meet some teammates who get along well.

The first task at present is to help Yu Ke improve the ghost card deck first.

As Brother Chen said, the "multi-core theory" of the arena is a very popular card group method. Ma Chao and Huang Zhong, each of which has a super strong attack, the opponent will not know which card to take first, plus Liu Bei's protection, the mobility and survivability of this deck are very good.

The ghost card pool is for Yu Ke. Of course, Xie Mingzhe has to build it according to Yu Ke's personal style. The skill mode of Black Impermanence, the more aggressive he plays, is very suitable for Xiao Ke, so the other output card must be flexible to the extreme. , which is convenient for Xiao Ke to pursue and assassinate.

The attack method of the ghost card, the female ghost's hair is a very useful element.

When he mentioned long hair, he immediately thought of Nie Xiaoqian, a famous female ghost.

Nie Xiaoqian is a character in Pu Songling's "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai", a very beautiful female ghost. She died at the age of 18 and was buried next to a desolate ancient temple. Instead of resting her soul, she was threatened by monsters to persecute people. Later, when she met Ning Caichen, she was moved by the integrity of the other party. Not only did she not harm him, but instead, she helped him turn the corner. Ning Caichen did not fail Nie Xiaoqian's entrustment, helped her escape from the devil's clutches, and married her as his wife.

The love story of the two has touched many people. In addition to the adaptations of various film and television dramas, the actors who play Nie Xiaoqian in movies and TV series are more beautiful than each other, which has left a deep impression on the audience. Xie Mingzhe's favorite female ghost It is also Nie Xiaoqian.

Nie Xiaoqian's ghost card, Xie Mingzhe wanted to design a completely different style from other ghost cards.

The other ghost cards all follow the "horror" route. God Gui Sirui made the bride in red with disheveled hair and the ghost in white with blood on his face, which made people feel terrified. Although Nie Xiaoqian is also a female ghost, she is a rare beauty.

In his previous life, he had watched movies and TV dramas about Nie Xiaoqian, so the image of Nie Xiaoqian quickly appeared in his mind.

Nie Xiaoqian was wearing a long white dress with a simple bun on top of her head. She didn't wear any jewelry, and her clothes were very simple, but she couldn't hide her natural beauty. The long hair on the back of her head is as black as ink, her eyes are clear and bright, and her complexion looks much paler than normal people because she is a ghost, but this paleness does not appear terrifying, on the contrary, it has a kind of pitiful taste, which makes people feel pity.

Don't look at how weak she looks on the surface, once she provokes her, she is still a female ghost, and her attack power must not be underestimated.

Xie Mingzhe began to conceive of her skills. He thought of a word "A Chinese Ghost Story" that can be used as Nie Xiaoqian's skill name. Female ghosts are naturally erratic. In the ghost state, Nie Xiaoqian can let herself drift around, disrupting the enemy's sight, and at the same time launch attacks when they are not prepared - this is equivalent to an erratic assassin, which can help teammates deal critical damage .

Since she has long black hair, the female ghost's hair can of course extend infinitely as a weapon. The second skill makes her hair a powerful control skill, so that the target she is staring at has nowhere to hide.

After thinking about the settings, Xie Mingzhe started making the card Nie Xiaoqian.

He was very skilled at drawing the image of the card, and he quickly sketched the image in his mind on the Nebula paper.

But the difficulty is that Nie Xiaoqian uses "hair" as a means of attack, so when drawing Nie Xiaoqian's hair, you must be as precise as possible, and even the strands of hair must be drawn clearly. BUG appears.

Originally thought to be a very simple card, Xie Mingzhe actually made five decompositions - specifically to decompose the hair.

He thought of the thousand-year-old sacred tree that Tang Muzhou made back then. Because the sacred tree uses vines as weapons, each vine must be clearly drawn, and the number of branches and leaves of the sacred tree is innumerable, so Tang Muzhou divided ten cards. Draw the god tree.

Today, Xie Mingzhe also realizes that it is not easy to make this kind of card.

Xie Mingzhe, the metal weapon of the Five Tiger Generals of the Shu Kingdom, was divided into only one card, and Nie Xiaoqian's hair was divided into five pieces, which really made his head bigger. After the painting, he could count Nie Xiaoqian to the end. How much hair grows...

This card took the longest time so far. Xie Mingzhe took advantage of the absence of class and drew for an entire afternoon, which was more tiring than when he completed the homework assigned by the professor.

But the finished product finally made Xie Mingzhe very satisfied.

Nie Xiaoqian (earth type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Times of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 300, ATK 1500, DEF 300, Agility 30, Crit 30%

Additional skills: A Chinese Ghost Story (the female ghost Nie Xiaoqian enters the "ghost" state, splitting into 1 to 7 phantoms, each phantom inherits 10% of the basic attributes of the main body, and each phantom automatically follows a hostile target within 23 meters, but No attack power; Nie Xiaoqian's body can teleport between phantoms, causing 200% earth attribute damage to the designated target. If an attack is launched behind the target, the crit damage will be increased by 100%; the phantom exists for 7 seconds, with a cooldown time 50 seconds)

Additional skills: Long hair flying (the female ghost Nie Xiaoqian's long hair can be continuously extended, instantly wrapping around the designated target within 23 meters, and pulling the target to any position within 23 meters; cooldown time 35 seconds)

This card combines "single control" and "single burst" in one.

The phantoms she splits in the ghost state will dazzle the enemy, especially when the enemy has seven cards, Nie Xiaoqian can split seven phantoms to follow behind the enemy target, and then pick a crispy card to teleport to attack. , causing huge single damage.

Nie Xiaoqian's second skill is very flexible in application. For example, when the enemy's residual blood card wants to escape, Nie Xiaoqian can use her hair to instantly pull the person in front of Hei Wuchang, making Hei Wuchang superimpose the yin and yang marks; If a certain card of the opponent is too annoying, she can also forcefully pull it over to focus on the fire and kill it in seconds; more importantly, she can also pull her own!

For example, in a chaotic team battle, when one of his teammates was caught on fire by the opposite side and became residual blood and could not run away, Nie Xiaoqian could get stuck at a distance of 30 meters and use her hair to instantly pull her teammates back to the safe area, so that the healing card could quickly replenish the blood.

This pulling skill, regardless of pulling the enemy or pulling teammates, can instantly destroy the balance of the card positions of both sides.

Xie Mingzhe believed that with Xiaoke's understanding, adding Nie Xiaoqian's card to the ghost card pool, he would definitely be able to develop a lot of routines. Xiao Ke's style of play is very obscene, and he likes sneak attacks, while Nie Xiaoqian can let him do sneak attacks in the audience. As long as it is a target within 30 meters, seven phantoms will be split to follow, teleporting and sneak attack, none of them can escape!

Xie Mingzhe first showed the card to Master, and after modifying the data, he raised it to full star and gave it to Yu Ke.

Yu Ke held this card carefully with both hands, like holding a priceless treasure, his voice was shaking with excitement: "Azhe, you really know me, I love this card so much! Follow the target to teleport and sneak attack. , I will no longer be afraid of not being able to reach the opponent's cards on the field in the future! The seven phantoms are really cool!"

Xie Mingzhe looked at his excited look, smiled slightly, and said gently: "Don't get excited, this card is very difficult to operate after splitting the phantom. I tried it just now. But come on. Nie Xiaoqian is very strong in theory, it is the most flexible card I have designed so far, but if you want to master the skills of this card, you need a lot of actual combat."

Yu Ke nodded vigorously: "Well, I will go to the arena tonight, and I will definitely practice her splitting skills!"

Azhe tailored such a powerful ghost card for him, how could he be so embarrassed to disappoint his friends? Yu Ke made up his mind that he must defeat all his opponents in the weekend game and win the championship of the freshman competition!