Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 144: Horror will happen


Wen Shi happily danced for several hours and even bought lunch and sent it to the police station at noon.

"Thank you for your hard work." The young man tried hard to hide the sadness in his expression. His eyelashes trembled slightly with every word he spoke: "Please, find out the cause of my father's death."

The police officer had a very good impression of Wen Shi. Apart from anything else, he was the only one who took the initiative to stand up when everyone was reluctant to leave the villa this morning.

"Are you okay if you don't go back?" Although it was someone else's family affair, as a prominent family in the local area, the Lin family's every move could easily become a topic of conversation among the people.

Finally getting to the point, Wen Shi smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It is said that my father hid his will somewhere in the villa before he died. The house must be in a mess now."

The police officers looked at each other in bewilderment. They were willing to talk more with Wen Shi in order to learn more about the Lin family's internal information and to make it easier to solve the case.

The two sides tried to dig out information from each other. Wen Shi's purpose was to first bring up the fact that everyone was looking for the will, and secondly to find out where Mr. Lin's body was. The police procedures here were both different and overlapping from the real world. The bodies of murder victims would be sent to the autopsy room first, and later they might be transferred to the morgue. According to the normal procedures, the family members would have to wait a few days before they could take the body back.

Wen Shi will also have to sign an autopsy consent form later, which will further facilitate him in determining the location of the body.

It is wrong to move the body, but when the old man comes back to life, it will no longer be a body. By the way, it can also help catch some criminals who tampered with the will. Wen Shi clasped his hands together: "Yugi will forgive me."


After finishing the prayer, Wen Shi chatted with the police officers with a smile, and wondered casually whether the group of people in the villa were still fighting for their dream of a will.

The villa was in chaos at the moment.

Apart from anything else, Pei Hongxin never made mistakes in question analysis. For the task [Bloody Will], the adjective in front was the main reason why he was willing to make a deal with the unknown demon.

Pei Hongxin paid a third of his soul and promised that if he could not bring three fresh souls to the devil within the time limit, he would become a puppet without any mind. The scope of freshness was easy to define. He only needed to use the soul bottle given by the devil to collect the souls of the newly dead with deep resentment.

There was a lot of noise in the attic. Pei Hongxin was standing on the next floor and blood was oozing from the cracks in the ceiling above his head.

Mr. Lin's hatred for his children has reached an unprecedented level, and almost every side quest related to inheritance involves bloodshed.

A drop of dark red blood fell and Pei Hongxin reached out to catch it.

The lines on the child's palm were very shallow, and the drop of blood leaked out from the gaps between the lines. Pei Hongxin's eyes showed a long-lost smile: "The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind."

He had already received the will, and kept the news very secret, in order to see other people suffer casualties while completing the mission. These players looked down on the newcomers, and when they were on the verge of death because they were not on the will list, they would definitely be very unwilling, so that he could also fulfill the devil's request.

The only thing that made Pei Hongxin a little uneasy was the person who had not returned since he left in the morning.

"Pei Wenwei..." Completely missing the other party's growth process, Pei Hongxin could only make a personality assessment based on sporadic information. He always felt that Pei Wenwei would not so easily pin his hopes of life and death on others.

Pei Hongxin tried to get clues from the monster.

He deliberately used a mocking tone to say: "The younger one will never be able to beat the older one. I wonder if my adopted son who is bent on revenge knows that a disaster is about to happen."

The comments section was quiet.

The reason for the silence is that spoilers have been blocked.

The monsters felt that they were suffering both physically and mentally. Wen Shi had a very unique energy. The monsters were much more interested in seeing him get into trouble than seeing other people.

However, now, they saw a group of story characters being fooled around by one person, and they wished they could rush in and help them pass the level.

Pei Hongxin guessed the reason why the barrage might be blocked, but he didn't know that Wen Shi was playing tricks on all the players. He felt like he was living a year in a day, and he had to check the time from time to time. When it was seven o'clock, he would be completely calm.

There is a big boss in the villa, and no one would think that the will is on him. From now on, he just needs to kill time.

The day passed quickly and the sun set early around six in the afternoon.

Outside the morgue, a sneaky figure was wandering around. The shadows of the trees were mottled, and it was difficult to notice without careful attention.

Wen Shi had been pacing for a quarter of an hour, ready to start the work of moving things. Because he didn't want to do hard labor, he finally decided to release the zombies and command them remotely.

"You took the old man away from the world, and now you carry him back from the underworld." Wen Shi said seriously: "It can be said that it has a beginning and an end."


The zombie tilted his head, trying to digest the information in the words. He didn't quite understand why his heart had to be taken out and then transported back.

But he has plenty of strength, so he can just carry it.

The zombies swimming in the night obeyed the command very neatly and were willing to be the porters of the morgue. Wen Shi stared at his back for two seconds and thought that even a slight increase in loyalty would have a significant effect.

As Youshi climbed over the wall to get the body, Wen Shi stood aside and called Xiaohua. After the call was connected, he skipped the politeness and asked directly, "Has anyone found the will?"

"No." Xiaohua's lazy voice came from the other end: "But it seems that the place has been found, but the suicide note has been taken away."

Wen Shi thought for a moment and said, "It seems I need to trouble you to shift your attention to my adopted son."

This is not really a transfer. If nothing is found, even if it sounds outrageous, the will is most likely in Pei Hongxin's hands. Wen Shi never underestimates any opponent. The nominal father-son relationship requires him to prevent only Pei Hongxin's name from appearing on the will, otherwise he, as the guardian, will become the biggest suspect.

If Xiaohua speaks up, other players will definitely believe it even if there is no evidence.

First of all, she had no reason to lie. If Xiaohua found the suicide note, no one would dare to take advantage of her even if she said it was on her. After the mission was released, Wen Shi was not in the villa at all. The rest of the people signed the contract, and if they lost, they would lose together. So it was clear who had the will.

A zombie poked his head out from the other side of the wall, carrying a white cloth bag, and Wen Shi temporarily ended the call.

"Let's go," he said to the zombies, "let's go and get justice."

At seven o'clock in the evening, the lawyer in a suit and tie arrived at the villa on time.

The role of the lawyer is undoubtedly played by an NPC, representing absolute fairness.

In the villa, everyone except Wen Shi was present.

Pei Hongxin's face was not very good, because he was threatened by a group of people because of Xiaohua's words. Pei Hongxin was originally prepared to beat him to death, and he would not say anything. The violence that players can use is limited. Who knew that these people took him to a dangerous attic and forced him into any place with monsters.

Pei Hongxin thought he was not a good person, but compared with this group of players who would do anything to pass the level, his skills were still too shallow. He had no choice but to agree to add other people's names.

What comforted him a little was that Xiaohua did not force Pei Wenwei to be included in the will.

The butler sneered, "You should be thankful that you didn't use that pen to tamper with the will from the beginning."

The special traceless pen can only be used once. If Pei Hongxin has wasted this opportunity, it will be a big trouble. In that case, they will definitely send the other party to hell first.

The lawyer was particular about efficiency and didn’t even ask about the provenance of the will. After inspecting it on site, he simply nodded and said, “It’s real.”

He did things very mechanically. After everyone sat down, the lawyer stood in the main seat in front of Mr. Lin and read the will from the beginning. After he finished reading it, it was considered notarized.

Most of Mr. Lin's original property was to be donated for the purpose of doing good deeds, and the rest was given to his first love who was somewhere in the world. Only his youngest son Lin Tianci received a few calligraphy and paintings.

After the changes, almost everyone had a share.

"… The butler has worked hard for this family for many years. He will inherit my thirty million…"

The lawyer was halfway through reading when he was suddenly interrupted.

The door was opened roughly from the outside, and the moment the cold wind blew in, the papers rustled.

Wen Shi, who had disappeared for a day, finally showed up.

His appearance was very unique, just like the protagonist returning for revenge in a movie, except that he appeared with a suitcase. I don't know what was in the suitcase, but it smelled so bad that even the green plants in the corner of the living room seemed to be wilted.

Under the night sky, Wen Shi appeared quietly with a stern expression. He spoke word by word, "I don't agree with this will."

Xiaohua: “…”

If you had told me earlier that your way of appearance would be so childish, I would have avoided you under the pretext of going to the bathroom.

In fact, Wen Shi’s cold and hard expression was due to his unwillingness to breathe and he was holding it in.

If possible, he really didn't want to take the body with him, but in order to prevent A Yu from failing to summon the soul, he had to make all preparations in advance.

"The will is fake." Wen Shi's eyes were as sharp as knives, staring straight at the lawyer.

The lawyer's expression became visibly unhappy as his professional ethics were questioned.

Others didn't understand what he was up to, so Lin Tianci sneered and said, "Whether a will is true or false, no one knows better than a lawyer."

The key NPC who was responsible for identifying the effectiveness of the instrument was not shaken by Wen Shi's words and continued to read.

While the lawyer was still acting as a ruthless reading machine, Wen Shi just stood there calmly. Suddenly, he took a deep breath, raised his head and said loudly to the upstairs: "Mom—"

The single word was shouted out with an accent effect, echoing in the villa, perfectly drowning out the lawyer's voice.

Less than thirty seconds later, a shadowy figure suddenly appeared in the living room: "Son, are you looking for me?"

This is the effect of "Sneaking into the night with the wind". Even the lawyer was startled by the sudden appearance of the person and was speechless on the spot.

Wen Shi struggled to lift the suitcase onto the table and dumped the body out. The stench made everyone step back. Wen Shi looked at A Yu and raised one eyebrow. The latter understood what he meant in a second: "I'll do it."

A Yu shook the bell that he was prevented from using yesterday. He shook his thin wrist back and forth a total of seven times, but the bell did not make a single sound. Wen Shi, who was closest to the corpse, felt a bone-chilling cold that almost made him lose consciousness. He had to change his position.

From the moment the body appeared, everything was beyond everyone's expectations.

The housekeeper was quite knowledgeable. When he saw the strange scene of Ayu mumbling something while ringing the bell, he immediately connected it with the matter of summoning spirits. His face suddenly changed and he said, "Stop her."

He had never seen anyone successfully summon a spirit, but even if there was a slight possibility, he could not allow such a thing to happen.

However, the abilities of both parties were not at the same level. Ayu fiddled with another bell on his waist with his fingernails, and this time the bell made a relatively crisp sound. The housekeeper's soul felt a sense of being frozen and empty in the crisp sound. The same was true for the players who tried to walk towards Ayu. Their souls trembled violently for a moment.

Just when they felt their bones were about to freeze to pieces, in full view of everyone, Old Man Lin, whose body was already rotting, slowly sat up from the long table.

He seemed to be a little confused about the situation, with a hint of bewilderment in his expression.

In the dead silence, the lawyer's expression was even more dull than the player's. While he was in a daze, Wen Shi quickly snatched the suicide note from the lawyer's hand.

"Father, look, is this the will you wrote?"

Mr. Lin: “?”

The memory in his mind was a mess, and he could barely make out a few words on the paper. Mr. Lin shook his head subconsciously.

In the past two or three seconds, facing the faces around him who changed their expressions drastically, Mr. Lin noticed belatedly that there was a hole in his chest. From the neck down, there was a big Y-shaped hole, as if the stomach had been cut open. This was the mark left by the autopsy this morning.

Everything about last night appeared in his mind slowly. Mr. Lin only remembered that when the lightning in the sky just disappeared, a figure appeared in the room, and then he felt a sharp pain in his chest, and then -

And then he was gone!

"I'm dead..." There was a strong shock in his dark and dilated pupils.

Wen Shi nodded heavily: "After your accident, this will was immediately published. It was too coincidental. In order to find out the truth, your girlfriend and I..."

Xiaohua touched her bright red nails and looked over with a smile.

Wen Shi coughed lightly and continued, "I wanted to find out the truth, luckily the friend I met outside is a psychic."

He deliberately linked the will and the accident together. Mr. Lin himself did not trust his children, and now all the winners on the list would be on his list of suspicion.

Not knowing how long the summoning of the spirits would last, Wen Shi said briefly, "Please take another look at the will."

He didn't need to say anything, Mr. Lin was already watching and was so angry that he almost lost his soul.

"Ridiculous, so ridiculous!"

If Mr. Lin repeatedly emphasizes that the people listed in the will are not among the heirs, everyone will be finished.

Pei Hongxin looked at Xiaohua in confusion. Her name was also on the will, so why could the other party still sit there so calmly

The current situation did not give Pei Hongxin any more time to think. He quietly took out the soul bottle given by the devil. Old Man Lin was also a fresh corpse who had died not long ago. As long as his soul was taken away, there would be room for everything to turn around.

It’s a pity that Ayu’s major is not suitable.

Pei Hongxin had just taken out the small bottle for less than a second when the suction force of the bottle mouth on the soul was ruthlessly suppressed, and it was impossible to take away the old man's soul.

Mr. Lin’s bloodless face continued to turn blue: “These evil beasts.”

The handwriting is exactly the same, which shows that these people had planned it a long time ago.

Wen Shi gritted his teeth and endured the stench of the corpse and said, "Yes, this has been planned for a long time. I just found out that your grandson is not my biological son at all."

The amount of information was quite large and Mr. Lin was unable to react for a while.

Wen Shi just casually explained the reason why Pei Hongxin appeared in the will, and then hinted that he might be the eldest brother's child, who secretly reported things related to him on a daily basis.

"I will definitely find out the truth," Wen Shi said softly, "but before that, we must first determine who owns the will."

Just as Mr. Lin was about to scold him, he heard Wen Shi say, "It's not cheap to hire a psychic. There will be places where you can use a psychic frequently in the future."

Hit the snake at its most vulnerable part.

Mr. Lin thought deeply about what he meant. As long as he had a medium, he might be able to continue to enjoy everything in the human world in a different way. He looked at Wen Shi deeply, and only heard the latter make a cheap promise and said three words: "I swear."

Old Master Lin was silent for a while. His brain after death was working like a rusty spring. He was bewitched by the big promise made by Wen Shi and turned his neck stiffly towards the lawyer.

Pei Hong became more confident and called out to the devil frantically: "How many times can you successfully summon the spirit?"

A blurry black shadow appeared in his mind, and its slender eyes seemed to be looking through Pei Hongxin's soul. Just as he was trembling all over, the black shadow replied: "Once."

There are a set of unspoken rules when making deals with the devil.

The content that cannot be traded is too big, for example, if I want someone to die, or I directly want to complete a task, no one can afford such a price.

Pei Hongxin: "I want to stop summoning spirits."

The demon made a cold request: "Give me a little more of your soul."

"Okay." Pei Hongxin hesitated for a moment: "If I want to make sure that I am included in the will..."

Demon: "All souls."

Pei Hongxin shut up.

A thin puff of black smoke drifted across the long table.

“My inheritance will all be passed on to me…” Before Mr. Lin could finish his words, he collapsed with a thud, and there was no trace of life on his face.

A Yu shook his head slightly when he looked at Wen, indicating that the same person could only summon his soul once.

The small details of the interaction between the two were noticed by other players, and they all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Grandpa Lin falling on the table like mud.

Comment section.

[Grandma Scissor: I feel great, hahahaha, just a few seconds away. ]

[Patient No. 109: What happened? Just now, a reporter tried to sneak into the hospital, and I followed him to catch him.]

"Frank Hospital's will-deficient maniac enters the live broadcast room."

[Patient No. 300: I am so annoyed. The damn intruder has made me wake up and unable to sleep. I can only come here to watch "Horror Club" to kill time.]

The comments were scrolling very quickly, and Wen Shi vaguely saw the key words that the reporter had sneaked into, and his expression became slightly gloomy.

The host might have been caught.

Wen Shi suddenly lost the mood to fry fish and prepared to finish this short story as quickly as possible, and then think of a way to rescue the host remotely.

He calmly used his [Resurrection] skill: "Come on, Dad, sit up."

As Wen Shi finished speaking, Mr. Lin's rotten body twitched a few times, and in front of everyone's astonished expressions, he raised his upper body again in a twisted posture. He died with his eyes open when he fell down before, and now he didn't even bother to open his eyelids.

Wen Shichong waved to lawyer Wen, motioning him to come closer so that he could hear the old man's speech more clearly, while he was also recording the video.

"Go on, who will inherit all the estate?"

"..." Pei Hongxin, who had just offered a wisp of soul, spat out a mouthful of blood in anger.

(End of this chapter)