Master Summoner Online

Chapter 97: Ogre (and later again)


One black figure after another appeared from the gate in front of him.

"Roar! Roar!" The deep roar, the huge body, the almost twisted muscles, the ferocious face, the messy hair, and the body wrapped only in animal skin, this is the true face of those shadows. And as the black light flickered on the ceiling, one huge weapon after another appeared in their hands.

A mace full of sharp spikes, a double-edged long-handled axe, a huge hammer... Countless huge weapons that make people dumbfounded just by looking at them appeared in the hands of these shadows, one, two, three... The number cannot be counted, and they keep running out of the door, as if there is no end to it.

Ogre, level 45, common beast, introduction: Ogre is a branch of orc, most of ogre has almost no intelligence, what they have is endless appetite and desire to kill, it is a killing machine born for battle .

"Everyone, start fighting!" I yelled, and the Ruyi stick turned into a pillar again and knocked down an ogre. At the same time, Long Xin's various magics were activated, and the others also unleashed various skills, all kinds of attacks overwhelming Send to the roaring ogres.

But this group of ogres waved all kinds of weapons in their hands and blocked many of our attacks, and we caused a lot of damage to them. It is obvious, "Brother, it seems to be a bit troublesome." He said and threw a meteor fire shower , and quickly shot at the ogres in front.

"Crack! Crack!" Since these ogres were blocking the meteor fire rain with their weapons, they turned it into nothingness. Although the meteor fire shower was basically blown away, there were a lot of meteor fire showers. After being blocked a lot, more of them attacked the ogre's body, and the flames turned their dark skin It's just darker, and it does a lot of damage, which is ideal.

"The magic defense of these guys is so high it's abnormal." Long Xin frowned after looking at the effect of his magic.

Xiao Ai and her angel merged together, and then summoned a row of long spears in white light, shooting at the ogres, and those ogres began to resist with weapons again, although some long spears pierced their bodies, but nothing caused too much damage Injuries and fatal injuries, "I hate it, even my spear of light doesn't work." Xiao Ai began to complain.

"Let me try!!" Ye Shuang yelled, fists clashed, and the green slashing wheel blasted at an ogre, but even the powerful air-splitting wheel was defended by the ogre, and used Brute force, push it away, and you can't see any injuries.

"Wow! So strong! These ogre monsters, the system made such a disgusting guy, it's a fart." Ye Shuang said angrily

Indeed, those ogres are definitely not easy, but there should be a way to deal with them. At least one thing I'm glad is that these guys didn't take the initiative to rush over. At this time, I watched the ogres that were still slowly increasing, and began to think about how to deal with it.

Judging from now, those ogres have a high defense ability against long-distance attacks, and their magic defense is also very good. Our magic attacks can't cause much damage to them, and I can see from the piercing eyes that these guys will return blood , Sure enough, it is not easy to kill them.

"Brother Long, stand back, I'll kill these bastards." To everyone's surprise, Amaterasu appeared next to me without a sound and walked up with his swords outstretched.

"Amaterasu, is it okay? If you are alone, don't be too reluctant." Although I know that Amaterasu is very strong, but the strength and number of opponents this time is not simple. No one dares to take it lightly. Amaterasu Zhao's attack power is higher than that of Long Zhan, but his health and defense are very low, so I am a little worried at the beginning, losing a general at the beginning of the mission, this is something I really don't want to see.

At this time, Amaterasu had already walked towards the densely packed ogres in front, "Roar!!" The ogres who seemed to realize that they were underestimated let out a sky-shattering roar, one by one launched a crazy charge, and the huge weapon in their hands Because of the high-speed sprint, there was a crackling sound of "hiss! hiss!".

Hundreds of ogres launched a frenzied charge towards Amaterasu. The pavilions on both sides were not very far away. The huge earthquake-like footsteps made the ground of the entire hall start to shake. They waved the huge weapons in their hands, making a huge roar, and attacked like a devastating attack.

And before this crazy collective charge, Amaterasu stood in front of them and then dropped the cloak and mask. Her red eyes shone with a frightening light, and her long blood-like hair was scattered behind her back. At this time, Amaterasu's face was fine. any expression.

"Aww!!" A huge roar sounded like a thunderstorm in front of her, and the crazy charge that could destroy everything had come only a few meters away from her. Her long red hair was even blown up by the fierce wind. As if they wanted to chop those who underestimated them into minced meat, all the ogres held their weapons tightly with both hands, and slashed at the girl in front of them mercilessly.

"Ding!!!" A huge voice sounded at that moment, and dozens of weapons slashed at Amaterasu. It was not easy for Amaterasu, who was only about half the height of the ogre, to receive so many attacks. But Amaterasu sprinkled a dart silently, piercing the eyes of those ogres, and immediately attacked the ogres in front of her, and suffered a big loss, and then Amaterasu quickly used the blood storm to blow those weapons away. Without exception, all bounced off.

Then the pair of knives once again made gorgeous dance steps, walking among the ogres in front of them.






Shocking damage was brushed out from those ogres, and the vanguard of the ogres was wiped out immediately, but the real battle has just begun. After the charge was broken, other ogres immediately surrounded Amaterasu up.

Amidst the roar of the ogres, countless huge weapons rushed towards her body, but Amaterasu blocked all the weapons with a blood storm, and then shouted loudly, and fired them all. fly.

But this is not over yet, the black cross appeared, "Chi! Chi!" The sound of weapons tearing the body sounded, and then tearing, chopping, and dismembering... Under the explosion of Amaterasu's 4200 points of terrifying attack power, those huge ogres Wrecked like a giant doll wrecked. Bright red blood splashed in the air, all kinds of weapons were shattered, and there was nothing intact around her.

Hands, feet, head... The broken limbs of the ogre kept falling to the ground, and endless blood sprinkled every inch of the ground in the hall, and flashes of crimson and black flashed around Amaterasu.

Countless torn ogre corpses piled on the ground like a hill. After one layer is piled up, it disappears, and then it is brushed out by the new ogre later, and then it starts to pile up again, killing and dying in an infinite cycle again, and there is no control, the dance of death that cannot be stopped, leaving only corpses and blood composition of the ocean.

The bright red eyes of Amaterasu standing in the center of the corpse and the blood, the red hair fluttering freely, and the even brighter red swords stained by countless blood, in the eyes of these ogres, Amaterasu is this The god of death who harvested their lives, the ogres let out howls.

But when the ogre is in pain, we here are infinitely happy. These ogre have a lot of experience. I saw the scene of experience swiping in front of me, and I began to have an idea that the more monsters, the better. After I knew a few ogres were disintegrated by Amaterasu, everyone except me thought they were upgraded to a level, and my experience also rose to 73.91%. A road made of blood also appeared in front of him.

The bloody, bloody smell that was so thick that it was almost impossible to breathe filled the entire hall, "Not enough..." Amaterasu read softly, then retracted the two knives, picked up the cloak and mask on the ground, put them on, and walked back .

"Brother Long, let's go." Amaterasu said to me after he left, I nodded and everyone rushed to the hall full of blood.