Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 139: Horror will happen


From the moment the smaller version of Pei Hongxin appeared, Wen Shi's excitement began to soar.

10, 20, 30... Just like a propeller, it is flying restlessly.

This inexplicable excitement silenced the monsters who were watching for a moment.

[The protagonist of this story seems to be a bit perverted.]

[To be honest, when he was grinning just now, he looked a bit like a ghost adoptive father. ]

All the disturbing comments were ignored.

Wen Shi looked at the child who was about seven or eight meters away from him, and the fear on his face. A long-lost memory emerged uncontrollably -

It was a summer day when Wen Shi first met Pei Hongxin. Birds were singing and cicadas were chirping, and he felt anxious from the inside out.

Every once in a while there are couples who come to the orphanage to adopt children. They are all financially well-off, but few of them are as perfect parents as Pei Hongxin and his wife.

The woman was beautiful and noble, the man was very kind, and the diamond watch he wore on his hand showed his extraordinary wealth.

All the children were vying to show off in front of them. Children living in orphanages had experienced the warmth and coldness of human nature too early, so they knew better what to strive for. Wen Shi just sat there quietly, looking uninterested in anything.

But sometimes fate is so ridiculous. He didn't have to do anything, because his handsome face, which was far more beautiful than his peers, caught the couple's attention at first sight.

The woman bent down gently and placed her hands on the child's arms:

"Pei Wenwei—"

"Our three surnames are connected, so we will be a family from now on."

Because of a name, Wen Shi, who was extremely resistant to adoption, tried to integrate into a brand new family for the first time in his life.

Wen Shi, who was still standing in the corridor with his arms open, gradually felt his smile become somewhat unreal because of these distant memories.

Soon he let these memories shatter like a broken mirror.

Wen Shi asked the woman, "What is the name of this child?"

The woman had a blank expression on her face.

Wen Shi pondered for a moment and realized that he could not call Pei Hongxin a child. The scene he was currently in was a place without lies. Pei Hongxin was actually much older than this, so this place could not be called a real orphanage.

Wen Shi asked again, changing the way he phrased it.

"Number 39." The woman said coldly, "Children here don't have names."

After listening to this, Wen Shi looked back at Pei Hongxin and introduced himself seriously: "My last name is Lin..."

He was talking about the last name of the character's identity.

"From now on, you can call me Lin Jiu, which means we are a family."

Such familiar words made Pei Hongxin's face extremely ugly in an instant.

He hoped that there would be other players who would come to adopt him, and even risked ruining his character by asking the woman, "How many adopters will come today?"

Pei Hongxin was a little frightened by the woman's empty eyes, but he finally answered in a relatively calm manner.

"No. If you are not satisfied, you can wait."

Pei Hongxin was not stupid. He knew that the hope of waiting was very slim and the most likely outcome was that he would stay in the orphanage forever.

He tried to calm down. First of all, the game should not involve killing each other. Secondly, since the adoption segment was arranged, the child must be of equal significance to the adopter. It was not logical for the other party to kill him directly.

Knowing that he had no choice, Pei Hongxin had to take the initiative to walk towards Wen Shi no matter how reluctant he was.

Wen Shi excitedly said to the woman: "Look, we are running in both directions."

A Sang, Daddy will be a little willful outside for now, and you will still be an only child in the future!

"Come." He held Pei Hongxin's hand, tightly grasped the hand that wanted to struggle, and acted like a proper adoptive father: "Don't be afraid, Dad doesn't mind you being dirty."

Pei Hongxin looked at him fiercely with vicious eyes.

Wen Shi tilted his head: "Let's go."

Holding hands with the little one, the woman stood in the shadow of half the door of the red house, watching another "child" being adopted, half of her body seemed to have sunk into the darkness.

On the gravel road from the red house to the gate, it took Pei Hongxin some time to accept the fact that Wen Shi was also a player, which was undoubtedly a huge trouble for him.

"No wonder..."

Pei Hongxin thought calmly that the identity of a player would make one appear to be somewhat detached, and this could be used to call the shots in reality, so Pei Wenwei dared to appear at the cocktail party and in front of him.

An electronic watch suddenly appeared on his wrist. Pei Hongxin temporarily stopped thinking and was forced to start studying the electronic disk first.

Thanks to Wen Shi, there were more than a dozen monsters coming to see him initially. Obviously, they were very interested in the reason why Wen Shi’s excitement level soared.

Together with the system introduction, Pei Hongxin quickly gained a preliminary understanding of the electronic watch. He was a person who would create favorable conditions for himself under any extreme conditions. He was sure that being adopted was not a bad thing, at least he could use the other party's traffic.

There was no taxi available in the wilderness. When they were completely out of the orphanage, the game prompt sounded again in Pei Hongxin's ears—

“The short story ‘Adoption’ has been completed.”

Then, the prompt sound notified both of them at the same time:

"The second story you need to save, "The Battle for the Rich", is about to begin."

“Hey—” The moment the report ended, a black luxury car suddenly appeared in front of them. A young nobleman got out of the car and waved his arms desperately: “He Jing, here!”

Wen Shi reacted immediately and led Pei Hongxin over.

The copy reaches a new turning point. Regardless of whether there is danger ahead, this person who suddenly appears is the only way to leave the suburbs.

As he walked up to him, Wen Shi looked at him naturally and gained a preliminary understanding of this new character.

The man in the flowered shirt and sunglasses, with his chest exposed in the eerie wilderness, looked like a bohemian young man. In terms of role relationship, they obviously knew each other. The man in the flowered shirt smiled and asked Wen Shi to get in the car, and at the same time glanced at Pei Hongxin: "You actually did this."

Wen Shi let Pei Hongxin sit alone in the back. After getting in the car, he took a wet wipe from the car and wiped the fingers of his hand one by one, looking very focused.

The man in the floral shirt looks like an NPC, but in this dungeon, every character that looks like an NPC could be a player in disguise. If you don't want to be cheated, you have to always keep a warning line in your mind.

"What can't be done?" Asking a rhetorical question is the easiest way to obtain information without arousing suspicion.

Wen Shi: “…”

Is this really his personality

"But what was the old man thinking? He's only in his fifties, and you have to fly back from abroad to make a will."

Wen Shi lowered his head and stared at his hands, listening to the information silently.

All the story chapters are not only connected, but also very connected. By analogy, the evil spirit in "The Eagle" who wanted to strangle him cannot be completely turned over. I am afraid that there will be a limited return to the factory someday, which will hit me hard.

The man in the flowered shirt was very talkative, and he kept talking all the way: "Hurry up and get a car. You can't let me be a free driver every time, right? For you, I got up from the beautiful woman's bed early in the morning..."

Wen Shi suddenly thought of something, took out his cell phone, and found that the address book was also unlocked, but there was only one person named "Kong Zhuoshuang" in it, and the others were still gray.

I think as he comes into contact with more story characters, he will unlock more and more.

After driving for twenty minutes, the car finally entered the bustling city, but soon turned into a sparsely populated and quiet wealthy area.

All of them were contracted by the same developer, and the villas here were constructed in the same way. The speed of the car slowed down after entering the narrow road, which was conducive to a more detailed observation. The rich were very careful about the environment, so the distance between the villas was not small.

Wen Shi's gaze suddenly paused.

They were obviously the same buildings, but when he saw a villa in front of him, he couldn't help but take a few more glances at it.

The original white pointed roof was repainted scarlet, and from a distance there was a sense of discomfort as if there was an evil spirit rushing straight into my heart. There were also lush trees planted in the yard, one of which was even taller than the villa's pointed roof. It was neither transparent nor regular, and it was full of yin energy, with shortcomings in all aspects.

The car stopped in front of this spooky building. The man in the flowered shirt tilted his head to look at him and said, "I don't like dealing with elders, so I won't go in."

Wen Shi: “…”

Not surprisingly, this haunted house is his current home.

In the back seat, Pei Hongxin frowned as he looked at the building.

The situation is better than he expected. Judging from the story setting, the two parties are currently in a relationship of mutual benefit and dependence, and it is impossible for there to be another chapter for Pei Wenwei to adopt a child.

The latter undoubtedly had more gaming experience than him. If he wanted to survive... Pei Hongxin hid the viciousness in his eyes and knew that he had to use this copy to eliminate the trouble once and for all.

It's difficult.

Pei Hongxin smoothed out the wrinkles on the corners of his clothes, but it didn’t matter, he was always good at turning the tide.

Pei Hongxin calmly opened the car door and walked towards his own battlefield.

Three seconds later, his legs were too short to reach the ground, and he stumbled and almost fell with mud all over his face.

Wen Shi looked back, sneered, and calmly rang the doorbell.

The door carved with a leopard pattern opened, and soon a person came out wearing a standard butler's uniform. The young man was naturally thin and tall, and had the neatness of a butler.

This person is the player who teamed up with Wen Shi to play the game, and he walks in the virtual world under the name Xiao Cheng.

Wen Shi hated the hypocritical Pei Hongxin, but he had even less affection for the ungrateful Xiao Cheng, and put them both on the list of people who needed to be vigilant.

There is no coincidence in the copy, especially an almost identical face. When Xiao Cheng saw the shrunken Pei Hongxin, his face showed obvious surprise, and he obviously did not expect things to develop in this direction.

However, he quickly adjusted his expression and walked in according to the role script he had received: "The other young masters and young ladies have been back for a while, and they are waiting for you."

After entering the door, the house is decorated in a retro style. The ceiling of the entrance is very low, and the walls have circular copper coin grooves.

The overall decoration in the villa is dark, with mostly wooden furniture and a very low temperature. From the entrance through the corridor to the living room, it feels like walking in a basement, and the air is mixed with a faint smell of ink.

Many people sat on the solid wooden sofa, which looked obviously expensive. Since the living room was large enough, it didn't seem crowded.

The big tree outside the house blocks too much sunlight.

When Wen Shi came in, everyone looked over, and Wen Shi was also looking at them.

There are currently nine people within the field of vision.

A man and a woman sat on the sofa in the middle, with two children next to them. Judging from their sitting posture and demeanor, the man seemed to be treating this place as his home. On the other side, near the window, there was also a couple with a child. They were relatively calm and looked like good-natured people without a bad temper. The last person was a handsome young man with a youthful and sunny look. He smiled with canine teeth and waved his hand to Wen Shi: "Second brother is back."

The handsome boy looked at the child following him curiously: "This is..."

"He doesn't even call people when he sees them. This kid is so rude." Wen Shi felt at ease and directed all the comments he didn't like at Pei Hongxin: "Call people quickly."

Pei Hongxin took a deep breath and whispered, "Hello, uncle."

The handsome guy was stunned for a moment: "Is this my second brother's child?"

The atmosphere in the room changed slightly.

Wen Shi nodded: "There was a little unpleasantness between his mother and I. The matter was a bit complicated, so I didn't announce it to everyone before."

He randomly picked a place to sit down, glancing at the second floor. In addition to the butler, there were also servants walking back and forth. It was still unknown how many players were among them.

As the last heir to arrive, Wen Shi's arrival foreshadows the official start of the battle for the wealthy family's property.

The game prompt sounded to all members—

"The Lin family is a well-known and prestigious family in the local area. Mr. Lin is about to celebrate his 55th birthday."

"In order to make the family members more harmonious, Mr. Lin decided to prepare a will in advance to determine the future distribution of property."

"At the end of the story, the players who did not get a share of the property will be eliminated. Among the direct heirs, the player with the least share of the property will also be eliminated."

"Note that the storyline can be freely deviated as long as it does not deviate from the character setting."

"Be careful, there seems to be some unknown secret hidden in the villa. This is a villa full of dangers. Don't trust anyone."

“Note that the number of readers is important.”

"The Battle for the Rich has begun, I wish you all a pleasant experience."

(End of this chapter)