Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 125: Mermaid Coast


Using the last bit of time, Wen Shi quickly restored the house to its original state, only recovering the torn fragments of the report and the letter.

After doing all this, the black cat rolled twice in the dirty clothes in the washing machine, and then left through the main door.

The fierce dogs in the small garden heard the sound of the unit door opening, and some of them raised their heads. The most vicious black dog still had blood and flesh left over from the morning hanging between its teeth. Wen Shi saw something similar to human finger bones in one of the dog bowls. Thinking of Lily's missing class representative, his eyes darkened instantly, and the little pleasure he had felt before also disappeared with the night wind.

Even the slightest deviation in the copy could result in total destruction.

"Be careful."

Wen Shi warned himself not to walk on a tightrope, but to use an iron rope to connect the boat. Leaving a way out is the way to survive.

At present, these fierce dogs pose no threat to him.

After the investigation of the principal's residence, it was much easier to get out than to get in. Now there was no need to climb through the window and pass through the small garden, and even if the dog barked, he could escape in time.

I don’t know if it was the principal’s scent that had some effect, or if the black cat was too fast, but when it shot out like an arrow, it didn’t cause any dog to bark.

Before the validity period of the body transformation was completely over, Wen Shi ran all the way, trying to avoid the bushes as much as possible. When passing by the school infirmary, he paused for a moment to make sure that the mermaid had not come back before continuing to run.

Not far away, the door of the dormitory building was locked.

When using the body transformation, other items will be temporarily allowed to be put into the backpack. Wen Shi hid in a secluded place. As soon as he took out his mobile phone, he saw the text message sent by Ji Yuanzhi ten minutes ago:

[Return quickly, there was an explosion near the lake, the dormitory manager is checking each dormitory one by one. ]

Wen Shi typed the following line of words: [Someone come pick me up.]

After sending the message, he quickly ran to the place where he had come down from the balcony.

There was only one dorm manager, and it would take a while to check them one by one. If he went back now, he should be able to catch up. Wen Shi looked up anxiously. When he looked up for the third time, a black shadow appeared in the air. The shadow flickered a few times in his pupils. Before Wen Shi could react, the black shadow disappeared, and there was one more person on the ground.

The person who came was Yaerlin. Since the dormitory manager might check the dormitory at any time, he was the most suitable person to pick people up.

"Brother." The kitten waved its paw.

Yarlin accurately found the cat as black as silk in the night, half-knelt down, and picked it up with one hand.

Compared to Song Yan's strange mirror body, the warm little kitten was much loved by Yaerlin. It felt soft, like a baby that had not been weaned.

Wen Shi urged in a low voice: "Brother, hurry up."

"We can make it in time." Yaerlin used his mental power to find out the location of the dormitory manager and said with a smile, "We just arrived on the fifth floor."

Before Wen Shi could breathe a sigh of relief, his whole body took off.

Yarlin's mental power was like a fluid soft membrane, naturally sticking to his side, completely blocking the chill brought by the night wind. For the first time, he experienced the feeling of truly flying over eaves and walls.

They successfully arrived at the balcony of the dormitory. Wen Shi pointed to the location of Song Yan's bed, and Yaerlin understood and lay down on it.

In just two seconds, there was a knock on the dormitory door. Wen Shi turned back into a human and went to open the door. He couldn't see Jian Qingrong's expression in the dark, but Wen Shi could feel his regret for not being able to touch the cat.

Just one look and Jian Qingrong went to bed obediently.

After the door opened, the dormitory manager poked her head in, shining the flashlight on her dry face. She asked grimly, "What are you dawdling about for?"

Wen Shi smiled sheepishly: "The other roommates slept soundly."

The dormitory manager looked at the beds one by one with a flashlight. Just as she was about to go in, a gust of wind blew past, causing her brain nerves to hurt for a moment. It seemed as if sand had entered her eyes, causing her to see things unclearly.

She rubbed it vigorously, and after vaguely confirming that every bed was occupied, she wanted to check further.

Wen Shi noticed the abnormality of the dormitory manager and knew that it was Yaerlin who did it. He took the opportunity to whisper: "I just saw a flying insect in your eyes. It's better to wash them."

The dormitory manager also felt more and more uncomfortable the more she rubbed her eyes, with pain and itchiness around them. She finally decided to go to the bathroom first, warned the students sternly not to run around at night, and then left the dormitory.

Wen Shi breathed a sigh of relief and closed the door.

He took out the [small lantern] and when he saw Ji Yuanzhi open his eyes, he asked, "Is everything okay?"

He was going to start recycling data.

Ji Yuanzhi looked at Wen Shi deeply and said only one sentence: "Louis is worse off than me."

During those fifteen minutes of orphan time, Ji Yuanzhi didn't want to mention what happened.

Wen Shi hesitated for a moment and asked, "Is the mortality rate high?"

He would have to make a reference to it and see whether to rely mainly on force or intelligence to eliminate the negative effects of [Tail Cutting], so as to further determine what kind of teammates could use it in the future.

Ignoring the tragic experience in the first fourteen minutes, Ji Yuanzhi picked out the least serious incident and said: "With only one minute left, I climbed the stairs back to the dormitory and thought everything was over. When I was about to reach the third floor, I encountered a player who was thrown out of the window by a monster and was almost crushed to death."

Seeing that there was still a living person hanging outside, the monster was not willing to let him go easily and immediately launched an indiscriminate attack.

While Ji Yuanzhi was releasing props to save people, he also had to deal with monsters. Coincidentally, the broadcast notified the dormitory inspection, and he took the time to send a text message to Wen Shi, notifying him to come back quickly.

After listening to the other party's series of seamless experiences, Wen Shixu smiled and said, "... You've worked hard."

The next ten minutes were very quiet in the dormitory. After a while, Yaerlin said, "The dormitory manager has come downstairs."

He withdrew his mental strength, half-closed his eyes, and there was a hint of fatigue in his expression.

If the mental power is released for too long, it will consume a lot of energy. Yaerlin didn't want to move at all. In the end, he just lay down on Song Yan's bed and fell asleep.

Before going to bed, he forgot to remind Song Yan about things related to him.

In fact, Wen Shi was still subconsciously thinking about the apostles far away, and he did not forget to cover for them when he checked their bedrooms.

Ji Yuanzhi sent a message to Louis, reminding him that the dormitory manager had left and he could come to find them.

Louis came very quickly, and Wen Shi was slightly frightened when he opened the door. Dirty face, hair standing up like a jinx... and ragged clothes. Now that the data has been collected, Wen Shi didn't want to ask him what happened, so he just invited him in.

He didn't ask, and Louis had a lot of complaints but couldn't vent them, and he just felt a lump in his chest.

The previous brainwashing feeling of being moved by Wen Shi’s risky behavior was about to be washed away.

Louis decided not to let himself down, and opened his mouth to bombard the negative effects of [Tail Cutting]. The moment he opened his mouth, Wen Shixian dumped a pile of fragments on the table.

Louis' attention was successfully diverted: "What the hell?"

"I found it at the principal's residence." Wen Shi said, "In order to sneak in, I wasted a powerful skill that can only be used once per game."

There is no such thing as waste, the skill itself is used to collect information to pass the level.

But as soon as Wen Shi said this, Louis, who was just reaping the benefits, was too embarrassed to say anything and just honestly pieced the fragments together.

Wen Shi guessed that the principal was ill, but he didn't have the patience to piece the pieces together. While Louis was piecing together the physical examination report with a great sense of accomplishment, Wen Shi began to tell other key information.

"The Mermaid King was divided into four parts and sealed in the academy. The principal knows the location."

Louis, who was working on a puzzle, subconsciously wanted to ask about the Mermaid King, but Ji Yuanzhi spoke before him: "The principal should have plenty of mermaid meat to eat."

Wen Shi took out the letter and said, "According to what is written here, many residents who want to eat the mermaid king's flesh will be dominated by the pitiful thoughts of the mermaid. I don't know how the principal managed to dig out the heart in the first place."

Ji Yuanzhi quickly read through the contents of the letter: "The answer is here."


Ji Yuanzhi said slowly: "Pollution."

Wen Shi thought for a moment, then said, "The principal has not read the letter. He may only know that the older generation used pollution sources to deal with mermaids, but he doesn't know that mermaids were not so powerful at the beginning. Pollution sources played an indispensable role in their current strength."

"Now it matches." Wen Shi narrowed his eyes.

The Mermaid King has been sealed for so long, there is no reason for him to suddenly revive. If the principal made a stupid mistake in the early stage and launched an unauthorized polluting attack on the Mermaid King, then it would be normal.

Ji Yuan knew: "If I can get the heart in the principal's hand, I can go the warrior route in the future and beat up the NPCs."

Guarding a mermaid king, the principal was still looking for other mermaids, which meant that he didn't dare to eat the meat that had not been metabolized. The heart must still be there, but it was controlled by the principal in another form.

Mermaids are not only good at mental pollution, but their bodies are also very strong. The fact that the principal has been able to control them for so many years shows the usefulness of their hearts.

“…” As expected, the mermaid king’s heart is so swollen.

Wen Shi coughed lightly: "The principal only has half a pill in his hand."

Ji Yuanzhi nodded but didn't mention the other half. It was obvious that the other party had obtained some clues independently and was ready to get it.

Half for each person and no competition, it's perfect.

Louis: “It’s done!”

“… The medical examination report showed that the principal had a terminal illness. The CT scan was taken a long time ago, but the principal does not look like someone with a terminal illness.”

After speaking like a string of bullets, Louis did not see any excitement on Wen Shi's face, as if he had known it for a long time.

Wen Shi cooperated promptly, gave a thumbs up and said, "You have discovered very important information."

Thanks for the verification.

Louis: “…” Can you be a little more perfunctory

Wen Shi got back to the point: "We must find the dismembered torso before the concert."

When Louis went on dungeons before, he tried his best to collect clues. When he spent only one night with Wen, he was desperately fed information by the other party.

He had not participated in the previous cooperation, and there was still a lot of missing information. His mind unconsciously followed the other party: "What happens after we find it?"

Wen Shi's expression was indescribable: "Games are not dead."

The torso must be a trigger point. The game will naturally assign tasks as to what to do after finding it. Even if there is no such a trigger point, they can try the sealing items in the mall to delay the awakening time of the Mermaid King.

Louis seemed to realize that he had asked a stupid question. He hadn't recovered from the fifteen minutes of being an orphan yet, and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"It's time to pick peaches." Wen Shi suddenly looked at Ji Yuanzhi and said.

Ji Yuanzhi nodded.

Previously, he had passed on the key information to the players who had done the dirty work through his roommate who was the class representative. Now that they were done with the audition program, it was time for these people to put the revival of the Mermaid King on the agenda.


Every dark night is a good time for players to cause trouble.

After the dormitory manager finished checking the dormitories, some people couldn't wait to leave the dormitory building.

The Six Commandments president held something in his hand and said to the girl in the same team, "Principal, I will personally watch over you. You can follow Teacher Qi later."

Then he said to another teammate: "You are responsible for following Lily."

"Remember, don't get close to NPCs, and be ready to use invisibility items at any time."

The girl hesitated for a moment: "Then Teacher Ruan..."

"I made a deal with the people from [Wangcai Bank], and Fatty will keep an eye on it."

[Wangcai Bank] not only has dangerous lending business, they also take private jobs, and there is basically no risk in conducting such private transactions.

As the Six Commandments president spoke, he rubbed the silver metal ball in his palm with his fingertips. This was one of the very few props that could cause an explosion, but it was far less powerful than real explosives.

That day in the castle, A Ling used it to blow up the stairs leading to the attic to help Wen Shi buy time.

Tonight is a very good opportunity. There was an explosion on campus. I can take this opportunity to become a forerunner and attribute all subsequent explosions to the previous person.

The president of the Six Commandments stood in front of the teaching building, snapped his fingers, and the [Little Steel Egg] rolled to the side of the stairs. After about a few seconds, accompanied by a loud roar, a hole was blown directly in the outer wall of the teaching building.

He did not retreat because of the aftermath of the explosion, but left a card at the scene: From now on, blow up one place every ten minutes.

Amid the dark ruins, the exquisite card is particularly eye-catching.

The smell of gunpowder penetrated his nose, and the Six Commandments leader found a secluded place to hide.

Before the explosion attracted anyone, the teammate whispered, "Can you trust what the class representative's roommate said?"

Even with the dual constraints of polygraphs and contract props, it does not mean that what your roommate says is necessarily true. If the information collected is false, these detection props are useless.

The Six Commandments leader shook his head and said, "It's not important."

Regardless of whether it is as the other party said, the Mermaid King's early awakening is beneficial to the completion of the copy, they must first know the whereabouts of the Mermaid King before they have a chance to respond flexibly.

The word "awakening" means that the Mermaid King is sleeping or sealed. The main venue of the copy is Pearl Academy. The academy is now closed. If there is really a Mermaid King, it is likely to be on campus.

"Someone is coming." said the girl.

In the distance, several figures were already approaching.

"Don't lose him later." The Six Commandments president was very good at using the game mechanism. Among the key NPCs, there must be one who was related to the Mermaid King. If the principal knew the whereabouts of the Mermaid King, under the shadow of the explosion warning, he would first send people to check the important places where the Mermaid King was. If it was other NPCs, they would also take some actions. As long as you follow them, you will find something.

Dormitory building, room 502.

Wen Shi: “Wow.”

Seeing the flames caused by the explosion through the window, he praised the person who had attacked him: "He wanted to use the explosion to observe the reactions of the NPCs. With the explosion just now, the principal will not suspect the students afterwards."

Considering their hatred towards the academy, only mermaids would do something so crazy and have the ability to do such a crazy thing.

The prerequisite for implementing this plan is to have available manpower, and each team member must not be too weak, so that they can keep an eye on the key NPCs.

Louis rubbed his hands together: "Then we will follow too."

Wen Shi remained indifferent and looked at Ji Yuanzhi, who nodded slightly.

Although they didn't say it explicitly to each other, they both had a basic guess about each other's skills.

Previously, Wen Shi had specifically pointed out to Ji Yuanzhi several suspected culprits. Ji Yuanzhi remembered the appearance of these people. Afterwards, Ji only needed to meet them and use the [Information Omniscient] to interpret what clues the other party had.

The backlash of targeted interpretation will be huge. I hope it will be of some use to the young leeks struggling out there, and not waste their skills.

"It's worth celebrating." Wen Shi was about to stand up when Jian Qingrong handed him the cup.

Ji Yuanzhi’s water cup was right behind him.

Louis suddenly came to their dormitory, thinking that he was going to do something, and subconsciously spent one point to buy a cup from the mall.

"It's time to cut leeks," Wen Shi said with a smile, "Cheers, everyone!"

Louis: “…”

(End of this chapter)