Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 113: Mermaid Coast


The narrow corridor was soaked in only a small portion of moonlight, which just covered Wen Shi's entire body and cast a long shadow behind him.

In the dormitory near midnight, a person stood quietly and motionless, looking like he was possessed by a ghost.

Jian Qingrong ignored the lighting effects of the pale moonlight and was only concerned about whether Wen Shi was feeling unwell.

"My eldest brother..." Wen Shi tried to express it in a subtle way, "is going to find one of the two mentors to have physical contact."

Song Yan poked half of his head out when he heard this: "Fight? Can you really beat an NPC?"

Wen Shi gave up guessing and directly said the two words: "Mate."

This sentence was like a depth charge dropped throughout the dormitory. The bomb sank to the bottom of the lake and finally exploded in everyone's heart. No one could utter a word.

Before going to bed, Ji Yuanzhi was still pondering all the details about the two mentors. All his analysis could be summed up in one sentence: absolute brutality that can crush all skills.

Finally, he broke the silence and said, "According to the information I have investigated, mermaids and mantises are somewhat similar. They both eat each other and then reproduce."

Wen Shi rubbed his eyebrows. It was because he thought about this that he had a headache.

As long as Wen Shi was not involved, Jian Qingrong's eyes were always filled with indifference. "Powerful species have low pregnancy rates. Mermaids are still rare, and most of the eggs they produce are probably dead or deformed."

Even if they had the reproductive capacity of normal fish, the Mermaid Coast would have long been their world.

After saying that, he turned his face slightly and said, "Go to sleep. You have to get up early tomorrow."


Wen Shi was persuaded. He locked the dormitory door and lay flat on the bed with his hands crossed. He threw his cell phone aside, waiting for Yaerlin to call so that he could open the door.

At two o'clock in the morning, Wen Shi looked at his phone in a daze. There were no missed calls and no one had returned.

At 12:00 a.m., Song Yan turned over and subconsciously looked at bed number one, where there was an empty bed.

At four o'clock in the morning, Ji Yuanzhi got out of bed and drank some water. He also glanced at bed number one and saw that there was no one there.

It was daylight at five o'clock.

Wen Shi couldn't sleep, so he got up and sat at the head of the bed. Strangely, he didn't feel worried. In a sense, Yaerlin's strength could bring him a sense of security.

Just as he was about to lie down again, he unexpectedly saw a dark figure standing on the balcony. A subtle smell of alcohol drifted over with the wind, which was enough to prove the identity of the person.

"elder brother?"

Yarlin's collar rustled in the wind, and he turned and walked into the house.

After seeing the other person's face clearly, Wen Shi tried to speak: "You..."

Yaerlin knew what he was thinking and said calmly, "Brother, higher animals with strong mental power can have intercourse through perception."

Wen Shi: “… huh?”

"It's not important." There were scratches on the side of Yarlin's neck from being scratched by hair. The wound was freezing, and the coldness prevented the blood from flowing. Yarlin shook his shoulders carelessly, and the cracks healed rapidly.

"Brother, there is more than one way to reproduce."

Wen Shi had a feeling that the topic he was going to talk about next had nothing to do with the body, and was also different from ordinary egg-laying.

"When my mental power invaded the opponent's mind, it was almost blocked." A trace of solemnity surged in Yalin's narrow eyes. "The prey shouted 'king', and then a very strong force that did not belong to him formed a barrier around him."

With his fingertips tapping lightly on the hollow ladder, Yarlin seemed to be considering how to explain the professional terms to Wen Shi.

Fortunately, Wen Shi was smart enough to connect the clues at hand and ask: "Is there a mermaid king hidden in the academy? Mermaids can borrow the power of the mermaid king?"

"Not necessarily on campus. The fighting consciousness of that force is not strong. It should be in a weak or dormant state."

Yaerlin said: "You mentioned the low-level and high-level theories before. Now at least we can be sure that the high-level mermaids are waiting for the return of their king."

Wen Shi, who had never been in a relationship and had only held hands with Octopus, thought hard for a moment and slowly uttered four words: "Spiritual pollution."

The Mermaid King can create large-scale group mental pollution.

Yarlin nodded in appreciation. "The polluted will go from looking at things in an abstract way to becoming distorted themselves, until they develop fanatical beliefs. There are two possibilities at that time. One is to transform into a mermaid, and the other is to turn into a snail shell similar to a hermit crab, which becomes the perfect nest for mermaid eggs."

It can be roughly divided into infection, parasitism and assimilation stages.

Yarlin's spirit value is very high, which can block text pollution. He used an afternoon to roughly read through the books in the library. The book recorded that in the mermaid civilization, mermaids lay eggs, and they would be extremely weak during the spawning period, and the survival rate of both the mother and the eggs would be very low.

If this risk is passed on, the success rate will be greatly improved by first transforming the mating partners into monsters and then using their bodies to hatch fish eggs.

When mermaids devour others, it is essentially for the purpose of obtaining nutrition.

In the past few minutes, it was basically Yarlin who was talking alone. When he started talking, the others still had their eyes closed, but they were actually awake.

Song Yan still didn't quite understand his current situation. Ji Yuanzhi had played several copies involving mental pollution. Generally, in this type of copy, the game would specifically generate a corresponding health bar, such as the mental purity of a large factory.

The difficulty of the S-level dungeon is divided into various trivial links. As a pollution dungeon, "Mermaid Coast" does not have a separate health bar, which means that players can complete the pollution alienation silently.

Ji Yuanzhi finally spoke: "The more believers there are and the stronger their faith is, the sooner the Mermaid King will return."

"Don't worry too much." Song Yan whispered: "At present, the college is still led by the school leaders. Besides, faith cannot be formed overnight."

As he spoke, his eyes looked at Wen eagerly, as if he was looking at his own God.

"… "

Wen Shi, who originally did not feel any sense of oppression, suddenly felt urgent when he thought that it would only take a few days for Song Yan to develop a personal cult, as if the Mermaid King would recruit a large number of believers in the next moment.

"If you ask for something, you will believe it," Wen Shi closed his eyes, "The concert is coming soon, and the students will definitely do whatever it takes to get the qualification to participate."

When he opened his eyes again, he seemed to have other ideas and looked at Yaerlin: "Can you confirm which mentor is the mermaid?"

Yarlin seemed to be recalling something, and rubbed his thumb over the previous cut on his neck: "The one with whiter skin."

Wen Shi had the answer in his mind: Teacher Ruan.

Comparing the three tutors, Lily's skin is pearly white, Teacher Ruan's skin is glowing white and her skin is also very thin. Compared with them, Teacher Qi's skin can only be considered normal.

After determining the target, Wen Shi directly made a choice to the game: "I choose Teacher Ruan."

The countdown on the properties panel is paused.

"Are you sure you want to be Mr. Ruan's class representative?"


"As of now, you are the tenth player to choose Teacher Ruan. The corresponding tasks will be generated for you soon."

"The mission has been issued."

[Side Quest: Teacher Ruan's Trust

Task content: Mr. Ruan is strict in teaching and appreciates courageous students. He will invite the eleven students who have chosen him first to have dinner together. The one who can stay until the end of the dinner before leaving will be the class representative.

Mission Reward: Nightingale Voice Changer]

The game specifically emphasizes courage, which means that players who choose targets after eleven people will not receive mission rewards or will not be given priority.

Ji Yuanzhi also chose Teacher Ruan, and Song Yan followed Wen Shi and became the eleventh player to make a choice.

Upon learning that he had accepted the side quest, Wen Shi was surprised: "You don't need to take this risk."

Under normal circumstances, there are at most two representatives for a subject.

Song Yan certainly understood this shallow truth, but he looked at it from another perspective: "I took up a position, so that the boss has one less competitor."

He once again demonstrated with his actions what a fanatical fan is.

Before the day was completely bright, no wandering monsters came to visit Dormitory 502. These monsters preferred to attack weak players, and their next target was people who did not eat a normal meal.

Before seven o'clock, people outside started to strain their throats. The air humidity was stronger than the previous two days, and it was damp and cold overall. It was easy to catch a cold and get sick in this kind of weather.

On the way to the teaching building, Wen Shi found that everyone had put on a thin coat. A student was standing by the fountain with the porridge in her hands scattered all over the floor. She squatted down almost in collapse and kept trying to clear her throat.

From the sound of it, it seemed like he just had a minor cold, but the other person seemed to be mentally overwhelmed and finally covered his ears in pain.

Far from feeling comforted, the people passing by actually quickened their steps when they discovered that it was a strong competitor.

"If we tell these students now what they can do to have a singing voice like a mermaid, they will definitely do it without hesitation." Wen Shi lowered his eyes: "This is only the second day."

He could fully foresee that when the countdown to the concert began, the entire Pearl Conservatory of Music would become the starting point for the collapse of order in the Mermaid Coast.

The most popular subjects for freshmen are vocal music, dance and musical instrument courses.

When it was the turn for the vocal class, Mr. Ruan, who was always punctual, was one minute late. He was wearing a light-colored shirt today with his buttons buttoned meticulously. The top button was almost stretched to his Adam's apple, as if he was deliberately hiding something.

Wen Shi looked at Yaerlin suddenly. Didn't he say that nothing happened? !

Yaerlin said calmly: "It's not what you think."

He emphasized calmly: "Little brother, you have to trust me."

"… "

Wen Shi could only consider more practical issues. These glasses can make a person blend in with other people, but they are completely different from disguise.

Knowing his concerns, Yaerlin remained calm: "He didn't see his face, and he was dressed so tightly to cover up the wounds left during the fight."


Yaerlin looked at him as if he were a child: "Really."

Teacher Ruan stood on the podium, holding a list in his hand: "According to the information you applied for in the academic affairs system, there are a total of 19 students who have applied to be my class representative."

The application was submitted by the game, and the players are still using low-spec elderly phones.

"Louis, Chen Xiaoxiao..." Teacher Ruan read out the names one by one, including Wen Shi and others, "I will get to know you in two groups. The students whose names were just called, please come to the cafeteria building to find me at 8 o'clock in the evening. The rest of the students whose names were not called, please wait for follow-up notification."

The players had different expressions, realizing that the competition for class representative was related to the time it took to make the choice.

Wen Shi mainly paid attention to the first player whose name was called. He was a good-looking mixed-race person, and his overall appearance was more oriental.

Ji Yuanzhi: "He is quite famous in the virtual world, and his skill is [Charm]."

The order of roll call is the order of making choices. Louis was the fastest to make a decision among the eleven players. He used his skills to win over a member of the student union, followed him into the office, and took the opportunity to check Teacher Ruan's thermos cup. The thermos cup had a light salty smell, similar to the salty smell in the air of the college.

When Wen Shi was looking at Louis, the members of the Six Commandments in the corner were also looking at him.

The girl whispered, "Pei Wenwei chose Teacher Ruan, doesn't that mean Teacher Qi is a mermaid?"

The captain frowned: "Not necessarily."

Several people on the list are elite players, so the possibility of them making wrong judgments at the same time is not high.

Nothing is absolute. It is not ruled out that Pei Wenwei obtained clear directional clues through other channels.

The captain asked: "How long will the effect of your [Going in the opposite direction] last?"

"Less than a day."


The difficulty of [Queen's Card Box] has been increased, and skills affect judgment. Even if you choose the right tutor, the mortality rate in the process of competing for class representative will be very high.

Another member kept looking at the podium, saying with a gloating tone: "Teacher Ruan seems to be in a bad mood today. When the NPC is in a bad mood, it is most likely to implicate the players."

"Whether Pei Wenwei is dead or alive won't be known until tonight at the earliest," the captain said. "We'll go to the academy and try to trigger other branch quests...

About 70% of the players are willing to take on the task of class representative, and the most popular candidate is the Ideological and Political Education teacher.

There is not much benefit in choosing a relatively kind teacher of an unpopular course, but the advantage is that the mission is easy and safe. Most people just hope to survive until the day of the concert. In high-difficulty dungeon levels, most of them focus on survival, and then consider the reward.

The afternoon was full of classes, and Wen Shi did not go to the cafeteria to get food because he had to attend Teacher Ruan’s dinner party later.

"Persuade him and try not to let my brother provoke another Teacher Qi again." Before the dinner, Wen Shi pulled Jian Qingrong aside and gave him instructions.

Yaerlin now has a basic understanding of mermaids. Wen Shi guessed that his next step would be to launch an offensive against the school leadership.

Jian Qingrong nodded.

While he was in the bathroom, Wen Shi went to the balcony.

Yarlin leaned against the railing, his elbows casually resting, and tilted his head to look at the sunset in the sky, like a world-famous painting.

Wen Shi said: "Brother, watch out and try not to let my friends create biochemical zombies."

Yaerlin raised his eyebrows and readily agreed: "Okay."

After everything was arranged, Wen Shi finally felt relieved to go out. When he reached the dormitory door, he heaved a sigh of relief: "No one is worry-free."

Ji Yuanzhi and Song Yan had been waiting for him downstairs for a while, so they set off early to observe the environment in order to plan an escape route.

There are two ways to go to the cafeteria building. One is to go straight up from the cafeteria, and the other is to go through the outdoor stairs, which are used as fire evacuation passages. After the cafeteria closes for the day, it will be locked to prevent thieves.

In order to maintain their figure, many old students did not eat dinner before the concert, so the cafeteria closed early these two days. When they arrived, the main door was locked, and a crisp sound came from above. Wen Shi looked at the side door of the building and saw a player picking the lock there as if nothing had happened, and there was someone else keeping watch.

Their eyes met across a long distance, and neither side had any special reaction. After picking the lock, the players walked down and stood outside the main gate like Wen Shi and the others, waiting for tonight's protagonist NPC.

At almost eight o'clock, a figure walked towards the direction of the teachers' dormitory building. The magnetic field of the street lamp seemed to be affected, and only half of Teacher Ruan's face was illuminated.

The illuminated area still had a gentle smile on its face, but the other half of the face hidden in the darkness exuded a creepy chill from every pore.

"Very good, everyone is here." Teacher Ruan walked forward to unlock the door and said, "I like students who are punctual."

He opened the lock with one hand and carried a large-capacity five-layer insulated lunch box with the other.

After entering the cafeteria, Teacher Ruan did not turn on the lights and walked in front of everyone: "I originally wanted to invite you to my dormitory, but it's a bit messy there now..."

When it comes to this, the words are filled with creepy murderous intent.

Wen Shi's guilty expression was hidden by the darkness.

“… Don’t be too restrained. I want to learn about your musical philosophy and your views on vocal lessons,” Teacher Ruan said with a pleasant face. “Just communicate like friends.”

The word "friend" made everyone's scalp tingle.

Teacher Ruan had the keys to all the cafeteria areas. He entered one of the windows carrying his insulated lunch box and started working skillfully and naturally, like a chef who had worked here for many years.

With sleeves rolled up high and hands as white as mutton-fat jade, in reality, it would be absolutely doubly warm for such a person to cook soup. But at this moment, under the rendering of the white candle, Wen Shi thought of a world-famous painting - "The Last Supper".

Soon, Teacher Ruan came out with a tray and placed small white bowls filled with soup in front of each person in turn.

Wen Shi took a quick glance under the candlelight and saw some blood foam floating on the surface of the soup that had not been scooped away. There was a piece of bright red meat underneath, and judging from its color, it was not even cooked enough.

The water was warm and the meat was not cooked yet, but it gave off a strange aroma. From the moment it was served, everyone swallowed subconsciously.

Wen Shi thought of mermaid meat. The book recorded that all ways to eat mermaid meat were to cook it, and the minimum cooking time was more than two hours.

“Try my cooking,” Mr. Ruan said, “and then we’ll talk about music.”

With him staring at me, I couldn't even pretend to eat.

Louis, who was sitting opposite Wen Shi, used the [Charm] skill, his misty blue eyes were as gentle as his tone: "Teacher Ruan, my stomach hasn't been feeling well lately, so I can't eat meat. Can I just drink soup?"

The humble and slightly pleading attitude deepened the smile on Mr. Ruan's lips, but his fingertips that were supporting the edge of the table turned white due to excessive force.

Louis' humble attitude reminded him of himself last night. Did he also fawn on the uninvited guest


After the king woke up, he would dig the ground with a ruler to find the man, drink his blood and eat his flesh.

"You don't have to drink the soup."

When Louis began to get uneasy, Mr. Ruan finally spoke up, “But you must eat meat.”

Wen Shi, Ji Yuanzhi, and another female player picked up their forks almost at the same time. Since they wanted to eat, they might as well take the initiative; at least it would add points to their impression.

The meat is very tender, and the moment you bite it into your mouth, it bursts with juice, blood fills your mouth, and a fishy smell boils in your throat. Before you feel like retching, the rotten seafood smell that makes you frown ferments into a sweet, delicious taste.

The change in taste allowed the unchewed piece of meat to pass through the esophagus smoothly, but the moment it was swallowed it felt like a heavy lead block, and the person's stomach almost exploded.

[Teacher Ruan's favorability towards you is 1. ]

There is always a reward for the effort, and the system's prompts made people feel a little better.

Cold sweat broke out on Wen Shi's forehead. As he tried hard to adjust his breathing, a song appeared deep in his mind. Along with the melodious and sad singing, an illusory mermaid statue was automatically outlined in his mind.

Then came the hallucination.

Wen Shi only felt that there was a layer of white sea fog between him and the mermaid statue.

I will go to save him, to believe in him, the blasphemous God is waiting for me.

"He needs me..." Wen Shi murmured unconsciously.

Seeing his violent reaction, one of the players backed out and turned to seek teacher Ruan's advice: "Teacher, I have a stomachache and want to go back first."

Teacher Ruan nodded in a friendly manner: "Go ahead."

The player tried not to appear too eager to leave, and walked calmly to the stairs, making sure that Teacher Ruan was still sitting in his seat before starting to go downstairs.

Seeing this, another female player considered finding an excuse to leave. Just as she was about to speak, a short scream was heard.

A few seconds after the scream, a series of crisp sounds, similar to melon rind hitting the ground, were infinitely amplified in the darkness.

Wen Shi's eyes gradually regained a bit of clarity. He was not unfamiliar with this noise. When he came to steal the cake on the first night, Wen Shi witnessed with his own eyes the player's head rolling down the stairs.

The others probably knew what was happening after hearing the noise, but Teacher Ruan was not disturbed by the sound. She sat there with a smile on her face, like a beautiful butcher.

The Butcher also has an Executioner assistant who is out there hunting down the shrinking ones.

Ji Yuanzhi narrowed his eyes and whispered, "Situations like this don't usually occur in side quests."

Competing for class representative should be an activity that you can withdraw from at any time.

"Keep eating," Teacher Ruan said with a smile, "it won't taste good if it gets cold."

The name of the mission is Teacher Ruan’s Trust. The only way to completely gain the trust of an NPC is to hand over your soul.

Then the consequences of eating this bowl of meat are obvious. If the game sets a pollution value, the player's health bar will drop by at least half. Those with weaker willpower may be alienated.

Many of the players present frowned, not understanding why an ordinary task could be so extreme.

Gurgle. A glass bead suddenly rolled forward, and everyone subconsciously looked over. Before the glass bead completely stopped, a small firework exploded, and smoke filled the air. At the same time, the player who had previously picked the lock used the speed prop and rushed out of the small door of the fire escape.

Wen Shi keenly noticed that the smile on Teacher Ruan's lips faded a little, which meant that there would be a certain vitality if he walked from the outdoor stairs.

He had the chance to leave if he wanted to, but Wen Shi was a person who would never give up until the last moment.

Ji Yuanzhi suddenly asked: "When will this dinner be considered over?"

Those who wait until the end of dinner before leaving can become class representatives, but there is no word on what the rest of the people should do.

"I need two class representatives," Teacher Ruan explained gently, "I'm going to choose the two students who have finished their meals first. After all, if they can't even eat, what else can I expect them to do?"

Both Mr. Ruan and Yaerlin have strong personalities, but they express them in different ways. To be more precise, Mr. Ruan is more hypocritical and better at hiding things. "What about the students who were not selected?"

Teacher Ruan smiled and said, "Of course I will continue to be an ordinary student."

Everyone was somewhat relieved, as this meant that as long as two people successfully finished the food in their bowls, everyone could escape.

But Mr. Ruan has a short patience, as can be seen from some of the details of him knocking on the table. If we exceed a certain time frame, everyone will be doomed.

"This meat is delicious," Wen Shi looked at the untouched bowl on the empty seat, "You should take back the lunch boxes of teachers who haven't finished eating."

Teacher Ruan seemed to think it made sense. As he walked towards the window with the bowl in his hand, Wen Shi pointed at Song Yan, glanced past Ji Yuanzhi and looked at the others, and said quickly: "Everyone give us 100 points, and we will eat the meal."

He didn't ask for too high a price. One hundred points was a friendly price so that these people wouldn't give him any trouble later.

A female player on the side spoke first: "I have no objection, player number."

This kind of small transaction does not even require the use of contract props.

While others were busy transferring points, Ji Yuanzhi asked, "How confident are you?"

"Sixty percent."

Sixty percent is a very conservative estimate. In fact, Wen Shi already has a more detailed plan, but since last night, he always felt that there was an area of his brain that was chaotic, so he would think more before doing anything.

Even Wen Shi himself did not realize that he was trying to maintain a state of absolute correctness.

After calming down, Wen Shi said to Song Yan, "You must stay awake. When you really can't hold on any longer, think about your name."

Song Yan was a little confused.

Wen Shi said meaningfully: "My real name."

Song Yan immediately realized that the other party was referring to the name of the True Spirit, but he did not know the True Spirit's real name. The implication was that he should try to communicate and feel the True Spirit's will.

This was a rather vague concept with a very low success rate. Out of unconditional trust in Wen Shi, Song Yan nodded and prepared to execute it directly.

Ji Yuanzhi knew there were props to fight against mental pollution, and Wen Shi had a strategy, but he was too lazy to fight for a position as a class representative. Besides, it would be a bit of a waste of anti-pollution props to use them for this purpose.

Teacher Ruan came back soon. Wen Shi did not waste any time and started to eat the second bite of meat in front of him.

[Teacher Ruan's impression of you 1.]

Wen Shi swallowed hard.

Sure enough, these things are more effective when done in front of the NPC. Teacher Ruan asked Louis to drink the soup, which indirectly reflected the rule of not wasting food. It is not advisable to speculate on eating.

Wen Shi's expression became more and more ugly, and the clarity of the mermaid statue in his mind became clearer. Finally, Wen Shi even lip-synced the words "my king".

The silent cry brought great joy to Teacher Ruan.

Song Yan was fine when he took the first bite of meat, but later on his whole face was twitching.

The only sound left in the entire cafeteria was the sound of chewing. Looking at their painful expressions, the others almost wanted to transfer another hundred points. They thought Wen Shi was so confident because he was relying on the props.

The result is all due to sheer willpower? !

Louis had a complicated expression and couldn’t help but blurt out: “I don’t understand.”

Not to mention him, everyone present was shocked. When an operation is too stupid and idiotic, people dare not easily draw conclusions.

Wen Shi hardly breathed during the whole process. When he forced himself to pick up the bowl and drink the soup, he gained another point in Teacher Ruan's favorability.

When he put the bowl down again, he looked like he was pulled out of the water, sweating profusely. Beside him, Song Yan's face was as pale as a paper man.

He didn’t know if it was an illusion of Louis who was sitting opposite him, but he actually saw a smile in Wen Shi’s eyes. This smile made him feel for a moment that the other party was even more perverted than Teacher Ruan.

Wen Shi's heartbeat was violent at this moment, and his mind seemed to be split into two people, one was madly loyal to the Mermaid King, and the other was very calm, happy that he could still retain about 10% of his rationality. This was similar to his estimation. No matter how difficult the side quest was, it would not end the whole play. This bowl of meat could not be 100% contaminated immediately.

"Congratulations on completing the side quest - Teacher Ruan's trust."

"Teacher Ruan is very satisfied with you and is going to choose you as the class representative."

"You get Nightingale Voice Changer*1."

[Nightingale Voice Changer: After using it, you can have a gorgeous voice within a limited five minutes. ]

In addition to points, most of the rewards for ordinary side quests can be used in this dungeon, such as the voice changer.

Teacher Ruan asked Wen Shi and Song Yan a few more questions about music.

Wen Shi responded incoherently, his mind becoming increasingly blurred. He didn't know how much time had passed before he heard the sound of a stool being pulled, and knew that the dinner was about to come to an end.

Before leaving, Teacher Ruan opened and closed his mouth, and Wen Shi read the name of the class representative.

Teacher Ruan left the cafeteria from the stairs carrying his insulated lunch box, his back disappearing into the darkness. After he left, the humidity in the air slightly decreased.

Wen Shi leaned weakly on the back of the chair, his back hunched, and he looked dejected.

Louis sighed: "I am not jealous of the points you earned."

Most of them can resist the pollution, but the difficult part is how to prevent further mental damage after that. In most cases, people go crazy without waiting for the monsters to attack.

Everyone left one after another, and Wen Shi, supported by Ji Yuanzhi, slowly walked down the outdoor stairs.

His attention was finally focused on Song Yan. When he saw that the other party was more sober than he thought, the smile in his eyes deepened.

After completing the task, several people walked out of the cafeteria smoothly.

The fountain outside the cafeteria automatically turns off every day after the lights in the dormitory building are turned off. It is still splashing water, and the sharp teeth of the sperm whale statue are covered with a layer of water.

Wen Shi half-crouched down, holding onto the edge of the fountain. Ji Yuanzhi stood in front of him and said, "According to the game settings, the Mermaid King is one step closer to being born every day, which will invisibly increase the impact on your sanity value."

According to Wen Shi's current condition, it would only take a day or two for him to be completely transformed into a fanatic.

"It's okay..."

"There are many legends about mermaids in Pearl Academy, but few people know about it yet. In fact, there is another legend..."

Wen Shi raised his head, the moonlight flowing along his smooth profile: "Legend has it that the Mermaid King fell into a deep sleep after being injured by another land overlord. This overlord died in exchange for his injury, and before his death he left a prophecy that when the Mermaid King returns, his reincarnation will seal him again. The Mermaid King asks believers for their souls and bodies, and also asks believers to incubate eggs on their behalf, but the reincarnation asks for a purer faith. That's right, above the fallen Mermaid Empire, there was once a more magnificent existence, and that was—"

"Meow Meow Empire!"

Thinking that the other party had obtained some secret clues in the library, Ji Yuanzhi, who had just been listening to him carefully, suddenly felt his eyebrows jump.

Song Yan also stumbled.

There was no trace of joking in Wen Shi's eyes. A pen appeared out of thin air in his hand. This was the pen that the host had mailed to him last time. The content written with this pen would automatically increase the public's trust.

His experience in the sanatorium told him that in this kind of contaminated dungeon, an invincible monster might emerge in the end. The Mermaid King was undoubtedly a big boss. The foolish school leaders released low-quality mermaids to infect the students and become new meat sources. But they didn't know that the real horror was the pervasive words and songs.

The Mermaid King is absorbing faith, and Wen Shi is preparing to plunder this faith.

This is also the reason why he asked Song Yan to eat that bowl of meat.

Song Yan believed in himself and would not be polluted too quickly.

His faith once helped Wen Shi obtain the Clay Buddha's achievements. From then on, Wen Shi began to think about faith. Gaining the faith of NPCs seemed to have another wonderful feedback.

"There are many things that Mr. Ruan is not convenient to do, so he will definitely spread the belief of the Mermaid King among the students through the class representatives, especially at this critical juncture, when everyone is trying their best to get into the concert." Wen Shi smiled and said, "Isn't it just about fulfilling a wish? The great Meow Majesty can do it too."

The prerequisite for brainwashing others is to believe it yourself first. After writing the manuscript, he will not only show it to others, but also try hard to make himself trust the text.

"Let's use a hypnosis item." The players in the study room can even block their memories and temporarily become illiterate. There must be hypnosis items for sale in the game store.

The writer wrote the manuscript and used hypnotic props. When he gets ruthless, he even deceives himself!

"I am the reincarnation of His Majesty Meow," Wen Shi got into the state ahead of time and repeated nervously, "Where are the people of my Meow Kingdom now?"

I believe in me.

I am my only believer.

Ji Yuanzhi: “…”

After repeating it several times, Wen Shi's gaze suddenly fell on Ji Yuanzhi like a knife: "Father, you will be the high priest from now on."

Then he pointed his slender finger at Song Yan: "You, Cardinal."

High priest

Ji Yuanzhi considered giving the other party an expensive anti-mental pollution prop for free, just to prevent the plan of the Meow Meow Empire from being aborted.

He looked at Song Yan, ready to ask him to help persuade him, but Song Yan clasped his hands, looked up at Wen Shi who was standing on the fountain platform with admiration, and whispered, "Eternal God."

(End of this chapter)