Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 153: Horror will happen


The only way to go underground is by elevator.

Not everyone can go down. The elevator requires a card and can only be used by the dealer's ID card. If guests want to experience more exciting casino projects, they must first win ten consecutive games of 10 million-level bets on the first floor, and then go to the dealer for asset verification. After a series of procedures, they can be taken to the underground casino.

Wen Shi truly realized the importance of Li Nan's career choice, which saved him the trouble of dealing with NPCs and he could just use their work badges.

The walls of the elevator going up were shining with gold, while the walls going down were painted black. In the dark and depressing space, Li Nan swiped his employee card and pressed the button for the third floor below ground.

A mechanical voice sounded in the elevator, warning: "The casino on the third floor only accepts special customers. Anyone who enters without permission will be at their own risk."

Li Nan ignored the warning sound and waited until the elevator was sinking, then said, "The third floor is not well managed."

The reason for the laxity is simple. Just like the warning sound, ordinary people going down would be delivering food to the monsters.

The elevator started at a normal speed, but after passing the second floor below ground, it began to slowly sink. The smell of the air began to change, no longer a foul fishy smell, but a faint plum blossom fragrance. This surprised Wen Shi for a moment. When he heard that the third floor was a monster paradise, he subconsciously imagined a chaotic and dirty environment.

About two minutes later, the car shook and then the door finally opened.

"I win, give me your hand!" A rough growl came directly into my ears.

There was a gambling table right opposite Wen Shi. He watched helplessly as a kitchen knife fell from mid-air and directly chopped off the claw of the gambler opposite him. Dark red blood splattered and formed a small stream flowing down from the gambling table, but it was soon covered by the faint fragrance of plum blossoms.

The gambling table couldn't be viewed closely. I had no idea how much blood had been on it. The greasy surface had a matte sheen.

The distance was not very far, and the mist curtain formed by the blood in the air was almost spreading to Wen Shi.

"..." His intuition was not wrong. The air here was just a little better than outside.

The sound of the door opening attracted several monsters nearby, and they all looked over here at the same time. The moment they saw Wen Shi, their eyes instinctively flashed with green light like hungry wolves.

Wen Shi was also looking at these monsters.

They looked all kinds of strange things. Some of them had bodies like lotus roots sewn together with fine needles and thread. Others looked very much like orcs from the Kingdom of Jinta, with animal heads and human bodies. There were seven or eight different kinds of monsters sitting on a single gambling table.

After arriving here, the ghost children became much more well-behaved. They stopped running around and gathered into small groups, baring their teeth in protest at some malicious monsters.

"You, come over here and deal the cards." There was a fanged monster on the third gambling table, and it hooked its finger at Wen Shi.

Wen Shi thought seriously about whether he looked like someone who was easy to bully. He was standing with Li Nan, but in the eyes of these monsters, he seemed to be the only piece of delicious fat meat.

In fact, judging from his temperament alone, Wen Shi is more likely to arouse the monster's desire to abuse him. The dealer's uniform completely combines the fragility and pity of a cat with the sexiness of an adult man, which is quite visually impactful. The decisive factor is that Li Nan has killed some monsters here before, and most gamblers don't want to provoke him easily.

Wen Shi glanced around and saw a few human dealers. They could receive huge service fees for working here for a night, but they were completely gambling with their lives.

When some monsters lose, they will vent their anger on the dealer, and it is common for them to eat people on the spot.

"Is there anything wrong with killing people here?"

Li Nan shook his head: "They don't follow the rules. They even hold hunter card games every month, using sky-high tips to attract humans to be used as bargaining chips. They also kill whenever they want."

"Very good." This time he didn't even have to bother choosing and choosing, and he cleared the area with one sword.

Wen Shi believed that he wanted to be a good role model. He said to the ghost children following him with great meaning: "No matter when, you must learn to give others a chance."

After saying that, she walked over to the card table and shuffled the cards in a very beautiful manner.

Unfortunately, the monster was not looking at the flexibility of the hands, but was judging the deliciousness of the hands of the human dealer. Wen Shi looked around and saw many gamblers staring at him. The flesh and blood of the players were naturally more attractive to the monster than the natives. A half-human, half-cat dealer who looked like he could be strangled to death with just a few fingers was a very tempting food in the eyes of the monster.

Some gamblers were worried that other monsters would get there first and approach the table.

Wen Shi calmly shuffled the cards, counted the number of card tables and the number of gamblers on each table, and silently calculated how many monsters there were here.

Finally came to the conclusion: enough is enough.

"What are you waiting for?" the monster urged impatiently, "Hurry up and deal the cards."

As he shouted to deal the cards, he sniffed the blood left by the gambler whose hand had been chopped off earlier, and he could no longer restrain his desire to eat. The monster looked greedily at the tempting blue veins on the young man's neck, and could fully imagine how sweet the blood would be after biting it.

Following its instinct, the monster pounced forward fiercely in the next breath.

Seeing this, the gamblers around who were ready to make a move also wanted to get an arm or a leg, and they came in like a tide.

Wen Shi lowered his eyes and looked at the cards in his hand, shook his head and sighed: "Too low rationality is really not a good thing."

The monster's appetite has increased, which is closely related to his current condition.

The comments section is even more excited than these monsters:

[Grandma Scissor: Is this what I've been waiting for? ]

However, before the second comment appeared, Wen Shi had already made a move. All the cards in his hand suddenly floated in the air, like a wall, surrounding his thin body in the middle.

The monster that was rushing towards him was blocked by the card, and after a moment of hesitation, it continued to pounce.

[One Sword to Peace] has three realms, among which [Superb] has not been used by Wen Shi until now. In this realm, there is no need to use a sword, and flying flowers and plucking leaves can hurt people.

His weapon now is playing cards.

The cat-eared dealer stood there calmly, becoming the focus of the entire third underground floor.

The most ordinary playing card seemed to have turned into a piece of iron, easily wiping across the neck of the oncoming monster. A faint red line immediately appeared on the thick layer of flesh. With a crisp sound, the monster's head hit the floor tile, his mouth still wide open, a mixture of blood and saliva flowing out.

The playing cards seemed to have their own consciousness and scattered in all directions. Compared to the violence of the sword, a corner of the card elegantly swept across the neck of every monster along the way.

There was screaming at the scene.

The ghost children's faces were as pale as paper, and they all opened their eyes wide. They seemed to vaguely see an even more terrifying Poker Grim Reaper above the monster, waving a scythe.

As his big head was being stroked, the ghost child standing next to Wen Shi finally came to his senses and raised his head tremblingly.

Wen Shi's gentle smile overlapped with the expression he had at the Hall of Fame: "Do you still want this arm?"

The ghost boy opened his mouth but couldn't say anything. He could only stick close to the other person, worried that he would be accidentally injured by the cards, and shook his head desperately.

They will learn to be good children.

The number of readers soared rapidly, Wen Shi's rationality value also increased, and the slightly cool blood in his body finally returned to its normal circulation speed.

[Patient 109: Holy shit! Is it that strong? Is this appropriate?]

Despite his pitiful appearance, he could actually kill monsters in seconds. He had even made a bet that if he lost he would be teleported here by the administrators and left to be dealt with by them.

[Patient No. 233: Do you remember the content of the bet? This is sent here to punish us! ]

[Patient No. 250: Damn his ancestors, what a dark world this is.]

"The hanged man who hates ropes enters the live broadcast room."

[Xiao Bai Ling: After killing so many monsters, he will definitely be punished by Boss Mei. @花蝴蝶@魑@溜溜头, come and see Boss Mei! ]

"Boss Mei?" The monsters in the comment section were all madly @ing their companions, and basically all of them mentioned this nickname, and Wen Shi repeated it.

According to information on the Internet, the owner of the Mei Jin Casino is Boss Mei, but judging by the reactions of these NPCs, this Boss Mei is obviously not a single person.

Wen Shi's expression remained unchanged, but his fingertips gripping the edge of the gambling table were exerting slight force, and his joints were even turning a little white.

Since the game leaves a way out for players to increase their readership, the monsters on the third underground floor are nothing to be afraid of, and the corresponding dangers will most likely be reflected in other aspects.

Boss Mei is obviously a powerful boss. There is an 80% chance that a certain stage will be triggered, which may be a chase or something else. But if you are unlucky and have to rely on violence to resist, Wen Shi will have no choice but to cry for help.

He suddenly remembered that [One Sword to Alleviate All Evil] had been used four times. Should Xie Tangyan's "Mahayana Sword Technique" be used as well

The game's mechanical voice was cold and ruthless: "Please check the properties panel carefully."

When I clicked it on Wenshi, it clearly stated that it had been used more than four times.

Isn’t “…” greater than or equal to

Before he could blame the heartless exploiter, Wen Shi stumbled and was unable to keep his balance.

The entire floor suddenly began to shake violently, and there was a strange noise coming from the ground, as if magma was about to erupt. The few remaining monsters ran around like headless flies, and the chandelier hanging high on the ceiling was shattered by the strange airflow, and the loud noise spread like a shock wave.

Wen Shi held onto the gambling table, dodged the falling chandelier fragments, and turned his head to look at Li Nan: "Are you running?"

A deep crack appeared in the floor tiles in front of him. He used his cat's agility to jump to another gambling table and looked out. The abyss was so deep that he couldn't see the bottom at a glance. He didn't know what was lurking underneath.

Li Nan said, "Wait and see."

The earthquake is now at least of magnitude 7 or 8. It is too dangerous to take the elevator in this situation.

"Boss Mei!" Some monster screamed.

Wen Shi and Li Nan's conversation was interrupted, and they turned around to look in the direction of the sound. At this moment, the fragrance of plum blossoms was almost boiling in the air. What emerged from the depths of the ground was not a monster, but a huge balance, with both ends of the balance almost running through the north and south sides of the entire third floor. The gap in the ground was tightly blocked by a thick and old tree trunk, and the balance sat steadily on it.

The dividing dial in the center of the balance is tilted at a forty-five-degree angle. A little girl in a red robe is sitting on it. She has a very thin waist and a super exaggerated bow tied behind her back. The girl has straight black hair and is holding a large plum blossom in her arms. Facing the messy casino, she is still smiling happily.

The number of comments added up over the past few days is not as large as this moment:

[Patient No. 109: Ah, it’s Boss Mei! Chong has to give a thumbs up to the protagonist of this story for being able to meet Boss Mei.]

[A Piao: This wave is a huge profit! The first move will definitely win against Boss Mei! It has been so many years, and I have never seen her in the chapter of "Golden City". I thought Boss Mei would never show up again. ]

[Patient No. 233: Boss Mei! Long time no see.]

More and more readers came in, and the prompts were almost stacked on top of each other. Among the dense prompts, two red names suddenly appeared:

"Mirror God enters the live broadcast room."

"The God of Death has entered the live broadcast room."

The temperature of the electronic watch on Wen Shi's hand suddenly dropped a lot. The blood circulation had finally recovered, but his left wrist was frozen stiff again.

The rest of the message prompts seemed insignificant compared to the two bold red highlights, while the comment section went completely crazy.

"True spirits, two true spirits!"

"Shit, it's the Mirror God. Questioning the truth and transcendental philosophy, Mirror God, my eternal God!"

"Didn't they say that the Mirror Spirit had been sleeping in Frank Hospital? How come he suddenly appeared?"

The comments were scrolling so fast that some were impossible to read clearly. It was the first time that Wen Shi knew there was a fan culture among monsters, but his mind was completely attracted by two words in one of the comments.


This mirror god should be the real spirit he had seen in Sunset Town. Wen Shi looked at the barrage and his heart moved. It seemed that Song Yan would transform into a [Philosophical Mirror] instead of growing up wildly.

On the other hand, he was almost certain that there would be no violent confrontation later.

The monster Mu Qiang, this boss Mei is so popular, it goes without saying that he is very ferocious. The game will not let players easily take on such a monster, and there is a high probability that some tasks will be randomly generated.

Because of the same perspective, many spectators also followed Li Nan's side. He looked at the innocent little girl on the scale and said, "It's a bit troublesome."

Wen Shi used his eyes to inquire about information about Boss Mei.

Li Nan shook his head: "I have never heard of this boss, but what she is sitting on may be the legendary money balance."

He elaborated a little: "I've read an old version of the Virtual World Guide, which states that the money scale is the only thing that is not governed by the game. It is not interfered with by the will of the game and has its own set of rules."

Wen Shi couldn't help but take a few more glances at the balance. The trays on both sides were shining with a cold metallic luster. The rims seemed very shallow, but at a second glance he would be confused by its depth, just like an unfathomable crack in the ground.

Boss Mei's eyes fell on Wen Shi.

She held up her slightly chubby face with one hand, and her voice had a childish and innocent sound.

"My business is supported by the bloody transactions between these monsters, but you killed my guest..." The plum blossom on his shoulder trembled with the sigh of his owner. Boss Mei looked at Wen Shi with his big eyes: "It is only natural to pay back debts. The rest of the transactions tonight must be completed by you alone."

She called Wen Shi over.

Wen Shi hesitated for a moment, asked Gui Tong to stay, and walked over himself.

When she was about to reach Boss Mei, the little girl's white hand suddenly grasped the plum branch on her shoulder, one end rested on Wen Shi's shoulder, and the bud at the front slowly bloomed.

Boss Mei nodded with satisfaction: "Your life is very valuable, and you are eligible to participate in the bet."

"What are you betting on?" Wen Shi asked calmly, "Life?"

Monsters don't have much desire for money, and all they do is play with their lives.

"There are indeed many people who want your life, and they will help fill the weight on the other side."

The moment Boss Mei finished speaking, the cold mechanical sound of the game spread to the ears of every player:

"All players, please note that if you want to hunt down player 460872, please come to the third basement floor of Mei Jin Casino and join Boss Mei's gambling game."

"Friendly reminder, Boss Mei doesn't like stingy customers, please bring enough chips."

There was no specific explanation of what the chips were referring to. Because the scale was too high, Wen Shi could only look up at the little girl and ask, "What if no one comes?"

"Yes," Boss Mei smiled, his red robe looking like plum blossoms, his whole body showing a cheerful mood, "There is one person who has to come even if he doesn't want to. There is a debt relationship between you two, and that relationship relies on the [Super Abacus], which is also a branch of the money balance. I am now going to further expand this gamble, and he has no choice."

Wen Shi secretly thought that it was true that there was no free lunch in the world, and that using magical weapons also had hidden dangers.

Ji Yuanzhi once mentioned that if he still owed money to Wangcai Bank, he would have the opportunity to plunder the artifact behind the bank.

The level of the money scale seems to be even higher than that of the divine weapon. According to Boss Mei, the bank's divine weapon is under the jurisdiction of her scale. Once Boss Mei wants to increase the debt trading volume, the president of Wangcai Bank will not be able to disobey and must come to this gamble.


Wen Shi's eyes darkened. Even if there was no such relationship, he believed that the president of Wangcai Bank would not miss such a good opportunity.

The bank had been secretly waiting to inherit his estate.

The president arrived later than expected. He was not alone. When the elevator door opened, there were seven other people following the fat man. Among them, there were only two bank members, and the rest were players at the top of the leaderboard.

Wen Shi's expression was slightly cold. The president seemed to know more about the money balance than others, and seemed to be well prepared.

After entering the negative third floor, the president simply glanced at Wen Shi and stepped to one end of the scale.

Wen Shi looked at him, turned and walked to the other end. The two sides were in a silent confrontation, almost to the point of breaking out.

"Don't be so nervous," said Boss Mei. "Maybe no one will die in this bet tonight."

[Introduction to Money Balance gameplay:

Both sides take valuable items as bargaining chips, and whoever the balance finally tips in their favor will take the first step.]

[First move: In the Libra game, it specifically refers to the new betting game that will be generated based on the first move, and the first mover has the priority to place bets. ]

[Money Balance Winning Tips:

1. The first move wins.

2. Quantitative change leads to qualitative change. The bigger the stakes, the less likely the first player will win.]

[Please win at all costs, the winner can get all the chips back! ]

Wen Shi frowned: "Creating a new bet based on the first move?"

Boss Mei patiently explained, and she casually pointed at the two players present: "For example, whoever of the two of them takes out more chips to tip the scales in his favor will go first. If the scales tip toward the person on the left... What's your last name?"

The player subconsciously said, "Zhang."

Boss Mei politely called him Mr. Zhang: "After Mr. Zhang becomes the first player, the money scale will automatically look for things related to him, forming a new gambling game."

A plum blossom bloomed on the player's shoulder. After the plum boss collected it, he said, "Perhaps the scales will come up with a bet based on Mr. Zhang's experience. Is there a magical artifact hidden in the fairy tale forest or under the deep sea?"

The player's face changed drastically. He knew a clue about the location of the artifact, which was most likely in a fairy tale copy.

Boss Mei continued, "And Mr. Zhang has the priority right to bet on this round."

Wen Shi raised his eyebrows: "I see."

The first player A may have personal information that the second player B does not know. The bet is based on the information of the first player A, so the first player will win.

He thought for a moment: "Can the things used as bargaining chips still be used in the future?"

Boss Mei smiled and said, "Before the gambling game starts, everything is frozen."

Wen Shi's breathing tightened slightly.

Boss Mei mentioned before that maybe no one would die tonight, which means that some bets will not have immediate results.

The more chips you put in, the less you have left to save your life. The higher the chance of winning the game, the lower the chance of survival in the future. But if the game starts right away, this problem doesn't exist. To put it bluntly, it all depends on luck.

The president of the bank did not seem to care about the freeze and asked from the other end: "Then what is the explanation for the second clause?"

"When the stakes reach a critical point, the fluctuation range of the bet increases, and the uncertainty increases." She made another hypothesis, but this time she used the people around Wen Shi as an example: "It's like I asked you, who will devour whom in the end, the Mirror God's clone or the Mirror God?"

Boss Mei seemed to be able to see through everything that happened in the game. Fortunately, she did not directly point out who the mirror god's clone was. Wen Shi's eyelashes trembled, and he secretly thought that the fewer people who knew about Song Yan's ability to turn into a mirror, the better. Otherwise, it would be a huge safety hazard for Song Yan himself.

Boss Mei adjusted her skirt leisurely: "How about it, can you answer it?"

Wen Shi did not speak.

He knew Song Yan very well, and he was one of the few players who had dealt with the Mirror Spirit. However, Wen Shi was not sure about the outcome between the Spirit and its clone.

Boss Mei tilted his head and said, "In this case, although the bet is also generated based on the personal information of the first player, the theory that the first player will win does not hold true."

Wen Shihe, the president of the bank, asked almost at the same time: "How much quantitative change will lead to qualitative change?"

Boss Mei smiled and said nothing.

She looked like she was sitting on a dial, but in fact she had no weight at all, and the plum blossom on her shoulder was always in a half-real and half-empty state.

After a while, Boss Mei spoke again: "Now that we understand the rules, it's time to start the game."

After he finished speaking, he tapped the metal lever lightly, and the scale sank a long distance, ensuring that both parties could put their chips into the plate.

Boss Mei finally looked at Wen Shi and said, "If you lose, not only will you lose all your chips, you will also have to pay with your life and soul as compensation for destroying my place."

Wen Shi nodded, indicating that he agreed to her request.

There is no way to disagree.

It's impossible to defeat the opponent by beating him. Boss Mei can easily obtain information about the players. It's impossible to trick them into entering the house by using "Come to my house".

Rather than considering the consequences of losing, Wen Shi now cares more about how to win.

To put it bluntly, Boss Mei is the biggest capitalist in this game. She did not mention the commission, but as she said when she appeared, the balance of money is nourished by countless gambles. The bigger the gamble, the better it is for the balance itself.

The way to win seems simple, just be the first mover. Although the second trick will reduce the chances of winning, at least the first mover will have information and won't be so passive.

Wen Shi closed his eyes.

This gamble was too unfavorable to him, and he was almost at an absolute disadvantage.

Another banknote with a plum blossom imprint flew over.

This time it was a list. When Wen Shi saw what was on it, he was slightly stunned.

[10000 points = 5 coins chips

Small Cape = 10 Coins

World Fragment = 50 Coin Chips

Key*1=50 coins


The list is long, even including zombies and home functions. Once used as chips, they cannot be used before the opening.

Wen Shi's expression darkened. He opened his backpack and found that behind some items there was a small corner mark of a chip. There was nothing behind ordinary props, which meant they were not valuable as chips.

At this moment, the balance suddenly began to tilt. It turned out that the bank president had put in five chips with a value of ten.

Wen Shi thought for a moment and placed the chips generated by [World Fragments] on the tray.

The president was extremely calm and put aside the same chips as before.

Boss Mei clapped his hands and praised him for being generous. He looked at Wen Shi and asked, "Are you still following?"

Of course Wen Shi didn't want to follow suit. The secret to gambling was to stop losses in time, but with the chips they had invested now, if a gambling game was created based on the bank president's personal information, he would surely die.

When Wen Shi puts the chips generated by the [key] in.

The more he released, the happier the bank president was, proving that this target he had been eyeing for a long time was really a fat sheep.

The bank president's wealth seemed inexhaustible, and he put aside four chips with a value of ten.

Wen Shi still had a key he got from the big factory, but it was incomplete and happened to be worth only forty coins.

Only extremely precious things would be used as bargaining chips. After taking out so many in a row, the president felt a little pressure. He could crush Wen Shi with his wealth alone, but after the chips were frozen, it would be difficult to make future investments.

Without knowing how much chips are needed to achieve a quantitative change, they have already invested so many chips. Although the two do not show any abnormality on the surface, they are no different from crazy gamblers who are determined to take the initiative.

The president did not increase the stakes immediately this time. Instead, he asked, "If others are willing to follow suit, it should be allowed by the rules."

"Of course, the bigger the bet, the better!" Boss Mei's face was close to the plum blossom branch. "The main players in the bet can only be the two of you, but the chips can be stacked. After one party wins, the people who follow him to bet will become [Favored by the Money Scale]. With this title, you will get super benefits! The more you bet, the greater the benefits."

Boss Mei spoke in an exaggerated tone, but without a trace of joking.

After receiving a definite reply, the president glanced at the players who came with him and whispered a few words.

Hearing about gambling and chips, he had prepared for both situations on the way here and had talked to these players beforehand. Wangcai Bank basically does not do loss-making business, and hearing that they can make a lot of money, players are willing to take certain risks within a reasonable range.

"I call." A female player stepped forward.

Boss Mei lightly touched a flower bud, and the next second a plum blossom bloomed on the female player's shoulder. Immediately, a similar price list was generated. All the valuable items she owned were clearly marked with prices, just like Wen Shi's.

After weighing the pros and cons, the female player placed four five-coin chips with the bank president.

This is equivalent to 40,000 points. As for rare items, the female player will not place a bet directly just because of a few words from the president of Wangcai Bank.

Then another player came and placed the same chips.

Wen Shi was silent for a moment, then took out the [Small Cloak] and [Shroud]. Even so, it was still not enough, so he took out the [Kingdom of Uzzar] from the chips.

During the freeze period, the kingdom cannot have new citizens.


When Wen Shi was about to put down his chips, the president of the bank opposite him suddenly clapped his hands. The employee of his bank looked at Wen Shi provocatively and walked up to him and put down a ten-coin chip.

The president teased, "I'm afraid what you have is not enough."

Wen Shi said nothing, looking down at the string of text below the list, which listed the battle halos and skills, which were also clearly priced.

Unlike his opponents, he had no way out. This was a life-or-death gamble, and only by taking the initiative could he increase his chances of survival to the greatest extent.

The bank president knows how to exert psychological pressure on people: "If the game is not opened immediately and the chips are frozen, you will die before me sooner or later."

The latter statement is cruel and realistic: "Because compared to a group of people, you don't have much."

I entered the game too late and didn’t accumulate enough points, so every card I could gamble with was a life-saving trump card.

Just as he had thought before, without the balance of money, the president would be eager to join the gamble. Facing the test of wealth, the president would not lose at all.

Wen Shi pursed his lips, ignored his words, and continued to calculate the difference between the two parties. The skills that were priced were those he used most often.

He took out the body transformation from it, and had 50,000 points on hand. Wen Shi took out 40,000, and then he was still choosing.

At the same time, his brain was thinking about other ways out. The source of all this was to save the host. The [pen] sent by the other party was very useful. I think he had a lot of wealth. Maybe he could try to contact the host through the live broadcast and borrow some things from him temporarily as collateral.

The game also involves playing the role of a postman. As long as you pay the shipping fee and let the other party ship the goods, there is still room for this gamble.

The players on the other side just watched Wen Shi's futile struggle indifferently, and the bank president who was in the lead smiled kindly.

The broken chandelier above their heads flickered with a half-bright and half-dark light, completely separating the two sides. Everyone's faces looked magical and excited under the light.

Wen Shi sighed. It was very unlikely to put all his hopes on the host. He was going to finish this round of chips and put them aside. When he was about to put them down, he heard a series of crisp clanging sounds.

His hand paused in mid-air, and a pile of chips fell from the sky and landed on the tray in front of him. All the chips were worth five coins, and the starting price for important props was ten coins, which could usually only be obtained by exchanging points.

There were a total of one hundred chips that fell, which was equivalent to the other party taking out a full one million points.

Who is so arrogant

Wen Shi was stunned.

Li Nan was standing not far away, with a list in his hand.

The smile on the president's face suddenly froze.

After two seconds, he narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "When did President Li have the spirit of helping others?"

As if he felt helpless about the idea of helping others, Li Nan shook his head slightly, his every move exuding calmness: "You probably forgot what my vice-president skill is."

The atmosphere on the field took a sharp turn for the worse, and many people's nerves were instantly tense because of this sentence.

The skill of Qi Qi, the vice president of the First Commandment, is [Divination]. Wen Shi also knew this. Before sending the original copy, Li Nan brought Qi Qi to the Second Commandment and told him the result of the divination in order to convince Yu Xingzhou.

That's what others are worried about.

Qi Qi should not be in this dungeon, but it is not ruled out that Li Nan deliberately went to this dungeon, otherwise why would he come to such a low-level dungeon by chance? It is basically impossible for high-level players to go to this C dungeon. "Horror Club" is an exception because it has room for fluctuations and rises, but this incident still seems too coincidental.

Could it be that Qi Qi had divined something before the next bet? Li Nan had been waiting for this bet to happen.

But this explanation is far-fetched. No matter how powerful the [Divination] skill is, it should not be able to do things related to divination and money balance.

Regardless of the truth, after Li Nan placed the bet, the uncertainty of the whole matter increased, and other players no longer dared to follow suit easily.

The president of Wangcai Bank remained expressionless, but the jade ring on his hand was almost crushed by him.


The elevator door suddenly opened again, and Xiaohua walked out of the elevator with her ponytail tied casually: "It's late at night, and you're delaying my beauty sleep."

She glanced at the scales: "What are you playing at? I'll try my luck too."

Wen Shi didn't touch the phone, so it could only be that Li Nan asked her to come.

The cunning that always appeared in the president's eyes was replaced by hostility. If Xiaohua, this crazy woman, wanted to join the gambling game, she would definitely do it without any regard for the consequences.

He quickly analyzed the reasons why Li Nan placed the bet from various aspects.

Taking all factors into consideration, it is not ruled out that Li Nan made a high-risk investment on a whim, and specifically mentioned Qi Qi's skills just for bluffing, so that Pei Wenwei could take the initiative and increase his chances of winning.

However, everyone in the virtual world knew that the president's style of doing things was very stable. One million points was not a small number, and Li Nan would never bet recklessly. Looking back at his achievements in making bets, he was very stable from beginning to end.

It was not until this moment that the president realized that his self-proclaimed mastery of various player data would make him indecisive at the critical moment.

Not paying any attention to the president's struggle, Li Nan took out another fifty-yuan chip in his hand, flipping it lightly between his fingers. He asked calmly, "Want to follow the bet?"

A large amount of data burst out in his mind, and the president even began to consider using his skills to calculate Pei Wenwei's survival rate.

Considering that it involves gambling and he might not be able to afford the cost of the backlash of his skills, he ultimately did not dare to do it.

At this moment, the situation reversed. The states of the people standing on both ends of the scale changed. The bank president's facial muscles twitched slightly, while the cat-eared dealer stood opposite him, lowering his eyes as if thinking about something else.

Xiaohua had just exchanged her chips. The smile on her red lips was even more mysterious, and no one knew what she was planning.

"Follow?" Li Nan asked again.

The president stared at the chips in his hand, and a drop of cold sweat actually flowed down his temple.

(End of this chapter)