Master Summoner Online

Chapter 16: The Last Trial (Revised Edition)


After dinner, everyone went online one after another. When I went online, Dapeng and Huofeng were already waiting for me, so the three of us continued on our way. The future is long. In this big jungle, no one knows when we will end up. But marching in the same direction, one day, you will go out, and everyone has reported this belief and persisted.

Along the way, with the increase of equipment and levels on everyone's body, their strength has been raised to a higher level. Now walking in the jungle seems to be gradually relaxing.

After I reached level 15 and equipped with bronze knuckles, the attributes of the bronze knuckles have improved a lot:


Occupation: Summoner

Level: Level 15

blood gas 500

Magic 350

Attack 135 (Original 30+ Bronze Knuckles 100+ Gloves 5)

Defense 50 (Original 25+Wolf Bone Armor 10+Ninja Foot 15)

Prestige 10

Lucky 0

Has a summoned beast: Little Black Dog (in evolution)

135 points of attack power, I encountered a few mobs occasionally along the way, and I easily dealt with them. On the second day, as we walked forward, everyone felt that the surrounding forests became less and less. Could it be, Already at the edge of the jungle

Are you finally leaving this dark forest

When everyone thought of this, they couldn't help cheering.

"My God, I finally see the hope of going out!" Suddenly, there was a surprise cheer from more than 20 meters away.

With the cheers, a group of seven people appeared in everyone's field of vision.

We saw a large number of player teams pouring out around us, and we also joined these teams, but for a while, our eyes were no longer a forest, but a very empty and barren area, with some sparse and drought-tolerant plants growing on the bare ground, occasionally Some rodent-like animals inadvertently appeared nearby, and were immediately beaten to a pulp by bored itchy players.

On the west side of the plain, at the bottom of a sandstone cliff cliff, in the back of the sun, the broken colonnade in the thick shadow exudes a gloomy atmosphere, even if you only reach the entrance, you can't help but shiver.

But this place is also very lively. When I got here, I saw four angel-like things, and I was sure that the angel clan summoned beasts. In addition, there were two summoners with two extremely terrifying demon-like monsters with bat-like hair. His demon wings, with thick black air rising from his body, sure enough, masters are everywhere.

But then again, there are quite a lot of summoners here, and the summoned beasts they bring are also strange, such as a wolf with wings, a lion, a giant elephant, a snake with two heads, etc., all of which are powerful summoned beasts. In contrast, my little black dog is simply the worst summoned beast.

In just a short period of time, hundreds of people gathered, and people kept coming from behind. Everyone had the same goal and rushed forward one after another.

When we waited for people to climb one hill after another excitedly along the crowd, we found a large valley appeared in front of us, and in front of the valley, many people gathered in sitting or lying down. There were thousands of people at a rough count, but they all gathered at the mouth of the valley with bloody faces, sighing.

And the thick smoke that rose came from here. Someone got a lot of firewood from somewhere and piled up a huge pile of firewood. Now it is burning, so it is no wonder that the smoke is billowing.

"What's going on here, what are you all doing here?" Dapeng asked suspiciously.

At the same time, there was a row of NPC soldiers in front of a group of people, guarding something that should be a teleportation array. "Excuse me, brother, where is this place? Gather more people? Why?" Huofeng asked a player sitting on the ground.

The player sitting on the ground, the player looked up at Huofeng and said, "It's okay to tell you that this dark dense forest is also called Novice Jungle, which means that it is only suitable for beginners to take risks and practice. The least dangerous place. "

Everyone gasped when they heard this.

Over the past few days, everyone more or less encountered various dangers. It was a near-death experience for everyone to come out, but now I heard from this man that this place is called Novice Jungle? Isn't this too shocking

At this time, an NPC soldier came over and said loudly: "Listen, adventurers, there are a group of terrifying monsters on the plain ahead. If you want to go to the main city, you must pass the monster blockade. This is your final test. As long as you pass You can leave here with the rich rewards issued by the empire, but if you are afraid, you can pay for this teleportation array to send you to the main city, but the teleportation fee is 10 gold coins per person, whether to spend money or accept the test yourself Choose."

After the NPC finished speaking, everyone started to talk about it. I looked in my pocket and there are 30 gold coins in my pocket that can send the three of us through here, but I am very interested in that reward.

Immediately, someone shouted: "There are so many of us, if we rush in together, we won't be afraid even if the boss comes."

The player who spoke just now said in a deep voice: "I advise you not to rush in rashly to the terrifying power of the monsters spawned inside, pay attention to instant killing anyone present, if there is no plan, we can only obediently lose the level!" His team of a dozen or so and seventy or eighty fighters from other professions marched in an orderly manner.

The three of us looked at this desolate plain, and since Dapeng spit out a cigarette and lit the cigarette butt in his mouth, he muttered: "It's such a place where the birds don't shit, it's really not easy for these guys to find the boss here! "

Then I saw him smoking and said, "How do you have such a thing?"

Dapeng said: "When I was in the idiot village, I learned how to make opium from an NPC, so I changed it and changed it into cigarettes."

Huofeng said, "You belong to the tobacco company in reality?"

Dapeng Niao said: "Yes, it's just a small employee, but he was laid off a few days ago, and now he is a professional player."

We walked forward to a high ground in the south, where there were many huge rocks scattered, we tried to hide behind the rocks, and used the rocks as a cover to ensure our safety.

This big red rock that has been pitted by wind and frost is quite good, and the top is extremely flat. At this time, I lay down on my stomach, and I can have a panoramic view of all the scenes. I saw the black army of players entering here one after another, arranged in front and back according to different occupations, rows of fighters walking in the front, it seems that the whole formation is full of grandeur.

The number of people seems to be in the thousands, which is not bad at this stage. It is definitely the first time for the second world to have such a luxurious lineup.

The preparations are complete. I'm fine. Open the team channel. The voice of the male soldier who should be the supreme commander is very loud. He is giving a speech with some excitement. After all, the boss will never treat the brothers badly. Let me talk Express skepticism, everyone here is your own brother who you don't treat badly.

After listening to the team channel, I turned over and sat up on the ground, wanting to chat with Dapeng to pass the time, but I saw Dapeng trying hard to sharpen his sword with a stone, that big sword The polished polished tiles are full of primitive and violent beauty.

After grinding, he kept waving the big sword in his hand and smiled at me, showing his white teeth: "It's time to kill!"

At the same moment, I felt a strong vibration from the ground to the rock, and the players surrounding the ruins in the distance issued loud warnings, and the atmosphere on the scene suddenly rose to the most tense state!

Huofeng didn't care about talking, and held the short bow tightly in her hand, but at the same time, she heard the roc in the front muttering: "I don't know who killed who."

The shock suddenly reached its peak!

The ground was trembling. On the bare sandstone mountain, gravel and powder were constantly falling down. Suddenly, two men in black ran out one after the other. But looking at their equipment, they knew that they were two archers. He ran out desperately, as if something frightening was following him.

Then the ground suddenly shook violently, the ground began to crack, and a huge black wave spewed out from the inside, surging outwards, submerging the two unlucky people who had no time to get out in an instant.

The screams of these two people can be heard clearly even hundreds of meters away!

It's just a game, is it necessary to be so exaggerated? I swallowed my saliva and cursed secretly, but I can still understand these two poor brothers. Of course, the black wave is not really a huge black wave, and then I saw countless big black beetles gushing out of the black wave. Each beetle is half the size of a human being, with pointed pincers in front of its black body.

"Come on!" A player with a scimitar and a companion flashed in first, and the others did not neglect, and rushed up immediately, and the monster collision between the players began!