Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 146: Horror will happen


Wen Shi had dealt with all kinds of NPCs. Their common characteristics were that they were cunning, hated or despised humans, and enjoyed killing players.

This demon doesn't seem to have these characteristics, but it still does what it should do.

Wen Shi's amber eyes were fixed on the black ball in front of him whose face could not be seen clearly, and he continued to summarize the other person's characteristics.


The devil knows that the current environment is a story and is aware of the feud between himself and Pei Hongxin. This means that the devil is looking at everything from a bystander's perspective, and it is very likely that it is watching the live broadcast in some way.

I don’t know why, even though I can’t see anything clearly in the black shadow, Wen Shi always looks towards the other person’s eyes unconsciously, as if he has seen him somewhere.


Suddenly, a voice came from outside the window. The voice was so strong in the wind that it sounded like someone was calling "goose".

The stairs were blown up, and Ayu hated elevators, so she chose to climb through the window to see Wen Shi.

"I was wondering why the aura was so close..." Upon seeing the shadow, Ayu immediately reached for the bell at his waist: "So you came here."

Wen Shi shuddered. Ayu had always said that he wanted to catch a pet for him. Could it be this demon

Before he could say anything, A Yu had already rang the bell. The bell had different sounds for different targets. Now it made a clean sound like a wind chime, and the sound waves spread layer by layer to the demon. Facing the all-pervasive strange fluctuations, the black shadow did not dodge. After the sound waves were connected, the black shadow was shaken into a puddle of mud in a second.

A bizarre scene happened.

The mud stood up hideously and twistedly, solidified into a statue on its own, and finally turned into a black shadow, saying in a businesslike manner: "The price of pretending to be a pet is one-tenth of your soul."

A Yu's smoky eyebrows slightly frowned.

“It’s a bit unique.”

She looked at the black shadow thoughtfully, and there was no way to lock her soul.

Wen Shi, who had just gotten out of bed, became more serious when he heard what his pet said. Sure enough, this demon had been watching everyone's words and actions.

It also knew what Ayu said when he came.

A Yu looked at Wen, asking with his eyes whether he wanted to continue scratching.

Her power is limited by this world. Although she has not yet figured out the devil's background, she will not lose in a fight.

Wen Shi pondered for a while and shook his head.

It was really unsafe to carry an uncertain thing around. Moreover, he could not sense the evil intentions of the demon at present. The demon could even be said to be very indulgent towards them. They did not retaliate after being attacked suddenly. It might not be a good thing to have a falling out with them.

"I will cooperate with your business," Wen Shi looked at the shadow warily, "but how can I ensure that this person will not be adopted by someone else in the future?"

Many stories in "The Horror Society" are repeated, which is why Wen Shi didn't use a longer method of torturing people.

If you don't remove the roots of the problem, it will always be a hidden danger in the future.

The shadow is a demon who keeps his word: "Everyone who has been to an orphanage has only one chance to be adopted." It specifically emphasizes a quantifier: "eternity."

Wen Shi fell silent.

Even people’s words in the dungeon cannot be trusted, let alone monsters.

However, in this matter, the probability of the devil lying is low. Ayu was unable to hurt it with one blow. There is no need for the devil to waste time and engage in psychological warfare for an unimportant believer.

After considering all factors, Wen Shiwei nodded.

The demon disappeared without a trace.

Ayu seemed to be very sorry to let this thing go: "Such a dirty evil thing is very useful."

Wen Shi was very open-minded. At least today he learned a lesson: it is better to have free things than cheap things.

At least it's free and you can make a short-term profit. Anyone who makes a deal with this devil will be in trouble for the rest of his life.

Wen Shi suddenly covered his heart.

A Yu asked worriedly, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"I am despising my own kindness." Wen Shi sighed.

Just for a second, he actually felt sympathy for Pei Hongxin.

After making sure that he was not feeling unwell, Ayu left temporarily and reminded Wen Shi to call her at any time if the devil came back.

Wen Shi considers himself the number one person to call parents: "Don't worry."

The room returned to silence. Wen Shi put away the [Aoki Sword] and looked at the electronic disk again. The comments were still asking for the list of demons to avoid. The monsters in the C-level copy have never been taken seriously. After scrolling for a long time, no one has given an answer.

"Patients at Frank Hospital..."

After Wen Shi said a few words, the monsters in the comment section finally turned their attention back to him.

"Would you like to make a bet with me?" He flipped the coin between his fingers that was left over from his debt relationship with the fat man. The coin seemed to have magical powers. Every time Wen made a bet with someone, the smooth side would become softer, similar to the touch of skin.

Patient No. 109 was the most active among all the patients and slowly sent out a question mark.

"The reporter who ran into the hospital is my friend." Since the host's identity has been exposed, there is no point for Wen Shi to cover it up. He thinks about every word he says.

The monster likes to hurt other people's relatives and friends to gain favor. The host is far from being an important person, but if Wen Shi wants to save him, he needs a rescue relationship that will convince the monster.

"If I can get 10,000 viewers on my own before the next story is over, you have to save the lives of the journalist team."

A Yu's ability has been exposed, and Wen Shi specifically emphasized the three words "rely on yourself".

[Patient No. 109: What if I lose? ]

"This live broadcast port seems to be very powerful. If I lose, let the administrator bring me to you and let you deal with me as you wish." Wen Shi deliberately said in a light tone: "It's a gamble. Win or lose, you won't lose anything."

Wen Shi didn't know that the letter he wrote to the host last time was very effective. After being discovered by the monster in the hospital, the host praised the first dean as he said, and was not immediately killed on the grounds of writing a biography.

However, this reason cannot be used as a life-saving talisman. If there are no deep-zone patients willing to save him, the host will either go crazy or die.

Wen Shi's heart kept calling for games.

Dear Youfushang, I didn't say when I would go, but after the 3S instance is released, I will have to go to this instance sooner or later. If you lose the bet, don't waste your energy to teleport immediately.

However, on the surface—

"What does it matter if I'm willing to risk my life for my friends?" A smile appeared on Wen Shi's lips. The coin bounced high up and he caught it with one hand, as if everything was under control.

[Patient No. 109: @Sex addiction dead pervert, do you want to bet with him? ]

[Patient 233: I don’t mind. I’m bored after being woken up.]

Ten thousand readers is not a small number. As of now, there are less than three hundred viewers in total.

Unless the monsters spread the word about this unpopular short story, no one would actively click in. After the bet, other monsters would be even less likely to advertise for an individual.

[Patient No. 109: @Administrator, please come out and notarize it. ]

[Grandma Scissor: I finally waited for the character in the story to die on his own initiative. Fortunately, I didn’t give up.]

"Administrator You entered the live broadcast room."


Red blood words appeared on the public screen.

A murderous atmosphere was overwhelming. It had to be said that the game's credibility and prestige were almost directed at monsters covering all dimensions.

After it appeared, the comment section became much more disciplined, until the system prompted that the game administrator had left the live broadcast room, the barrage of comments slowly began to mock Wen Shi's arrogance.

Wen Shi felt relieved and turned over and fell asleep holding the coin.

In the middle of the night, the familiar sound of sirens appeared outside the villa again, and the housekeeper was taken away. The crime of placing dangerous explosives was not light. As for the change of the will, there was no way to identify the real suspect. The other players unanimously pushed the responsibility on the housekeeper. Without more evidence, no players were taken away for the time being, but the police asked them not to leave the villa at will recently.

Despite his requests, Wen Shi prepared to go out as soon as the sun rose.

After sleeping for less than three hours the whole night, he went to the bathroom and washed his face painfully with cold water: "No one is more tired than me."

In fact: Yes.

Pei Hongxin didn't sleep a wink all night.

The devil's words about ending the trouble became his only hope now. Pei Hongxin did not place unrealistic hopes on the devil to kill the little beast. It would be best if Pei Wenwei also missed a detail, and ended up like those who got the will, with nothing in the end.

"I am suffering, and you can't expect to have an easy life..."

The resentful curse spread from between his teeth, but before it could spread further through the air, it was interrupted by a laughing voice at the door.

"What are you mumbling about?"

When Pei Hongxin looked up, he saw Wen Shi standing against the door frame with his arms folded, a car key in his hand. The smile on his face was the same as when they met on the first day at the orphanage, as if he was gentle and kind to the core.

"I finally found the old man's car keys." There were still drops of water dripping from Wen Shi's hair, and he took the initiative to open his arms: "My dear son, Dad will drive you out for fun."

Wen Shi stood where he was, but Pei Hongxin couldn't help but step back.

Unprecedented panic occupied his mind, and he couldn't tell why he was panicking. Although he had made a deal with the devil as a foundation, his inner anxiety was rising sharply.

"Oh..." Wen Shi sighed and could only take the initiative to move forward.

Pei Hongxin had retreated to the corner, and the chill from the wall behind him ran up his spine.

A pair of big hands lifted him up directly. The child's legs struggled in vain in the air. Pei Hongxin tried to call out to the devil continuously.

"Save me," he no longer cared about being exposed. As he was carried through the corridor, he screamed towards the study, "You promised!"

In the study, the statue stood quietly in the shrine, just like an ordinary clay sculpture, motionless.

Ayu didn't know where he went during the day, and was worried that the naughty kid would cause trouble while driving. Before leaving, Wen Shi sincerely invited Xiaohua, who was walking in the garden, to go for a ride together. Xiaohua resisted the urge to poison Pei Hongxin and mute him, put on earplugs and got into the sports car.

Normally, she would never share the same space with a noise source, but Xiaohua was a little concerned about the thing that the lawyer gave to Wen Shi last night, so she was willing to go along.

He finally guessed Wen Shi’s destination!

Pei Hongxin shuddered. After a brief panic, he immediately used his few remaining points to exchange for attack props, trying to create a tragic scene of car destruction and death.

Unfortunately, with Xiaohua around, Pei Hongxin didn't even have the chance to release his weapon.

The soft long whip wrapped around the tiny wrist. Xiaohua seldom used this thing. Compared with Liu Yun's whip, her whip lacked sharpness and strength, and was more like a suffocating long snake.

"Such a big reaction?" Seeing deep bloodstains on his wrist bones and Pei Hongxin still struggling, Xiaohua raised her eyebrows and asked, "Are you going to send him to the crematorium?"

Wen Shi glanced at the situation through the rearview mirror and said calmly, "Orphanage."

Xiaohua was not interested in the grudges in the secular world, so she asked and then closed her eyes to rest. The car was going further and further off the track, and apart from the occasional curse from Pei Hongxin, there were only the smart prompts from the navigation.

"I swear, as long as I don't die, I will make you regret it one day." Pei Hongxin tried to guide Wen Shi to kill himself in this way.

The story chapter of the orphanage has ended. Pei Hongxin has witnessed with his own eyes the ways in which the players who entered there died, and he dares not imagine what he will face if he goes in again.

There was no response to his harsh words, so Pei Hongxin continued to say a lot, from the promises of the game to the real benefits, and even mentioned that he would turn himself in after he got out.

Wen Shi turned a deaf ear to everything and focused on driving.

The car window was half open, and soon the familiar smell of coke from the wilderness wafted in.

This time, Wen Shi drove the car all the way to the gate. On the rainbow plaque, the words "Orphanage" in the middle were still full of mystery.

Xiaohua frowned: "This thing..."

"Don't keep staring at her." Wen Shi reminded her, "You'll lose your rationality."

The weather was nice today, and a hoarse burst of laughter floated out. The woman was taking the children in the yard to play on the slide, and when the sound of wheels came, everyone stopped at the same time.

A group of burnt-black children stood hand in hand behind the woman, looking at the visitors in the yard today with strange smiles.

Wen Shi got out of the car calmly, with the frantically struggling Pei Hongxin still hanging on his arms.

"Long time no see." He took the initiative to greet the woman.

In fact, it only takes two or three days.

Wen Shi had already mastered the art of speaking here, and asked directly, "Can the property be returned to its original owner?"

The woman's dry face made it hard to tell whether she was happy or angry: "You want to abandon her?"

Wen Shi answered irrelevantly: "I want to donate money. I just inherited a large sum of money, and I decided to donate most of it here."

He looked at the simple slide: "It's all for the children."

This is a method I learned from Jian Qingrong. Sponsorship is always useful. Anyway, it's not his money, so I'll just pray for Mr. Lin.

Wen Shi was moved to think that he was the only one who truly cared about Mr. Lin and was not after money or a house.

"I think I'm more suited to raising a real child. This doesn't meet my psychological expectations."

The proposal to donate caused a slight fluctuation in the woman's face, which had remained unchanged for many years.

The coldness around them faded a little. When the woman heard the amount Wen Shi wanted to donate, the future plans of the hospital flashed through her mind, and she finally decided to turn a blind eye to this return incident. She lowered her eyes and waved to Pei Hongxin. Under the daylight, the ashes on her black nails could be vaguely seen. The woman motioned for him to come over.

Pei Hongxin had just been quiet for a few seconds, but as soon as his feet touched the ground, he immediately rushed out.

The woman did not move, and Wen Shi did not try to catch it. At the same time, he quietly looked at the small figure rushing out. With the red house as the background, the scene was very strange.

Ten meters, five meters... Pei Hongxin didn't know what he was running for. He had no other choice but to regard the iron gate in front of him as his only hope.

Just run out, just get out of the orphanage!

Just when they were just a stone's throw away from the rusty iron gate, the burnt child who had been standing behind the woman a second ago suddenly appeared at the door hand in hand, happily surrounding Pei Hongxin in a circle.

"Why are you running?"

"Why don't you join us?"

The questions they asked were the same as those they had asked the dead players on the first night.

Pei Hongxin shuddered uncontrollably.

"No, I didn't run." He pinched his thigh forcefully and tried to respond calmly.

The child took Pei Hongxin's hand and said, "Come on, play with us."

The numbing touch made Pei Hongxin's palms sweat. The child seemed to sense his nervousness, and smiled grimly, revealing the only pale teeth on his body.

Pei Hongxin was led back to the red house.

"Take me away from here." When he passed by Wen Shi, his usually straight spine was slightly bent, just like the brief depression he experienced when he went bankrupt. "We can sign a contract. I will obey your orders."

The temperature of the burnt child's hand was so high that Pei Hongxin felt his palm was about to be burned.

Wen Shi's eyes were calmer than ever before. He looked down at Pei Hongxin and suddenly reached out to touch his head: "Remember next time..."

Just as a glimmer of hope appeared in Pei Hongxin's eyes, he saw Wen Shi bending down, with a hint of helplessness in his tone: "Don't look for demons who offer too cheap a price anymore."

After standing there in a daze for a few seconds, Pei Hongxin suddenly rushed towards Wen Shi's waist like an angry lion. However, because his hands were held tightly by the ghost boy, he could not make more intense movements.

"You will definitely die!" Pei Hongxin's eyes were red with anger, "I will use my remaining soul to curse you to hell!"

Wen Shi remained indifferent. He didn't know how much of Pei Hongxin's soul was left, but it was definitely not enough for the devil to attack him again.

"I will come to see you when I finish this copy." Wen Shi considerately hummed a few words to wish you peace, then walked aside to call a lawyer and entrusted the donation matter to the other party.

Before leaving, he did not forget to nod politely to the woman.

Be respectful, polite, and generous.

Wen Shi gave his image of a rich second generation a score of 90.

Sitting back in the sports car, Xiaohua had moved to the passenger seat at some point, tapping the window with her bright red nails: "Now we can talk business."

Wen Shi didn't keep anyone in suspense and directly took out the small box given by the lawyer.

He glanced at Xiaohua, who nodded: "Open it."

The small box was not locked, and it opened easily with a gentle pull.

Inside was a banknote.

Unlike the traditional currency circulating in this city, the front of the coin is printed with a plum blossom pattern, which is exactly the same as the pattern on Mr. Lin’s clothes when he was alive, and the image carved on the shrine in his study.

Wen Shi: "Let's try touching it together."

There is only one banknote, so if there is a hidden map or other task, it is likely that only the first person who touches it can trigger it.

The two people's fingers kept touching the corner of the banknote at the same frequency, and the game's cold prompt sounded:

"You touched the paper money of the City of Gold."

Xiaohua was a little surprised: "City of Gold?"

Wen Shi: “Have you heard of it?”

Xiaohua nodded: "Li Nan's role is the lover I found behind the old man's back. It is said that he is working in the Golden City now. I received a text message from him before, saying that the president of [Wangcai Bank] is also there. Not only that, there seem to be other top players gathered there."

"If that's the case..." Wen Shi leaned back in the seat: "The final danger is that the current B level may be broken, and it is very likely that even S level will not be able to suppress it."

Xiaohua nodded.

There must have been a limit on the number of people who could go to the Golden City at the beginning. The game probably divided the players' initial areas according to the rankings, so they were not thrown there.

"I'm ranked in the top 50 in the virtual world," Xiaohua put away her usual relaxed expression, "The players in the Golden City must be even more powerful."

You can imagine the danger you would face if you just ran over there.

The benefits and risks are directly proportional. Xiaohua is capable, so naturally she wants to give it a try.

"What about you?" she asked Wen Shi.

"Go." The word was said with finality.

Wen Shi had a premonition that he didn't have much time left. Whether it was to save the host or to get to know Frank Hospital better through the barrage, he couldn't leave this copy hastily.

Xiaohua: "There is no direct teleportation in the game. The Golden City should still be in this dimensional space and can be reached by transportation. Let's find out the situation first and prepare the props that may be used in advance."

Wen Shi nodded, thought for a moment and said, "We also have to put on the shrine in the study."

Xiaohua wondered: "Why bring that thing?"

Wen Shi: "If you really encounter a dead end, you can only..."

"You don't want to make a deal with the devil?" Xiaohua wanted to whip him awake.

Wen Shi waved his hand: "Just in case."

You don't have to trade yourself. You can also induce others to trade at critical moments. The devil may even give you some commission.

Of course, the decisive factor that really prompted him to bring the shrine was that the pattern on it was consistent with the banknotes of the City of Gold, and there must be a connection between them.

Wen Shi tilted his head and said seriously: "By the way, this demon charges very cheaply, is always available, and has a good service attitude."

Xiaohua: “…”

(End of this chapter)