Master Summoner Online

Chapter 9: chat


Walking out of the temple, the village chief was already standing in front of me waiting for me, and said: "Congratulations, young man, you are already a real adventurer, the village is no longer suitable for you, you can leave here and go to the outside world broke through."

I said, "Of course, tell me where the teleportation array to the main city is."

The village chief shook his head and said, "Sorry young man, we don't have a teleportation array leading to the main city."

"Ah!" I was taken aback.

The village chief said: "It is a tradition of ours not to build a teleportation array. Our village will give the adventurers who leave a test of wisdom and courage."

"What?" the village head continued, "It's just walking through the Mirkwood."

"Ding~! Do you accept the final trial of the mission?"

After hesitating for a moment, I clicked OK, and the village chief said: "My boy, you are so brave. Since you are the first adventurer to take this task, I will give you a good thing." He took out a The bench said: "This is for you, you should need it on the road."

I took the bench to open the property to see.

exquisite bench

Grade: light blue

Effect: After use, restore 50 points of blood per second.

Good thing, I put it away immediately, and the village chief said at this time: "Young man, let me tell you something before you start again. Your adventurer upgrades by killing monsters to absorb experience points. When the absorbed experience points reach a certain level, Then you can upgrade. In addition to absorbing experience points, you must also learn to use your energy, potential, combat experience, wisdom, comprehension, experience, all of these add up, and you will gain a lot. The most important thing is that you are the best! Go get a trial point, it will be very good for you."

I asked: "What is the trial point?"

The village head said: "You will come into contact with it one day."


I said, "Okay, I'm leaving then."

The village head said: "Okay, come on, young man, I have a hunch that you will become a hero in the future."

"I hope so." I said goodbye to the village chief. I finally left this very depressing idiot village. I checked the time and the real time was 7 o'clock in the evening, so I went offline first and walked out of the room.

Walking out of the room, Ye Shuang also came out at this time, and shouted immediately when he saw me.

"Brother, have you changed your job? I still expect you to take me with you in the future, and tell me honestly, have you ever found beautiful women?" Ye Shuang said to me.

"Haha, what is this, I can work very hard and I have already turned around, and I am still in purple." I said proudly.

"Um, you're really BT, I'm still blue and white, tell me what you did."

I had no choice but to tell the truth, including PKing the Dynasty, making friends with Fenghuo Liaoyuan, and robbing the boss to get the equipment.

"Wow, brother, you are really good. You actually frightened those guys when you picked a group of people. From now on, Xiaodi, I will follow you!"

Seeing his excited expression, I had a bad premonition, "Brother, you have such energy, should you treat me to dinner, um, go to heaven and earth."

You really know how to choose a place, forget about being happy today, "Okay, but just the two of us."

At this moment, Ye Shuang's phone rang, and a female voice rang on the other end of the phone, saying, "Where is Ye Shuang?"

Ye Shuang said: "Dragon Nest." The abbreviation of my family

"Oh, Miss Ben made some money today, and I want to treat you two to dinner! Do you want it?" said the other party

Ye Shuang immediately said: "Great, we are going to the heaven and earth for a meal, let's go to the location first, hurry up."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Shuang said "hey hey" to me twice and ran to change clothes.

My head suddenly became dizzy. Who was the other party? Naturally, I knew that person was my senior sister who is now in college. This person played a very important role among us at that time, of course, it was a negative role.

She is two years older than me. Her name is Feng Xiaoyue. She is a famous person in our school. Her boys were either scolded or beaten, what a miserable word. Just kidding, the majestic taekwondo black section master is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Heaven and Earth is only 20 minutes away from my home, and it will arrive soon. Find a box and wait for Feng Xiaoyue.

After a while, a very temperamental beauty walked in wearing a sky blue casual suit. I have to say that this match is very beautiful.

There is no doubt that the beauty of the beauty in front of me is Feng Xiaoyue.

"Hehe, why did you suddenly realize today that you thought that inviting us to dinner is not only as easy as making money." I said

"Order, I'm so hungry!" Ye Shuang yelled at me and said, "Miss, let's order appetizers first, candied longan, hydrangea scallops, fried guinea fowl, fish fillet with milk sauce, um, hot duck gizzards, and then Let’s have a whole chicken instead of a roasted whole lamb.”

"Brother, I can't finish it." Ye Shuang said.

"If you can't finish eating, pack it up and go back for supper, can't you, Xiaoyue?"

She knew I was teasing her, but she kept silent

"Long Ling, do you think warriors need a little + armor specialization?"

"Yes, you can also add all strength specialization, or agility specialization, and find a path that belongs to you. Wait, aren't you a mage? Why do you care about fighters?"

"Oh, it's like this. I originally wanted to play a mage, but after I logged in, I got a talent called Tianshen Dali. Every time I level up, I will add 1 to my strength specialization. Although that thing is not used now, but for the sake of insurance, other points I haven’t added it until now, and you say that only this kind of talent is still playing mage, so my account is useless.”

I was taken aback, "Well, your life is not bad."

"Stop, what are you talking about, what game are you playing?" Feng Xiaoyue finally spoke.

"The second world, you don't know about it?" Ye Shuang looked at Feng Xiaoyue, blinking his eyes.

"That's right, I also play. You are a warrior, so what is your profession, Long Ling?" Feng Xiaoyue said.

I said, "Summoner."

Ye Shuang said: "Brother, why did you choose such a useless profession?"

I said, "How?"

Feng Xiaoyue said at this time: "Let me tell you, every profession has its own advantages and disadvantages. The only advantage of a summoner is that he can bring five summoned beasts, while the others are all disadvantages."

I was a little curious and said, "Tell me."

Feng Xiaoyue said: "Then let me compare a warrior with a summoner. Let me analyze it for you."

I snorted: "Okay, the summoner will bring five powerful summoned beasts, let's see how you compare."

Feng Xiaoyue smiled and said: "Okay, one side is a summoner with five summoned beasts, and the other side is a warrior. Assuming that both sides are levels, the first is the basic attributes of both sides. At the beginning, both sides did not have any The difference, when you reach the first turn, the difference is very small, but the further you go, the greater the gap between the attributes of the two sides will be, especially at the second turn, each profession will get different growth, the attack power and defense of the fighter , are not comparable to summoners, especially among fighters, there are special fighters with special full-attack and full-defense attributes. One of the master's summoned beasts, Dragon Spirit has no objection."

Ye Shuang nodded and said: "It makes sense, and I'm afraid it's more than that."

I said: "Okay, one is offset, then the summoner still has four summoned beasts, what advantage does the fighter have?"

Feng Xiaoyue smiled and said: "Soldiers can also use the contract technique to summon monsters to help out. This kind can be used as both a mount and an assistant to fight, but it is definitely not weaker than a summoned beast, and a summoner does not have this ability to use it again. The contract technique summons a monster, and like this, it cancels out another summoned beast."

Ye Shuang's eyes lit up: "A mount? This is not very cool."

Feng Xiaoyue continued: "Of course, except for the Summoner, the other four professions can use the contract technique to obtain a mount."

I said, "Why don't summoners have mounts? It's so unfair."

Feng Xiaoyue said: "How stupid, you can ride your own summoned beast, of course, the premise is that your own summoned beast can bear your weight, haha."

I continued: "Even if this is the case, the summoner has only been offset by two summoned beasts, and there are still three."

Feng Xiaoyue said: "There is also the difference in equipment between the two sides. The weapons that summoners can use, such as magic wands, whips and sticks, are much worse in attack power than warrior weapons of the same level, such as swords, hammers and axes. Moreover, a warrior can even be equipped with two openers, and the attack power can be superimposed. You can think about how terrifying this power is? Even if you don’t want to be equipped with two weapons, you can also take a shield and the two will do. A lot of defense can be added. All of these are far beyond the reach of summoners. The gap is so big that even a summoned beast is gone. In addition, the biggest gap is that the two sides The skills of the summoner. Although there are many skills of the summoner, they are weak, while the skills that the warrior can learn are much more numerous and much stronger. This difference is enough to offset a summoned beast. Finally Another point is that it is almost impossible for a summoner to have five very powerful summoned beasts. Therefore, if a summoner and a warrior are singled out, the possibility of the warrior winning is much greater. Experienced A fighter, even before the summoner's summoned beast touches him, is enough to defeat the summoner."

I'm a little depressed. After being said like this, the summoner has nothing to do. The attributes are garbage, the weapons are garbage, the skills are garbage, and the summoned beasts are difficult to cultivate. In the end, the Summoner himself was instantly killed by someone.

Feng Xiaoyue said again: "However, things cannot be seen as absolute. There is a lot of room for the development of summoners. Dragon Spirit, you have to work hard and become a summoner with five powerful summoned beasts."

I said, "You are really good. What is your occupation? How much did you earn today? If you have money, treat us to dinner."

Feng Xiaoyue said: "I'm also a soldier. I earned more than 5,000 yuan in the game today. I'm here to treat you to dinner immediately. I want to discuss something with you, Long Ling."

"And me?"