Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 132: Mermaid Coast


Aaron, Asa, and Arim.

Family gang style crime.

Teacher Ruan stood there in a daze, and for a moment he almost forgot to continue devouring the remaining head of the Mermaid King.

Yarlin helped Wenshi promote his empire in the most plain tone: "The sun never sets on Ulthar."

As the closest partner, Leopard irresponsibly chose to stay away from him, with disgust written all over his face.

They had experienced countless battles before, and had seen different empires. They would fight the most powerful federations when necessary. A true empire would have at least 100,000 advanced warships, and tens of millions of soldiers.

This time it had been in the dark, witnessing Wen Shi's self-brainwashing as he built the country, and it wanted to cover its eyes with its paw several times.

As spiritual beings, Leopard and Yarlin have unusually split personalities. Leopard is more calm and old-fashioned. In its opinion, Wen Shi cannot rely on his intelligence, cuteness, caringness and bravery to do something stupid in such matters.

Spoiling, excessive spoiling.

The master and the spirit body do not share the same joys and sorrows. Even if the person concerned is not there, Yarlin further introduced himself in detail: "Usa Empire, I am a missionary."

"… "

Adding these to the picture, Mr. Ruan's previous feeling of being played around with was considered a mild one.

What brought him back to his senses was that the hair suddenly stopped being devoured, and the last remaining part had been completely absorbed, leaving only a huge head.

With his heart taken away and his head gone, the Mermaid King completely disappeared from this world.

However, after Mr. Ruan betrayed the object of his loyalty, his complicated emotions were completely wiped out by Ge Ya.

"The principal is coming." Yaerlin asked calmly, "Are you sure you want to continue to be sad and angry?"

When it comes to survival, there is no time to worry about anything, no matter how big the problem is.

Teacher Ruan suppressed all his anger. He already knew the location of the remaining two torsos from the mermaid king's memory, so he headed in another direction. Along the way, Teacher Ruan was trying hard to think about Yaerlin's real purpose, and finally found himself trapped in a vicious circle. The prerequisite for jumping out of it was to master powerful power.

From afar, they saw a figure rapidly floating in the sky. Wen Shi and Jian Qingrong, who were walking side by side below, stopped one after another. Wen Shi raised his eyebrows: "This direction should lead to the gymnasium."

After a pause, he said with some regret: "It's like looking at a mountain of treasures but not being able to take them."

Jian Qingrong knew what Wen Shi wanted to express. The two remaining parts of the Mermaid King were destined to be out of their reach.

Once the Mermaid King died, the remaining torso would quickly lose its activity if it was not sealed. He had no time to compete with Teacher Ruan, not to mention that there was also the principal to deal with.

Wen Shi: "Things should go smoothly."

Not to mention Yaerlin, the scheming fat man had to make the principal disappear at all costs in order to complete the task.

Suddenly thinking of something, Wen Shi lowered his head and murmured: "Even a wise man can make mistakes, but the fat man's luck is probably not low, because he is rich enough."

The little octopus looked up. It liked listening to Wen Shi say words that it didn't understand. It made Wen Shi seem very cultured.

Ignoring the admiration of the big-eyed fanatic, Wen Shi took out his mobile phone, and when he found that the call could not be connected, he opened the game panel instead.

After a moment, his lips moved.

The little octopus clasped its two tentacles together with a look of admiration, waiting for Wen Shi to answer his questions. Then the other party slowly spit out the word "grass".

"… "

"I can't even turn it at 0.1 point." Wen Shi shook his head and tried again: "I lost a point."



The fat man who was remotely controlling the situation and slowing down the principal was now quite relaxed.

Hiding in the dark and doing things is what he is best at. Fatty has a prop that can create an effect similar to [Ghost Wall], but it is time-limited.

Tu Bianxi's [Ghost Wall] skill was one of the skills that Wen Shi remembered most vividly, which shows how difficult it was. Although the effect of the Fatty's item is slightly worse, it is good for emergency use at critical moments.

In addition, Ji Yuanzhi used the [Hallucination] skill in the dark, which could delay the principal for a while. Just when he was feeling like a fish in water, he suddenly received a system prompt:

"Player 460872 transfers one point to you."

The fat man was stunned.

Pei Wenwei was indeed still alive.

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, the inexplicable transfer immediately made him feel uneasy, and he first suspected whether this was a new type of curse.

Because he was busy with something and his cell phone was turned off, the fat man thought about it, turned it on and called.


After the other side responded, without giving the fat man a chance to speak, he continued to talk: "What do you think the significance of electing class representatives is?"

The fat man's first reaction was to earn daily points so that he could compete for the audience seat list. Now he thought about it again and suddenly realized an overlooked problem: he and Pei Wenwei were not the only ones who chose a camp.

Wen Shi's indifferent voice came from the other end of the phone, "The tutor's class representatives should all face the choice of camp."

The fat man immediately realized that some of these people must have chosen the principal's camp.

After realizing this, he put away his previous relaxation and focused his attention. A strong sixth sense told him that someone seemed to be watching this side.

The Fatty is different from Ji Yuanzhi. The latter has the [Hallucination] skill to rely on, while the former is just standing at a safe distance. Although his hiding place is concealed, he will definitely be discovered as long as he looks carefully.

His behavior of playing dirty tricks on the principal has already revealed his camp. In order to prevent himself from deliberately slowing down the principal, players in the principal's camp will soon take action, even secretly playing dirty tricks.

"Thanks for the reminder." The fat man hung up the phone with a smile.

When he looked around again, his face darkened for a second, he was careless.

Players plot against other players, and always play dirty tricks. If he is not careful, he might really die at the hands of other players.

"Is it such a spirit of contract?" The fat man didn't understand.

Pei Wenwei had expressed that as long as the points bet with him was normal, he would never pursue the matter. Now, not only would he not pursue the matter, he would also repay evil with kindness, which really frightened the fat man.

In fact, the fat guy should be grateful that he is still useful.

Chives need a growth cycle and need to be harvested slowly. The fat man who doesn't care about 10,000 points is already a mature sheep.

Wen Shi thought it through thoroughly. As long as the other party had a subconscious sense of the spirit of contract, it would be easy to make any bets in the future.

As the saying goes, in the end, you have nothing.

"I use him to hold back other class representatives to prevent changes. At the same time, I fulfill my good deed of doing one good deed a day." Wen Shi counted slowly: "Teacher Ruan and my eldest brother are dealing with the principal. Players from different camps are also being watched. Lily's Ji Yuanzhi said that Louis will be in charge..."

When talking about Louis, Wen Shi was silent for a moment and took out his mobile phone from his pocket again.

Louis' phone number was easy to get through, saving him from having to spend a point to make the call.


Without deliberately lowering his voice, Wen Shi asked, "Is it resolved?"

Louis said: "It went very smoothly. When the mermaid appeared, all the faculty members ran away. Lily actually captured the dean and several others and asked them to deal with the mermaid together."

Lily's obsession with mermaid flesh is insane.

"I just tried to spread the news that there was an internal fight among the mermaids and that a body was still outside the dormitory building and no one had claimed it yet. After these people found out it was true, they all became furious. Lily was killing them in order to get it all for herself."

"Is Teacher Qi in there?" Wen Shi asked.

Louis thought for a moment and said, "No. The broadcast informed the students to stay in the dormitory, but he seemed to be secretly transferring some of the students."

Wen Shi thought for a moment and said, "If you tell him the news, Mr. Qi will take the opportunity to kill Lily and snatch the mermaid meat."

Louis was stunned.

"Once the principal died, the mermaids lost their checks and balances. In order to protect the students, he had to fight for the mermaid's body."

Mermaids mate by cannibalism, and humans gain strength by eating mermaid flesh. This in itself is a deformed and distorted balance.

Each special NPC has its own use, and the only one who cares about students, Teacher Qi, can be used to ensure the main task.

The concert has not started yet, someone must take charge. Lily is unreliable, and in this chaotic situation, she will definitely take advantage of the chaos and run away with everyone, so this must be achieved by Teacher Qi.

Louis also reacted and had to consider the main task.

"I'll go now." He hung up the phone in a hurry.

Wen Shi sighed softly.

Jian Qingrong spoke for him: "No one is worry-free."

"… "

Wen Shi's eyelids twitched, and he was about to speak when a loud bang came from the southwest gymnasium. This kind of noise was nothing uncommon on campus nowadays.

"It seems that Mr. Ruan has found a torso."

Mermaids devour their own kind very quickly, and soon a life-and-death battle will break out between them and the principal.

Jian Qingrong: "There is a place that is very suitable for watching the game."

When he was halfway there, Wen Shi was a little surprised. This was the road leading to dormitory building No. 32.

The torso of the Mermaid King was once sealed in the well, causing the yin energy in this area to be particularly heavy. The number of monsters bred in the building is far more than that in other places.

After the two entered, they immediately attracted wandering ghosts. Many of them were construction workers who died while building the building. Now they have turned into evil spirits and are wandering here.

Jian Qingrong walked up with Wen Shi as if nothing happened. When a nearby evil spirit was touched by his fingers, its huge illusory body instantly turned into a thin bamboo pole. Jian Qingrong hooked his finger, and a thin black blood vessel was brought out of the body from the contact surface between his finger and the evil spirit.

Because of his body transformation, Wen Shi sometimes joked that he was a cat, but now Jian Qingrong was more like a cat playing with a ball of yarn.

Pull one end and you can unravel the monster.

Wen Shi had never seen such an outrageous method before. In the end, the monster was beaten to death.

Even the irrational evil spirits around felt afraid instinctively and chose to avoid this evil spirit.

Meeting his surprised gaze, Jian Qingrong explained, "I can extract the dark emotions from the monsters."

Without the support of these violent rages and resentments, the monsters would lose their foothold and even forget why they died.

"Purification? Salvation?" Wen Shi's expression was indescribable as he tried to summarize his abilities.

Jian Qingrong had never expected that after devouring the Mermaid King's torso, such a strange power would emerge: "If I only take half of it, maybe I can make the monster change its ways and become a new human being."

It was a very powerful force, but Wen Shi always felt something was wrong after listening to it.

After two seconds, he clapped his hands violently.

“…” Shit, buddy, aren’t you going against the game

It went through so much trouble to turn humans into monsters, and you then convert them back, what kind of energy conservation is this? !

(End of this chapter)