Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 122: Mermaid Coast (Revised)


How hard did the students of the academy fight? Despite the collapse, after the lighting stand was pulled away, a new round of competition for the stage began.

The frightened senior student had her legs bruised and bruised, and was still immersed in the fear of betraying Asa, and was a little mentally ill.

"Get out of the way..." Her eyes were filled with fear, and she suddenly showed hostility towards everyone who approached her.

Grabbing a long sword used as a stage prop, she began to hack and chop randomly. Seeing that the senior sister's mental state was unstable, Teacher Qi finally knocked her out and called the school clinic to send a car to pick her up.

The scene was in chaos.

Wen Shi had achieved all the goals of this trip, so there was little point in staying. As soon as he stepped off the stage, he heard the fat man's complicated voice from the side: "Why bother?"

Securing a place to perform is already the best way to complete the main task.

Wen Shi laughed inwardly.

If you just slack off until the day of the performance, do you believe that the Mermaid King will whip you to death with his tail when you go on stage

He didn't say it explicitly, and it was obvious that the fat man didn't think that the difficulty of the S-level copy was just this, and he wanted to use this opportunity to see Wen Shi's reaction.

A coin appeared between his fingers like magic. Wen Shi smiled and answered irrelevantly: "I will live a hundred years."

His legacy is not something that just anybody is qualified to inherit.

The corridor was narrow, and Wen Shi and Jian Qingrong walked out one after another. After going out, he nodded towards the teaching building opposite.

Yarlin's mental power has been surrounding this place, and he can notice even the slightest movement.

The stage accident was resolved ahead of time, he left the rooftop, and the two met on a deserted path surrounded by dense forests.

"It's a very good performance." Yarlin first unconditionally praised Wen Shi's role as Shi Tou.

Jian Qingrong said sincerely: "It is indeed very good."

“…” Wen Shi reminded himself not to get lost in their praise.

On the way back, he began to think about his next plan: exploring the principal's dormitory.

In fact, if you want to know more clues, you can take the side quests issued by Teacher Ruan. The other party mentioned the heart before, which is the precursor to the next quest. However, Wen Shi chose to play it safe and avoid this kind of initial quest. As long as there is no clear instruction, he has the qualification to give up halfway at any time.

If you want to go to the principal's dormitory, you must first find out the principal's daily schedule so as to stagger your activities.

Normally, there are not many people in the staff dormitory during the day, but the principal is elusive, and Wen Shi doesn't want to gamble on this probability.

Fortunately, he doesn't have to solve all the problems by himself.

Ji Yuanzhi was not in the dormitory. Wen Shi waited for about half an hour before Ji Yuanzhi came back, followed by an unexpected person: Louis.

No matter how many times you see it, Louis' impeccable face is always impactful.

"Louis will work with us in the next two days." Ji Yuanzhi had already reached an agreement with Louis. Wen Shi did not ask about the specific details and simply nodded to show his agreement.

"The principal has been taking walks near the lake behind the campus from midnight to 2 a.m. recently. He lives alone on the first floor."

Louis opened his mouth and spilled a lot of information like pouring beans.

According to Ji Yuanzhi, Louis's skill is a real [Charm] skill.

Louis's ability to strongly attract NPCs is not just due to his skills. His charm value is very high, plus he has the aura of his achievements. All in all, even though the academy prohibits dating, senior students look down on freshmen and other restrictions, there is still a group of people who are fascinated by him.

Louis drew a sketch: "The principal and several other school leaders do not live in the same building as the general faculty and staff. They are in the same North District as us. The internal area should be very large, with the first and second floors connected, like a building within a building."

Wen Shi opened his mouth and said, "Can you find out all this?"

Ji Yuanzhi: "Louis charmed the dorm manager, and the two often chatted together."

"… "

Louis: "The dorm manager repeatedly stressed that the principal lived alone, saying that he had high standards and looked down on everyone. Several other students I asked also emphasized this more or less when they mentioned the principal."

When multiple NPCs discuss a common point, remember to be wary.

Ji Yuanzhi looked at the sketch and said, "The worst case scenario is that living alone implies the rule that only one person can enter the principal's residence at a time."

Several people were silent, and finally Wen Shi spoke first: "Let's go and take a look at it at night. If it doesn't work, one person can go in and the other two can keep watch outside."

He looked at Jian Qingrong, and without him saying anything, Jian Qingrong nodded: "I won't follow."

Sometimes the more people the better is not necessarily true. He can control a certain type of monster, but there are no such NPCs in the Mermaid Coast for him to command. If he insists on following them, he might not be able to escape as fast as these people at the critical moment, and Wen Shi would have to worry about him.

Jian Qingrong's expression was gloomy, but this weak position would soon end.

Wen Shi did not look away immediately, and the two of them looked at each other again unintentionally. Jian Qingrong concealed the vortex in his eyes and smiled faintly.

Wen Shi: “…”

There's something fishy going on. He's definitely plotting something.

Restriction is not the same as control. Wen Shi never tried to control Jian Qingrong's thoughts and actions. He just said one word: "Don't go too far."

In front of him, Jian Qingrong was always as docile as a large, tamed dog. He nodded, looking obedient.

Wen Shi had another adventure to go on in the evening, so his attention was now focused on the principal. He discussed several possible situations with Ji Yuanzhi and Louis and developed emergency plans.

On the other side, Yarlin calmly watched their discussion without adding any suggestions. After being rejected once before, he did not mention going with them again.

Twenty minutes later, Wen Shi had almost finished his discussion and was ready to drink some water, and Yaerlin handed him the cup.

"Thank you." Wen Shigang raised his cup and looked at Yaerlin with suspicion: "Brother, you..."

You've been weirdly quiet today.

"Brother will help you keep an eye on that person," Yaerlin glanced at Jian Qingrong and said softly, "Weren't you always worried that he would cause a biochemical crisis?"

Wen Shi nodded. That was true, but he felt that neither of them was easy to deal with. But before Wen Shi could say anything, Yaerlin reminded him caringly, "Be careful at night. Send a message every half an hour to let me know you're safe. I'll find you if I can."


The night came silently. It was too late to go through the main door of the dormitory. With Yaerlin there, Wen Shi saved the points for transformation. The other party directly used his mental power to send everyone, including him, from the balcony to the downstairs.

"My family is so strong, but I don't rely on them for support." After landing safely, Wen Shidu admired his own entrepreneurial spirit.

Louis knew very well that the premise of player cooperation was not to explore each other's secrets. Facing the "big brother" mentioned by Wen Shi, he forced himself to suppress his curiosity.

I don’t know if it’s because of the cloudy sky, but the night wind is particularly damp and cold.

Not long after leaving the dormitory building, the chill gradually deepened, and the school clinic not far away looked hideous in the night. The building where the principal was located was built in the quietest area of the entire campus, and to get there, one had to bypass the school clinic first.

The school clinic is not far from the dormitory building, separated by a lush shade of trees. There are many century-old trees in the college, and the branches make it even darker at night.

People always pay attention to the surrounding conditions and move forward slowly.

Louis likes to say ugly things up front: "I'd rather die than let my friend die. We are a temporary cooperative relationship. If there is danger later, we will all take care of ourselves, but I don't want to encounter a situation where we kill each other."

There are always some weirdos who like to push people or deliberately trip others when monsters come, and some even use props to slow down others.

"Don't worry." Wen Shi said, "We are not that kind of people."

"Hush." Ji Yuanzhi suddenly stopped and looked around vigilantly: "The air humidity has increased."

The changes were minor, and Wen Shi and Louis didn't notice them.

Water vapor condenses into ice flowers in low temperatures, and the long eyelashes almost stick together when it is warm.


After just two words, Ji Yuanzhi's [Hallucination] skill failed, which meant that the target was too close and had already noticed them.

Louis then used the highest level [Charm] skill, forcing them to emit a relatively friendly aura, causing the monsters that came over to restrain their murderous intent.

They didn't even walk half the distance to the principal's residence, and they were in danger as soon as they went out. If it wasn't for their bad luck, it was because the overall difficulty of the game increased after the turning point of the audition program.

"As long as you don't break the rules..."

Louis's fluke was interrupted by Ji Yuanzhi, who said coldly: "Don't forget what time it is now."

Coming out after dark is like dancing on a tightrope of rules.

"Blue." Wen Shi's eyes caught a glimpse of blue hair in the air, and the next moment, a huge mermaid appeared in front of them.

Wen Shi had encountered a mermaid before when he stole something from the cafeteria on the first night, but the visual impact was not as strong as it is now.

In terms of appearance, Louis' facial features are inferior to the mermaid's exquisiteness. The mermaid is suspended in the air, her upper body is like a human, and in the mist, her body below the waist is not very clear.

Unfortunately, that perfect face now only had an indescribable weirdness. Under the tree canopy, the magnified pale face was enough to make people feel like having a giant phobia.

When the mermaid moved closer to Wen, her gaze was cold and slimy.

The doubts that had been dispelled before reappeared. With every day that the Mermaid King got closer to reviving, the power of his people would increase.

The mermaid's perception had improved significantly compared to a few days ago, and its suspicion of Wen, which had just been dispelled, surged again.

"A similar smell..."

It was a sentence without a beginning or an end, but Wen Shi could understand its meaning from its cold eyes.

The meeting in the cafeteria made the mermaid remember her own scent.

But it is obvious that the other party is not too sure, otherwise he would not be alive today.

"In the recent story about King Asa, it is mentioned that he likes to transform into a black cat and walk at night."

This was a plot made up in Wen Shi's promotional material. He asked his followers to spread the story of King Asa, and it apparently also reached the ears of the mermaid.

Wen Shi didn't think about making excuses. No matter how much he insisted that it was not in the mermaid's eyes, it would be meaningless.

"It's dark under the lamp... just like us."

The humidity and coldness in the air increased, and people's skin on land was almost wrinkled from being soaked.

The mermaid made a bold judgment and looked at Wen Shi and said, "King Asa, who pretends to be weak..." His eyes fell on Ji Yuanzhi and Louis: "And his followers."

The deep and dense murderous intent in his pupils became stronger and stronger, and his hair, which was thicker than tree branches, was approaching the delicate throat of his prey.

Wen Shi knew that the mermaid was determined to kill them tonight.

Glancing at Louis who was desperately releasing the [Charm] skill to delay the mermaid's killing intent, Wen Shi had an idea.

The mermaid came out of the cafeteria because there have been too many rumors about King Asa recently. Teacher Ruan was confirming the existence of King Asa openly, while it was investigating secretly.

One bright and one dark, mermaids are indeed masters of tactics.

He quietly raised his eyelids and looked at the mottled wall of the school infirmary in front of him. The mermaids definitely didn't dare to go deeper into the transition zone from the school infirmary to the principal's dormitory, so they stopped them here.

After calming down, Wen Shi stared and said, "I am indeed not a human."

The sharp hair that was originally ready to cut off the prey's head stopped in mid-air because of this acknowledgement.

Ji Yuanzhi glanced at Wen Shi from the corner of his eye. If he acknowledged King Asa's identity now, given the arrogance of the mermaid, he would definitely kill the other party on the spot out of anger at being fooled, rather than caring about his usefulness.

Wen Shi: "Actually, I am a wild fox."

"… "

Not long after the outrageous words were spoken, a loose and agile tail appeared under the perfect waistline. The fox fairy's [broken tail] was not snow-white, but the color was very mixed, but it was quite fluffy, which set off Wen Shi's frail and small body.

After installing the [Tail Cutting], the tail completely blends in with Wenshi's body, and anyone who sees it will think it is a naturally grown fox tail.

Wen Shi looked at the attribute panel, but frowned slightly, and quickly adjusted his mood. The tail that appeared out of nowhere trembled because of fear, and his pale eyes contained a hint of well-disguised fear.

"I am half human and half fox, so I am considered half a fox fairy. Since there is a student in the academy who worships me, I am here specifically to protect her."

The absurd story came out of his mouth: "That night in the library, I used the little power I had to protect the worshiper. As a result, she was injured again today and is now in the school infirmary. I came to see if I could help her regain consciousness."

The senior student who wore the fox fairy jade pendant hasn't recovered yet and is recuperating in the school clinic. Everything Wen Shi said is perfectly consistent in terms of the story.

"… Anyone who worships the fox fairy must pay the price with their soul at the age of 20." Wen Shi's tone turned cold, "But before her 20th birthday, I need to protect her from harm."

No monster is merciful, and as a fox fairy he must possess a bit of cruelty.

Fox fairy is the most suitable identity. For the mermaid, it can be completely separated from the black cat and has value for utilization.

Louis' points were still being squeezed by the [Charm] skill, and he was almost bent over by this story.

The mermaid was slightly stunned by his story, and before she could fully react, she subconsciously looked at Ji Yuanzhi again.

"I am offering sacrifices to the fox fairy on my own accord, and I only pray that my father and son will be safe."

For some reason, the mermaid felt inexplicably angry about being teased. Just as she was about to explode, Ji Yuanzhi pushed his glasses and said, "Because I am the father of Yulia's child, I came to the school clinic tonight to see him."

"It's true." Wen Shi added calmly, "In Mr. Ruan's first class, Yulia was distracted when his name was called, and it was the child's father who reminded him to stand up and answer the question."

"… After that, Yulia was targeted, and the student union refused to give him a number for the audition. I went to queue up for him. We certainly wouldn't be nice to someone for no reason."

Without verifying its authenticity, this story is also seamless. The mermaid finally looked at Louis, and Wen Shi and Ji Yuanzhi also looked over, as if they just met him by chance and were not actually familiar with him.

Louis' temples were covered with sweat: "I... I..."

What am I? What should I be

Although we had agreed beforehand that I would rather die than have a friend die, meeting these two people was more terrifying than meeting teammates who were killing each other.

Louis looked at Wen Shi and wagged his big tail innocently. Ji Yuanzhi had a look of indifference on his face. For a moment, there was only one thought in his mind: If I cooperate with them again, I will be a dog!

He had originally forcibly increased his friendship level in preparation for escape, but seeing that the two men didn't run away, he didn't run away either. Now he was so regretful.

As the mermaid looked at Louis, Winshi mouthed: I can save you, do you want to be saved

Louis himself had a trump card to save his life, but it was not certain that he could escape from the mermaid's nose. With the attitude of saving as much as possible, he nodded lightly.

Wen Shi glanced at Ji Yuanzhi and asked him further if he needed any care.

Mermaids are not fools. Once the effect of Louis's irreplaceable charm wears off, they will still die.

Ji Yuanzhi was silent for a moment. Pei Wenwei's desire to save people was itself a horror story.

Louis nudged him lightly with his elbow. Someone came to his rescue for free, so why hesitate about such a good thing

(End of this chapter)