Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 120: Mermaid Coast



The auditions have already begun.

Wen Shi's number was at the back of the queue, while You Shi was still in a long queue. From time to time, he heard some unpleasant words from the people around him. However, You Shi decided to endure it for the sake of his dream.

In the art appreciation class, the teacher mentioned that artists will face a lot of criticism after their debut, which is a sign of becoming famous.

Because of the contract, Youshi could sense that Wen Shi was also nearby. He turned his head and accurately locked onto Wen Shi who had just walked over. The latter had been looking at this place, like a parent outside the examination room.

Wen Shi clenched his fists and made a cheering gesture.

The other party had already been chosen to play the role of Shitou, and was originally not required to come, but he still accompanied him to the audition site and waited for feedback on the results.

This process of being cared for like a sapling made Youshi feel a sense of separation.

[Zombie's rationality value is 0.2]

Not far away, Wen Shi's fatherly and loving smile was tinged with a hint of ferocity.

Only 0.2? He was tired of saying the word "rebellious son".

When the zombies were about to appear, Ji Yuanzhi used his first skill [Hallucination], carried the camera in his hand, and entered the teaching building with the other party as if no one was around.

Wen Shi leaned against the lamppost, following the figures of the two people with his eyes. You Shi was assigned to examination room 102, which invisibly facilitated the implementation of the plan.

There were many students gathered at the door of classroom 102, paying close attention to the examination inside. If anything happened, the students would be the first to witness it.

He half closed his eyes and yawned slightly tiredly. About five or six minutes later, the noisy scene fell silent, and then a perfect, penetrating singing voice came over here.

It sounded very good, and Wen Shidu felt like his soul was cleansed for a moment.

After a brief silence, the area outside Quhe Building was in an uproar. Wen Shi heard someone shouting, "How is this possible? He can't possibly make such a sound." Some people even came up with the ridiculous possibility that they were twin brothers.

Several instructors in the classroom looked at each other in confusion, and one of them immediately made a phone call.

Not long after, Wen Shi saw the principal coming down from the second floor and walking towards the classroom.

[Nightingale Voice Changer] can only be used for five minutes at a time, and the detailed instructions also include a cooling time. If the principal lets the zombies sing another song, the singing voice of the dead will be restored.

Wen Shi had already told the zombies in advance that if they encountered such a situation, he should first say a few mysterious words and then pretend to faint. Anyway, his heart rate was different from that of ordinary people.

Just in case, Wen Shi decided to go to the scene in person to see it.

There were too many people and he couldn't even squeeze to the classroom door. A member of the student union was going against the flow. Everyone else was trying to squeeze in, but he was trying to get out.

"Make way, someone has fainted." The student union member warned, "If anyone pushes again, I will report everyone to the school leaders."

In the face of absolute authority, the students instantly quieted down a lot.

Wen Shi was not afraid of being reported, so he jumped forward nearly ten meters and asked, "What happened in there?"

The person being questioned temporarily forgot the gap between the new and old students, and said in a daze: "The special recruit who sang awfully suddenly sang a heavenly voice, but not long after he finished singing, he fainted, and before he fainted..."

The old student covered his mouth and whispered, "He was shouting something like 'King Asa'."

When Wen Shi was looking shocked, he clicked on the [Believers] column and began to issue the second instruction:

Spread the news about the tablet enshrined in the belly of the mermaid in the library.

The school had a school bus, and the corpse was carried out, put on the bus, and then taken to the school infirmary.

The scene was very chaotic. Wen Shi left the crowd and walked to a relatively open place. Not long after, Ji Yuanzhi also came.

He nodded, indicating that all the zombie assessment footage had been recorded.

Wen Shi: "The principal will definitely go to the school clinic to check for zombies. After all, the time of the coma is too coincidental."

Just as he was about to come up with a solution, Ji Yuanzhi interrupted: "Not coincidentally, I heard a mentor and a colleague whispering, worried that he might have had a miscarriage."

As he said this, he looked at Wen Shi with a very strange look.

What are you looking at me for

Wen Shi immediately responded: "He got pregnant because of the mutant pomegranate flower..."

"It's not important." Ji Yuanzhi said calmly, "At least your story makes sense. He sacrificed his child to King Asa in exchange for a good voice."

"… "

Ji Yuanzhi asked: "Can he stop the pregnancy temporarily?"

“… I’m afraid not.”

Ji Yuanzhi walked back into the crowd, snatched the smartphone from a student, and posted the video of the zombie singing on the forum.

With the open class video released by the student union as a reference, the comparison between the two shows that the Wandering Corpse has become the business card of the Usa Kingdom.

Wen Shi stood aside, watching new comments added to the forum every second, and nodded with satisfaction.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Ji Yuanzhi suddenly took back his phone, and the whole person seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

Wen Shi realized that he was using a hallucinogenic skill. After about five seconds, a clear voice came from behind: "Student Aaron."

The fish took the bait.

Wen Shi adjusted his expression, turned around and called out respectfully, "Teacher Ruan."

"Come with me."

The two turned into a deserted path, and this time Wen Shi took the initiative to speak: "You called me, is it because of classmate Yulia's matter?"

The instructor usually knows which students he is close to. He will specifically work on the wandering zombies in the first class. Sometimes there will be exchanges between classes. Except for him, others basically have no interaction with the wandering zombies.

Teacher Ruan stared at Wen Shi with sharp eyes: "Do you know something?"

Wen Shi pretended to hesitate and said, "Yulia has been acting strange recently. He came to me once and asked me if I believed in Asa. He said Asa could make all wishes come true. I thought he was joking. But yesterday..."

"Uriah suddenly said happily that he had found the most suitable sacrifice. When he said this, he kept his hands on his stomach."

Teacher Ruan frowned and listened.

He personally picked up the physical examination reports for the freshmen. The principal held a special meeting for this purpose. The fact that Youshi was pregnant was no secret among the school's top brass.

"Now that I think about it, what Yulia said was true." Wen Shi was horrified: "Otherwise, how could he have such a singing voice..."

Teacher Ruan did not come to a conclusion. This matter revealed too many strange things. However, this name "Asa" was not the first time it appeared. There was also a similar tablet in the belly of the deformed mermaid in the library.

Wen Shi has been in control of the conversation today. He lowered his voice and said, "Yesterday you mentioned the principal's heart-wrenching incident..."

Before Mr. Ruan could get murderous because of that unpleasant memory, he said quickly, "Why don't we make sure that Asa's rumor comes true? The principal will surely be very busy because of this."

Previously, Wen Shi used the unspoken rules as an excuse to play tricks, which made Teacher Ruan very unhappy, but the suggestion he proposed now is very feasible.

"... But it's definitely not easy to put into practice. Students have all kinds of wishes. Even if someone makes a wish to Asa, we can't fulfill everything..."

"What's so difficult about this?" Teacher Ruan said, "Pick a random student in class and give him a compliment or give him one or two points. Then spread the rumor that he worshipped Asa. If you do this twice, the rumor will be confirmed."

Even if the student denies it, others will only think that he wants to keep the benefits for himself.

This time Wen Shi was really stunned.

He originally wanted to persuade Teacher Ruan to pay money to the wandering corpses, use the zombies to win over believers, establish an open country of Uzza, attract the principal's attention, and use this method to confirm the existence of Asa.

I didn't expect that this stingy miser is actually a master of tactics.

"Your idea this time is very good." Teacher Ruan smiled gently but creepily, "It's worth my effort to squeeze you into the concert."

"…" I was able to play the role of a big rock. Thank you so much.


With the promotion of many parties, the rumor about King Asa soon spread all over the college. The principal began to crack down on the rumor and sent people to investigate the matter privately. Unfortunately, it was not up to him to decide what the students worshipped privately.

The number of believers on Wenshi’s attribute panel quickly exceeded two hundred.

When the number of believers reached 201, the game prompt sounded:

"Five special NPCs believe in King Asa's existence, and twelve special NPCs are skeptical."

School leaders, tutors of each grade, school doctors and other people with high status in the college are special NPCs.

"Panel updated."

Click to view when warm.

King Asa

Apostle No. 1: Ji Yuanzhi (candidate for high priest, real name in doubt)

Apostle No. 2: Song Yan (Cardinal candidate, real name in doubt)

Apostle No. 3: Yarlin (alternative missionary, real name is questionable)

Believers: 201 (click to view the list in detail)]

"Just as I thought..."

True and false are originally relative concepts. He now has loyal believers, and even several special NPCs believe that this king exists, so he does exist.

Ji Yuanzhi and others were able to appear on the list because they made contributions to the founding of the empire, but their contributions were not great enough.

However, Asa II, who was personally appointed by Wen Shi, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs have not made any substantial contributions and are not included in the panel for the time being.

"The third code name [King] has been generated for you."


There was silence for two seconds. This childish code name gave Wen Shi a subtle expression. He had a subtle feeling that this was a fork in his life where he deviated from the path arranged by his father.

[Doctor] and [Heir] are both related to the hospital, but [King] is a title that belongs entirely to Wen Shi.

The system prompt sound continues:

"I have given your subject Ji Yuanzhi the code name [Apostle No. 1]."

"Your subject Song Yan has been given the code name [Apostle No. 2]."

"Code name?!" It's a code number of one, two, and three.

Wen Shi's face changed. Ji Yuanzhi, who wanted to leave the organization, might want to kill him when he heard this code name.

On second thought, Ji Yuan knew he deserved it. This person who seemed to be the one who should have stopped him actually did an excellent job of finishing the work every time.


virtual reality.

There have been rumors recently that a wave of copies containing keys have been launched.

It is unknown how credible the rumor is, but the direct impact is that players' private transactions have become more frequent, and the number of elite players who actively go to the dungeon has increased significantly.

The trading area and the black market are two of the busiest places.

The data on the fan-shaped light screen that surrounds most of the area is constantly increasing or decreasing. The first area to notice the changes on the giant screen is the trade area. Ji Yuanzhi ranks very high in the game, so when anything happens to the players in the front row, he will be noticed first.


The seller, who was in the middle of a business conversation, was stunned: "Ji Yuanzhi's code has increased."

The original code name was [The Wise], but the code generated later has pushed [The Wise] to the back.

Ji Yuanzhi was already a well-known figure in the game, and when he shouted, many people immediately looked up.

"Apostle No. 1, what the hell?"

The original meaning of apostle is 'one who is sent'. It is really unreasonable to apply this to Ji Yuanzhi. Who could he be sent by? Yu Xingzhou

Everyone subconsciously looked at another giant screen, looking for the copy where Ji Yuanzhi was currently.

S-level copies were very limited and generally ranked at the front. It wasn't long before everyone locked onto Mermaid Coast. Among the people who squeezed to the front row of the screen, someone muttered, "I see a familiar player number."

"I also… "

Player 460872, Pei Wenwei has been in the limelight recently.

Wherever he is, there are outrageous things.

"Pei Wenwei's code name has also changed to King."

The King and Apostle No. 1 are connected no matter how you look at it, and their classes are clearly divided.

Someone said, "Ji Yuanzhi... isn't doing very well."

They entered the dungeon together, a king and an apostle, shouldn't they reflect on this

"Some members of the Second Commandment went to inform Yu Xingzhou. I wonder what he felt after hearing it."

Pei Wenwei is finished this time.

Many people were gloating over his misfortune. Ji Yuanzhi was Yu Xingzhou's right-hand man, and now he had condescended to be someone else's apostle. How could Yu Xingzhou not be angry

Yu Xingzhou is currently in the club. The signals in several rooms are blocked, so his subordinates can only go there in person to notify them.

Fearing that the president might be angry, the person who came to deliver the letter moved a little further away, praying that he would not be the target of the president's anger.

After listening to this, Yu Xingzhou was silent for a moment. His stern figure revealed a sense of sharpness, and the whole room was suddenly filled with a low pressure.

The subordinate secretly cursed himself for being so clueless. If he had known earlier, he would have used the communicator to contact other people and let other members pass on the message.

Just as he was thinking about it, Yu Xingzhou finally spoke: "Fortunately, I didn't make this bet."

The subordinate was stunned for a moment.

What the hell

This is not quite the same development as the rage I imagined.

Yu Xingzhou walked to the table and slowly wiped the bottle mouth. The muscle lines when he used the bottle opener were perfect. He poured a glass of wine and said lightly: "If I play this game, it might be Apostle No. 3."

Although he didn't know what happened exactly, he believed that his premonition was correct.

(End of this chapter)