Master Summoner Online

Chapter 70: New summons


The next day when I boarded the game, a white light flashed in front of my eyes. When I boarded the game again, I found myself lying on the ground. Since the surrounding scene was the hall and the man in the red armor was sitting in front of the stone wall watching with me.

"What... what's going on here? Didn't I get hanged by the horrible knight, why didn't I go back to the city?!" I stood up inexplicably in shock, and found that my whole body was fine, and nothing happened. is full.

"Hehe, are you surprised? In fact, the battle between you and the terrifying knight was just a fake battle arranged by me, so you are still here."

Halo, I'm depressed, a false battle? What does that mean? Let me lose so much medicine for nothing. Seeing the potion that was about to bottom out, I felt distressed,

"The reason why I asked you to fight this battle is to tell you not to be complacent, and not to stop working hard, because in this world, there are many of you who are far stronger than you, whether you are monsters or fellow adventurers, At the same time, I want to see how capable you are as a summoner, it turns out that you are very smart, I think you should be able to control this guy." He took out a black cloak and handed it to me.

I said suspiciously: "What is this? Artifact?!"

The other party immediately said: "You really know how to guess, I tell you that this is not an artifact, but a token, you can use this item to perform a dimensional summoning, and let a creature that accepts your summoning become your summoned beast to fight for you .”

"Really, great, how to do it." I said happily. "Don't worry, I will help you with this magic ceremony... Uh! Not here, we have to change to another place, come with me!" Speaking of an open door appeared on the stone wall behind him, the other party ran in, and I ran too , but his speed was so fast that I couldn't catch up, so I summoned the Hurricane Wolf King and rode him to chase him.

I thought that Dimensional Summoning must be a very good thing, and decided to be more powerful than Summoner’s Super Summoning. When the time comes to summon a BT Summoned Beast who wants to watch Dragon War, wouldn’t it be invincible in the world, and I followed all the way. The surrounding scene has also changed, there are withered trees everywhere, and countless crows are flying and screaming above the head, making people upset.

A few minutes later, we came to an open field, surrounded by countless dead branches and rotten trees, and the crows on the dead trees made bursts of chirping. There are many animal skeletons on the surrounding ground, such as wolves, tigers, leopards, snakes, horses, cattle and sheep, and human skeletons are the most numerous. When the wind blows from the deadliest stones, there is a stench blowing in my face, which almost choked me to death.

"Here, you don't have to worry about being discovered! Hey, what's the matter with you, are you okay?" Seeing my ugly expression, he was in a state of distress.

"It's nothing, it's just that the smell here is a bit sharp." I replied with a wry smile.

"That's right, hehe, forget it, let's start right away. Come on, you first carve a magic circle on the ground according to my instructions." Naturally, I know that I don't have the mood to care about such insignificant things now, so hurry up in my mind. Getting new summons is more important than that. So immediately follow his command and start drawing a magic circle.

"Boom!" With a sound, the destructive death light of the Hurricane Wolf King blasted the skeletons of grass eyes within a radius of ten meters into flying fragments, and then used the spiral hurricane to clean up all those fragments. In this way, a neat circular space with a diameter of about ten meters is completed.

Then, I began to draw a magic circle on the ground according to his order. After about ten minutes, a magic circle with a circle on the outside, a hexagram in the center, and countless unknown magic runes was completed. .

"Well! Not bad! The next step is to put the token and the fire dragon stone in the center. By the way, do you have any advanced materials? Then come out as a medium." After listening to it, I took out the one that the Black Mist Snake King burst out at that time. and said, "Is this okay?"

The other party looked at it and said: "Yes, Lava Essence, I didn't expect you to even have this. Yes, this way the success rate will increase a lot. I guarantee that with it, the lowest level of your new summoned beast is also the upper level."

Although I don't quite understand it, the summoned beast that can increase the success rate and the lowest level is the upper level is undoubtedly the most exciting. When the time comes to a god level, it will truly be invincible. Thinking of this, someone started to giggle.

After preparing together, the man in red armor took out a palm-sized bowl and said, "Please fill it with your blood."

Depressed, since I still need to bleed, who made up this task? Forget it. In order to get a powerful summoned beast, I went all out, so I took off my gloves, cut a small hole in my finger to see the bloodletting, and waited for this bowl. When I was done, I said, "Why do you want to do this?"

The other party sprinkled the blood around the magic circle and said: "Because the summoned beast that is summoned through this is not absolutely loyal to you, so it is necessary to sign a contract with the other party through blood, so that there will be no betrayal. You can use your blood to strengthen the opponent's attributes, do you understand now?"

I nodded and continued, and then he began to recite the mantra with a serious voice: "Beyond dimensions, beyond the universe, beyond everything in the world, beyond all destiny, to defeat all reincarnation, I vowed to summon with my soul, far away in another dimension You, hear my call and... answer me!"

With the sound of chanting, a scarlet beam of light rose from the magic circle on the ground and pierced into the sky, and then a huge black hole appeared in the magic circle, sucking all those things in.

Then a black and very vague figure appeared, and the man in the red armor said, "Don't read it, read it with me."

He nodded and began to read aloud: "The howling and crying from the dark abyss, with the power of the god of death, shields the wind of coming, closes the door of hope, I swear here, call from the chaos of the abyss You, release the soul in the crazy cage that imprisoned you, and appear before my eyes to form the strongest and most perfect soul into reality." With the sound of the two chanting, the human figure in the middle of the magic circle gradually began to be made clear. The cloak was put on the body, and the surrounding blood began to flow into the body.

At the same time, the magic circle on the ground emitted a red light that was several times brighter than before. The light was tightly wrapped by the black human figure in the cloak, and at the same time, the surrounding red light turned into red smoke and absorbed it.

"Huh! Huh! We have finally completed this stage, the next step is up to you, shout out your words to summon the summoned beast to the magic circle!"

After hearing this, I shouted loudly: "Come out, Summoner! I summon you in the name of the Summoner!"

Then, after a dazzling red light exploded in the center of the magic circle, it finally burst with a "pop", and a thing wearing that black cloak appeared in the center of the magic circle kneeling on one knee.

"What?!" I was confused and then this guy's attributes popped up.

Title: Assassin

Name: None (due to no memory)

Type: Zoology.

Race: Warrior (rare)

Quality: Divine Rank.

Noble Phantasm: Scarlet Reaper (Claw), Blood Storm (Double Swords)

Life: 2300 points.

Attack: 4500 points.

Defense: 500 points.


Killer Will (Passive): Each attack and skill causes a 20% chance to add one of the slowdown, weakness, and fear states when dealing damage to the hit target, and reduces the target's healing effect by 50%, lasting for 15 seconds. If it is maintained The time killer enemy will get 5 gold coins and reduce the cooldown of skills by 2 seconds (Note that the effect of getting gold coins is only valid for enemy players whose killing level is greater than or equal to their own master).

Death Cross: Use the double swords in your hands to attack the opponent to cause damage and at the same time make the opponent enter the bleeding state, losing 300 points of blood every second for 7 seconds, cool down for 7 seconds.

Dance of Blood: Slams the enemy with the Crimson Reaper, dealing damage and healing himself for 2% of the damage he deals.

Cut grass and roots: Launch a whirling flying knife to the fan-shaped area in front, causing physical damage to enemies passing through, attacking enemies in a negative state will cause additional magic damage, cooldown for 10 seconds.

Shadow: Put yourself in an invisible state to increase your own movement speed, and when you attack, your skills will be exposed and enter a 5-second cooldown.

Ultimate skill: bloody space-time, centering on itself to place poisonous plague around, the infected target will reduce 20% magic defense and physical defense for 5 seconds, at the same time, the infected enemy will receive huge magic damage, causing damage at the same time And heal yourself, the healing effect is 20% of the damage caused, cool down for 120 minutes.

Introduction: Assassin (Assassin) was originally an ordinary person, but he has a superhuman fighting talent for the rest of his life. Just because of this, a group of people took her to a mysterious place for training, where her humanity and memory were even stripped of her name, leaving only the title of Assassin (Assassin) , cold-blooded and cruel became synonymous with her, and at the same time she was awarded the title "Proxy Death!".

When I was still stunned after reading the attributes, the man had already stood up, wearing that black cloak, with a black mask on his face, and then a voice like a silver bell came from under the mask, "Hello, My master."