Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 137: Horror will happen


After discovering that Frank's patients were also there, Wen Shi began to be interested in the number of readers.

He needed the monsters to spread the word and attract more and more patients, which would be helpful for extracting information later. Several players in the hotel also brought electronic watches, so the NPCs who were watching their performance would definitely see him.

Faced with such a suicidal behavior, it is estimated that many people would climb over the wall to come to their own reading area.

With a quick glance, I saw that there were indeed more messages on the electronic watch.

[It's ok for someone to run away, but this is the first time I've seen someone seeking death.]

[Me too... Anyway, I can't wait to see him die. This is the first time I'm looking forward to the story of "The Eagle".]

"Sir, where are you going?" The master's voice sounded enthusiastic.

Wen Shi studied his phone and said, "A love hotel with a mirror theme."

The task only said that we had to stay overnight in a hotel, but there was no restriction on which hotel.

The taxi driver's smile froze for a moment.

"Please drive faster."

The game was very precise, and the [One Night] timer would officially start after midnight, so he had to be at the hotel by that time.

Knowing that the destination was a bit far away, Wen Shi asked the driver to speed up twice on the road. The driver was annoyed and thought, he was not in a hurry to be reincarnated, so why was he urging him

"Hurry up, I'll catch you cheating."

The driver stepped on the accelerator and the car sped up.

Wen Shi only had one phone on him, and he couldn't access the social apps yet, but fortunately the payment app worked, with 20,000 yuan in change alone. He checked the payment method and confirmed that fingerprint payment was enabled.

He then found the electronic ID, and the name column showed that his name in this copy was Lin Hejing.

It’s forest, harmony and scenery!

Wen Shi was about to cry, and finally stopped calling Aaron.

The taxi driver saw this scene through the rearview mirror and completely believed the lie of catching the adulterer.

Compared to Wen Shi’s current appearance, the electronic ID photo makes him look a little older, with deeper eye sockets and more mature and charming facial lines.

There is also a warm reminder in the lower right corner of the certificate: [Electronic certificates have the same legal effect as ordinary certificates.]

At 11:50, the taxi finally arrived at the Mirror Hotel, the most famous hotel in the city, as he requested.

The colorful flashing lights were dazzling, and almost every passerby took a look inside. After paying the money, Wen Shi strode inside.

Several couples were waiting to register. Now was not the time to follow the first-come-first-served rule. Wen Shi walked to the front as if no one was around and said, "Let's get a room."

The couple who were cut in line suddenly became furious. They had never seen such a shameless queue cutter.

The tattooed man rolled up his sleeves and was about to teach Wen Shi a lesson when he heard him say, "The more mirrors in the room, the better."

If you need condoms or something, you have to buy them at the front desk. Customers who come to check in usually take one. Wen Shi pushed the items on sale at the counter aside with some disdain: "I'm alone, I don't need these things."

one person

The people in the queue behind had no idea about being cut in line. The only question left in their minds was: How can one play alone

Another two minutes passed, and Wen Shi tapped the table with his fingers. Facing the puzzled receptionist, he said, "Is it not okay to have fun alone?"

The front desk clerk came to his senses and quickly checked him in.

After finishing the process, the receptionist stole a few glances at him. Not only her, but all the guests turned their heads and watched Wen Shi enter the elevator.

When the outer door closed, Wen Shi met these astonished gazes and mouthed, "Single romance, you don't understand."

The elevator stopped at the fourth floor.

There are not many rooms on this floor. Wen Shi’s room number is [406], which happens to be the innermost room.

The hotel costs 800 yuan a night, which is considered high consumption. It is worth the money. After the door is opened, the overall environment inside is much better than the previous one. Its decoration fits the theme very well, and there is even a huge mirror installed on the ceiling.

[Patient 109: I don’t understand why we need to install a mirror on the ceiling.]

[Patient No. 144: Do you want to @ the sex addict on the third floor? ]

[Scavenger: It's been a while since I've seen any patients from Frank Hospital.]

More than a dozen monsters came in one after another, all ready to see how Wen Shi would die.

It's eleven fifty-five.

Wen Shi took the time to study the layout of the room, looking for the most suitable place to sleep. He pushed open the mirror doors and found many hidden cabinets, including a dark room. After entering, there was only a hammock surrounded by dazzling mirrors.

So many unique little designs!

"One thousand is not too much."

Wen Shi was very satisfied and took out the [bell] that could ward off evil spirits and put it on himself. After closing the door, he took out the [small lantern] for lighting.

After the lantern was smashed once in the castle, the light intensity was very average. The floor in the darkroom was reflective, reflecting the shadow of the young man from all directions, and the bell on his slender neck was particularly eye-catching. Once the door was closed, the darkroom began to become stuffy. Wen Shi casually unbuttoned one of the buttons on his collar, and then lay directly on the hammock. When his thin body swayed gently with the hammock, the monsters in the reading area deeply suspected that this was an attempt to seduce them with beauty.

Haha, childish.

It may be childish, but no monster has left for the time being, so Wen Shi's seemingly suicidal behavior of staying and watching is very effective.

"Will you come tonight..." Wen Shi leaned against [Hug Bear], hummed a little tune, and lay on the hammock with his eyes closed to rest.

The only way for evil spirits to enter here is through the mirror. The battle record halo can help him dodge 70% of the mirror monsters. Combined with luck and evil spirit protection, it is unlikely that he will have a head-on collision with the evil spirit tonight.

Forced by life, he has now started to live frugally. In the past, when he encountered such a killing at the beginning, he would definitely summon the zombies without hesitation. Now he has learned to save blood, after all, potions are not cheap.

Before he knew it, it was past midnight. Even though he was swinging in the hammock, Wen Shi soon felt sleepy and finally fell into a deep sleep.

At midnight, the isolated little room was exceptionally quiet.

A stuffed bear stood beside the hammock wire rope, its two small round black eyes now all turned scarlet. The stuffed bear looked at the young man sleeping on the bed, and finally patted his belly twice with its paws. Wen Shi, who had already developed an alert state, immediately opened his eyes.


Facing a huge bear face, Wen Shi stood up with a somersault and was almost sent away.

For the first time, he realized that the bear could stand up.

The teddy bear showed no guilt for scaring people. It pointed its arm in the direction of the door. Wen Shi looked over and saw a fishy liquid slowly flowing in through the crack in the door. Part of the water flowed through where he put his shoes, and the direction of the shoe surface shifted. It seemed that the water wanted to push the tip of the shoe towards the hammock.

Wen Shi looked at it quietly for two seconds, pulled out the bedding from the hammock in the room, blocked the gap in the door tightly, then put his shoes on the other side, turned around and went to bed to continue sleeping.

These tricks mean that it is a little difficult for evil spirits to come in directly, so there is nothing to worry about.

Before going to bed, Wen Shi looked at the electronic watch and found that the number of readers was currently ninety-four.

His expression was indescribable: "Why are you still here?"

Wen Shi already had some understanding of the nature of these monsters. The more he went along with them, the more boring they found him.

Nothing happened overnight.

There was no light in the dark room, and when Wen Shi woke up the next day, it was already eight o'clock. He slept well, and except for a sore throat, he had no additional discomfort. The wet sheets that blocked the door were piled on the floor, and Wen Shi picked them up and put them on the edge of the bathtub while washing.

The number of readers remains ninety-four.

“…” So stubborn.

Wen Shi had just woken up a little after washing his face when the first reminder sound of the day rang out:

"Side quest - Accommodation completed."

"You can now use the mobile memo."

I unlocked a mobile app that didn't work yesterday, and there was only one message in the memo:

Go to an orphanage.

Address: No. 114 Qinghua Street.

Since the dungeon prompts that there is a competitive relationship, the sooner the better. So far, Wen Shi has not seen any of the players except those in the lobby. He has not even seen the shadows of the young man and Pei Hongxin who went to the dungeon together.

"Could it be that everyone is in different short stories?"

Then didn't he come here for loneliness? !

Wen Shi quickly ruled out this view. The copies couldn't be so divided. There must be a certain track where everyone's stories would be connected.

I went downstairs promptly to check out, but the receptionist couldn't help but steal a glance at Wen Shi, as he was the first self-service guest since the hotel opened.

I saw this person, who looked very energetic and typing with very nimble fingers, giving the hotel a five-star rating.

[Awesome! The darkroom is even better! I will come back next time if I have the chance.]

front desk:"… "

After checking out of the room, Wen Shi went out and immediately rented it out.

The driver I met today was not as friendly as last night. After hearing where he was going, he said with a gloomy face, "Add more money, fifty more."

The balance in the coin purse was enough to support the player for a while, and living expenses were not a problem that would test the player. Wen Shi nodded generously and agreed: "I'll give you an extra hundred. Can you tell me about the situation there?"

The driver's face looked better after the money was paid. "There's nothing much to say. A few years ago, an orphanage on Qinghua Road suffered a fire. It is said to be haunted."

Wen Shi nodded when he heard this: "I see."

According to the mechanism of the copy, it would be strange if the place the player is going to is not haunted.

The taxi drove all the way to a very remote place, and there were few trees visible outside the car window. Just when Wen Shi was wondering if he was going to be taken away and sold, the car braked suddenly and he almost hit his forehead on the guardrail.

Driver: “We’re here.”

This was almost a suburb, and the weather was gloomy. When Wen Shi looked outside, the driver who was waiting to take the order said unhappily, "Pay up and leave."

Almost as soon as he got out of the car, Wen Shi smelled a burnt smell.

The taxi drove away in a cloud of dust, and the exhaust fumes hit Wen Shi's face.

After looking around, he walked towards the only place where he could see buildings. Although the fire had been over for a long time, the smell of burning became stronger as he walked forward. Wen Shi seemed to be indifferent and said, "It seems like a place worth looking forward to."

The excitement he revealed made him disguise himself as a perfect pervert.

A cold system prompt sound suddenly sounded:

"You have successfully saved your first novel "The Eagle", please keep up the good work and get into the story as soon as possible."

Wen Shi kept moving forward. According to this setting, as long as he could complete the story setting, the rescue would be considered a success.

One of the ways of falcon training is to keep the falcon awake, as the name suggests.

I am a resident who is harassed by evil spirits and cannot fall asleep, just like the eagle. As long as I can fall asleep successfully, the chapter will be completed. Thinking about it this way, it seems that the difficulty is very average.

He loves C-Class!

The beep continues:

"The protagonist of the chapter "Staying the Eagle" has been successfully determined, and all the remaining players in the same chapter have been eliminated."

“The electronic screen function is complete.”

"Please try to keep the number of readers above fifty. If the number of readers is less than fifty, your rationality value will decrease."

The system's few words cleared the ease in Wen Shi's expression in an instant. Now that there was no one around, he didn't need to hide his expression. The gloom in his eyes was comparable to the gloomy weather.

There is only one protagonist, so someone else's victory can become a condition for your elimination at any time.

Wen Shi took a deep breath and forced himself to focus on the electronic screen.

There are several more status bars on the right side of the screen.

[Fear Bar: 4/100]

[Anger Bar: 5/100]

[Excitement bar: 0/100]

[Rationality: 100/100] (Note: Rationality is not open to readers)

To sum up, it's like joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, and all the real emotions are open to the monsters who are watching their performance.

When Wen Shi felt a slight palpitation, the fear bar went up one point.

This fear stems from the disclosure of his inner thoughts, and no matter what he says or does, the monsters can make a real judgment based on the numbers.

The monsters in the barrage began the first round of collective ridicule.

They were so calm that they thought a fearless character in the story had really arrived, but it turned out to be nothing more than that.

[Scissor Granny: Tsk, I'm already getting scared before I even reach my destination. I'll listen to Granny and play with scissoring fingers. Hahahaha! ]

[Patient No. 144: I can’t take it anymore. This is so embarrassing. I almost believed what he was saying! ]

My excitement level is zero, so how can I have the nerve to say that I am looking forward to coming here

A few spectators left, and now there are only about eighty left.

Wen Shi: “…”

It is truly the emperor's new clothes.

He calmed down as quickly as possible, a smile appeared on his fair face: "Okay."

If he had to play it this way, he was actually looking forward to this copy.

The excitement bar flickered, then slowly rose a point.

(End of this chapter)