Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 131: Mermaid Coast


When the whole world was advising Wen Shi to go to bed, his casual expression suddenly became serious. In an instant, his whole body tensed up and he looked alertly towards somewhere ahead.

Is it an illusion

He seemed to have just heard the sound of a leopard.

The weird thing is that this sound was not heard from the ears, but more like an explosion from deep within the mind.

The teacher's dormitory building was still a long way from here, and the low roar of Yaerlin's spirit body was too far away to be transmitted. But because of the summoning relationship, Yaerlin and Wen Shi always had a vague spiritual connection, and Wen Shi would occasionally feel the movement of the spirit body.

Jian Qingrong: "It could be the noise that broke out during the battle."

Wen Shi nodded.

The already humid air on campus is now so dense that inhaling it into the nasal cavity will cause breathing obstruction.

The temperature around him dropped rapidly. Even though he was not at the scene, he could imagine how fierce the battle on the other side was.

Wen Shi: "Brother said that the exhibition hall would be handed over to him, so this is what he meant."

Force the Mermaid King to wake up early. Once the Mermaid King chooses to devour Teacher Ruan to increase his strength, they can close the net in advance. NPPC, Yaerlin assisted from the side, and it did not constitute the suspicion of relying too much on the power of others to pass the level.

"Things should go more smoothly than expected."

There are some hidden boosters available.

For example, although the fat man dreams of dying so that he can inherit the inheritance, the mermaid camp needs to complete the goal of getting rid of the principal, and the overall direction is consistent with them.

Wen Shi prayed to the moon: "I hope Teacher Ruan can do better."

At least for now, swallow the mermaid king quickly.

Because of his doubts about the quality of the game, Wen Shi relaxed for a moment, and suddenly tried to call up the game in his mind again.

"Assuming that Mr. Ruan succeeds in devouring it, you will not classify Mr. Ruan as the new mermaid king?"

After a while, when Wen Shidu gave up waiting for a response, a cold voice sounded: "Player 460872."


"Games don't nest dolls."

"… oh."


While Wen Shi and Youxi were criticizing each other's character, other people were evacuating from the faculty dormitory.

The academy teacher who had been obsessed with finding real mermaid flesh to eat for half his life felt only endless chill when three mermaids appeared at the same time.

I want to die. I want to die. I want to die.

With the same thought replaying in his mind, one of them stumbled downstairs: "Principal, go find the principal!"

The principal is their reassurance.

However, these people don’t know that the principal is not trustworthy.

The principal is a typical smiling tiger with a cold and untrustworthy character.

Among the school's top brass, apart from Lily, who was willing to do anything to eat human flesh and occasionally had a fleeting romance with him, only Teacher Qi, whose family had been teaching at Mingzhu College for generations, could be trusted. The principal treated everyone equally and secretly guarded against everyone else. Recently, because of the "night attack" on Teacher Ruan, the principal was reluctantly willing to give him some things to do.

This vigilance is effective. Several years ago, the principal successfully captured a real mermaid in private and used the mermaid meat to further win over the top leaders.

Unfortunately, he was too stingy. Eating a large amount of fully cooked mermaid meat could effectively enhance physical strength. If the principal was more generous, he could have formulated emergency countermeasures. Even without him, the faculty and staff could have barely dealt with the mermaids for a while.

Someone looked back while running and was surprised to find that these mermaids were not rushing towards them first, but two were besieging one.

He couldn't help but slow down his pace a little and rubbed his eyes, only to find that of the two mermaids, one of them had almost only its head left, and the rest of its body was made entirely of condensed water mist.

In mid-air, the two fighting parties did not have the kind of life-and-death hatred. One had a blank expression, and the other was in complete disbelief.

"Why did you betray me?" During the fight, the mermaid who was previously injured by Wen Shi's sword skills asked angrily.

How could he, who was seriously injured, be a match for Teacher Ruan? After a few strikes, many more cuts appeared on his body.

At the moment of close attack, Teacher Ruan finally responded coldly: "I was never the first to betray."

In fact, ever since it saw Teacher Ruan covered in blood, the mermaid had already made a rough guess. The loyal nature of it made it try to persuade him to put the overall situation first even when it felt a little sad. Everything was to welcome the king's return.

Fortunately, Wen Shi was not present, otherwise he would definitely be surprised at the thinking of true believers. Compared with the Usa Empire and the mermaids, they suddenly had the brilliance of humanity.

The mighty leopard stood not too far away, and whenever the mermaid king wanted to rescue, it would use its mental power to interfere.

The power of the spiritual body alone cannot defeat the Mermaid King, but the Leopard is more flexible and has a first-class ability to create trouble and block positions.

The mermaid's attack method has always been cruel and direct. Teacher Ruan accurately seized the time period when the mermaid king was disturbed and severely attacked his former companion, severely injuring the mermaid's bloody tail scales, and countless sharp hairs were stuck in his flesh and blood.

The seriously injured mermaid stared at him and said weakly: "Then let the king devour me, and you two work together to deal with the people from the academy."

All the tendons in the mermaid's tail were cut, and Teacher Ruan shook his head: "Not enough."

It is too weak, and swallowing it won't have much effect.

Not far away, the leopard's amber eyes were full of mockery. It had long understood that betrayal needed a reason, so that it could be more thorough.

Under normal circumstances, when Teacher Ruan saw his seriously injured companions, he would choose to understand the Mermaid King's decision to devour him. Now he has been able to abandon his mermaid nature and stand in the position of the victim with peace of mind. Even Yaerlin's previous fabrication that the principal could sense the Mermaid King's believers through their hearts was used as an excuse.

Even if the king falls, he can still lead the mermaid tribe to prosperity.

Ignoring his companion who could no longer float in the air, Teacher Ruan looked towards the Mermaid King.

The Mermaid King had a gloomy look on his face. After the previous few rounds, he probably had a certain understanding of the Leopard's auxiliary role of controlling the field but not leaving.

After a moment's stalemate, its expression became calm and peaceful, and a layer of light ice-blue scales appeared on its pale face, as thin as a cicada's wing, covering it and looking no different from skin at first glance.

As its mouth opened and closed, a mournful cry was heard.

The rarest and most unique talent of the Mermaid King is that he can sing as long as he has a tongue. After the zombie got the heart, the ability to make the living body feel weak all over was also inherited from him.

Real singing is far more powerful than the [sound of nature].

The notes flowed around in a contradictory state of slowness yet speed. The exhausted faculty and staff stopped unconsciously, having the illusion of a broken heart.

Teacher Ruan was unable to suppress the other party with his singing, and gradually thought of the dark days when the sea water was polluted. Even though the leopard had a strong ability to resist interference, it was dazed for a moment.

The opportunity for the Mermaid King has finally arrived.

It rushed towards Teacher Ruan at an unprecedented speed, and after the spirit body came to its senses, it also caught up at an amazing speed.

The distance between the two sides was very close, but the Mermaid King was not anxious. He had already estimated the leopard's maximum speed before, and there would be about three seconds difference in the end.

These three seconds are enough for it to completely root all the hairs in the heart of its hand and absorb them.

-Such a waste.

The Mermaid King thought with hatred.

If it had not encountered this strange leopard that suddenly appeared, it would have been able to slowly decompose all the flesh and blood in the form of a silkworm pupa.

Now we have to settle for the second best option. This method of only absorbing the heart will greatly reduce the final swallowing effect.

The most ineffective method of resistance was only enough to last for a blink of an eye. Teacher Ruan could clearly feel that the tip of his hair had touched his heart. At the moment when the scythe of death was about to be completely swung towards him, for some reason, the Mermaid King's attention was suddenly distracted for a moment.

When he was about to do something, he was kicked several meters away by the void.

This time it was Yarlin himself who showed up, and he was also an expert tightrope walker.

The power of the spiritual body is weaker than the original body, and the spiritual body is doing the whole work, which means that the power I borrow is less.

Unfortunately, plans cannot keep up with changes, and in the end, I still have to give it a kick.

The kick came without any warning. While the Mermaid King was stunned, Teacher Ruan's throat moved slightly. Not for singing, but an ice cone came out of his mouth and shot rapidly towards the Mermaid King.

Not long ago, Wen Shi had his heart pierced by this thing. The moment the Mermaid King dodged sideways, he was blocked for a moment by an invisible mental barrier.

In less than a breath, the ice cone pierced its mouth.

Teacher Ruan did not rush to approach the Mermaid King, but looked at Yaerlin, wondering why he helped.

This was the first time that Mr. Ruan saw Yaerlin's face clearly. When the leopard appeared, he thought they were the same person based on the sound, but it turned out they were not. He had seen this face in class before, but when he thought about it carefully, he only remembered the student wearing black-framed glasses.

Yaerlin interrupted his thoughts rudely: "Just think of this as a bad game. If I really want to kill you, you will all die."

Neither Mr. Ruan nor the Mermaid King questioned this statement.

In fact, they should question it.

Yaerlin's power was weakened in the dungeon by the game, just like Xie Tangyan's back then. He could barely compete with the Mermaid King in a head-on battle with the help of his spirit body.

Several consecutive times of absolute suppression left Teacher Ruan with the impression that Yaerlin was strong and fierce. In reality, due to the sensitive environment of the dormitory building, he was worried that the mermaid's identity would be exposed, so he never fought back with all his strength.

The Mermaid King simply made a wrong estimate of the fighting power because he saw the leopard running towards Yarlin when he appeared.

There were too many strange things happening today, and the principal hasn't arrived yet. Teacher Ruan smiled bitterly. It seemed as if everything was pushing him to Devour the King.

"The longer the night, the more trouble you have." Yaerlin looked at the mermaid king, whose mouth was bleeding madly, and said jokingly, "Just like this idiot, he just killed the fish and then he killed the fish. Why is he being distracted for no reason?"

If it weren't for that half-second distraction, Yaerlin might not have been able to prevent Teacher Ruan from being pierced through the heart.

Being used as a negative example, the Mermaid King subconsciously looked in the direction of

Yaerlin glanced over and saw a huge mirror on the windowsill in the direction of the dormitory that the mermaid king was facing.

The numbers [6666…] kept appearing on the mirror.

Yaerlin: “…”

The general was away from home, but he did not forget the king's orders. The purpose of Song Yan's trip was to make Teacher Ruan retaliate against the Mermaid King.

So when the Mermaid King was about to kill Teacher Ruan, he did everything he could to delay the process.

The game store has props that can enlarge or shrink items, and the total weight remains unchanged after use. Song Yan now meets the conditions for being judged as a non-living being. He also purchased a floating state within three meters above the ground and floated to the window.

If the game selects a list of its top ten most popular customers, Song Yan will definitely occupy a place. He is the only one who has bought the useless old stuff piled up in the corners.

The [Philosophical Mirror], which came with an irresistible buff, successfully disturbed the Mermaid King's will and made him take a second look.

Just one more look!

The tongue and heart are always the mermaid's weaknesses.

The mermaid king, who only had his head left, began to weaken after his mouth was pierced. Teacher Ruan walked up to the mermaid king who was once unattainable, and without leaving any room for him, he began to devour him cruelly.

"Wang," Teacher Ruan closed his eyes and said softly, "Goodbye forever."

He was never able to fully face the fact that he had devoured his master. He slightly tilted his head to the side, trying to separate himself from this cruel scene. When he opened his eyes again, the mirror in the distance was inexplicably reflecting light.


Yaer Linchong snapped his fingers at his spirit body, and the leopard used several footholds in the dark to easily climb up to Teacher Ruan's room and take away the mirror that kept shouting "six".

"well done."

Although Song Yan did not say a word, at this moment Yaerlin felt that the world was quiet.

He looked at the mirror and for the first time he took the mirror's weirdness seriously. The mirror's forced interference effect far exceeded Yarlin's initial judgment, especially when it forced the screen to refresh, it had a kind of mental pollution effect.

At this point, Mr. Ruan didn't understand that he had been completely tricked. He uttered two words in a slightly gloomy tone: "Aaron."

It was ridiculous that he was toyed with by a small grasshopper that could be crushed to death with bare hands.

Not only did he get the identity of class representative by cheating at the dinner party, but after he left the library, rumors about King Asa spread. Even the gift of the mirror was a conspiracy.

Aaron, Asa... He could sense a connection between these two names, and the unprecedented anger made Teacher Ruan unconsciously increase the speed of swallowing.

The anger brought a new round of severe pain. The mermaid king, who had lost his tongue, found it extremely difficult to curse. Only unclear sounds could be heard, and soon even the faint screams were drowned out by his hair.

"Watching a show, having bad taste, or having other intentions, none of them matters," Teacher Ruan's misty blue eyes could not hide the anger, "but I have to personally kill a student in the academy first."

The matter of devouring the other parts of the Mermaid King could be put aside for the time being, as he had to kill that damned liar first. Before that, Mr. Ruan didn't want to be disturbed and pushed to do other things.

"Is the person you want to end called Aaron?"

In daily life, Yaerlin and Wen Shi had basically no interaction. At most, they sat next to each other once during class. Apart from their teammates, no one else knew about their relationship.

Teacher Ruan only thought that the two words he had read out subconsciously before allowed the other party to come up with the answer.

The Mermaid King opposite had only half of his head left. After absorbing the abundant blood, his skin became smoother than ever before, and the previous cracks healed rapidly. Except for the blood-stained hair that was embedded in the Mermaid King's head, the originally lake blue hair turned into a more transparent ice blue, which was also extremely shiny.

After just a few breaths, Mr. Ruan's hyoid bone began to evolve. Unable to speak for the time being, he looked at Yarlin and accepted the answer.

Thinking that Aaron might have created an Asa right under his nose, Teacher Ruan felt a chill running down his spine.

"I'm afraid that won't work."

With murderous eyes, Yaerlin smiled and repeated his answer, saying earnestly, "I, Yaerlin, am Aaron's brother."

Aaron, Asa, and Arim.

They are a family.


Wen Shi was walking on the street at night when he suddenly sneezed. He wrapped his clothes tighter and attributed it to the drop in temperature on campus.

"I wonder what the situation is like over there? What is my brother doing?"

It was good that Ji Yuanzhi didn't directly participate in the battle. Even if Yaerlin used a knife to kill someone, he would inevitably be involved in the fight. It was not easy to force such a strong person to play auxiliary.

The next moment, Yugi's cold voice came uninvited—

"He's nesting dolls."

(End of this chapter)