Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 135: virtual reality


The hotel staff delivered the meal on time.

Wen Shi opened the panel while eating lunch to check the companion skills that he had not had time to look up before.

Skills go well with rice, double the deliciousness!

[Companion Skill: Sage

This skill is a limited skill and can be used 0/3 times in each instance.

Points required for a single use: 8000-16000

As the number of uses increases, the effects of (A wise man is not confused), (A wise man is invincible), and (A wise man does not fall in love) can be activated.

The wise are not confused: Make the target hallucinate, reduce rationality, and those with low IQ will lose their sanity directly

Wise Man Invincible: Under this effect, your combat power is X2, limited to 2 minutes

A wise man does not fall in love: After using it, except for special maps, you will have the ability to resist all illusions and charm attacks. A single use consumes 16,000 points and is limited to 5 minutes.

There was no sound in the hotel room for a full half minute, and the air was dead silent.

Wen Shi's mouth opened slightly. He was going to count the harvest to make Gan Fan even more pleasant, but after seeing the skill, the dried fish in his hand fell directly to the ground.

“As expected…” He was speechless: “My eldest brother.”

The eldest brother is always the eldest brother. He is naturally wild and unruly and doesn’t talk about emotions.

The points consumed by this skill can definitely be described as burning money.

Wen Shi picked up the dried fish on the ground, calmed down and looked at it again. At present, he prefers the last effect. When he enters the illusion, he can break through the maze in one second.

But for this one second, he would normally have to complete two or three copies before he could get the corresponding points.

After lying on the bed for a while with mixed feelings, Wen Shi thought sadly that if he continued like this, he would have to work in the virtual world.

What can I do if I can only start a business? Go to a cat cafe

"It's better to bet more." He muttered.

After returning from the virtual world this time, Wen Shi clearly felt that the atmosphere had changed. Everyone was no longer as bored as before, squatting in front of the giant screen from time to time to watch the excitement. The square outside the teleportation point seemed much more depressed than before, and it was obvious that everyone was busy with their own things.

He had a vague feeling that the day when the special 3S copy would be online was not far away, and more and more people would want to get clues from him.

"Alright, I'll get some wool from each instance."

The primitive accumulation of capital is always bloody and brutal.

Wen Shi, who was bent by the pressure of life, kept cheering himself up. There are so many poor people in the world, as long as you work hard, you can succeed!

With this belief, Wen Shi was full of confidence when he went to the tea party that afternoon.

The light visibility in the library is still not high, but the old-fashioned light bulbs have been replaced with retro chandeliers. The luxurious artistic carvings are very elegant, and the broken grass reflected on the ground has its own atmosphere. The interior walls have been repainted in cardamom green, which has a good visual effect. The round table has been changed to a fairy-tale-style mahogany table, and the pine high stools are placed on the side.

Xie Tangyan changed into a red dress today, which was rare. She tied her hair into a high ponytail, and looked heroic. Next to her, her grandmother was wearing a navy blue cheongsam and was standing in the shadow. Her jade earrings were obviously worth a lot of money.

The devil brother was wearing a pure black suit. He and Yaerlin disliked each other by nature and kept a distance from each other. Even A Sang was wearing a formal suit and a beautiful bow tie.

Wen Shi: “…”

What happened

There were footsteps behind me, and Jian Qingrong walked in with a camera and a tripod.

The mighty leopard circled the camera and said, "It looks a bit low-level. Are you sure you can include me in the video?"

Ordinary cameras cannot capture spiritual bodies.

Jian Qingrong said calmly: "It was used to take pictures of ghosts before, and every picture is high definition."

Wen Shi seemed to finally understand what he was going to do: "Take a photo?"

The devil brother picked up the red wine glass on the table and shook it: "We agreed on my brother's birthday. Let's take a photo together this time."

He looked particularly attractive in a suit, and his fair profile shone with a mysterious color under the light.

No one informed Wen Shi, as they were preparing to give him a surprise.

Wen Shi looked at the repaired data room and had only one thought in his mind: My factory has really started to make a profit.

I just don’t know what products Jian Qingrong relies on to make a profit.

"Beauty serum." As if knowing what he was thinking, Jian Qingrong said, "It's very popular and is doing very well overseas. It just went public in a country recently."

“…” Are you all listed

Ah Sang raised his hand and added: "Because the anti-aging substance was separated from the blood I provided, so what was given to me? Original shares."

He was at an age where he was curious about everything: "Dad, does our country of Usa also have original shares?"

“… There will be.”

Wen Shi forced a smile as he spoke. He thought hard work would bring success, but he didn't expect that he was actually working hard to witness others succeed.

"Let's take a photo first." Yaerlin noticed Wen Shi's embarrassment and spoke.

They each adjusted the height of their chairs. Grandma sat in the middle, Wen Shi sat on one side holding A Sang, and Jian Qingrong sat on the other side.

The devil brother's smile did not reach his eyes.

On such a good day, he reminded himself not to fight.

There was no seat left next to Wen Shi, so the boy could only run to the other side, bending his long legs and sitting there.

Yaerlin and Xie Tangyan stood in the back row, while the spirit body lay alone on the side in the front.

Jian Qingrong: "Who will adjust the camera?"

Wen Shi tilted his head.

Jian Qingrong said seriously: "If I go, my seat will be taken."

“…” Well, your suspicion is reasonable.

In the end, it was Yarlin who started the time-lapse photography.

He used his mental power to check the time and counted down: "Three, two... one!"

With a click, a family portrait was officially recorded.

Jian Qingrong finally decided to leave his seat and checked the photos. The results were quite natural and harmonious.

Wen Shi also took a closer look. To be honest, with so many handsome men and beautiful women, they would not look bad no matter how they were photographed. He said with great satisfaction, "Remember to give me a copy after you develop it."

Jian Qingrong nodded.

After the photo frame is made, it is hung on the wall as a decoration.

It was a rare occasion that everyone wore formal clothes, so Wen Shi took individual photos with each person in turn, and also took a group of parent-child photos with A Sang.

The leisurely afternoon tea time was almost spent taking photos. Wen Shi was very satisfied with the arrangement of this party. He still had a smile on his face until he was teleported back to the hotel.

As soon as he arrived in the virtual world, the communicator's signal was automatically restored. Seeing that there was a missed call from Ji Yuanzhi, Wen Shi called back.

I thought the hair issue had been resolved, but Ji Yuanzhi brought an unexpected news: "Pei Hongxin has entered the game."

The remaining smiles from the tea party disappeared, and Wen Shi walked to the French window, his delicate features slightly revealing a hint of coldness: "So soon?"

Ji Yuanzhi: "That leopard has the ability to make money. He made a huge profit almost every other day. Anyone who received the game's 'rewards' will get a ticket to the dungeon."

Another reason is that the majority of players in the dungeon are young people, and there are not many older people. Usually, if they are over 35 years old and touch the medium, the game will arrange the next dungeon as soon as possible.

This is actually a kind of hidden protection mechanism. As we age, our reaction and physical strength will gradually decrease.

Ji Yuanzhi had someone pay attention to him privately: "Pei Hongxin's initial copy is a single-player copy, which shows that his luck is not low."

It implies that if Wen Shi is not prepared to use violence to torture people to the point of collapse in the virtual world, there will be some risk in the copy.

No matter how powerful a player is, there is no guarantee that he can pass a dungeon 100%.

Wen Shi first thanked him for the reminder, and then asked about Pei Hongxin's recent situation.

"Much better than the average newcomer, it's not certain whether he has activated any skills." Ji Yuanzhi said: "He has a good reputation and is a celebrity. In the eyes of others, Pei Hongxin is a philanthropist."

There are also many players from Tianhai City in the virtual world. Although they are just names in name only, the money Pei Hongxin spent is real, and there are several people who have received his favor.

Wen Shi thought for a moment and said, "It seems I have to hurry up and find a way to team up with him."

Otherwise, with Pei Hongxin's cleverness, he would be very careful at every step after knowing that he was also in the game.

"I have found an opportunity for you." Ji Yuanzhi said, "Just consider it as compensation from the hotel. I have bribed a player who has some connection with Pei Hongxin. He will persuade him to form a team to play the game."

Ji Yuanzhi further explained the situation.

It turned out that this person had been funded by Pei Hongxin, and he took the initiative to contact Pei Hongxin in the name of repaying a favor.

After seeing the miserable conditions in the rookie area, Pei Hongxin asked himself if he had anything else worth pursuing, so he believed the explanation.

Ji Yuanzhi told Wen Shi specifically to remind him that he needed to also pay attention to the players who had been bribed.

A young man who can even betray his benefactor will definitely do anything to achieve his goals in the dungeon.

"He will contact you in the next two days to discuss the time for the next book."

"Thank you. I'll be careful."

After the call, Wen Shi began to look for scene skins related to the Ghost Story Legend in the game store, and finally successfully purchased it by spending 300 points.

The price is much cheaper than other scene elements, and most players are unwilling to enter this kind of copy where their souls may be imprisoned forever if they make a mistake.

There will be a prompt when loading this kind of scene when forming a team. Ji Yuanzhi should have discussed it with the other party long ago. Wen Shi remained calm and increased his vigilance. Although he also loves points, he is still different from this madman who values money over life.

That night, Wen Shi received a message from an unfamiliar number telling him the time for the next book.

[How about the virtual square at 7pm the day after tomorrow? ]

Wen Shi replied with an "OK".

Two days passed in a flash. During this time, Wen Shi had nothing to do, so he read some horror and ghost story materials to increase his understanding.

Before setting off, like most players, I slept during the day and took a quick shower near the time to ensure that I was in the best mental state for the game. The virtual world also got dark very quickly.

At about six o'clock, Wen Shi put on the [small cape] provided by the game. There was no need to disguise himself. There were many players in the dungeon who didn't want to show their faces, so he wouldn't attract too much attention when walking on the street.

He looked at himself in the mirror, his figure and temperament were covered by the wide cloak. The silver mask bought from the mall covered most of his face, and Wen Shi did not forget to push the cloak down. Only when he looked up deliberately could others see the clear cat eyes under the cloak.

With the corners of his mouth slightly raised, Wen Shi was very satisfied with his new look and turned to leave the hotel.

(End of this chapter)