Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 14: Castle Night


The bright moon was hanging high in the sky. Before he could take a closer look, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared in his sight. The person grabbed Wen Shi's clothes and pulled hard. The Blood Bride behind him took the opportunity to shake off Wen Shi, stood up and left the danger zone.

But just as she didn't give Wen Shi a chance to catch his breath, the person who came didn't give her either.

A long sword was placed across the Blood Bride's eyes.


In the cold light of the sword, the Blood Bride saw herself clearly again.

The miserable screams pierced the night sky.

Xie Tangyan explained her purpose: "I was annoyed by the snakes in the maze, so I just came out for a walk." She glanced at the bloody bride, "Do you want to throw her out?"

Wen Shi waved his hand quickly: "I still need to take it back to report."

Xie Tangyan went back to help find a hemp rope, and brought the other bloody bride who was half alive. Wen Shi tied the rope tightly around her skinny wrist and led them back.

Before leaving, Wen Shi did not forget to emphasize to Xie Tangyan again: "Don't run beyond the boundary of the street lights."

Once you exceed that, you will be pulled into the ground by the dead man's hand bones.


Wen Shi once again realized the weight of these two words in the dungeon. If you want to survive, you must act within the scope of the rules.

Not daring to stay in the suburbs for too long, Wen Shi quickened his pace and walked back.

All the joints of the Blood Bride were like a puppet being controlled, and she walked unnaturally with her overly thin chopstick legs. The moonlight shone on the young man's shoulders, and his white fingers pulled the other end of the rope, like a cruel and brutal official.

Wen Shi occasionally looked back to check the situation. Seeing the blood bride's face full of resentment, he said softly, "You came to kill me, and you still feel wronged. Hurry up and leave."

He was in a hurry to return to hand in his assignment.

The brutal confrontation under the streetlights and the castle after the lights were restored were completely divided into two worlds. Everything in the castle now appeared to be distorted by the warm light and was soft and false.

Using Wen Shi to divert the trouble away, it was easy for Luo Xiao and Peng Lu to work together to deal with a seriously injured Blood Bride.

The two men took the bloody bride to report.

Peng Lu was still thinking about how Wen Shi was locked out at night: "That new guy is a bit weird."

Luo Xiao shrugged: "It doesn't matter."

The mission has been accomplished, and I believe we will get useful clues soon.

The door of the castle owner's room was open, which meant that he could accept intrusion from outsiders at the moment.

After seeing the captured bloody bride, the owner of the castle was in a good mood.

"You did a good job catching a paint-stealing 'little mouse'."

He emphasized the quantity to prove that 100 percent satisfaction was not achieved.

Luo Xiao exaggerated the credit in time: "The thief was too cunning. We spent a lot of effort to catch him."

The castle owner showed his rare generosity and understanding: "Please keep up the good work in the next few days."

The Blood Bride lying on the ground had half of her shoulder burned into charcoal by the demon-subduing formation. She uttered a hoarse curse from her throat. When the owner of the castle glanced over, the Blood Bride finally closed her mouth out of fear.

"Congratulations on completing the task assigned by the butler. Try to talk to him the next day. Perhaps you will gain something unexpected."

"The current castle owner's favorability towards you is thirty."

"The owner of the castle decided to give you something as a gift."

"The player obtains 1 family emblem."

[Family emblem: one-time special S-level item

The owner of the castle has a bad temper, but he cherishes every employee

Wearing this badge will temporarily grant you the status of "castle insider", and summon the count to help you once at night.

Tip: This item can only be activated when the favorability reaches 20 or above.]

Luo Xiao and Peng Lu looked at each other and thought they had made a fortune.

It’s really a huge profit!

This item is even comparable to the item [Substitute Doll], which is also a one-time use item. It is sold at an almost sky-high price in the mall. So far, only a few top bosses have purchased it.

"Thank you for your gift, we..."

"We what..."

Luo Xiao was interrupted by a voice that came out of nowhere before she finished her words of gratitude. The voice was extremely familiar, clear and pleasant, but its appearance at this critical moment would only make people feel their scalp tingling.

The corridor was lit at intervals, and the room of the castle owner was a long way from the staircase. Wen Shi walked slowly from the end of the semi-darkness, and the moment the light shone on him, his outline gradually became clear.

Wen Shi did not come here alone. He walked in front with his back straight. Behind him were two tied-up blood brides. One of them had almost returned to a flat state because her companion had sucked a lot of blood.

The moment she saw the face clearly, Luo Xiao clenched her fingers subconsciously: "You, how come..."

"Still alive, huh?"

His pupils trembled and his eyes widened. Wen Shi had seen this familiar expression on E Xiu's face before, but he didn't expect the scene to reappear so soon.

Wen Shi smiled and said, "Unity is strength."

Xie Tangyan came out to help him at the critical moment, otherwise he would have come back alive, but would definitely be in a more miserable state than he is now.

The effect of the pomegranate flower finally passed, and Wen Shi was not expelled when he set foot in the interior of the castle.

The system summarizes the pollination achievements: [7].

The battle record on Wen Shi's attribute panel was no longer empty, and there was an elegant name "Tiannan Scattering Flowers". It was so elegant that he went to the game store to see if there was an item that could clear the battle record with one click.

Forcing himself to ignore this matter, Wen Shi handed the rope he was holding to the owner of the castle: "The thieves are all here, please click." When he looked at the other blood bride lying weakly on the ground, he turned his head and said in surprise: "Ah? How come you only caught one?"

There is no harm without comparison.

Wen Shi brought back two blood brides by himself, and Luo Xiao and Peng Lu worked together to capture one. From anyone's perspective, it seemed like they were just barely doing the job.

The owner of the castle immediately felt that the badge he gave away was not worth it.

Luo Xiao was always eloquent and tried hard to come up with reasons to defend herself. Suddenly, a prompt sounded in her ears:

"Warning, the castle owner's favorability towards you is decreasing."

“30, 20, 10…”

"Return to zero, return to zero, return to zero."

Luo Xiao swallowed her saliva, looked up and met the sinister eyes of the castle owner, and shuddered on the spot.

Peng Lu also had a bad feeling and knew that this side quest would probably be a waste of time and effort.

"It took so much effort to finally catch him?" The owner of the castle repeated Luo Xiao's previous words.

In the stiff situation, Wen Shi crossed his arms and looked at Luo Xiao with a smile.

"You won't survive this night."

He mouthed it.

Wen Shi has seen many people run away when disaster strikes, and he will not blame anyone if the other party does not shift the blame to others.

"Congratulations on completing the task assigned by the butler. Try to talk to him the next day. Perhaps you will gain something unexpected."

"The Earl's current favorability towards you is 60."

"Incredibly, the Earl's affection for you has reached the passing line."

"There is a faint aura mixed in your soul that deeply attracts him."

"The owner of the castle decided to give you something as a gift."

"Player obtains family emblem*1"

Apart from the different levels of favorability, the other prompts are similar to those of Luo Xiao and the others. It may be because the prop rewards this time are good and almost reach the upper limit, so there are no additional points rewards.

Interestingly, as the favorability increased, the castle owner's expression became a little strange.

After the effect of the mutant pomegranate flower wore off, the strange fragrance on Wen Shi's body became more distinct.

There was a look of deep attraction in the eyes of the castle owner. If he was not restrained by an invisible force, he would have taken action right now.

"How strange."

Why hadn't I discovered this doctor's soul was so delicious before

His desire to devour Wen Shi’s soul was growing like weeds.

The owner of the castle vented his desires in other ways. A scepter appeared in his hand like magic. Wen Shi saw clearly that this thing that had pierced him was not a traditional golden scepter. It was more like an ancient branch used to make magic wands. It was thin, and the old bronze gold covered the entire body of the wand, with a very low-key emerald gem inlaid on the top.

This time, the one whose heart was stabbed was no longer the unlucky Wen Shi, but the Blood Bride.

The scepter sank mercilessly into her chest.

The moment the Blood Bride fell, her long, coiled hair scattered on the ground like seaweed. There was a huge bloody hole on her slender body, devouring her remaining vitality.

Until the moment of death, ignoring the damage done to his face by the formation, there was a unique sense of broken beauty.

A new day starts with doing one good deed a day. Wen Shi considerately offered hospice care, holding up a silver plate above a nearby blood bride: "Actually, you are still quite beautiful now."

The Blood Bride opened her eyes wide. She was the only Blood Bride captured by Luo Xiao and the others whose eyeballs were not burned. Before she disappeared, she saw reflective objects and her eyes hurt a lot. When she saw the face that was damaged by the formation and looked even more unnatural, she frowned in pain.

Wen Shi: "Let me show you my temperament."

I don’t know if his words have magic power, but for a moment the Blood Bride seemed to be able to see herself through his perspective, without moving her eyes at all: “It’s… not bad…”

Wen Shi took back the silver plate and paused.

He heard the notification sound from the game—

"At the end of the Blood Bride's life, you brought her a little comfort. She felt guilty and blessed you."

"The Blood Bride believes that the more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous she is. You shouldn't get close to them."

The properties panel for Wenshi has been updated.

[Player ID: 460872

Code: Not generated

Health: 101 (?)

Memory value: 101 (?)

Charm value: [-∞, 89] (?)

Note: -∞ is only for female NPCs who are more beautiful than the Blood Bride

Oh, your charm that has nowhere to be released]

I watched it twice to make sure I was not seeing it wrong.

At this moment, Wen Shi suddenly felt that the few charm points he lost in the cursed flower field were nothing at all. He could even lose a few more, because the final result would be infinity anyway.

Negative charm is like a double-edged sword. In the future, he may face two situations: monsters may target him out of disgust, or they may actively stay away from him.

I just don't know how the game defines the boundaries of beauty compared to the Blood Bride.

While Wen Shi was still weighing the pros and cons, the owner of the castle ruthlessly raised his scepter and reaped the lives of the remaining blood brides.

Just as Wen Shi had deduced, the castle owner absolutely suppressed the Blood Bride in terms of power, but due to certain restrictions, the opponent had to use a roundabout way to resolve the issue, that is, relying on the players.

The players' power is difficult to fight against so many Blood Brides, and the uncertainty is greatly increased, which indirectly gives the Blood Brides a glimmer of hope.

From this perspective, players are more like tools used by the game to balance certain elements of the dungeon.

The owner of the castle looked at the ashes indifferently, then his gaze fell on Wen Shi for two seconds and then he closed the door.

"Five hundred points." The moment the door closed, Luo Xiao suddenly said, "If you can really tell me what rule I triggered, I will give it to you."

She didn't think that Wen Shi's words that he would not survive the night were just a verbal threat.

As a person who also puts interests first, Wen Shi ignored him this time and turned back to his room, leaving his light words behind.

"You should use your intelligence more on deciphering rules. For example, the Blood Bride is afraid of reflective things, which is caused by the fear of seeing one's own appearance."

Luo Xiao didn't care about these criticisms, she just wanted to make sure whether she had violated the rules by mistake.

Wen Shi shook his head.

This guy used all his cleverness to scheme against the players.

Seeing that he ignored her, Luo Xiao chased after him and reached out to grab his arm: "Wait a minute."

Wen Shi predicted Luo Xiao's movements and avoided contact directly. The oppressive feeling brought by his dark eyes in the shadows was no less than that of the owner of the castle. Luo Xiao took two steps back in embarrassment. When she came to her senses, she cursed herself for showing cowardice in front of a newcomer. Wen Shi had already walked away.

Peng Lu also disappeared, obviously not wanting to get involved.

Luo Xiao ran to the room where Peng Lu lived and knocked heavily on the door: "E Xiu's death is related to Pei Wenwei. He is a vengeful person. If you didn't do anything before, you will be the next one if I have something to do."

The door was half opened, and a smile just broke out on Luo Xiao's face, but the next moment she froze completely when she heard what Peng Lu said.

"I advise you to go back soon. The side quest has ended and the corridor is not safe now."

After saying that, Peng Lu closed the door again.

Luo Xiao gritted her teeth in hatred and after weighing the pros and cons, she decided to go back to her room first.

The candlesticks on the resident's dressing table cannot be lit. This is a confirmed death rule. Luo Xiao stood in the triangular area against the wall, close to the window. There were talismans on the wall to prevent being attacked by monsters from behind. She kept her eyes on the ceiling and the door in the moonlight, holding props in her hands, and assuming a defensive posture.

Luo Xiao is now in a state of high tension, which has affected her body's reaction ability.

"Calm down." She dug her free fingernails into the cracks in the wall behind her. "How can I be frightened by a few words from a newcomer?"

Time passed by minute by minute, and nothing unusual happened for the time being.

Luo Xiao still didn't dare to blink. While paying attention to her surroundings, she reviewed all her actions today.

Most of her actions were carried out with Wen Shi and Peng Lu. If something happened, she shouldn't get into trouble alone. The only time she went out of her way was when Wen Shi was out, she let the little white mouse sneak into his room to find a strand of hair, just in case.

None of these things conform to the rules of death.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiao's heart gradually calmed down.

At three in the morning, the cuckoo clock in the dining room chimed. This clock usually chimed twice, at midnight and at eight in the morning, with exceptional piercing power, but this was the first time.

Luo Xiao, who had just relaxed for less than three seconds, became nervous again.

Liquid of unclear color slowly flowed in through the crack in the door, emitting a foul smell of blood. In the center of the liquid floated a piece of paper more than a meter long and as thin as a cicada's wing. As the liquid flowed and completely passed through the crack in the door, the paper stood up.

It resembles the Painted Skin in a horror movie, and also looks like a walking human stand.

The remaining sanity made Luo Xiao suppress the urge to run away.

Rushing out will only lead to faster death.

A vague outline of a woman was reflected in her pupils, veil, dress... As these key elements appeared one by one, Luo Xiao exclaimed in surprise: "Blood Bride."

She suddenly remembered that the side quest prompt stated that helping the butler complete the quest would arouse the monster's hatred.

Could it be that the Blood Bride still exists in the castle? Is she out to seek revenge

Luo Xiao immediately took out the undead camera and took a picture of the blood bride.

The flash was so blinding, but the Blood Bride, who was as thin as paper, showed no reaction to it.

how so?!

Wen Shi probably didn't lie about the Blood Bride's weakness.

The blood bride's feet were not touching the ground, she was completely floating on the blood. Luo Xiao finally discovered that the thing in front of her was different from others of the same kind. Although her facial features were unnatural, this sense of incoordination was not due to patchwork. Luo Xiao herself was a very good makeup artist, and she was sure that the woman in front of her deliberately made up her face like this.

She suddenly had a bold idea: It's true, this is the perfect bride the castle owner is looking for!

In order to avoid being discovered, the other party had been pretending to be the Blood Bride and wandering around the castle. Their behavior of helping the castle owner capture the Blood Bride obviously angered the real bride.

The reason why this particular side quest is so rewarding is because it's a life or death situation.

Once you accept the mission, it means you are in opposition to the Blood Bride. If you want to survive, you must successfully complete it to get the reward.

[Family Crest] is used to intimidate the Blood Bride and save her life.

After realizing this, Luo Xiao immediately took out the badge.

"Failed to use the [Family Badge], this item requires the Earl to have a favorability of 20 or more."

Luo Xiao's lips kept trembling. She held the badge in her sweaty palms and kept repeating to herself, "The bride you are looking for is right here."

In this way, he attempted to pass the message to the owner of the castle.

The badge remained cold and unresponsive.

Luo Xiao usually used her points to stock up on talismans, so now she used a high-level talisman that could freeze ordinary ghosts for ten seconds. Luo Xiao threw all of them out at once, confident that she could at least delay them for a while.

The woman hooked her finger, and the blood on the ground hung upside down, wrapping the talisman like a whirlpool. As the talisman's power was drained, a small amount of blood turned into blood bubbles and slowly disappeared.

This little bit of damage won't hinder a woman at all.

Suddenly, half of her body melted into the blood and disappeared.

Except for where the blood flowed, the ground was covered with a layer of frost, indicating that the woman had not disappeared.

Where did you run to

Luo Xiao tried to look around until she felt a damp feeling behind her. The talisman on the wall fell off at some point, and thin, dry arms stretched out from the wall and hugged her from behind.

In an instant, all the blood in Luo Xiao's body almost froze.

Before she completely lost her ability to move, she struggled to free one arm, grabbed the candle handle on the table beside her, and threw it towards the window. The night wind poured in, and Luo Xiao's mouth was open like a goldfish that was short of oxygen, and she let out a final hoarse cry: "The bride... is here!"

The woman behind him had a grim expression. She grabbed Luo Xiao's long hair and pulled it back hard. At this moment, Luo Xiao could hardly move her eyes or close them. She could only watch herself being dragged into the wall.

The whole process was too brutal, and the smell of blood was so strong that it was unimaginable.

Before losing consciousness, Luo Xiao said with a ferocious expression: "Peng Lu, you're next."

It’s really ridiculous to think about it. They completed the task but couldn’t activate the life-saving items because of insufficient favorability.

Pei Wenwei, I curse you to die a miserable death.

Luo Xiao couldn't utter any more curses as the world before her was already dark.


virtual reality.

Following E Xiu, another player's number turned gray.

"It's the Night of the Horror Castle, the dungeon where the new player who triggered the 3S-level dungeon is!" The first player who discovered it looked again in disbelief: "What's going on?"

An old player died before the new player.

More and more people are paying attention to it, and the discussion is becoming more and more heated.

"I was worried that the new guy wouldn't be able to hold out for long and would be dead. We had no clues about the 3S copy, but I didn't expect him to be so lucky."

"This is going to be interesting." Not everyone has the ambition to rush into the 3S copy. An S-level copy can leave them with nothing left. Now they are just here to watch the fun.

The people of the Ten Commandments had not originally expected the newcomer to live for too long, but now they all sent members to guard the exit of copy No. 1332.

Seeing more and more people gathering at the exit, the onlookers whispered to their friends, "Just wait and see, there will definitely be a bloody storm."

Assuming that this newcomer eventually walks out of the dungeon alive, the clues he has are enough to plunge the entire District 13 into turmoil, or even reshuffle it.

(End of this chapter)