Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 133: Mermaid Coast


Jian Qingrong had no intention of going against the game at all, and he stood in front of Wen Shi quite calmly. However, his gaze shifted a little, as if he didn't dare to look him in the eye.

Wen Shi could feel that Piao Li had a hint of expectation offline.

Just like a peacock spreading its feathers to try to show off its beauty, Jian Qingrong brought him here on purpose. His main purpose had nothing to do with watching the battle, but to show off his new abilities.

"No, it's good." The tone was a little unclear, and Wen Shi added: "It's a very amazing skill."

Jian Qingrong had never heard such straightforward praise since he was a child, and his ears turned red, which was unusual.

Wen Shi looked at him deeply and said, "Maybe one day you will become the most feared existence of all monsters."

After all, no monster wants to be purified.

For some reason, when Jian Qingrong heard the existence he feared the most, his heart skipped a beat.

The next second, the world around him suddenly became dark, but in the darkness he could clearly see a person sleeping in the center of the world. The aura emitted by the other person when he closed his eyes was constantly shocking the surrounding monsters. These monsters were hiding far away, and their beast-like eyes were full of fear, dread, and a hint of covetousness. It was like a hungry wolf seeing a hunter with a shotgun, struggling whether to fight to the death.

A delicate balance was formed between the two sides.

The person with closed eyes seemed to sense something and turned his head slightly towards Jian Qingrong—

At the moment when their eyes were about to meet, Jian Qingrong heard someone calling his name in his ear.

Everything disappeared, and he woke up instantly. The strong palpitations made cold sweats break out on his back. Jian Qingrong saw Wen Shi's worried eyes.

"Are you okay?"

He shook his head: "Maybe when I attacked just now, I was disturbed by the emotions of the evil spirit."

I continued walking upwards and found that the unfinished building had at least built a rooftop. Standing on it, my view instantly became wider.

The night vision capability is still there, but it is not very clear at such a long distance.

The little octopus changed into a mimic again, crawled along Wen Shi's back all the way to his shoulder, and watched the fight together. It pointed at a rapidly moving black spot and said, "Principal."

This means that the principal has gotten rid of Ji Yuanzhi and the fat man, and is trying to prevent the last piece of the torso from being swallowed.

Wen Shi found a place to sit down. The side effect of his health being reduced to zero had not yet passed, and he yawned sleepily.

Jian Qingrong: "Go back to the dormitory to rest?"

Wen Shi waved his hand.

There is still a long distance from here to the dormitory building. He was too lazy to go back and forth, and the building might not be very peaceful.

Jian Qingrong moved closer and let him lean on him, while the little octopus was responsible for keeping an eye on him.

With the long-lost sense of security, Wen Shi's eyelids drooped soon. When he was about to fall asleep, he suddenly heard the little octopus say, "The fight has started!"

Wen Shi opened one eye. The battlefield was not too far away.

The real bodies of mermaids are very huge, and the principal was a step late. After the swallowing was completed, Teacher Ruan turned into a mermaid nearly three meters tall and started fighting with the principal.

Strangely, this size advantage did not last long. The mermaid's body began to shrink and it seemed difficult to maintain this body shape.

Wen Shi suddenly came to his senses: "It seems that the principal can control mermaids."

Jian Qingrong nodded: "It is normal for a monster to develop special powers after transformation."

Wen Shi thought that compared to your purification, everything else was just ordinary, and then he mentioned another thing.

"I saw your shadow at the bottom of the lake earlier. He took away a piece of fish scale."

When it comes to the word "shadow", Wen Shi feels a little uncertain. He can't find any similarities between shadow and Jian Qingrong.

Giving up his heart seemed like something Jian Qingrong would do, but that didn't fit Shadow's logic. Wen Shi originally wanted to wait until the tea party to discuss the matter with him in detail.

After hearing this, Jian Qingrong's eyes darkened, but he didn't react much.

To him, those unities can be classified as external things. How to deal with them will only be known after they meet.

While the two were chatting, the little octopus was watching the "match" excitedly by himself. It seemed that it really enjoyed watching people fight.

"The principal actually carried a dagger with him. He used a beautiful feint to stab Teacher Ruan in the waist."

"Teacher Ruan fought back! Half of the principal's palm was cut off by the hair."

Wen Shi looked at it with some amusement.

The little octopus predicted the ending: "Yarlin didn't intervene for a long time. It's obvious that he wanted to wait until both sides were defeated, and then let Teacher Ruan kill with low health."

After being bullied by Jian Qingrong for a long time, the weak defeating the strong has become the scene that the little octopus wants to see most.

While patting its head, Wen Shi suspected that its brain had run away from home again.

Jian Qingrong said coldly: "I'm just too lazy to move."

The little octopus knew that his IQ was not as good as Jian Qingrong's, so he simply let his brain rest for a while.

Wen Shi sighed and continued to doze off: "Call me when you're almost done."

The little octopus rubbed his shoulder: "Yeah."

Sleepiness came over him again. After an unknown amount of time, Wen Shi woke up and found himself wearing only clothes. Jian Qingrong was still standing there, not moving. He looked at the time door and saw that two hours had passed.

"Is it not over yet?"

The little octopus was full of energy: "It's almost time. They have beaten each other so badly that their parents can't recognize each other."

"… "

This statement is a bit exaggerated. In fact, it was because they were covered in blood and the principal and the mermaid were covered in blood.

Wen Shi stood up and said, "Let's go."

Let's get them over there and put an end to this.

The dark clouds outside dispersed, and the moon was completely revealed. The fishy smell in the air was washed away by the smell of blood.

Old students were easy to manage, and they could be made to obey the orders of the dormitory manager with just one word of expulsion. Except for the dormitory building for freshmen, most people, no matter how scared they were or how much they wanted to know what was going on, just stayed in bed.

Wen Shi admired the psychological qualities of these students very much.

Before I got close, I heard heavy breathing.

The principal had a grim expression and tried his best to regulate his breathing and look for an opportunity to fight back.

Wen Shi stood still and watched quietly for a while, interrupting Teacher Ruan's speech: "You should say that everything he has painstakingly planned will come to nothing."

Teacher Ruan and the principal looked up at the same time. In the darkness, Wen Shi walked and said, "Then he scolded him for being an idiot. He was looking for a high-level mermaid right next to him."

The principal's eyes finally showed some movement as his pain point was touched.

Wen Shi suddenly smiled happily: "I heard that the school wanted to fill the lake not long ago, and you discovered the abnormality of the lake, but you only noticed the water plants that can help mermaids walk and relieve pain, but the heart is hidden in the lake."

Hearing the heartbeat, the principal finally couldn't control himself and said, "You..."

Wen Shi sighed: "Yes, the heart was taken away by me. The sad thing is that you will never know the role I played in this matter until you die."

The headmaster's expression changed, and he glanced around, but he didn't believe it completely. He was more concerned about another thing. He almost succeeded in killing the mermaid twice before, but each time it seemed that he was blocked by a special force.

Could there be another accomplice

This thought was instantly extinguished, because his accomplice had already come out to help.

The principal cursed in his heart those useless people in school. It would be fine for others, but there was no sign of Lily till now.

The Mermaid King's heart has an advantage, which makes his heartbeat much slower than others. Even at this life-threatening moment, the principal is still thinking about breaking out.

Trying hard to suppress the strength in his heart, the principal bulged his muscles, chose a direction and was ready to rush out.

It took less than three seconds for him to charge forward when a zombie appeared out of nowhere and stood in the direction he was about to rush towards.

"Interactive drama performance." The words were inexplicably dropped, and a hint of anticipation appeared on the zombie's inhuman face, as if anywhere was a stage for him.

Then he slowly took out half of the mermaid king's heart from the right side of his chest. This heart almost grew into Wen Shi's palm and could not completely merge with the zombie.

The zombie held half of the pill in one hand and made a white gesture to the principal with the other hand: "Suck, suck, suck."

"… "

It's like teasing a dog.

The principal was so angry and irritated due to his serious injury that he tried to hold it back again and again, but finally he couldn't hold it back and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The zombie put the heart back in front of him.

Feeling several pairs of eyes from the dark looking at him at the same time, Wen Shi was speechless.

It really wasn't his order.

At a certain distance, Yarlin, who had been controlling the situation remotely, curled his lips and caught a glimpse of the mirror next to him: [666].

The smile froze in an instant.

If it weren't for my friend, he really wanted to destroy this mirror, it seems that he can only knock six.

The principal did not give up the last glimmer of hope. He ignored the wounds on his body and changed direction. At the same time, Yaerlin's spirit body leaped up and stepped on the principal fiercely. The flesh pads that were not soft at all stepped on his back, breaking two ribs. The principal gritted his teeth and struggled.

Yaerlin was too lazy to wait any longer: "Someone come and clean up."

Teacher Ruan was no less wary of Yaerlin than the principal, so he did not move immediately. However, Jian Qingrong, who was standing in an area that was not illuminated by the dilapidated street lights, suddenly walked towards the principal.

Wen Shi covered the little octopus's eyes.

The little octopus's face was full of question marks.

Without a trace of murderous intent on his body, Jian Qingrong walked up to the still struggling principal, ready to try his hand on him to see if he could purify this kind of monster.

The seriously injured principal didn't care about the pain of his broken ribs. A rugged black line was stretched out in his temple, which looked like a nerve spasm at first glance.

The surroundings were too quiet, and the little octopus finally realized that this was not the outcome it had predicted! It wanted to see the weak defeat the strong.

Wen Shi could only use his palm to nudge its head to comfort it.

This black line had a strong fishy smell. After it was completely pulled out, Jian Qingrong stretched out his hand and pinched it, and it disappeared in mid-air. Before the principal fell, he was clearly covered in flesh and blood, but he was almost like an empty shell, and there was no sound after he fell to the ground.

Mirror finally stopped knocking and started to show off his old internet language: [I feel like my body is being hollowed out.]

Jian Qingrong glanced at the seriously injured Teacher Ruan and looked at Wen Shi.

"Do you want to kill me?"

Wen Shi shook his head.

Too much is as bad as too little. He is now in the mermaid camp and has already severely injured one with his sword skills. If he kills another one, he doesn't know if it will cause other consequences.

Based on his understanding of the game, the game's more desired outcome is for mermaids and humans to regain a balance of power. It will take a long time for Mr. Ruan to fully recover from his current injuries, and then the copy can be used again.

When it’s time to pamper the game, you still have to pamper it.

There were footsteps coming from the front.

Ji Yuanzhi had no idea what he was doing before and why he just came over now. Although he looked no different from usual, Wen Shi could sense a hint of gloom in his eyes behind the lenses.

Seeing the principal lying on the ground like a pile of mud, Ji Yuanzhi put on a pair of black gloves and walked over. Without any courtesy, he opened his abdomen and took out half of his heart, then put it in a box.

No one competed with him for it. It was almost a tacit consensus beforehand. He and Wen Shi each took half a pill.

Just as he was admiring Ji Yuanzhi's perfect equipment, Wen Shi received a message from the system indicating that the mission was completed:

[Congratulations on successfully helping the mermaid and killing the principal. The rewards for your camp selection will be settled after the dungeon ends.]

"It's finally over." Wen Shi breathed a sigh of relief. He just wanted to breathe a breath of normal fresh air.

Men and Ji Yuanzhi's eyes accidentally met in mid-air. The latter was stunned when he saw him: "Why haven't you gone back to sleep yet?"

Wen Shi: “…”

You keep saying you don't need me, go back and just lie down and do nothing.

Do you know how much I worried about you all night

(End of this chapter)