Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 130: Mermaid Coast


While the killing was raging outside, Wen Shi was still in the hidden space at the bottom of the lake, face to face with a black shadow that suddenly appeared.

He couldn't see the other person's face clearly because of the swirling black air, but the strong sense of crisis made Wen Shi take a step back reflexively when he heard the "Hi".

The Qingmu sword appeared in his hand again. Wen Shi clenched it tightly and looked at the black shadow with scrutiny.

It was magical, even though he couldn't see the real face, he felt that the face was somewhat familiar.

This body shape couldn't possibly be a mermaid. Normally, the appearance and temperament of the monsters transformed from dead NPCs wouldn't be so outrageous. Wen Shi suddenly thought of a possibility and blurted out two words: "Shadow?"

The boy mentioned that Jian Qingrong did not get off the K9999 train.

The game itself is related to this, as it gives out tickets to the final destination as special rewards.

The man did not answer and started to move to the other side. A few wisps of smoke separated from the limbs formed by the black mist and entangled the five finger bones of the human skeleton. When the other party was unable to break free, the black mist spread further and forcibly touched the fish scales.

The moment the scales were touched, it was like a leaping fish, stirring in a spiral, trying to cut and crush the other's limbs. The token left by the mermaid king was robbed, and the human skeleton was not freed from the spiritual pollution after death, because of anger, the remaining bones in the body were shaking wildly at the same time.

However, the black fog would recover no matter how many times it was shattered. Ignoring the fish scales that were like a meat grinder, the man simply used his other hand to pull out the dagger that was almost deeply embedded in the bone.

The dagger, which was once stained with a few drops of the Mermaid King's blood, was controlling the skeleton's will all the time. After it was pulled out, all the connection points of the bones were broken in an instant, and the white bones were scattered all over the ground.

The shadow successfully removed the scales and moved on to the beating heart.

One meter, ten centimeters, watching the strange limbs getting closer and closer to the space crack, Wen Shi was on guard against the shadow while thinking sadly: It's over, my peaches have been picked.

As easy as taking something out of a bag, the heart was firmly held in Shadow's hand without any surprise.

He turned back to Wen Shi's direction.

As Wen Shi was extremely alert, Shadow said in a very light and cold voice: "There is only one way to use the power of the heart... parasitism. If you are parasitized, you will be completely mutated."

Thinking of the fishy smell he smelled on the principal, and leaving aside his unknown identity and stance, Wen Shi believed that what Shadow said was very credible.

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to want to embarrass him, Wen Shi tried to negotiate and asked, "What if we use it on monsters? For example, zombies or something like that."

The old ghost had almost no flesh on his body, which made it impossible for him to hold a heart. Jian Qingrong would probably look down on someone else's heart. Wen Shi then thought of his rebellious son.

The shadow was "looking" at him. Wen Shi had been standing opposite for a long time and was frozen by the icy aura. The strength between the enemy and us was quite different, so he prepared to retreat first.

After taking a few steps back, Shadow suddenly stretched out his arm and handed over half of the heart in his hand.

The benefit was right in front of him, and Wen Shi paused, not knowing whether he should take it.

He couldn't grasp the shadow's personality, and when he copied the original body's data, the shadow's emotions were not copied.

If Wen Shi doesn't reach out to take it, the shadow will remain in the same posture.

After a few seconds of stalemate, Wen Shi finally raised his arm. His pure white hand formed a sharp contrast with the black mist. The shadow lowered his head slightly. Although he had no eyes, Wen Shi had the illusion that he was being stared at. He quickly took out the heart.

The feeling of slippery, wet and soft half a heart beating in the palm of the hand was definitely not pleasant. Within a moment, it suddenly became limp, as if it was trying to force its way into Wen Shi's flesh.

He frowned: "Zombies."

The zombie appeared in a school uniform with dense spider silk stuck between the sleeves. The only decent set of clothes was messed up by the fat man's props.

Wen Shi let go of the heart in time and threw it to it without any nostalgia.

The zombie took the heart and looked at it for a few seconds, then naturally placed it on the right side of his chest. The heart dissolved the fabric of his clothes, and his school uniform was completely in disarray. Half of the heart sank into the subcutaneous tissue very quickly, and the zombie's breath was visibly getting stronger.

The game prompt sounded:

"Zombie's loyalty to you is 1."

"… "

Wen Shi stood there in a daze for three seconds, then realized what had happened.


is one!

For a moment, Wen Shi strongly felt that this was a huge number. A loyalty point increase of one point seemed to be more valuable than ten thousand points.

"In my lifetime."

Wen Shi murmured in a low voice, his upturned mouth corners and erected kitten ears were seen in another form by Shadow, who slowly uttered a word: "Stupid."

After saying that, Shadow suddenly reached out.

When Wen Shi stepped back, Shadow said dryly, "Give up the reward for your heart."

The cold mist finally touched the soft cat ears. Shadow stayed there for only a few seconds before retracting his hand and speaking illogically: "It's not my hand that's touching you."


"It's the brain." Shadow spoke slowly: "My brain has its own ideas."

"… "

There was no way to communicate. Wen Shi checked the attribute panel. In addition to loyalty, the biggest improvement was in skill, spanning four degrees at a time.

[Skill: Heavenly Sound lv5

Single duration: 1min

Skill Cooldown: 24h

Your zombie has half the heart of a merman. Mermen have the most beautiful singing voices in the world, but hearts cannot sing.

A living being that is doubly polluted by noise and mental pollution will feel weak and tired within a minute.

In addition, the heart can only play its greatest role when it is parasitic in the body. Your zombie can only get partial feedback of its power, but it seems to have signs of promotion.]

"…" Unfortunately, the zombie is dead.

But it was a pleasant surprise to be able to advance.

No matter what Shadow's purpose was, now that he had gained definite benefits, Wen Shi still said "thank you".

Shadow's only purpose in this trip seemed to be the scales, and he was unmoved by the zombies devouring his heart. He even had a playful mood like a child, spinning the scales in the air, jumping from his left hand to his right hand. Shadow's movements were very fast, and after a few back and forth movements, he bent his fingers and stretched his clenched fist in front of Wen Shi.

Wen Shi wondered: "Let me guess which hand it is in?"

Shadow nodded.

Shadow opened his palm, which was empty.

Wen Shi was silent for a few seconds. Shadow is not a game. There will be no boring multiple-choice questions, and there will be no punishment for making the wrong choice.

Since the result is not important, only the process remains. Shadow wants to express something through the game process.

While he was still in deep thought, Shadow left with the scales without saying a word.

Wen Shi suddenly asked: "Will we meet again?"

Any nod from the other party means there will be trouble in the future. I hope this trouble will not come too early.

"Very soon." Shadow gave a precise answer.

"… "

After the scales were taken away, the space that was separated by the scales disappeared as well. The overwhelming lake water suddenly rushed in from all directions, and Wen Shi was submerged in the surging and turbulent water. However, he did not dare to splash too hard, fearing that the mermaid had not left yet.

He held his breath and floated upwards. When he was close to the water surface, he carefully stuck half of his head out. His alert triangular ears carefully captured all the subtle movements around him. After making sure that nothing was wrong, he climbed ashore.

The smell in the air is a bit choking.

Wen Shi looked around and saw a subtle mushroom cloud in the distant sky, mixed with flames. All the broadcasts on campus started to announce at the same time—

"All teachers and students are not allowed to go out unless it is urgent!"

"All dormitory managers are requested to check the dormitories promptly!"

Listening to the broadcast one after another with an expressionless face, Wen Shi thought that after the principal was also sent on his way, he would be the first one to make the dormitory manager unemployed.

The zombie's skill is still in the cooldown period, so it is unlikely to use it to assassinate the principal, so the only option is to kill with a borrowed knife.

—Borrow the mermaid’s knife.

Wen Shi didn't know that Yaerlin was already borrowing this knife.

He called Ji Yuanzhi and asked if the location of other mermaid trunks had been found.

"How can it be so easy?" Ji Yuanzhi said in a light tone, "I'm busy with other things. Teacher Ruan and the Mermaid King are fighting. When he successfully devours the Mermaid King, he will naturally be able to sense the location of the torso. In order not to be killed by the principal, he must devour the torso immediately."

Wen Shi was stunned for a moment and asked, "Then what are you busy with?"

"The remote party is using all means to slow down the principal's pace. The players of [Wangcai Bank] seem to be doing the same thing." Ji Yuanzhi paused and said, "I sent Louis to do something else."

Wen Shi said: "I'll go find you now."

"You can't help here, so don't go to the mermaid." Ji Yuanzhi didn't know what he was doing, and there was a constant noise coming from the phone: "In addition to Teacher Ruan and the Mermaid King, another mermaid was also summoned to help."

Having offended mermaids several times, Wen Shi is very self-aware. He will definitely be the primary target as soon as he shows up.

Jian Qingrong and the little octopus were doing the devouring work, so it was impossible for me to join in the fun and eat with them.

Wen Shi tried hard to think about what else he could do, and an idea suddenly came to his mind: "Oh, Teacher Lily, she will definitely help the principal, I..."

"Louis will take care of it."

Wen Shi was completely silent.

Being in the academy filled with the smell of gunpowder and chaos everywhere, it seemed that he could not find any place where he could shine.

"What else can I do?" he asked.

Ji Yuanzhi thought about it and suggested seriously: "Go back to the dormitory and sleep."

Answering the phone would affect his efficiency, so he hung up directly.

"… "

There was only a busy tone on the phone. Wen Shi looked up at the dark sky, silent.

After a while, he pressed a series of numbers skillfully, but hung up when the call was about to go through. Wen Shi remembered that Jian Qingrong's phone was still with Yaerlin, and the only way to contact him was to meet in person. He walked to the library. According to the previous plan, Jian Qingrong would bring the torso of the mermaid king to the library.

It was easy to find one octopus per person. They didn't even go into the library, but had their meal in a corner outside.

The little octopus has grown a little taller, actually because its strength has increased. Now it is starting to learn to stand up straight like a human.

Jian Qingrong was no different from usual. It had been a long time since he saw Wen Shi use the incomplete body transformation. There was a strange light flashing in his eyes.

Wen Shi walked over, took his hand and put it on his ear: "Touch it."

Jian Qingrong was stunned.

After a few seconds, he gently reached out his other hand to Wen Shi's forehead to make sure he didn't have a fever.

Wen Shi mentioned that he was not needed in any place, and shrugged, "Now my ears and tail are useless, so bringing you some mental pleasure can be considered as a recovery."

He had originally wanted to try out whether the incomplete spiritual body could still be used, and it turned out that it could, but the points consumed would be calculated based on the price of a complete physical transformation.

The slightly complaining tone in his voice made Jian Qingrong smile for the first time in front of him: "How could you be completely useless?"

Wen Shi looked at him: "For example?"

Jian Qingrong thought about it with careful logic, and at the same time, the nine brains of the little octopus also thought about it.

Finally, Jian Qingrong spoke up: "Why don't you go back and get some sleep?"

After coming here, Wen Shi didn't sleep well for a few days.

The noisy broadcast was still playing in a loop. Jian Qingrong continued, "Look, the broadcast also announced that they are checking the dormitories."

go to sleep.

"… "

(End of this chapter)