Master Series

Chapter 32


not kill him

I sneered: "Then try."

I slashed at him with my sword, but Xiao Yihan's figure flashed in front of me, and moved behind me in the blink of an eye, he grabbed my hand and chuckled: "Which killer would report his own at the very beginning? The purpose, you just finally found an excuse to persuade yourself to come to see my master."

"Nonsense!" I reprimanded, turned around and waved my sword, but his arm acupoint was touched by him. For a while, my hand felt like a lightning strike, and the long sword came out of my hand. I staggered forward, Xiao Yihan took advantage of the situation to catch me, and I pulled into my arms and he touched my face with one hand.

This posture is too familiar. For a long time, it appeared in my nightmares almost every night. I wanted to push him away, but I couldn't do anything. He just held my face gently and smiled at the corners of his lips. A little helpless: "Little apprentice, don't make trouble, I promise you, after I come back from the devil world, I will always be with you, and I won't leave you, okay?"

good or not

At this moment, in this situation, after 80 years, he said such words to me! He was so embarrassed to ask... okay

"No!" I shouted loudly, bursting out all the strength in my body, and pushed him away in resentment, I stepped back, staggered, and fell to the ground.

"Eighty years ago, I cried and told you not to leave me, and you left without saying a word. Now, when I can finally ignore your abandonment, you made such an understatement, let me accept you again. ? Why?"

I stared at him and said, "Where were you when I was ostracized by my classmates over the years? Where were you when I was waiting for you in the small courtyard on the hillside every day? After you left, I was isolated and bullied by my classmates. The ancestors look at me pitifully and look after me. I am afraid that I can’t even cultivate the immortal body. When the master goes to the immortal, I stand alone on the top of the ethereal mountain. I am one person in ten years, one person in twenty years, thirty years, forty years and fifty years. Nian! You are alone every year, but after so long, you are so embarrassed to let me be with you again?"

I sneered, "Where did your face come from saying this?"

Xiao Yihan's eyes moved slightly.

"In these years, you have been in contact with demons, you have been with demons, and the news of how happy you are at the foot of the mountain is passed back to the mountains. Thanks to you, year after year! I have been despised because of you, I have no brothers, and I can't accept it. To my apprentice. Do you know what loneliness is? When I woke up one day in a snowstorm on the mountain top and found that the snow on my shoulders was thicker than the dry rock on the cliff, I thought maybe I would be turned into a stone, and I would not It will attract the slightest attention of others.”

I looked at him: "You ask me if I have had a good time these years? Let me tell you, when you die, I will be qualified to live a good life in the future."

As soon as the call was over, the water above Yuquan Pond was silent. I looked down at the ground and suddenly felt that I was really stupid. Why should I say these words in front of Xiao Yihan

I picked up the sword that fell to the side, knowing that I couldn't do anything to Xiao Yihan today, and was planning to have a harsh word with him, but Xiao Yihan said, "If that's the case, then kill me."

Said so decisively.

I looked up at him.

The moonlight in the sky reflected in the pool water, and the shimmering light was also projected on me and him.

Under my gaze, he said again: "If it makes you feel better, this life will be given to you."

I sneered: "Xiao Yihan, do you think I dare not ask for it?" As soon as I finished speaking, I stepped forward with my sword, and the blade was covered with mana. If Xiao Yihan was not prepared, I could pierce his heart with a single sword!

The tip of my sword pierced his chest, tore open his clothes and flesh, and blood flowed out, but Xiao Yihan really did not avoid it.

He just looked at me, with a condescending smile on his face, as if the seriousness just now was just my delusion: "Little apprentice, you only have one knife to cut your head, you are, you want to use me to practice blunt knife sharpening. Meat?"

My hand holding the hilt of the sword trembled slightly, watching the blood gushing out of his chest, and for a while, I realized that I couldn't move my hand.

I thought about it for so many years and so many times, but when the day came, Xiao Yihan stood in front of me and let me slaughter.

At this moment, I know that I can't kill Xiao Yihan, not because my skills are inferior to others, but because I really can't kill him.

Even now, I can't bear to...

I gritted my teeth, I really hated my own worthlessness!

The blade was drawn from his chest. Flesh wounds are nothing to Xiao Yihan now, he doesn't say anything, I don't say anything. It seems to be able to stand silently until the end of the world.

But no, an unexpected voice broke the peace.

"Oh, the slave family rushed over as if they were reincarnated after receiving the news from the adults, but the slave family was exhausted." The woman with a charming voice and a charming posture jumped out of the woods.

I turned my head and saw that it was... the banshee from so many years ago.

The appearance has not changed at all, and it is still charming after seeing it. It's just that now I'm not as easily fooled as I was when I was a kid.

When the banshee saw blood on the sword in my hand and blood on Xiao Yihan's chest, she was stunned for a moment: "Oh, my lord..." She hurriedly walked to Xiao Yihan's side, "You said in a letter yesterday that I am today. When you come, you will send your apprentice away as soon as you come, and now it's like this."

Xiao Yihan didn't answer.

I looked at them with cold eyes, and I knew in my heart that I was still in touch with her. But... what can I do, anyway... I can't kill Xiao Yihan now.

I was extremely disappointed with myself, and for a while I felt that Xiao Yihan would do whatever he wanted to do, and I would never have any contact with him again.

I turned around and left, without even the strength to use swordsmanship, just like Xiao Yihan left in front of Xianling Mountain that day, step by step, leaning on his legs to slowly walk away. Because, I know, I am afraid that I can even fall down when even wielding a sword, making people laugh...

I walked in Yuquan Mountain for a day and a night, but I didn't go out.

When Xiao Yihan came from Yujian from 800 miles away, it was only a day and a night, but now I am so useless that I can't even move my feet.

I lit a fire in the forest. Sitting in a daze in front of the fire. Thinking about what to do next.

If I don't kill Xiao Yihan, I don't seem to have any other goals in life. Let's go back to Xianling Mountain, it's lonely there, and it's no fun to go back. If you don't go back, you'll be in the world... My motherfucker has cultivated an immortal body now, and I can't even wait for death.

I threw a firewood into the fire in frustration. It was at the most boring time when a demonic qi in the sky hit me, blowing my fire almost out.

I didn't bother to pay attention to what kind of monster it was, I just thought, it's not bad that this monster wants to fight with me, there's nothing to do anyway. Just when I was so discouraged, the monster grabbed my arm and pulled me to stand up. I saw that the person in front of me was the same banshee I saw yesterday who was looking for Xiao Yihan.

It's just that the blood in her body now is much more embarrassed than yesterday.

"Oh, fairy, help!" she shouted at me, "go and save your master, he's going to die!"

Hearing this, my brain, which had been silent for a day, seemed to be suddenly awakened, and I looked at the person in front of me again, only to see tears on her face, and she was about to cry: "Your master is dead, this human world can be It's going to be a disaster again!"

"What's the situation?" I asked.

She grabbed my hand: "Let's talk as we walk!"

The banshee told me on the way that Xiao Yihan did have an older brother, and his older brother was quite famous. He was the one who sacrificed his blood to seal the world between humans and demons a hundred years ago, so that the two worlds were separated again, and the world of humans regained peace. A great fairy.

When I heard this name, I was stunned: "No one has ever told me, and Xiao Yihan himself has not mentioned it."

"Of course he didn't mention it. It was his own brother who died, or died on his behalf. He mentioned this to others for no reason, and what did he do to expose his own scars?"

"His brother died in his place?"

"Well, in fact, many people later did not know that there were two immortals who fought against the patriarch of the Changji Demon Clan, one was Lord Xiao Yihan, and the other was his brother."

Hearing this, I was stunned for a second, Xiao Yihan was already so powerful before...

"More than a hundred years ago, the long-dove demon clan found the weak point of the seal between the human and demon worlds, opened the loopholes in the seal, and invaded the human world on a large scale. The Xiao family has inherited the magic of sealing magic from generation to generation, but it has only reached the generation of Xiao Yihan's father. They did not see the demons joining the WTO, and they were less than those who practiced. The art of conferring demons brought out by the family. Master Xiao has been wise since he was a child, and he has learned things and made rapid progress, but his brother has to lag behind him.

The banshee sighed: "They killed the patriarch of the Long Dove Demon Clan, and when they wanted to seal the seal between the human and the demon world, because Master Xiao and his brother were both injured, their strength might not be enough to seal the seal, and only one person could seal the seal. The sacrifice of flesh and blood, Master Xiao originally planned to sacrifice his own flesh and blood, but unexpectedly, his brother pushed him away and sacrificed the seal. At that time, Master Xiao was going to save his brother. In fact, if he fought at that time, Maybe he could save his brother and save his own life, but the people of Xianlingmen dared not let him take this risk and stopped him, because without Master Xiao, the seal would not be guarded, and there will be more in the future. If there are loopholes, no one in the world can fix them.”

I am silent.

So after the war, Xiao Yihan spent the whole day drinking and didn't care about the elders of Xianlingmen. The elders were also ashamed of it, so they kept silent about his past.

"Ninety years ago, the remnants of the demon clan in the human world found our demon clan, saying that they found the skull of the immortal who was sacrificed to the seal at that time, that is, the skull of Sir Xiao's brother, saying that the immortal's flesh and blood was sacrificed in the seal. Inside, the seal is repaired, and it also makes the seal have a weakness. As long as there is this skull, the loophole can be torn open again. When the demons return to the human world, they will also treat our demons favorably. The elders who ruled the demons at that time Agreed, and began to assist the demons. Finally, it took ten years to find a small loophole in the seal between the human and demon worlds, and sent the skull to the demon world.

"At that time, this matter was in my hands. Everyone finally took a little bit of the loophole, and there was a monstrous demonic energy inside, and the trees around me withered. I trembled in my heart and regretted it a little. Now, I think this may not be good for the demon clan. I changed my mind temporarily and wanted to take the skull, but in the end I only grabbed the pendant embedded in the skull, and was injured. I found a secluded forest and set up a maze to cultivate myself, that's when I ran into an adult for the first time, ah yes, you were there at that time."

I suddenly realized that... the pendant that Xiao Yihan had been staying by his side at that time turned out to be his brother's.