Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 96: Blue and Yellow Springs


Because Nie Xiaoqian's drawing of hair on this card gave Xie Mingzhe a headache, he decided to suspend playing cards and take a day off.

In terms of time, roommate Qin Xuan took three days off and should be back on Wednesday.

However, until Wednesday night, Qin Xuan was still not seen. Xie Mingzhe sent a message to inquire with concern, but Shi Shenhai didn't respond, and he didn't know what happened to his roommate's house.

Xie Mingzhe suppressed the confusion in his heart, logged into the game, and continued to make cards in his personal space.

Nie Xiaoqian and Hei Wuchang added two output cards to the ghost card pool. This is not enough. Just make a few more cards, so that Xiao Ke can have more choices when matching the deck in the future.

Since the black and white impermanence is done, how can there be no Niu Tau Ma Mian and Meng Po

According to legend, after a person dies, the first thing they see is "Black and White Impermanence", two ghosts.

Niu Tau Ma led the new ghost along Huangquan Road. On both sides of Huangquan Road, there are blood-red flowers on the other side. After passing through Huangquan Road, there is a river called Wangchuan River. There is a Naihe Bridge on the river. After crossing the Naihe Bridge, you will see an old woman named Meng Po, and Meng Po handed a bowl. Meng Po soup, you can forget all kinds of past lives and enter reincarnation after drinking it.

This process has been circulated among the people for thousands of years. The civil servants in the ghost world perform their own duties and have the same tasks as the human world.

The two ghosts, the bull head and the horse face, are well set. The former has a head like a cow, a human body, and holds a fork. If a ghost escapes, catch it quickly.

In the star card game, if there is no special setting for the ghost card, it will be automatically classified into the earth system.

Because, as the founder of the ghost card pool, God Gui Sirui put forward sufficient reasons when he was making the ghost card pool back then, "The ghost world is underground, there is no light all the year round, and the soil is the companion, so it should be classified into the earth system." This is the same as most of the plants are classified into the wood system, and most of the marine organisms are classified into the water system, which belong to "group characteristics".

However, if a ghost card holds a metal weapon in its hand, it will be forced to be classified into the gold category.

In the original setting, the bull-headed hand held a fork and the horse-faced hand held a large knife, both of which were metal weapons. But since most of the ghost cards will be classified into the earth system, Xie Mingzhe had to change the metal elements in the weapons, keep the shape of the weapons, and let them belong to the earth system card, which can form an earth system deck with other ghost cards.

Hei Wuchang and Nie Xiaoqian are both single-attack, Xie Mingzhe thinks, it is better to make a group attack than Niutou and Ma Mian, suppress the opponent's blood line in the early stage, and after the group's blood volume is suppressed, Nie Xiaoqian and Hei Wuchang will be dispatched again to pick the card with residual blood Card chase or spike.

Xie Mingzhe doesn't remember much about the legend of Niu Tau Ma Mian, he can only set it according to the functions of the two ghosts.

The task of the two ghost messengers is to escort the ghosts across Huangquan Road, and there are flowers on the other side blooming everywhere on Huangquan Road. Xie Mingzhe decided to use these two materials as the skill description of ox head and horse face.

With the injection of mental power, two cards were quickly generated on the Nebula paper.

The image of the bull-headed human body and the horse-faced human body looks a bit funny, and it is really different from Nie Xiaoqian. But no way, set it like this. Although Xie Mingzhe is a painter of Yan control, the ghost cards are indeed very ugly, and they can't be all handsome and beautiful.

Anyway, from Yu Ke's aesthetic point of view, maybe "very cute"!

Xie Mingzhe picked up two cards and looked at the description carefully—

Bull head (earth type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 500, ATK 1200, DEF 500, Agility 20, Crit 30%

Additional skills: Huangquan Road Guide (The bull head spreads a Huangquan road with evil spirits within a range of 23 meters. The evil spirits bite the hostile targets within the range, causing the hostile targets to suffer 150% group soil damage; cooldown time 45 seconds)

Additional Skill: Evil Spirit Retreat (Linkage skill, when the other side flowers spread by horses are blooming on the Huangquan Road paved by Niutou, it will cause group fear to the hostile targets within the Huangquan Road range for 3 seconds; it needs to be released actively.)

Horse face (earth type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 500, ATK 1200, DEF 500, Agility 20, Crit 30%

Additional skills: Blossoming of the other side (horse face makes the blood-red flowers of the other side bloom within a range of 23 meters, the other side flowers open for 5 seconds, and during the opening period, it will cause continuous damage to the hostile targets within the range, and lose 4% blood per second; cooldown time 45 seconds)

Additional skill: Evil Spirit Retreat (linkage skill, when the blooming position of the other side flower spread by Ma Mian coincides with the yellow spring road of Niutou, the other side flower grows wildly, and the continuous damage caused by it increases by 3 seconds; it needs to be released actively)

The card production was completed, but it was returned by the system during the review stage.

The system asked Xie Mingzhe to draw models of "Huangquan Road" and "Flowers on the Other Side", because these two keywords were not retrieved in the database, and the system did not know what they were.

Xie Mingzhe immediately drew a Huangquan Road at the foot of his head, and painted several blooming red flowers around the horse's face. This time he finally passed the review, and Xie Mingzhe was relieved.

The usage of the bull's head and the horse's face is also very flexible.

Huangquan Road causes a large-scale one-time group attack, while the other side of the flower is a large-scale continuous group attack. When the two skill ranges overlap, the linkage skill of opening the head will cause "group fear" control; the linkage skill of opening the horse will increase the blood loss. Volume - The original 20% of the group lost blood, an increase of 3 seconds is 32% of the group's blood loss. The group damage of the other side flower is calculated by percentage, and the meat shield is also very useful!

After Niutou and Ma Mian finished their attack, the HP on the opposite side could be reduced to about half of their blood. Then Nie Xiaoqian and Black and White Impermanence were added, and it was easy to get a few residual blood and crispy skin, so that Black and White Impermanence had enough marks, and quickly. Clearance.

The five-card earth-based deck designed by Xie Mingzhe, group attack and group control are handed over to Niutou Ma Mian, single attack, single control, and harvest are handed over to Nie Xiaoqian and Hei Wuchang, assisting and adding buffs are Bai Wuchang's tasks, taking into account all aspects. If a player with super consciousness controls this deck, it will definitely cause the opponent's psychological collapse.

But that's not enough.

Xie Mingzhe also wants to make an auxiliary card that makes the opponent want to kill him-Meng Po.

Po Meng is also a very important member in the ghost world. Her role is to feed all the new ghosts a bowl of Meng Po soup, to eliminate all the ghosts' memories before they die, and then let the ghosts enter the ghost world's reincarnation trial process.

Meng Po soup has the effect of forgetting and erasing memory, and Meng Po's skill setting can also move closer in this direction.

Xie Mingzhe's mind flashed—perhaps we can make Meng Po soup a double-sided skill! Erasing the memory of the enemy is naturally a negative effect. Eliminating the memory of the friendly army can have a positive effect.

Thinking of this, Xie Mingzhe immediately conceived the image of Meng Po.

In his memory, Madam Meng should be a kind-looking old woman, bent over, hunched over, with white hair; in her left hand she held a long wooden pole with a lamp for lighting hanging on it. Lantern, holding a worn-out porcelain bowl in his right hand, the bowl is full of Meng Po soup that can be forgotten.

This character card is more complicated, Xie Mingzhe also divided two cards to draw, especially the setting of Meng Po soup, "invite people to drink soup" is Meng Po's skill, when the time comes, the soup in his hand must be forcibly fed to the enemy , so the drawing of the soup should be extremely fine.

After drawing the image, Xie Mingzhe connected to the card making system and began to design skills—

Meng Po (earth type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 1500, ATK 200, DEF 1000, Agility 30, Crit 5%

Additional Skills: Meng Po Tang · Bitter (Meng Po forces the designated hostile target within 23 meters to drink the bitter soup medicine she brewed by herself. Because Meng Po Tang has the effect of forgetting, the hostile target who drinks Meng Po Tang will forget their own All skills, forget your tasks and teammates, stay in a daze for 5 seconds; cooldown 45 seconds)

Additional Skills: Meng Po Tang·Sweet (Meng Po asks the designated friendly target within 23 meters to drink the sweet soup that she made by herself, the forgetting effect makes the teammates forget all the pain, teammates who drink Mengpo soup will forget After all damage received within 5 seconds, the health is restored to the value before the injury; the cooling time is 45 seconds)

Seeing this card, would your opponent want to rush over and beat him

In fact, the soup made by Meng Po is said to have five flavors of "sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty". Unfortunately, in the star card game, the card's own skills can be up to three, and the linkage skills can be up to four. The more skills, the basic data of the card. will be worse. Meng Po is a control card, sweet soup for teammates to drink, bitter soup for the enemy to drink, that's enough.

The enemy target drank the soup and forgot his own skills. This can target some particularly powerful cards of the enemy and abolish the opponent's skills, which will have miraculous effects at critical moments.

The friendly target drank the Meng Po soup and forgot the damage they received in the next 5 seconds. Forcibly kill Hei Wuchang or Nie Xiaoqian, and Mother Meng comes out, feeds a bowl of soup to his teammates, and forgets all the damage that follows.

Coupled with Bai Wuchang's "I can still save it, wait for me to settle in 5 seconds"...

No matter how you play these ghost cards, you can't kill them, and the opponent may be pissed off first.

Xie Mingzhe happily called Yu Ke to his room and handed him the newly made cow head, horse face and Meng Po.

Yu Ke's eyes lit up, he wanted to kneel down with three cards in his arms - the ghost cards made by Uncle Fat really fit his taste!

Niu Tau and Ma Mian's group attack, Nie Xiaoqian and Hei Wu Chang's single-shot outbreak, Bai Wu Chang's Lapi support, Meng Po has played Lai Pi to the extreme - he can forget his skills, and his opponent is forcibly fed Meng Po soup, he must really want it Beat up!

He was a fan of Gui Sirui back then because only Gui Sirui could play tricks in the league, and other great gods didn't like this style.

Ghost cards are a very niche genre. Compared with the popular decks of plants, animals, weapons, etc., there are only a handful of players who use ghost card decks in the game. One.

But Yu Ke has always felt that ghost cards can also be very powerful.

It's a pity that the ghost cards made by Gui Sirui are terrifying enough, but the style of play is stable and not exciting at all. Alright now, the cards Xie Mingzhe tailored for him are really exciting!

Yu Ke couldn't help but said: "Azhe, I want to replace all the ghost cards that belong to God Sirui in my hand with those you made. I really like every one of the cards you made!"

Xie Mingzhe said with a smile: "Actually, Gui Sirui's ghost cards are also very strong, but his skills are not enough..." He thought about it, and finally decided on a suitable description: "Not enough to be irritating."

Yu Ke nodded his head like garlic: "Yes, yes, the ghost cards he made are very violent, but the ghost cards you made are more irritating, hahaha, Meng Po Tang's oblivion, Nie Xiaoqian's phantom split, black and white Impermanent mark explosion, every skill makes people want to hit you!"

Xie Mingzhe smiled very happily - if these cards are brought to the game, the Nirvana Club may face the situation of being besieged by the whole league in the future. He doesn't even have to appear in person, the card maker's LOGO "Yueban" alone can draw the hatred of the great gods in the audience.

Heck, I'm looking forward to it!