Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 148: Horror will happen


There were many people who came to certify their bodyguards, and most of them noticed Wen Shi.

That seemingly vulnerable thin body was like a page filled with outrageous stories, fragile and powerless.

"Is he here to commit suicide?" a big guy asked the question that all the applicants were thinking.

There were probably two reactions in everyone's mind. First, someone was at the bottom today and didn't have to die. Then, they lamented that this person did not even meet the lowest standard in the industry and the machine would not use him as a reference for a bodyguard.

If you queue up, it will take at least half an hour, so Wen Shi walked all the way to the front.

"Brother, I'm in a hurry to reincarnate, can you let me go first?"

“…” If you say that, then I have no choice but to give way. The person at the head of the queue said, “Please.”

No one raised any objections afterwards.

Wen Shi finally saw the tester of the Golden City.

An iron lump with no aesthetic appeal stood against the wall, with a brick-like display screen in the middle and several super-large computer cases connected to the back, each of which emitted a loud noise similar to the humming of an engine.

Wen Shi thought that the testing method was that people were read as chips. After all, Golden City looked very high-end, but in fact, intelligent robots operated the whole process.

Wen Shi followed the instructions and placed his electronic ID card on the port for scanning. His player number suddenly popped up on the screen, followed by a dazzling scroll of data. When he saw the player number, Wen Shi immediately scanned the machine and successfully found the manufacturer: Roaming High-Tech Company.

As expected, it contains the word "游".

The message [Rating Failed] didn’t pop up on the screen immediately, which made the people in the queue behind crane their necks to look. Could it be that this guy has some skills

Wen Shi himself was also staring at the screen intently. The last time he was so confident was in Fengguan Village, but he ended up being disliked by everyone.


A crisp sound suddenly came from the screen. Everyone present was already very alert, and immediately the team dispersed and assumed attacking postures.

Seeing the fireworks exploding on the screen, Wen Shi breathed a sigh of relief. The authentication was actually successful!

Because it went so smoothly, Wen Shi's body trembled violently, and the words "turnaround" were written all over his hair and fingertips.

A Yu asked softly: "Son, why are you so surprised?"

Wen Shi couldn't explain why, and finally sighed: "You don't understand."

Every slap in the face comes unexpectedly, but luckily nothing went wrong this time. Perhaps his achievements in the field of saving lives are so great that even in the game there is nothing to fault with him.

I realized later that the sound was made by the identification equipment. The bodyguard certification room, which was usually the noisiest, was now filled with shocked faces.

Wen Shi clearly heard a sound of people sucking in cold air behind him. At this moment, even the electronic eyes of the intelligent robot flashed with human-like surprise.


There was a flash of white light, and the electronic camera of the machine suddenly took a picture. The incident happened suddenly, and there was a trace of confusion on Wen Shi’s fair face.

Golden City is a city of data. When Wen Shi's evaluation results came out, the original first place was squeezed out, and his electronic business card began to play on the projection screens of some buildings and squares. [Lin Hejing: SSS-level bodyguard

Resume: Willing to be a human air cushion to save a man who had fallen; successfully protected a fellow traveler who had lost his limbs and tongue; not long ago, he created a country to save himself and his students...]

People on the roadside, in shopping malls, and even some workers taking their lunch break all subconsciously stared at this electronic business card for a couple of seconds longer.

He looks like a pretty boy, and you tell me he is the best bodyguard in the history of Golden City

There must be something wrong with the machine in the Talent Building!

Immediately, a colleague whose ranking had moved down called the Talent Building for further confirmation.

To their disappointment, the official response was that there was no problem with the machine and that the resume of the bodyguard named Lin Hejing was completely true.

In the Talent Building, the first ones to wake up were the robots.

The intelligent robot immediately issued Wen Shi a professional qualification certificate and a smart phone, which meant that he could operate in the Golden City as a bodyguard.

While the intelligent robot was busy, Xiaohua asked, "Is there any professional certification for dominatrix here?"

Wen Shi's mouth twitched, and he repeated the reminder in a low voice: "Choose a popular profession..."

Intelligent Robot: "Professional abuser, ninth on the popular occupation list. Because the group is relatively fixed, certification is only conducted in July every year."

Xiaohua sighed regretfully and said to Wen Shi:

"I'll go see if there are any other jobs available. I'll call you later."

Wen Shi: “…Go ahead.”

He took his qualification certificate and walked out in a very glorious manner. The applicants behind him were eager to make a move and wanted to have a try. However, unless there are special circumstances, peers must go through a series of procedures to challenge each other, otherwise they will be punished according to the Code.

Wen Shi also saw Article 34 of the Code written in large letters on the wall: Fighting is prohibited.

He suddenly felt that the laws of the Golden City were not completely useless.

A Yu looked at Wen Shi in confusion as he walked towards him straight, looking around all the time, a combination of calmness and timidity.

As if seeing Ayu's confusion, Wen Shi said, "My situation is a little special."

Without additional skills, he could guarantee with confidence that no one present could beat him, but this did not prevent Wen Shi from walking out confidently.

"Identity." Wen Shi uttered these two words when he got back into the elevator.

He discovered an important feature of "Horror Society", that in each short story, one has to fight for identity. In the "Eagle-Staying" chapter, only one player can survive, and the one who survives has the identity of "Lin Hejing". When it comes to the battle for the rich family, it is undoubtedly a fight for the identity of the heir, and now they have to fight to be a worker.

If he is lucky, perhaps he will eventually inherit one of the identities and have an additional title or achievement.

Wen Shi prefers the latter, as the halo effect of combat performance is more practical.

Just as he was thinking about the possible bright future, he was blinded by a bunch of flashing lights coming towards him.

A bunch of reporters came outside the building. There is a saying in the market that entering the Golden City is like entering the world of fame and fortune. Every time a top person in an industry is born in the Golden City, it will become a topic of competition for reports from all parties.

Under the crazy questioning of the reporters, Wen Shi had an absurd illusion that reality and the copy were blurred. He himself had no vanity in this regard, but it was more like there was an invisible force in the city that was interfering with his consciousness.

Wen Shi still remembers that when he was working as a night shift security guard in a large factory, the quality inspection area had a rule that amplified wrong perceptions. By analogy, the Golden City seems to be able to strengthen people's sense of belonging.

As soon as he came to this realization, a notification sounded almost immediately:

[You discovered one of the rules of the Golden City.]

[Additional tip: If you stay in the city for more than seven days, you will completely become a citizen of the Golden City.]

Seeing that Wen Shi was about to be overwhelmed by reporters, A Yu shook the bell in time and led him through the sea of attacks.

Finally breathing fresh air again, Wen Shi felt a vibration on his waist and found that his cell phone was vibrating.

The thing that was vibrating was a smartphone sent by a robot.

The phone comes with a protective case with simple and crude small-print instructions on it, which can be summarized into two points: this phone is a top-end product and will not be tracked by location; this phone is specifically used for taking orders.

In order to prevent employees from being harassed, Golden City equips each person with a smart device to facilitate contact from those in need. Employees can then screen and accept orders from them, and they can turn off the device at any time during daily work.

Wen Shi thought the caller was someone who couldn't wait to hire him for a job, until a mature bass voice came over:

"Come to the Mekin Club."

Li Nan was at work and didn't want to say much. After sending a location, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

Wen Shiyuan forwarded it to Xiaohua, asking her to come and meet up after completing the authentication.

The club was a little far from here, and apart from the banknote issued by the game, Wen Shi had no money circulating in Golden City.

His principle is: if it doesn't work, just take it for free.

There was a missed call on the phone, from the man in the flowered shirt. Wen Shi listened to the message and it was probably about the screaming of a groundhog, asking him when he learned kung fu, and even vaguely asking at the end whether Mr. Lin's death had anything to do with him.

The process is completely wrong, but the result is right.

Wen Shi took advantage of his curiosity about the flowered shirt and borrowed some money. Every industry here values integrity in business operations. Soon, the errand boy brought him a five-hundred-dollar bill.

The currency exchange in Golden City was troublesome, and the flowered shirt did not give him much.

Wen Shi took A Yu and left in a taxi.

In the bustling city, the taxi drove very fast and in less than fifteen minutes the vehicle stopped in front of a building second only to the Talent Building.

The Meijin Club is the largest casino in Golden City, receiving tens of thousands of guests every day. The interior windows are painted in dark colors, and luxurious lights are on day and night, creating an image of decadence and dissipation.

Being too famous is not a good thing. Wen Shi attracts attention wherever he goes.

While he was searching for Li Nan's figure, someone in the rest area not far away called his name.

The man was slightly fat, but the flesh on his body did not feel cumbersome. He wore a jade ring and nodded to Wen Shi with a smile: "I have heard of your name for a long time."

Li Nan had just finished his shift change, so he changed out of his work clothes and came to the rest area.

"Congratulations." He first congratulated Wen Shi.

Casinos are places where information flows the fastest, and matters concerning 3S bodyguards have become a topic of conversation for many people at the poker table.

"Bodyguard is a popular profession."

The casino has strict requirements on the appearance of its staff. They are absolutely not allowed to have bangs. The slicked-back hair, which is extremely challenging for a person's face shape, looks natural on Li Nan. He looks particularly refined. "It seems that the main quest is about to begin."

Through him, I learned that players have to certify seven popular professions in total before the main quest will be officially opened.

Not every player will certify popular professions. Six professions have already been certified before. Currently, there are more players gathered in the Golden City than Wen Shi imagined.

As expected, the reminder sound came at a very timely moment:

"Welcome everyone to the City of Gold. Thanks to everyone's efforts, the seven most popular professions have been successfully certified."

"Please make 200 million within ten days."

Ten days. Wen Shi thought of the tip he had received before. If he stayed in Golden City for more than seven days, he would be trapped forever. The game was setting traps in every aspect.

He also received other reminders from the system:

"Congratulations on completing your initial mission and obtaining the status of a [Junior Worker], which now gives you a foothold in the Golden City."

"You are excellent and a benchmark in the industry. Please remember the principles that outstanding talents need to abide by."

"One. Don't take ordinary orders. You only do top-level business. Two. Don't take orders below 10 million. They are not worthy of your talent. Three. Super bodyguards are the myth of the Golden City. If you fail once, you will be expelled from the city."

Wen Shi felt that since he was able to listen to the whole thing without getting angry, his endurance exceeded that of 99 percent of the people in the Golden City.

"I knew it." Compared to being slapped in the face, the act of flattering others in the game is more worthy of vigilance.

If you don't accept this or that, will you just starve to death in the city

"Two hundred million." The president of Wangcai Bank raised his eyebrows after hearing the main task.

Fortunately, the difficulty level of this copy is not even A at present. During the step-by-step process, he can still focus on other things.

The president's gaze swept across Wen Shi, with a faint smile lingering in his eyes.

A certification level that is too high is not necessarily a good thing, especially for bodyguards. If the first order fails, the ranking in the same industry will drop to the last place that day, and there is only one way out: elimination.

Even if the first two orders were successful by chance, if he failed once, this bodyguard myth would be criticized by countless people.

Due to this high elimination rate, under normal circumstances, players will not take orders that are too difficult, especially the first order that determines life or death.

The president rubbed the jade ring in his hand and thought that he might as well give him a push. No matter who Pei Wenwei wanted to protect, he would assassinate him.

After Pei Wenwei was eliminated, the bank could rely on the debt relationship to take over most of the other party's inheritance.

All of them are dead!

Wen Shi was looking at his smartphone, not paying attention to the bank president's sinister intentions.

This is the benefit of electronic business cards. He does not need to go out to look for a job. Since he was named a top talent in the 3S industry, he has a lot of people waiting for orders on his mobile phone.

A row of red exclamation marks suddenly popped up on the screen. This latest order cut in line and squeezed in front of all the orders. Wen Shi clicked it and took a look, and his breath was slightly caught in his throat.

[The Lord of the Golden City invites you to protect him for one day. ]

"It's time to live." Wen Shi murmured.

The president raised his eyelids and picked up the wine glass to hide his good mood. It seemed that he was about to come to life.

As a bystander, Li Nan knew what the president of Wangcai Bank was planning. He wanted to remind Wen Shi to accept the order quietly and not to make it public, but the latter had already spoken: "Comrades—"

Wen Shi took a deep breath: "I am going to protect the city lord."

The Lord of the Golden City, the creator of the myth of the Golden City, the man who decides the life and death of all the citizens, the other party asked for 100 million at a time!

Once he has a good relationship with the city lord, he will be able to rule the Golden City in the future.

By then, anyone who wants to plot against his Wangcai Bank or anyone hiding in the dark can be sent away with the city lord's help.

Thinking of this, Wen Shi picked up the cherry in the cocktail and stuffed it into his mouth. The dark red juice flowed along his lips, and he stretched out his tongue to gently sweep it. His eyes were filled with murderous intent that was even fresher than the cherry juice:

I’ll kill you all in one fell swoop!

The air fell silent for a moment.

The rest area seems to be isolated and is exceptionally quiet in the noisy casino.

After a brief silence, Li Nan said to the president seemingly out of nowhere: "I support you."

Support you to challenge the leader of the Murder City of Gold.

President: “…”

(End of this chapter)