Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 119: The phone rang loudly


Ou Qingheng frowned, but said patiently: "I'll take a shower and then go to the hospital. You be good, eat well, and don't get angry with Aunt Yang."

"No, Heng, I want you to have dinner with me. If you don't come, I don't want to eat either." Yang Kexin said coquettishly.

"Be good and be obedient. I will be there in an hour."

The other side hesitated for a moment and said: "Naheng, come here quickly, I'll wait for you."

Ou Qingheng was grateful and hung up the phone.

Yao Yiyi's eyes dimmed for a moment, but she quickly regained her composure and said, "Mr. Ou, please leave quickly. Don't keep Miss Yang waiting too long. Otherwise, if the beauty cries, you will have to coax her."

Ou Qingheng looked at her deeply and said with a half-smile, "Are you jealous?"

Yao Yiyi smiled and said, "Mr. Ou's heart is with other women. Do you care if I'm jealous?"

Ou Qingheng looked down at her and said firmly: "Yes."

Yao Yiyi's eyes flickered, and then she smiled and said: "Mr. Ou is really good at joking. If you care about whether I am jealous, you won't go and have sex with other women again and again. Mr. Ou, please leave quickly, don't let Miss Yang wait. It's been a long time, otherwise she will blame me again. Miss Yang looks soft and weak, but she is definitely more jealous than anyone else. I don't want to be wronged by her again."

"But my heart is not that kind of woman."

Yao Yiyi glanced at him and said angrily: "Mr. Ou, you mean that I am stirring up trouble?"

Ou Qingheng loved her so much that she looked like a little pepper, and she was also very jealous. Her stubborn and arrogant look made people want to take pity on her.

Ou Qingheng raised his hand and touched her cheek, and said in a low voice: "Silly woman, I never blamed you for the sad thing from the beginning. I think it was Yao Ting who encouraged you to go to the hospital. I originally wanted you to leave." That woman should stay away, but I think you won’t agree, so just stay at home and don’t go to the hospital.”

But Yao Yiyi deliberately found trouble: "Are you always afraid that I will go to the hospital and cause trouble for your little lover?"

Ou Qingheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You woman, when you came back from the hospital, I didn't even say a word to accuse you."

"But you accused my friend?" Yao Yiyi was still reluctant. Maybe she is pregnant and will give birth in less than two or three months, so her mind is particularly sensitive.

Ou Qingheng was not angry at Yao Yiyi's rare promiscuity. Instead, he found it particularly cute. He could say that he had some bad taste in his heart. He wanted to see her lose her temper and see her jealous for him.

Unlike being serious in front of others, he was a sinister type in front of her.

"Your friend did something wrong, so I just said a few words to her. It's already a minor offense. People who annoy me usually don't end well. I'm so tolerant to her just for your sake. You shouldn't thank me." ?" Ou Qingheng said, licking her ear deliberately and ambiguously.

Yao Yiyi's pretty face turned red all of a sudden, she ducked subconsciously, and pushed Ou Qingheng's body shyly, saying: "Mr. Ou, if you don't go, your little lover will be beaten to death." Called."

Ou Qingheng looked at her with a half-smile, his eyes flashing with endearment that even he didn't quite understand.

"Let me hug you. I'll go to the hospital later." Ou Qingheng spread his hands. Yao Yiyi looked at it with some hesitation, but finally walked over and let Ou Qingheng hold her.

Ou Qingheng's chin rested on her head and said, "Woman, remember, no matter whether we get divorced or not, I hope you only have eyes for me."

Yao Yiyi raised her hand and hammered his chest, saying, "Mr. Ou, don't you think you are too greedy?"

Ou Qingheng grabbed her hand, gently nibbled on the back of her hand, and said, "Is there any?"

Yao Yiyi withdrew her hand and said in a distant tone: "Mr. Ou, it's time for you to leave."

Ou Qingheng's eyes changed, he grabbed the person into his arms and said, "Are you eager for me to leave?"

Yao Yiyi felt that she had been wronged, and she said: "Mr. Ou is wavering between two women, and now it's the other way around. If Mr. Ou can't give me what I want, don't give me unnecessary hope. Mr. Ou will never give up." I can’t understand the despair of falling into the abyss after hope has passed.”

Ou Qingheng's eyes became very deep.

"Women, please don't think wildly."

Yao Yiyi slapped his hand away, a little angry, but more disappointed: "Mr. Ou, we have been married for almost five years, but even now you don't know what I want. Do you still think , as long as you give me beautiful clothes and delicious food, occasionally buy a few brand-name clothes, bags and watches, and take care of your hair, I will be very satisfied. I have to be at your mercy like a little pet."

Ou Qingheng's brows frowned subconsciously, and his eyes became a little gloomy.

Seeing him like this, Yao Yiyi's disappointment could be imagined. However, she quickly put her mind together and said with a smile: "Mr. Ou, I'm sorry, I was a little excited just now. It's not too early now. You should You haven’t had dinner yet, I’ll order some noodles for you, and then you can leave after eating.”

After saying that, Yao Yiyi stopped looking at Ou Qingheng and went into the kitchen unobtrusively.

Ou Qingheng's eyes were always locked on Yao Yiyi, and his eyes became extremely deep.

Yao Yiyi gave Ou Qingheng a bowl of noodles. The taste of the noodles was naturally not as good as Yao Ting's, but it was definitely made with her heart. Unfortunately, before Ou Qingheng could take a bite, Yang Kexin called again. coming.

Looking at the name on the caller ID, Ou Qingheng felt a little irritated. If he had expectations when Yang Kexin first came back from Europe, now he is vaguely repulsed.

He let the phone ring, and Yao Yiyi said sarcastically on the other side of the sofa: "Mr. Ou, my little lover's call came again. I think you'd better go to the hospital quickly, otherwise if the beauty starts crying, you'll have to I racked my brains to comfort him.”

Ou Qingheng directly pressed the ringtone on his phone and ate the noodles calmly.

Yao Yiyi was stunned for a moment, but soon she felt a little sweet again.

She wanted to despise herself for being useless, but she couldn't help but feel happy that Ou Qingheng hung up the phone decisively.

Yao Yiyi said: "Mr. Ou, does the noodles taste good?"

Ou Qingheng nodded and said, "Your cooking skills have improved a lot."

Yao Yiyi collected the dishes and chopsticks for him and rushed people away again: "Don't you want Mr. Ou to go to the hospital? Let's go quickly, otherwise I'm afraid that Miss Yang will have to come to the door in person."

Ou Qingheng looked at her and whispered, "Do you really want me to leave?"

Yao Yiyi just put away the dishes and chopsticks without looking into his eyes: "I'm going to wash the dishes. If Mr. Ou wants to leave, just leave. Remember to close the door with you."

Ou Qingheng just looked at her.

Yao Yiyi went into the kitchen to wash the dishes. When she came out and didn't see Ou Qingheng, her eyes did flash with disappointment, but she quickly calmed down.

As soon as she wiped her hands clean, her cell phone rang. She picked it up and saw that it belonged to Yao Ting.

"Hey, Tingting."

"Yiyi, Ou Qingheng didn't do anything to you, right?"

"No, I am his wife. Could it be that he beats his own wife for another woman?"

Yao Ting snorted disdainfully on the other end of the phone and said: "I think he is really such a worthless man, but it's okay if you don't mind. I'm really afraid that he will really beat you if he loses his mind. Now you I'm not alone. If my stomach bumps into my stomach, I can't atone for my sin even if I kill myself with a knife."

Yao Yiyi laughed.

She sat on the sofa, dumbfounded and said, "Tingting, I know your imagination is wild, but can you stop being so nonsensical?"

Yao Ting was joking there for a while, and then asked seriously: "My dear, you and he didn't quarrel, did you?"

"No, there's nothing to fuss about."

Yao Ting still didn't believe it: "My dear, we have been good friends for many years. If you have anything, please don't hide it from me. I don't want to interfere too much in your marriage, but I just want you to know that when you are sad, When I’m sad, there’s still a person like me, even though my shoulders are not as broad as a man’s.”

Yao Yiyi suddenly remembered that Ou Qingheng said that she and Yao Ting had such an unfair side.

"Tingting, do you know what Ou Qingheng said about us?"


"He said we were lace?"

Yao Ting didn't react for a moment on the phone. About thirty seconds later, she heard a shocking roar on the phone: "This bastard, what nonsense is he talking about? What about lace? Is it between two women?" Is there no true friendship? This man is not only overbearing and unreasonable, but also petty."

Yao Yiyi was startled. She didn't expect Yao Ting to be so excited.

"Tingting, calm down."

Yao Ting took a deep breath and said, "Dear, sorry, I shouldn't have lost such a big temper. Did I scare you and the baby?"

"No." Yao Yiyi said: "Ou Qingheng is just joking. You don't need to take it to heart. He has never planned to infiltrate into my life. Naturally, he doesn't understand that there is a relationship between us that is more real than gold. .”

"That's right." Yao Ting said proudly over the phone.

After a pause, Yao Ting said again: "Did Ou Qingheng go to the hospital again?"

"After eating a bowl of noodles, people left."

Yao Ting was angry again: "What does he think of you and your family? You are a nanny, is your home a hotel?"

Yao Yiyi pretended not to care and said: "To him, my home and his home are just a hotel. Tingting, you forgot, he and I are in an employer-employee relationship. There is no such thing as a home or a home." , Home is the safe haven that everyone longs for. If you use the relationship between Ou Qingheng and me to describe home, think about it, it is really an insult to home."

Yao Ting suddenly felt sad after hearing this.

She has written many love novels, but to be honest, she doesn’t know much about love. The novels she compiled are just to cater to readers’ thoughts. If you ask her what love is, she really can’t answer it, but she can see it. It turns out that Yao Yiyi really loves Ou Qingheng with her life, otherwise she wouldn't be upset because of his small move.

It is precisely because Yao Yiyi loves Ou Qingheng that she hates Ou Qingheng who cannot love Yao Yiyi equally.

Yao Yiyi is a good woman who attaches great importance to her family. It's a pity that such a good woman can't meet a man who truly treats her well.

Yao Ting moved her mouth, but at this moment she was at a loss for words.

In the end, she could only choose something slightly funny: "Dear, a three-legged toad is hard to find, but a two-legged man is definitely easy to find. Ou Qingheng chose Yang Kexin because he has no vision. It's okay. I'll give it to you in the future." You introduce a man who is a thousand or ten thousand times better than him, and let him see that without him, you still have a better man to love."

Yao Yiyi laughed.

"You think you're wholesale cabbage."

"You are worth much more than cabbage."

Yao Yiyi's mood soon calmed down: "Tingting, I'm fine. If you want to write a manuscript, go ahead and write it. I'll be alone for a while."

"Okay, if anything happens, you must call me. I'll do the coding first. The editor is in a hurry."

After hanging up the phone, Yao Yiyi got up and wanted to go upstairs, but she saw a person standing on the stairs. She was shocked. Who else could this person be if it wasn't Ou Qingheng.

Yao Yiyi held her phone tightly, wondering why he was here

"Ou, Mr. Ou, aren't you leaving?" Yao Yiyi stuttered a little, a little afraid that Ou Qingheng had heard what he just said.

"I just went upstairs and took a shower."

"When did Mr. Ou stand there?"