Master Series

Chapter 5


Qiangu was called the devil by the world. In fact, he did nothing, but because of the surge in his magic power, the miasma increased and the evil spirits were rampant, so everyone gave him the title of devil.

After getting this title, his former master, I, also joined him on the Jianghu Hot List, the first immortal in China for thousands of years, and taught the first devil in China for thousands of years. funny.

But these rumors can't interfere with my life, I just go down the mountain to listen to it occasionally.

But recently, Qianling went to Lingxu Cave more and more frequently. Although I had doubts in my heart, I still chose to believe in Qianling's character.

Until one day, Qian Ling came to me excitedly and told me, "Master, the second senior brother has made a mistake! Go and release him!"

The little brat who has been stubborn for more than ten years admits his mistake? I raised my eyebrows and followed Qianling to the Lingxu Cave.

Qianzhi was locked in the jade iron fence, meditating on the ground, when he heard my footsteps, he opened his eyes. Long time no see, Qianzhi's eyes are much firmer, and his temperament is not as impetuous as before.

It seems that closing the little black house is quite useful.

"Finally admit it?" I asked.

"Yes, my disciple knows I'm wrong." He closed his head and replied, "In these years, my disciple has devoted himself to cultivation, and recently, Sister Qianling has been trying to persuade me, and my disciple finally realized his mistake."

I continued to raise my eyebrows: "Then tell me what's wrong with you."

He opened his palms: "Master, look."

This is the Lingxu Cave on the top of the ethereal mountain. It has been my site for hundreds of years. I naturally have him on my site. I take a sloppy step forward, look at his palm, and suddenly smell it for a while. Yixiang, my heart is not good, I want to retreat, but my body is frozen.

"Qianzhi?" I looked at him coldly.

"Master, don't blame me." Qianzhi said, "I really don't want to stay here any longer."

"Qianling!" I shouted.

"Master, don't blame me." She walked from behind me to the front, touched the key on my waist, and opened the gate of the jade and iron fence for Qianzhi, "These past few days, I have listened to the second senior brother's words, and I feel very reasonable, ethereal and ethereal. The sect has strict rules. There are many injustices, but you can't be chivalrous and righteous. If you do justice, you will be punished. Over the years, Qian Ling has been deeply touched by this. I think I may not be suitable for the ethereal sect. Go to the rivers and lakes, and rejoice!"

I heard a mouthful of old blood and almost choked to death: "Just because you are a three-legged cat, you go out and get beaten to death, let alone my apprentice!"

"I won't say it."

I forced myself to calm down for a long time, suppressed all my emotions and asked, "Where did the medicine come from?"

Although these two little bastards were unfilial, they were honest with me: "I listened to the second senior brother and went down the mountain to find Sister Yue Laohong." Qian Ling explained, "Sister Yue Laohong gave it to me."

"How long does the medicine last?"

"do not know."

I gritted my teeth, and Qianzhi bowed to me: "Master, my disciple has been here for decades, and I have never thought that I was at fault, but now that I have prescribed medicine to my master, my disciple is willing to admit that it is a sin."

Seeing him like this, I suddenly recalled the past, and after a long silence, I choked out a sentence: "If your senior brother is here, I won't kill you."

Qianzhi nodded: "I'll tell the senior brother to go and poison the master, and I'll go and apologize to him!"

I was shocked: "Don't go!"

"Master, I know that you have a senior brother in your heart." Qian Ling said suddenly, "I didn't have the heart to burn that painting by the wine pond, but I showed it to the second senior brother, who told me to paint it. The man in the middle is the big brother, and since you regard the big brother as a dream person, why should you stick to this secular festival and be with the big brother?"

"Absurd! Why do you need others to speak up about the matter of your teacher!"

"Then I'll tell Senior Brother to go."


Qian Ling and Qian Zhi's breath disappeared in an instant. I stood frozen at the gate of the fence, unable to move for even a minute, feeling like a forest fire was in my heart.

I don't know how long I've been in this position, until I fell asleep, but when I woke up, I felt a deep evil spirit all over my body. I glanced sideways. People I haven't seen in decades are quietly standing beside me.

The appearance of the ancients has not changed in the slightest.

It's just that his temperament has changed a lot from before.

"Why was it calculated by Qianzhi?" he said, his mature voice said silently that a long time had passed, but he was familiar with this question as if he had just copied the scriptures beside me yesterday.

I sighed: "He copied my back path. He turned against my little apprentice."

When I mentioned this, I was heartbroken again.

Qiangu chuckled, his deep voice like the sound of a guqin, which shook the hearts of the people. I didn't look at him, and put my eyes on the jade fence: "The poison was taken from Yue Laohong's hands. You may help me get the antidote."

"I have an antidote."

He said these four words, but he did not give me any further text. Just hang my appetite, I know he wants to hang so I can't help begging him. But now, how can I open my mouth to beg him? With what identity...

I gritted my teeth bitterly. After many years, the little apprentice has become more scheming!


His voice made my heart skip a beat again.

With this voice, the memory of many years ago opened the dusty curtain - the child who was still in shock when I took out the monster's lair, the young man I taught him to practice swordsmanship, and the young man who got along with me day and night on the top of the ethereal mountain. I thought I buried these memories very well, but I didn't expect that all the dust and old soil could no longer be buried with him.

"Qiangu, I'm no longer your master." I reminded him and myself.

As if he hadn't heard my words, he said, "I'm here today to ask Master three questions. After Master answers, I'll give you the antidote." He asked, "Back then, when you drove me away, I was abandoned by On the banks of the rocky river, my life is at stake, are you the one who came to save me?"

I didn't expect that he would ask such a question.

"It's me." I answered truthfully, I think his next question must be to ask me why I want to save him, then I'll answer the tiger's poison and not eat the child, you are the child that I pulled with my own hands.

But Qiangu just smiled and changed the question: "In all these years, Master has missed me, even once."

This question... is so frivolous.

"No." I answered decisively. Qiangu smiled again: "Finally, I ask Master, do you think I have missed Master all these years?"

This... this... scoundrel!

"How do I know your inner thoughts!" I scolded, "I answered all three questions, give me the antidote."

Qiangu put his hand lightly on my cheek, just like when he left me to ask for medicine like Yue Laohong that day, his fingertips gently rubbed my face: "Master answered the last question wrong." I said in my ear, "Thinking all day and night, thinking like crazy, these eight characters are not enough to describe what happens in my disciple's heart."

I held back my mind: "You asked me to answer your questions, and I answered them all, so you should keep your promises, when you were young..." This is how I taught you when you were young. I didn't say this, but it was a scar when I said it.

"I said I would give Master the antidote, and I would definitely give it." Qiangu said, "It's just that I never said I would give it now."

I praised: "I haven't seen it for decades, and I have become a lot of rogues through the ages."

"I'm in the devil's way now, so there's nothing wrong with doing this. Master has always liked to play tricks, he's in the same vein." He sat down on the ground beside him and looked up at me: "And now I'll give you an antidote, If you eat it, you must run away." He said, "I'll let you go when I've seen enough of you."

One sentence is heart-wrenching.

"Why are you obsessed with me?"

"If I knew why, how could I be persistent."

He really sat there quietly, staring at me without turning his eyes. I tried my best to calm myself down, but I couldn't help but blushed slightly when I was staring at me so desperately.

As soon as I blushed, he chuckled while I was so embarrassed that I yelled at him, and then my face stopped blushing. After a while, I lost my breath, and he was staring at me, and I blushed again... and again and again.

"Xianzun, Xianzun..." The voice of the younger generation looking for me came from outside Lingxu Cave.

I was startled, and almost subconsciously said: "Qiangu, leave."

He didn't pay much attention to it. He stood up and patted his butt in a leisurely manner: "If Master doesn't have me in his heart, it would be time for someone to come in and arrest me. Instead of letting me go." I was silent. Pills were poured out of the porcelain bottle, and he chuckled, "Master is worried about me, and even forgot his own antidote. Master's kindness is like a mountain, and I have to repay it."

He said that he took the antidote himself.

I was startled: "You!" I couldn't spit out the next syllable, because Qiangu had already covered my lips, feeding me the pills, and between his lips and teeth, except for the fragrance of the medicine, it was all his breath.

He didn't move further, and I was completely stunned. He left my lips and looked at me up close, his eyes moved slightly, it was obvious that he had lightened me, but his ears were red at this time.

I want to ask him, why are you blushing! You rascal are not quite professional! Didn't you flirt with me today and have fun! A kiss makes you blush, don't have such a big...


He touched my lips: "Master, I've missed you for a long time."

"Xianzun?" A disciple's voice came from outside Lingxu Cave.

Qiangu blushed and chuckled: "I will come again."

The warmth from the pills flowed from my stomach to my limbs, I moved my fingertips, which were still a little stiff, and the disciples outside had already come in: "Xianzun, you are here! Only just now did the disciples say that there are two breaths coming from Met and left on the top of the ethereal."

I turned around and nodded: "It was you Qianzhi and Qianling who ran away." I sighed, "Going to the devil's way."

Looking at my disciple's astonished eyes, I suddenly felt that I had failed in accepting disciples in my life!

I'm totally... just training the reserve army for the magic way...

☆、Chapter 7