Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 158: Horror will happen


The president suddenly felt a chill, and with his player's sixth sense, he looked towards Wen Shi.

But before he could turn his head, a small cry of surprise suddenly came from the side.

Everyone looked towards the water curtain. The president, who was used to big scenes, showed a very obvious change in his expression the moment his eyes came into contact with the water curtain.

The water curtain has a limited range, and no matter how huge the monster is, it is just a small black dot when projected on it. At this moment, countless densely packed dots are all surrounding a center, and the horror can be felt across different spaces. Although the ants are small, they cannot be ignored when they gather together. Moreover, this has long surpassed the meager power of the ants, and is simply like a vast swarm of locusts passing through.

There were gasps everywhere in the casino, and as the bank president took a deep breath, a sense of joy rose in his heart.

I believe that no matter how powerful the monster is, even if it is a real spirit, it cannot escape such an encirclement.

His joy soon doubled. Among those dense black spots, three were particularly conspicuous, and his outlines could almost be seen.

Every time one of them took a step forward, red will-o'-the-wisp would clear the way around him. The president had seen this scene in the copy of "Will-o'-the-wisp", and he was sure it was a real spirit.

No matter who Yugi wants to hunt, he can't do it himself, he can only borrow the power of others, but now even the true spirit has joined the hunt, and the existence surrounded in the void has just begun to move. His killing method is very strange, all the monsters that approach will turn into smoke and disappear, there is no gorgeous fight, like a wisp of green smoke blown away by the wind, so calm and terrifying.

"Ants devour elephants." The president was shocked by this supernatural method and had an estimate of the outcome in his mind. "No matter how powerful a force is, it will eventually be exhausted."

No matter how intense a battle of this magnitude is, it should not affect the virtual world.

He distractedly looked at Wen Shi, only to see that Wen Shi frowned slightly, not looking at the water curtain, and there seemed to be an unresolvable trouble between his brows.

At this point, there was no need to control one's facial expression. The true emotions revealed by Wen Shi at this moment gave the president peace of mind.

"Stop pretending." Boss Mei's childish tone turned into a whisper. The barrier separated the two of them, isolating all the sounds inside: "That person doesn't see the problem from 360 degrees, but from 359 degrees."

Games have always been the most likely to ignore emotional factors. This is an inherent defect. The powerful operating mechanism does not allow it to have too many emotions, so this kind of bug will be automatically filtered out when looking at the problem.

Boss Mei seemed to have seen through everything a long time ago. He counted on his fingers: "First, inject all the power into a specific organ, put it into the eyes, then put it into a brain, and finally add a wisp of soul..."

She clapped her hands: "A perfect puppet doll is ready."

The term clone is not as accurate as a puppet. The body left in the void, all its consciousness has been controlled by the soul left by the Lord of Terror.

Boss Mei sat on the indexing plate, swinging her legs gently, and said her four favorite words: "The first move wins."

The Lord of Terror is the most savvy businessman, as he is able to manipulate the Supreme Will at the cost of a wisp of his soul.

"Soul?" Wen Shi narrowed his eyes.

In his opinion, the price was already too high.

"It's not pleasant to have your soul damaged, but for a being like the Lord of Terror who absorbs the negative emotions of others, as long as the damage is not too severe, it can be regenerated."

The first wave of attrition warfare in the water curtain has been over, leaving the Lord of Terror no chance to catch his breath, and the three true spirits joined forces to attack.

A huge force gathered together, and at first glance it looked like countless white lanterns, forming a big "Hong" character, vowing to force a funeral for someone.

Wen Shi’s brows furrowed even tighter.

Boss Mei finally became curious: "If a clone without individual consciousness dies, then it dies. What are you sad about?"

“I’m thinking about love.”

The few words Wen Shi uttered seriously almost cracked Boss Mei's smiling mask.

Wen Shi looked sadly at the plum blossom that had fallen from Boss Mei's skirt and asked, "Can you give it to me?"

After money paved the way, the withering flowers were no longer useful, so Boss Mei generously threw away the branches and gave him a basket.

Walking alone into the shadow under the tray, Wen Shi began to tear flowers like a kitten: "... I like him, I don't like him..."

Petals fell from his hands one by one. When he pulled the last petal, Wen Shi was stunned: "I like him?"

The old method of flower petal divination can never go wrong.

Boss Mei had an unpredictable look on her face. Before this, she had seen Wen tear off nearly twenty flowers, and the last piece fell on the one he didn't like, until the twenty-third flower, when he finally caught the odd number and fell on the one he liked.

Then he openly announced that this was the divination result brought by the petals.

From beginning to end, a result of full manual control.

Boss Mei tilted his head: "Are you polite?"

An unprecedented magnificent battle broke out in the void, one true spirit was injured, another was seriously damaged, and cracks began to appear on the body of the "Lord of Terror", and he was actually considering personal emotional issues outside the battlefield.

Wen Shi hadn't slept well that night, so he had no time to pay attention to a fight whose outcome was already predetermined. Seeing that Boss Mei was in a good mood because he was about to complete a large opening, he tried to ask, "Why did the monster suddenly launch a siege?"

"The longer the night, the more dreams you have." In addition to the initial surprise, Boss Mei had already figured out the reason. "The Lord of Terror's brain was sealed by me as a bargaining chip. The aura of the clone suddenly weakened. The monsters who have been secretly watching will naturally try their best to seize this opportunity."

The sliced part of the shadow turned out to be the brain. Wen Shi suddenly thought of the name of the editor-in-chief of "Horror Society" and blurted out: "Mei Brain."

Boss Mei admitted solemnly: "It's me."

“…” Wen Shi shuddered.

This boss Mei is the one with all the dark tricks. Ever since the Golden City Lord was replaced, she has used this pseudonym as if she has seen through the ending, silently hinting at the game. Her judgment is the same as the game's, that the Lord of Terror has to use his brain as a bargaining chip to leave a way out.

"I'm the editor-in-chief, but it's the boss of the publishing house," Boss Mei sighed. "The big boss has even tried to control my financial balance over the years. I can't do that."

Wen Shi had only one thought in his mind.

Dog game, you have such a bad reputation, it’s not unfair that you were deceived.

Boss Mei held the plum branch and said with a rare serious expression, "The Lord of Terror doesn't want to be trapped in the same world forever, so he made a bet by using the game to destroy it. If the Lord of Terror wins, he will have the right to enter and exit the game freely."

The game's restrictions on the Lord of Terror are quite strong. This can be seen from the fact that Song Yan, as a complete clone, can go to the virtual world, but one eyeball cannot enter.

Boss Mei concluded: "The Lord of Terror is full of black water."

Wen Shi, who had just secretly complained the same thing, turned his eyes away feeling guilty.

"Youyou thought this brain was to be used as a fallback, but due to this favor, he didn't care..."

Boss Mei choked himself with laughter: "Each one is more dirty than the other."

Wen Shi did not refute. Rather than a battle of wits and courage, it was more like everyone was a villain.

Boss Mei was willing to waste his time explaining because Wen Shi had been to Sunset Town and accidentally cheated him in the game.

The sound in the water curtain was a little distorted, a mixture of distorted roars and screams. Even as spectators, everyone subconsciously tensed their bodies. An intense rainbow light dissipated in the sky and turned into a real rainbow.

The high and mighty Lord of Terror finally began to shake, consuming a lot of physical strength and an arm in exchange for the death of a true spirit. Seeing him injured, the remaining monsters all gnawed at the arm like crazy.

The clone containing the energy of the Lord of Terror is also a great tonic for the monsters. After their strength has been restored to a certain extent, they take advantage of the period of weakness of the Lord of Terror and rush over again like a tide.

The clone instantly became like a human pillar surrounded by ants.

Witnessing this scene with his own eyes, Wen Shi felt a creepy chill climbing up his back.

A large area of purifying white light burst out from the huge body, and countless monsters were being purified at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This was a counterattack that was almost self-destructive. Wen Shi pursed his lips tightly and asked: "Why didn't the monster retreat?"

"Some are controlled by true spirits, some are more extreme in nature, and the Lord of Terror relies entirely on absorbing dark emotions to increase his strength. In this world, he clears out a large number of ghosts every once in a while."

With a knife hanging high above their heads, how could the monsters not hate it

Survival is the first priority, and this is the same for all species.

Led by the three true spirits, the massive monster army fought with all their might. After several hours, their numbers were reduced by nearly three-quarters, and the remaining ones were all injured.

The insoluble blood and fishy smell rose and fell across the water curtain. Although the face could not be seen clearly, everyone present could feel the monster's excitement and joy.

The towering mountains that had been pressing down on their heads collapsed, and they finally saw the scene they had longed for -

The Lord of Terror, Fall!

The bank president and other players held their breath and looked up high, watching the monsters eagerly divide up the spoils, including the surviving true spirit, so fast that they almost appeared as shadows. The body of the "Lord of Terror" was cut into countless pieces and became food for the monsters.

The short nails deliberately dug into the flesh, and the pain that almost drew blood made the president sure that all this was real. The pair of eyes that always sparkled with brilliance no longer paid attention to the screen, but immediately looked at the heavy chips on the money scale.

Fragments of the world, keys... Just thinking of these two chips, the president couldn't hide the true greed in his eyes.

Coincidentally, at the same time, Wen Shi was also looking at the chips belonging to the president.

Boss Mei, who was in the middle, was the happiest. From her perspective, it was particularly interesting to see these people who were too clever for their own good.

Just above the dial, that is, above Boss Mei’s head, a line of small words appeared out of thin air.

[The winner...]

Boss Mei, out of mischievous humor, did not let the line of small words appear completely. After a few seconds, the plum blossom seal responsible for freezing the property disappeared, and all the chips in one tray flew into the other tray.

Wen Shi made a fortune in an instant, and it was obvious who the winner was.

The situation took a sharp turn for the worse, and before the president could even stop smiling, his most immediate reaction was to want to hold on to those chips that were slipping away.

"No, the Lord of Terror is clearly dead, your bet is not at all..."

Facing Boss Mei's eyes, the president relied on his extremely strong willpower to swallow the word "fairness".

Contrast brings happiness. Wen Shi felt that if he told him that the game had also been played, the twitching muscles on the president's face might calm down a little.

Boss Mei never listened to the insane speeches of failed gamblers. She removed the barriers around her, her eyes seemed to be looking at something farther away through the water curtain, and finally uttered three words firmly: "You. Lost."

The Lord of Terror was eaten, but as long as most of the souls were alive, the Supreme Will could vaguely sense it.

If it is really as expected, the Lord of Terror only has one last wisp of soul left in the world as a retreat, and that weak energy cannot be captured by the Supreme Will at all.

"You shouldn't have set your sights on my balance. You're too domineering. Otherwise, I might have switched sides." Boss Mei stood up and said coldly, "Do you know what the most ridiculous thing is? The Lord of Terror's plan was originally perfect, but after he became weak, he actually developed feelings for humans. Those severed parts all inherited these feelings. This is a huge loophole, but you actually ignored this problem and thought that all the special treatment was because the Lord of Terror used him as a fallback."

As a result, I was deeply hurt emotionally.

Boss Mei let out a breath of anger and laughed rudely again: "Hahahahaha..."

She laughed so hard that she couldn't stop, and she waved her hands at Wen Shi: "Why are you standing there? Come laugh together. The Supreme Will is the spokesperson for the rules, and it can only endure these ridicules. Even if you spit at it, what can it do?"

After laughing enough, Boss Mei's tone turned cold again: "Those monsters who are like moths to a flame are stupid, but they are worthy of praise for one thing: they dared to break the gods and besiege the Lord of Terror."

Wen Shi: “…”

There is something I don’t know whether I should say or not, but he feels that the game can’t do anything to Boss Mei, but it can do something to himself.

Ding Dong.

A different reminder tone suddenly sounded, and Wen Shi shuddered the moment the chill hit him. It was like the last drop of water that penetrated the stone, dripping accurately into his brain.

The Golden City, the caves along the way outside the city, the dense forests, the border fortresses, and the Golden Pagoda Kingdom farther away... all the players in different dimensions heard the same sound.

virtual reality.

The weather is nice today. Song Yan, who just finished his transformation, is enjoying the breeze outside the hotel. In the club, Yu Xingzhou and Ji Yuanzhi are discussing some guild matters. In the square, several players who have just come out of the dungeon are hugging each other and talking about the plan of "having survived a disaster, let's go for a drink".

It was just an ordinary day. The screens that filled the virtual world cleared all the dungeon information that was being displayed and replaced it with a unified prompt. The mechanical sound of the system issued an announcement to all players at the same time.

"Attention all players, the special 3S-level dungeon Frank Hospital is now online."

(End of this chapter)