Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 108: Mermaid Coast


After this sleep ended, the corpse's hair grew longer and thicker than before, and the color of its skin changed to a certain extent.

The mutated pomegranate flower is also indirectly improving the growth environment. It takes root in the zombies' internal organs. The heart, which had already shrunk and lifeless, has restored some false heart beats with the intervention of external forces. The heated blood nourishes the roots of the pomegranate flowers.

Despite this, many values in the zombie's blood did not reach the levels that a normal human would have, but the school doctor ignored all of that. One result caught her attention: pregnancy!

The visitor is a tutor at Mingzhu Conservatory of Music. All those who run for the tutor seat are second to none in terms of appearance and ability.

"Have you notified the school leaders?" he asked.

The school doctor felt his heart fluttering as he was stared at by those enchanting eyes. He nodded and said, "The hospital has contacted the school directly."

"So it has been reported." There was a subtle fluctuation in the visitor's tone, but the school doctor who was obsessed with beauty did not notice it.

As he was talking, his cell phone suddenly rang. When the person looked up again, he said, "The opening ceremony is over. The principal has announced that there will be a meeting in a while. I took the things away."

The school doctor waved his hand obsessively: "Okay."

Teachers in ordinary schools have endless reports and summaries to write, but Pearl Academy requires them to do very little, but there are many meetings. Because the status of the tutor is very high, they have to attend almost all meetings.

Twenty minutes after the opening ceremony, the conference room in the complex building was almost full.

There are a total of thirteen tutors in the college. This year, three tutors are responsible for training freshmen, two men and one woman, all of whom are well-known in the industry.

At this moment, the three of them were sitting in a row. The female tutor had big, passionate red wavy hair and a lazy expression, but when she heard the principal mention the abnormal results of the freshmen's physical examination, she perked up.

"Male, pregnant?"

She smiled mischievously: "As far as I know, among humanoid creatures, only mermaids can make males pregnant."

Mermaids are not a taboo topic, but when they are mentioned, the air seems to be filled with a sense of tension.

"There have been cases of male pregnancy in the world," the principal said, looking very tolerant. "Observe the situation for a while and don't wrongly accuse our students."

He pulled out another report and said, "There is also this student Aaron. His blood test is fine, but some students reported that he is very interested in mermaids and seems to be carrying some kind of mermaid amulet..."

After these words were spoken, the expressions of the people present varied.

"The mermaid must die," said one of the instructors.

The principal changed the subject, still smiling kindly: "Don't be too extreme. Young people like to pursue new excitement. We can't conclude that he is involved with mermaids just because of this." After thinking about it, he made a decision: "Including those students whose physical examination reports have problems, find an opportunity to confirm as soon as possible."

The bald, fat man sitting in the front seat on the right said, “I have no problem with that.”

The dean also nodded without raising any objections.

The principal's eyes swept across the perfect faces one last time, and the tutors nodded one after another.


The notice on the dormitory blackboard was erased and replaced with a new message:

New students please go to the dormitory manager to get a campus card and a class schedule before the end of today.

The lights in the hall of the building are never turned on, day or night. The first floor is particularly gloomy and damp. Players always walk past with big strides, and it is easy to ignore the words on the blackboard if they are not careful.

There was a notice hung on the blackboard in the morning. When Wen Shi came in and saw the words on it, he didn't pay much attention and walked forward out of habit. After passing by quickly, he stepped back. Several people around him also stopped.

Campus cards can only be collected in person, so the four of them squeezed into the dormitory management duty room.

"Get in line," the dormitory manager said unhappily, "There's only 50 yuan in the campus card. Remember to top it up when it's insufficient."

Wen Shi was the first one in line. When he got the class schedule, he felt like he had gone back to the last century. Old-fashioned cell phones, no online course selection, and all notifications were delivered via small blackboards and broadcasts... He didn't feel like he was in college. He felt like he had returned to junior high school, where cell phones were banned.

The college seems to be very averse to students having external contact, and now that the school is closed for teaching, students cannot even leave the school.

Summary: No one will know if you die.

After receiving the things, Wen Shi noticed that Song Yan had been scratching his arm when he went upstairs, and asked, "What's wrong?"


There was a window at the corner, and under the sunlight, Song Yan discovered that his arm was covered with dense red rashes. After the mirror was upgraded, his skin became more transparent, causing these small rashes to look very serious at first glance.

Wen Shi was silent for two seconds: "Allergy to ultraviolet rays."

Song Yan was stunned. The sun outside was not very strong today.

Wen Shi asked, "Have you never put down your sleeve since you drew blood this morning?"

Song Yan nodded.

Wen Shi seemed to be thinking about something, as if he understood the selection criteria for special admissions students.

"They are looking for mermaids." Ji Yuanzhi said, "Skin sensitivity and foot pain when walking on land are symptoms that mermaids may have."

Wen Shi nodded: "The players' situations may not be exactly the same, but they all have some overlap with mermaids."

According to his previous observations in the auditorium, several players were mixed-race, with blue eyes, but not pure blue, similar to the misty blue he had seen in the cafeteria last night. There were also a few players whose skin was paler than Jian Qingrong's, and their facial features could be described as a gift from the Creator.

Song Yan's skin was itchy. After returning to the dormitory, he turned on the cold water and took a shower. Finally, he felt a little better. While showering, he asked, "So why do our feet hurt?"

"Bone spurs, plantar fasciitis..." Wen Shi listed several possibilities in succession, and finally said: "Or, we are really mermaids."

Song Yan turned off the faucet and sighed: "This admissions office is too careless."

What can these characteristics prove

Wen Shi smiled: "Maybe the screening criteria also include pure soul or something like that."

Song Yan's expression was a little strange. It seemed that they had nothing to do with the adjective "pure".

Wen Shi: "For example, if you pick up a random sensor stone and it reacts... Of course, this is just my guess, but we are definitely different from the indigenous people."

Especially the souls. There are not many pure human souls in the copy, and they can be said to have their own player aura.

Not long after, the dormitory door was pushed open again. Xiao Li was holding a bottle of mineral water in his hand. He thought rationally that it was impossible to be poisoned, but he still remained cautious.

"Is your throat better?" Wen Shi asked.


Xiao Li's brows were so tight that they could pinch an ant to death. He had just received his class schedule, and tomorrow morning's classes would all be about music.

In order to protect their voices, he and A Zhuang went to bed early after taking the medicine.

Until the lights went out, the second mission did not come. The advantage of having a large number of people in a dungeon was reflected. Compared with ordinary multiplayer dungeons, it has a buffer period. With the same difficulty level, the survival rate of medium and large dungeons is higher.

Not a sound could be heard in the silent night. Wen Shi lay on the bed, thinking about when to summon himself from the parallel world.

"Let's wait one more day." Let's go and see tomorrow if the teacher will call the roll to check the number of people in class.

In addition, Jian Qingrong is right.

The dormitory doesn't need so many people. Since it is relatively safe at night, those two problems should be solved to make room for the new family members.

After finishing the schedule, Wen Shi closed his eyes completely, took out the teddy bear and fell asleep.

The weather was good the next day. Having learned from the lesson of the previous day, everyone applied sunscreen before going out.

With the campus card, Wen Shi and his friends can finally go to the cafeteria to have breakfast.

There were also players sitting at the table next to them, looking at the class schedule.

The information on the form was very detailed, including the class location and teacher. The first class for freshmen was in the large classroom 102 in Quhe Building. The class lasted two hours, with a 15-minute break every hour.

An old student passed by and stopped to sneer at the teacher when he saw him, "Teacher Ruan hates people who don't have real skills. You special recruits should wait to be punished."

After saying that, he sat down at the table in front.

There were already two students sitting at that table. One of them said with a smile, "Teacher Ruan is actually teaching the new students this year. I wonder if they are lucky or unlucky."

"Of course it's a good thing for talented people, but for those who are specially recruited, haha."

Every year, Mingzhu Conservatory of Music sends an off-campus admissions team to various locations to conduct inspections and recruit students. The reason for this is to absorb more musical characteristics from other places through out-of-town students and achieve the goal of being open to all.

The old students spoke in loud voices, as if they wanted others to hear them on purpose in order to create psychological pressure.

This trick is quite effective. Not every player is proficient in music, and most of them are tone-deaf. Their faces turned ugly when they heard this.

Wen Shi calmly observed the actions of the seniors and found that there was no mixed seating of men and women. Everyone seemed to be afraid of violating the rules that prohibited dating.

He shrugged: "They don't allow dating, but they make all freshmen, regardless of gender, live in the same building."

Ji Yuanzhi, who had just come back from getting food, put down his plate and said, "When I was in college, there was a female dormitory building where students committed suicide every year, but the building couldn't be demolished, so it was later replaced with a male dormitory."

Wen Shi: “Is it useful?”

But at least one thing is clear.

The academy, which strictly prohibits romance incidents, probably does this because haunted incidents occur frequently and they want to suppress them with the so-called yang energy.

Breakfast took some time, and after the meal everyone hurried towards Quhe Building.

102 is a lecture hall that can accommodate two classes of students.

The seats in the back two rows were all taken, and there was only one student sitting in the first row closest to the podium: You Zombie.

Wen Shi: “…”

Not surprised at all.

"Go to the second row." Before the zombie was killed because of his bad singing, he could only create a supernatural incident and summon the other party back in time.

After Wen Shi sat down, he kept rubbing his temples, feeling that his already limited loyalty was in jeopardy.

The zombie sensed the breath of its master, turned around, patted its heartless chest, and its gray eyes regained their brilliance: "I am making my debut."

Wen Shi tried to put on an encouraging smile and gave a thumbs up: "You, debut."

Then loyalty spiked by 0.5.

At 9:50, all the surviving players have arrived.

The number of cakes is limited, and Wen Shi doesn’t think that everyone has completed the task last night. In the past day, the physical examination results must have come out, and no one has been eliminated yet, which means that a failed blood test will not directly lead to death.

One student was expelled directly because of his tattoo, but those who failed the physical examination were retained.

Wen Shi’s eyes darkened.

He thought of a sentence in the background of the story: for food, for medicine, for playthings.

The academy's hard work in searching for the mermaids is not just about hunting them.

A melodious piano music came.

As the bell rang, a man with excellent looks and temperament entered the classroom. His facial features were very gentle, and when he stood on the podium, people felt a cool breeze on their faces.

The man was accompanied by the principal and two tutors.

The principal has a calm and kind temperament. The male tutor beside him is as cold as an iceberg, with narrow and intimidating eyes. The other female tutor has very white skin, which glows faintly like pearls.

They randomly found three empty seats, and Teacher Ruan on the podium explained: "This is an open class."

From top to bottom in Mingzhu College, everyone has a very attractive voice, and it seems as if everyone is singing when they speak.

"I believe everyone can do simple music notation recognition." Teacher Ruan seems gentle, but is actually very tough. With just a few words, he assumes that students must be able to do it.

There is a very retro phonograph in the classroom. When the record starts turning, the music score will be played on the projector.

The song is called "A Warm Sunny Day".

The title of the song was normal, but the style was full of ups and downs. The first thirty seconds had a high tempo, and you could feel the brightness of the sun in the sky, but after thirty seconds, the singer's voice could not be distinguished as male or female, and both the lyrics and the melody took a sharp turn for the worse. The increasingly eerie melody was mixed with some kind of sobbing and screaming.

If Wen Shi were to describe it, the song could be expanded to "The Person Burned to Death by the Sun."

He straightened his sitting posture, ignored the weird and scary music, and tried his best to listen to the song with an appreciative expression.

Amid the blood-crying song, the system's prompt sound suddenly sounded like a stream of fresh air:

[Main Mission: Attend the Concert

Mission content: Pearl Conservatory of Music will hold a concert soon. As a member of the academy, how can you miss this grand ceremony

Please note that only students who rank in the top 50 in comprehensive scores on weekdays can attend the concert, and the points reward will be calculated normally after the copy ends;

Note that if you can find a way to get a chance to perform at a concert, your settlement reward will be doubled;

Please note that if you survive until the end of the concert but do not have the opportunity to participate or perform, the reward for that concert will not be calculated.]

In the lecture hall, the players all sat up straight at the same time, obviously having received the assigned tasks.

After entering the S-level copy, the elite players are not too panicked. One of the main reasons is that there are so many people that there will inevitably be players with average abilities who are pulled in to serve as cannon fodder.

Now the main quest appears again very quickly, and everything seems to be going well.

The song on the record came to an end. Teacher Ruan walked down from the podium and stood next to the phonograph, with one hand on the black box below: "In order to test everyone's musical ability, I will randomly select a student to sing it again."

The classroom was in complete silence, with everyone praying not to be picked.

Teacher Ruan held the roster in his right hand, his eyes fixed on a name: "Yulia."

The players who were not targeted breathed a sigh of relief.

No one in the room stood up.

Teacher Ruan repeated it with a hint of coldness in his gentle voice.

Ji Yuanzhi kicked the seat in front of him and whispered, "Yulia, I'm calling you."

You Shi and Wen Shi were both surprised: I/he is Yulia

Ji Yuanzhi: “…”

Didn’t you even look at whose admission letter you were snatching

Before Teacher Ruan's eyes turned dark and he called the name for the third time, You Shi stood up.

He didn't know how to sing, but he wasn't afraid of the stage. He tried to imitate the melody he had just heard, and was ready to sing without waiting for the teacher to urge him.

Wen Shi's heartbeat accelerated, and he couldn't even speak clearly, let alone sing. The only thing to be thankful for was that there was no instrument class today, and if he just sang, the most he would do was be out of tune.

The principal barely blinked after entering the room, and looked at the wandering corpse with his dark eyes.

The instructor also straightened his sitting posture slightly.

For experts who are well versed in music theory, whether it is real singing or lip-syncing, where the mistakes are and whether the singing is intentional to be unpleasant can all be distinguished by a pair of ears.

The zombie seemed to be still trying to find the tune, and a rustling sound came out of his throat. When he felt it was about right, he opened his mouth and started to sing—

"It was a sunny day on the coast..."

This is not a song, it's a vicious curse.

Wen Shi and the other three were closest to the scene. They only felt a bulldozer passing in front of them, and then a motorcycle accelerated towards them, with the jet-like noise surrounding their ears in three dimensions.

Vomiting, dizziness, nausea... In the end they seemed to be traumatized to death.

Wen Shi was considering whether to exchange for an earplug. He noticed out of the corner of his eye that Jian Qingrong's left eye socket, which was wrapped in gauze, began to bleed, Song Yan's nose was bleeding, and there was a trace of blood at the corner of Ji Yuanzhi's mouth. It was because he accidentally bit the tip of his tongue when he heard the singing of the wandering corpse.

“!”Is everyone bleeding from all seven orifices

Compared to the skill of Nature's Voice, the nausea-inducing impulse brought by the zombies' song is the same, but it does not have the buff that slows down other creatures.

Wen Shi looked at Teacher Ruan, whom the old student said valued strength very much. The veins on the other party's hand that was placed on the edge of the black box were bulging, and a corner of the sturdy box was about to be broken off.

The tutor and the principal, who had only been exposed to classical music, had never suffered such a hardship.

"how so?"

Wen Shi frowned. The singing of the zombies was obviously not right. Could it be because of the harp? The harp was stained with the blood of the craftsman and was filled with resentment. The zombies would inherit the resentment when they sang.

Because of his identity as the master of the suit, Wen Shi was immune to most of the damage caused by the zombies. While he was still thinking, he heard a dry heave.

The principal couldn't bear it anymore.

Wen Shi quickly raised his hand, stood up, and went to get the trash can in front of the classroom, respectfully handing it to the principal: "Please spit here."

In order to settle the reward, he has to work hard to get the opportunity to perform at the concert. It is very important to gain the appreciation of his leaders.

The principal was devastated by the zombies' singing and looked at Wen Shi: "You..."

"Hello, principal. My name is Aaron," Wen Shi actively introduced himself. "I'm good at dancing."

The kind of sword dance where the sword moves in all directions.

The wandering corpse who was singing looked over. He had seen Wen Shi’s sword dance during the ghost marriage and really appreciated the charm of it.

When the game released the main quest prompt, Youshi, as a bound warrior, overheard it again. Like Wen Shi, he was very envious of the opportunity to perform at the concert.

They must debut as a group, and Youshi has already thought of a team name: the Singing and Dancing Group.

(End of this chapter)