Master Series

Chapter 2


When I received the Qianzhi Enrollment earlier, I gave him a hundred years of cultivation. Although it was not a lot, it would take me several decades to fully recover.

There are still ten years before my recovery. I entered the Demon Bound Pond and rescued Qian Zhi, who was about to be eaten by the demon, who was about to be eaten by dismantling his arms and legs. As soon as I got out of the pool, I fell into a coma.

The yin and evil qi entered the body and disturbed my primordial spirit. I secretly estimated that I would not be able to wake up in 180 years.

But in 180 years, this is just my own estimation. Now I can only lie down, I can hear the sound but I can't see the movement around me, and I can't do anything. I can only listen to the sorrowful sighs of the juniors. Immortal Venerable is afraid. Can't wake up.

You look down on me too much...

Before the day of Qianzhi's accident, I sent Qiangu to go out to do errands, so it was not until I was in a coma for more than a month that he returned to Kongling and saw me who "will never wake up again" in the mouth of the younger generation.

I still remember that day when the birds chirped outside the house, and the sound of the wind and willows was very peaceful.

But from the moment the courtyard door was pushed open by Qiangu, I began to feel extremely heartbroken.

As soon as he came in, the sound of his knees on the ground made me feel pain for him.

"Master." He called out and then remained silent. After a long time, he finally came to my bedside, and after a long time, I felt his fingertips running on my cheeks, neither thin nor like Infatuation is more like a believer who is piously touching the gods he believes in.

To be able to touch a face to such an extent, my apprentice is considered to be a wonderful person in the world of secret love.

I sighed hard in my heart.

"Master." He whispered in my ear, just like the day I was drunk, but he was sane at this time, and his words were firm and persistent that I couldn't imagine: "I will wake you up."

I can wake up by myself, don't worry about it...

I couldn't speak, I listened to his footsteps getting farther away, and then I had an argument with Qianzhi outside the house: "Senior brother, you can't go!"

"Step aside."

"You can't go to Yue Laohong! No one in the world knows her rules! If you go to her, what will you do!"

When I heard the name Yue Laohong, I was also shocked. In Qianzhi's mouth, Yue Laohong is a female monster. Her cultivation is not weak. She has refined many elixir for thousands of years, and she claims that no one is invincible. But her medicine is only given to those who seek medicine for her beloved. However, there are many beloved people in the world, but few people go to her to ask for medicine, because she has another request.

A life for a life.

Ask the pharmacist to give her a test drug. A very evil monster.

Qian Zhi persuaded him bitterly: "Brother, if you go, won't you reveal your thoughts that have been hidden for so long to the world! At that time, how did you let the master live in the ethereal sect! And that Yue Laohong... but it will take people's lives. Yes, you…”

Qiangu was silent for a long time: "Qianzhi, Master will be your only disciple from now on. You are eager to restrain your heart and don't let her worry about disappointment."

"Senior Brother! Senior Brother!"

Calm down outside.

I think I'm enough to worry about being disappointed now. Putting aside all the complicated incidents, in essence...

You guys... don't believe I can wake up by myself...

After a few days, Qiangu finally asked for the medicine, but he came back with his sword and helped me take the medicine at the bedside.

I opened my eyes and looked at him with the slightly moist eyes. I didn't know what to say for a while, so I sighed and asked, "Where's Qianzhi?"

Qiangu Yimo: "Teacher, go and exchange Qianzhi for it."

Change it back? I frowned: "He went to find Yue Laohong with you? Yue Laohong left him behind?" I asked this sentence clearly, in exchange for Qiangu showing a rare and horrified look.

"How does the master know..."

I lifted the quilt and left: "I'll go save him and come back and talk to you in detail."

Qiangu wanted to pull me: "Master should not wake up when he wakes up..."

"No matter how bad it is for a teacher, she can be overwhelmed by her age." I looked back at Qiangu, and my face was cold to him, "How is the teacher's body, you have your own measure, why do you need others to judge and interfere randomly."

Qiangu stiffened, his face turned pale.

"Don't follow me." I brushed my sleeves and left with my sword.

I know that Qiangu treats me very well, otherwise I wouldn't be able to ask for this medicine, but I can't afford his kindness. After this incident, I understand that it is my fantasy to keep Qiangu by my side and watch him devote himself to cultivation. , When Qianzhi is saved, it is time to make a choice.

But Qianzhi... It's not a fuel-efficient lamp after all.

When I found the valley where Yue Laohong lived, Qianzhi was holding Yue Laohong from behind, and identifying herbs with her intimately.

I was stunned at the door.

This scene was really far from the scene I imagined where Qianzhi stewed soup and boiled medicine. When Qianzhi saw me, he was stunned, and immediately burst into my feet with tears streaming down his face, wailing loudly: "Master! It was because the disciple was not filial that day, and you were tired and injured! If you want to beat or scold, the disciple is willing to suffer!"

Before I could react, Yue Laohong hugged Qianzhi from behind and said softly, "Why are you crying, she's all awake, don't be sad, my heart hurts. "

I was dumbfounded on the spot as if struck by a thunderbolt: "What... what's the situation?"

Yue Laohong raised her eyes and glanced at me: "Your eldest apprentice came to ask for medicine, he really loves you, I planned to kill him and send you medicine according to the old rules, but Qianzhi came, and I fell in love with Qianzhi at first sight, so I didn't want to. Your eldest apprentice is dead, you can just leave Qianzhi with me."

I was almost out of breath by what she said.

I looked at her and looked at Qianzhi: "Does she mean what she said?" I was afraid that Qianzhi was wronging himself to save Qiangu, but Qianzhi blushed and nodded.

I… a mouthful of blood filled my heart.

My eldest apprentice, who is extremely stubborn, fell in love with me as a teacher, and my second apprentice, who was talented and intelligent, fell in love with evil and charming monsters. I really don't know whether to say that I have a bad eye for selecting people, or that I have a bad way of educating people.

But no matter what's wrong, I can't let Qianzhi stay here.

It is extremely difficult for the evil spirits to stabilize. One moment to return your love to me is very deep, and the next moment it is impossible to bite someone's throat with his teeth. Moreover, Yue Laohong is too heavy to use people to refine medicine and kill evil, and his body is extremely violent, which has a great impact on Qianzhi, whose heart is inherently unstable.

For the sake of Qianzhi, I have to bring him back to Ethereal.

"I can't leave Qianzhi behind."

When Yue Laohong heard this, she looked up at me, her gentle face just now turned grim: "Then leave your corpse behind!" She turned her fingers into claws and killed me. Qian Zhi didn't even react.

This is the case with the evil spirits. I was prepared in my heart. I raised my sword to block it, and the sword energy vibrated. I pushed her away a zhang away.

Yue Laohong can't keep up with the speed of my sword. I was left far away.

Back at Kongling, Qianzhi was very aggrieved and indignant as he pulled at the hem of my clothes: "Why is this Master!"

I was furious: "It's against you! You dare to question your teacher in a private life with demons! Go to Lingxu Cave and think about it behind closed doors! You are not allowed to come out within three months!"

Qianzhi gritted his teeth, and finally listened to my words and went to Lingxu Cave.

I just finished the matter on my side, but a female disciple at the foot of the mountain ran to me with a staggering footstep: "Xianzun! Xianzun!" She cried and shouted: "Go and save Qiangu Shizu! He quickly They were beaten to death by their uncles!"

I looked up at the sky, one or two, without stopping.

☆、Chapter 4