Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 156: Horror will happen


Wen Shi didn't know how Yingzi dealt with the body, but it didn't matter, as long as he buried it well and didn't let anyone find it. He covered all the blood-stained areas with a little soil.

Wen Shi’s current state can be perfectly described as: I, a killer, have no emotions.

"Come out." He said calmly, "Is it fun to watch me dig the ground?"

After a few seconds, the Scarecrow walked out of the darkness.

It seemed to understand that it had made a fatal mistake and should not have specifically reminded people to recall the taboos, but instead ended up making things worse.

"You have made more than one mistake." Wen Shi seemed to know what it was thinking and said, "Now that the game is played, you don't need to bewitch the target to give up his soul within a certain range of pain, so there is no need to follow him into the old times."

Li Nanzeng coughed twice to remind him to pay attention to whether the straw demon was following him when he was looking back.

The task prompts that the current city lord has used a scarecrow to complete a task. The devil deliberately stuck a few straws outside the red candle, just to divert his own thoughts, so as to mistakenly believe that the connection between it and the city lord is to borrow life.

[Clue mission-Scarecrow's challenge has been completed.]

[You know the secret of the Straw Demon. The killer from afar once used its ability to look back and stole the identity of the city lord.]

Wen Shi looked at the scarecrow: "Why do you want to help trace back?"

The player triggered the quest, so there is no reason for the Straw Demon to reverse time just for Shadow.

The truth can be summed up in three words. The Straw Demon said bluntly: "I can't beat you."

"… "

This flashback gave Wen Shi a deeper understanding of Shadow.

The shadow has no eyes, no heart, and no limbs, and his entire body is covered in black energy, but he can freely transform into the appearance of other people.

"Shadow and Jian Qingrong..." Before he could think about how the two were connected privately, the world started spinning again.

[End of Backtracking]

After the cold mechanical voice gave the reminder, the smell of blood in the air weakened, the scattered flesh and blood remaining on the ground began to become blurred, and Wen Shi's entire body floated up and down in the pitch-black environment.

When he could see the world clearly again, the crescent moon in the sky changed its arc and became fuller, and the blood mist that had been floating in the sky dispersed. When his vision finally became clear, Xiaohua's face appeared in his pupils.

"Are you okay?" she asked, "Why do you look like you've lost your soul?"

Wen Shi waved his hands and took a few deep breaths.

Seeing the thief’s internal organs being ripped out and him personally slashing the city lord’s neck, it would be strange if he was in good shape.

The scary scarecrow disappeared, which undoubtedly proved that the clue mission had been completed. Xiaohua patted Wen Shi's shoulder and said, "Although you don't know anything about the gambling, you are still very reliable."

"It's an open-book exam after all." Wen Shi couldn't help but look down at his chest. The scales were gone and everything seemed like an illusion.

Open-book exam

Before Xiaohua asked, Li Nan was only concerned about the gambling itself: "Have you found any important clues?"

Wen Shi nodded and went through the whole thing from beginning to end. Li Nan and Xiao Hua were both players who had participated in the tour group, so there was no need to waste energy explaining things related to the shadow.

"You all know that Song Yan is one of the True Spirit's clones. There should be a similar relationship between Jian Qingrong and the Lord of Terror."

The current state of the electronic dial is garbled. It involves a discussion of gambling information, which cannot be seen by monsters except the bettors. Wen Shi also mentioned that Jian Qingrong is the boss guarding the big factory.

His voice was very soft, but his words were exceptionally clear. Apart from some overly important clues, he did not deliberately conceal anything and even spoke in great detail.

This is why some advanced players are willing to help.

Secrets are always a double-edged sword. For shrewd people, the deeper you hide, the more they will be on guard against you. Wen Shi's erratic behavior does not mean that he wants to be a lone wolf. Breaking into the 3S special copy alone and having to guard against sneak attacks from powerful players at all times is really a way to commit suicide.

"When I was at Frank Hospital, the game issued a task to delete File 82." Wen Shi said slowly: "The powerful boss relied on the clone to absorb negative energy. Now I think that erasing the clone is the manifestation of the game's hunting down the Lord of Terror."

He deliberately slowed down his speech to give the listener time to digest it. However, after a brief moment of shock, Xiaohua held her face and sighed with regret: "Meeting in a dungeon and redeeming each other, what a pure feeling! But with such a sensitive personality, you didn't torture each other to death, it's a pity."

“…” What exactly are you regretting

"Quick, tell your sister the romantic story in detail."

Wen Shi rubbed his brows and his peripheral vision met Xiao Hua's eyes. He found that the laziness in them had long disappeared, and instead they were full of cunning. It seemed that the other party had discovered some very interesting clues from the story he had told earlier.

Li Nan actually showed curiosity as well, but he was only interested in one section, which was the part where Wen Shi encountered a shadow at the bottom of the lake.

"Tell me about it." The small vest outside the dealer's uniform had no pockets. Li Nan raised one arm and rubbed his fingertips slightly, wondering what he was thinking about.

When he heard Shadow swap the scales between his left and right hands and asked Wen Shi to guess which hand they were in, Li Nan waved his hand to signal that there was no need to say more.

The will of the game is everywhere. Mei Jin Casino is an exception. The fact that Boss Mei dares to use the game for gambling means that his hand cannot reach there. So neither Li Nan nor Xiao Hua got to the point immediately. They prepared to discuss the details after returning to the casino.

Li Nan suddenly forced a smile and said, "There is one last thing we need to confirm."

Wen Shi immediately felt the urge to explode and subconsciously wanted to take a step back, but it was too late. A small wooden sign the size of a palm was stuffed into his hand in advance.

"It's highly unlikely that I'll use it, but I'll keep it just in case." Li Nan said, "This is a death scapegoat. If nothing goes wrong, remember to return it to me."

After saying that, he deliberately made a noise in the courtyard, and he and Xiaohua disappeared one after another after using the acceleration props.

"… "

[Sangmenshen: You have a tough life. You have the gadgets I made, but you don’t have any painful memories that the Straw Demon can search for.]

When the red-named audience made comments, their wrists would be particularly cold, and it would be hard for Wen Shi not to notice it.

Ji Yuanzhi said that players who have death substitutes are mostly unlucky or have a rough fate in real life. The reason is that the death substitutes in the game are all made by the God of Death. Both parties are of the same kind and attract each other. Those with weak fate cannot bear this cause and effect.

Li Nan is the type that is too tough.

There was a noise coming from the inner courtyard, and Wen Shi quickly rushed from the second door to the outer courtyard. Shadow couldn't have deliberately let him go, that was a provocation. If the real city lord faced the player who broke into the second door, he would kill him without hesitation, so Shadow had to be killed as well.

Wen Shi already felt a cool atmosphere surrounding him.

Li Nan and his team were using extremely rare speed-up items, so Wen Shi couldn't catch up with the two men no matter what he used. In a hurry, he activated the complete body transformation and used the Great Sealing Technique to seal his own aura, then he gathered himself together and stood shoulder to shoulder with a pile of black stones.

He played the role of Stone in a stage play in the previous copy, so he is very familiar with this role.

After just two or three breaths, the "city lord" appeared. He swept every corner of the courtyard with his distracted eyes, and when he passed by a slippery "stone", the gloomy and perverted "city lord" was stunned for a moment.

The night wind blew, and the hair swayed gently.

The decent stones in the garden will not grow hair.

The city lord stared at the scene, stood there for a few seconds, and finally turned around and went back to the inner courtyard, smiling helplessly while spitting blood.

The city lord's footsteps gradually faded away, and the hairy stone began to move again, moving towards the gate little by little. It was picked up just when it was about to cross the threshold.

Xiaohua rubbed the cat's head and said, "Are you scared?"

Wen Shi returned Li Nan's props, flicked his tail and whipped the other party's arm to express his dissatisfaction: "Remember to inform me in advance next time."

After the two men made some noise and disappeared, Wen Shi immediately understood what they were trying to do. A shadow was supposed to be a cold-blooded and ruthless character, but Jian Qingrong's shadow didn't seem to fit this characteristic.

So Li Nan tried it out in this way.

If it was really a complete copy and paste of the dark side, Shadow would not have let Wen Shi go so easily.

Xiaohua said meaningfully: "If it's not the dark side, what do you think he is?"

The three of them actually had the answer in their hearts.

Jian Qingrong has the eyes of the Lord of Terror on his body, and a little speculation shows that the shadow should also have a part of the Lord of Terror on his body.

Li Nan said calmly: "Boss Mei doesn't care about money transactions. The Golden City has no value in her eyes. The high-priced chip should be the organ of the Lord of Terror."

In other words, the shadow mortgages itself.

"… Boss Mei also said that the bet is also to leave a way out for himself. If in the game between the Lord of Terror and Yugi, you bet on Yugi to win, and Yugi actually wins, the bet will be yours, and the shadow that becomes the chip will also be yours. The Lord of Terror will have a chance to make a comeback."

Wen Shi nodded: "The Lord of Terror is clearly in a passive position in this situation. This is the only way to break the situation."

Xiaohua's smile gradually became perverted: "The Lord of Terror gave you the slice. There may still be a trace of his soul in the shadow. He is always losing to you. Isn't this romantic enough?"

"Let's put aside other things for now," Li Nan always focuses on the key points. "The clues are enough to predict who will win this game. The Lord of Terror left a way out, which means he knew he would lose, so he used the money scale to leave a part of himself as a bargaining chip. Yugi also knows that he is playing this trick, but there is nothing he can do. Yugi cannot control the money scale."

After a brief silence of a few seconds, Wen Shi said softly: "It looks like we can place our bets now."

Sangmen Temple.

The live broadcast room is in a garbled state, but following the God of Death who placed bets does not affect the viewing experience.

He has a temperament that makes him feel rueful all the time, and he looks even more gloomy.

Wen Shi's shadow had come to the Sangmen Temple at the suggestion of the turtle man. At this moment, the boy was forced to sit under the Buddha statue and read scriptures. The Sangmen God said that he was too violent and needed to be tempered. The boy wanted to pierce the other's lungs with a steel pipe, but he was not capable enough.

The girl followed along as she read the sutra and sighed, "Why are we always being dominated?"

The boy cursed him as a turtle.

The turtle man obviously had an excessive admiration for Wen Shi, and deliberately came to the Sangmen Temple to attract the attention of the Sangmen God. If he noticed the shadow, he would naturally notice the original body as well.

There was a layer of water curtain outside, broadcasting live what was happening in the Golden City. The God of Death said to himself, "So the Lord of Terror was planning this. No wonder he dared to agree to gamble with the Supreme Will when he was so weak that he had to sleep."

The God of Death had some ideas.

Possessing the power of purification, the Lord of Terror is their natural nemesis and their most coveted food.

There is no true spirit that does not want to devour the Lord of Terror. Since the Lord of Terror is bound to be defeated this time, why don't you get a piece of the pie

"Since you didn't kill us, I'll give you a friendly reminder," the boy curled his lips, "Don't take the narrow road."

The God of Death looked into the temple.

The boy pointed upwards.

The God of Death said coldly: "The Supreme Will will not monitor the territory of the True Spirit for no reason."

After making sure that Yugi wasn't listening, the boy continued, "If you want to hunt down the Lord of Terror, you'll need a large number of monsters to join forces. Some of them may even have real spirits involved. Only if everyone works together will we have a chance."

The God of Death nodded: "Not bad."

The young man held up a finger and said, "So in this game, the Supreme Will you mentioned only has one chance to use its full strength."

Boss Mei said that the outcome of the bet will soon be known, so the war is likely to begin before leaving the Golden City.

There seemed to be a black tide in the boy's eyes: "But what if they surrounded and killed the wrong person?" He stood up, looked at the Buddha statue in front of him and said: "In fact, I have always been curious about how you usually distinguish between the clone and the original body."

The God of Death was speechless at this stupid question, "Of course it's powerful..."

Before he finished speaking, his expression changed slightly.

The boy's tone was flat: "The clone will not inherit the emotions of the original body. Have you seen Song Yan inherit the feelings of the mirror spirit towards his adoptive father Wen Shi?"

However, the eyes and brain that the Lord of Terror split out, which were slices of his body, were completely overly emotionally dependent on Wen Shi.

The boy has Wen Shi's memories, and he sees things more clearly from the perspective of an outsider. The eye appeared in the sky during the castle because Wen Shi accepted the task of deleting the files. His observation at that time was purely out of curiosity.

"Emotions are the blind spot of the game. It never takes this factor into account."

Just like the president of Wangcai Bank, everything is analyzed from the perspective of interests.

From its perspective, it was the player that was chosen to destroy the clone, but the clone accidentally formed too many ties with the player. The Lord of Terror seized this opportunity, gave away the eyes and power, and then cut out a slice to dominate the Golden City, secretly facilitating the deal between Wen Shi and Boss Mei, and then using the slice as a bargaining chip. In this way, even if the battle is lost, the slice will fall into the hands of Wen Shi who bet on the game to win, and he will not die.

The actual situation is that the Lord of Terror left all his power to his clone, erased his own memory, and took his soul to the dungeon to become a mini-boss.

The malice in the world has never disappeared, and as long as there is a constant supply of negative emotions, it is only a matter of time before the Lord of Terror becomes powerful again.

"Gambling is also conditional. If the Lord of Terror loses, he will be wiped out. If he wins the game, he will definitely have to pay a price." The young man said, "After this live broadcast was spread, there must be a lot of true spirits rushing out to join in the encirclement and suppression of the Lord of Terror. In the end, he killed a clone. It's quite interesting to think about it."

The God of Death didn't find it funny. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Aren't you afraid that I will make this public?"

The young man shook his head: "The death of other true spirits has seriously damaged the vitality of the game, which will benefit you and not harm you."

After lowering his eyes and being silent for a moment, the young man sighed faintly, "The first to strike will win."

The real first mover is always the Lord of Terror, not a game.

The God of Death could not help but look at the water curtain again. The three people inside began to analyze at length the fact that the Lord of Terror was doomed to lose. Now the scene was so glaring no matter how he looked at it.

What the shadow can analyze, the original body can also analyze, so it is obvious that this discussion is nonsense.

"Why do you think they suddenly stopped there and kept beeping?" The boy sneered, "Three smart guys are teaming up to play the game."

The words between the lines all said that you will definitely win, the Lord of Terror knew he was defeated and had prepared to retreat, and we all bet on your victory. In fact, he dared to guarantee that Wen Shi, the mean guy, would bet on the Lord of Terror to win.

(End of this chapter)