Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 159: Frank Hospital


Frank Hospital officially opens to the public.

This cold system prompt instantly made the virtual world, which had just been silent for a short time, boil over. Ordinary players watched the excitement, and after the top players of the guild came to their senses, they immediately thought about how to enter the dungeon.

The turmoil outside has nothing to do with Wen Shi at the moment. He has the world fragment, so he has to enter this dungeon. Not too affected by the prompt sound, Wen Shi carefully counted the chips and asked how to exchange them.

A super copy was launched. Boss Mei seemed to know about it and looked at him with a half-smile: "You are really patient."

In fact, Wen Shi was already mentally prepared.

After knowing that the Lord of Terror was the first to attack, he understood that the game would not give the Lord of Terror too much time to grow, otherwise the latter would definitely try every means to give him a green light in the dungeon. Now that the 3S dungeon is online, if luck is good, maybe both parties will die perfectly in the dungeon, and the game can become the final winner.

“When you leave the City of Gold, the chips will turn back into assets.”

After Boss Mei finished his introduction, the prompts continued:

"Congratulations on winning the bet in a qualitatively changed state."

"You have gained the favor of the Money Scale. You will obtain the branch artifact of the Scale - the Super Abacus. Those who follow you to place bets will become the [Favored by the Money Scale]."

[The Favored One of the Money Scale: The Favored One has a chance to use money to open a path. This path can send you to a designated location in the same dimension at any time.]

It is a very powerful life-saving skill. Even when facing an attack from a true spirit, one can retreat at any time. However, whether or not one will be caught up after retreating is another matter.

Wen Shi felt a little envious. Only the followers could have this benefit, and he did not get the title of the favored one.

"This is the amount it costs to clear a path once." Xiaohua gestured to him, and Wen Shi's envy disappeared after seeing it.

"The abacus belongs to the bank, you are not qualified to take it away!" When he lost his chips, the president of Wangcai Bank could still hold back from arguing with Boss Mei, but when the [Super Abacus] disappeared from his backpack, he could no longer hold back. The abacus is the foundation of the bank's survival. Without it, the bank will sooner or later fall.

Boss Mei just stared at the small floral patterns on the hem of her skirt and was too lazy to say anything.

The other players subconsciously took a step away from the bank president, not wanting to offend him in a furious state. A lean camel is bigger than a horse, at least they can't afford to offend the current bank president. However, the players who followed the bet were already dissatisfied. They had vowed to win, but in the end there were so many twists and turns in the middle, causing them to lose both the wife and the army.

The president's eyes were bloodshot as he stared at the small abacus that appeared out of thin air in Wen Shi's hand.

After his initial anger passed, he realized the problem. Yugi did not intervene, almost indirectly agreeing with Boss Mei's actions. He couldn't figure it out anyway. Why was the Lord of Terror in the water curtain judged as the winner when he was clearly dead? Was it a trick

Some are happy and some are sad. Wen Shi is the happy one at the moment, fiddling with the abacus with his hands fondly.

"Don't be too proud too soon." The president sneered and almost gritted his teeth, "The 3S copy is already online. If you die in it, it will all be in vain. You..."

"Oh my." Wen Shi's eyes sparkled, completely blocking out his words: "Whose divine weapon has long legs that have walked over to me?"

Without immediately putting the artifact into his backpack, Wen Shi opened the introduction page while holding the abacus:

[Super Abacus: Under a debt relationship, you have a certain probability of inheriting the debtor's estate.

Note: The more debt relationships you have, the bigger your business will be, and the higher the probability of successful recovery.]

After reading it, Wen Shi raised his eyebrows. No wonder this fat man wants to develop a bank. The money balance is supported by gambling, similar to the super abacus, which needs countless debt relationships to nourish it. However, this thing can definitely be used as a national treasure. If Ji Yuanzhi is allowed to master the right to use it, I believe that the Kingdom of Usa will soon have a complete financial system.

The water curtain was removed, all the scattered plum petals on the tiles began to disappear, and the ground began to shake twistedly.

The money balance sank because a large enough transaction was completed, and the account of Wen Shi's killing spree in Monster Park was settled.

Boss Mei kept her usual smile before disappearing. She looked at Wen Shi and said, "Since you brought me a good show, I'll give you a free friendly reminder, commonality."


When Wen Shi repeated these two words, Boss Mei and the money balance disappeared into the basement at the same time.

The gambling game was over, the electronic dial returned to normal, and many of the monsters, who were usually the most impatient, were still left in the live broadcast room.

"What happened? I just had a thunderstorm here."

"Same, I seem to have heard something vaguely, but I dare not say it."

The most dedicated one is Scissor Lady: "I'm tired. I've been waiting for the role since the show started until now."

There was no need to stay in the basement any longer, so Wen Shi ignored the angry president and walked towards the elevator. When he pressed the button, he directly started to cue Patient 109, but Patient 109 responded first.

[I will follow the previous agreement and prevent these damn reporters from being reincarnated. ]

After all, it was a bet that was personally certified by the game administrator, so it was impossible to go back on it.

"There is one more important thing," Wen Shi said mainly to remind him, "You must remember to tell him who saved your life..."

Wen Shi lowered his voice and said, “If you mention Aaron’s name, he will know it.”

These patients came from the deep regions and had no idea who Aaron was.

In the next few minutes, Wen Shi gave many instructions and kept asking whether there was a screen recording of the live broadcast. If there was, it would be best to show it to the host so that the host would know who was silently contributing and who was the cat behind him!

[Patient 109: …]

It was the first time he had seen someone who was crazy about doing good deeds and wanted to leave a name for himself.

While Wen Shi was emphasizing one thing over and over again, he was thinking about another thing in his heart. The chapter of "Golden City" was about to end, and these monsters would soon withdraw from the live broadcast room one after another. This also meant that they didn't have to guard against the characters in the story taking advantage of the plot in disguise, and this would be the time when the monsters' psychological defenses were at their lowest.

He only had one chance to ask questions, and his questions had to elicit information about the hospital without arousing the NPC's suspicion.

Seeing the number of readers dropping sharply after the discussion, Wen Shi finally stopped stalling and asked in a nonchalant manner, "Can you really guarantee my friend's life? Your number is only 109. What if you encounter a patient with number 400 or 500? Wouldn't you be killed as well?"

Being questioned like this, Patient No. 109 got angry on the spot.

[Stupid! Numbers are not the standard for measuring strength, it’s the symptoms that count. Symptoms are the real *]

The following words are all blocked by asterisks.

The live broadcast room suddenly went black, leaving only a line of small blue words in the center of the screen: [Due to technical failure, your live broadcast will be suspended. ]

The electronic dial disappeared, and Wen Shi's lips curled up a little. The game cleared the audience with one click, indicating that the previously blocked information was very important.

If he guessed correctly, what Patient 109 wanted to say at the end was that symptoms are their true abilities. For example, patients with delusional disorders may really have the ability to create illusions, and schizophrenia may have multiple avatars.

Therefore, he has to pay attention to medical records, newspapers and other materials that may provide information about patients, so that if a conflict arises, he will not be too passive when attacked.

After going up to the first floor of the casino, Wen Shi mentioned to Xiaohua and Li Nan that he already had 100 million.

"I think I will be able to exit the dungeon before you do."

The difficulty of the Horror Story has risen to S, and with the new dungeon online, it is impossible for the game to open a new chapter to waste his time.

Xiaohua sniffed and began a brief period of hatred towards the rich.

Wen Shi continued, "I will return the chips to you after they are converted back into points."

Xiaohua and the others have been given the title of Favored Ones, but currently all the chips are concentrated in Wen Shi's hands alone.

"One hundred million!" Xiaohua was still thinking about the previous thing and sighed to the sky.

Wen Shi emphasized: "The money earned by your own hands is the most meaningful."

“…look me in the eyes and say that.”

It's not polite to look someone in the eye and lie, so Wen Shi coughed lightly and said, "See you in the virtual world."

Xiaohua and Li Nan nodded.

Wen Shi took the elevator back to the guest room first. During that time, A Yu gently patted his shoulder and said only four words: "Be careful."

It felt good to be cared for. Wen Shi nodded with emotion, and then had to point out a fact: "This is the fourth time you have stolen my hair."

I took one when I first came here, and I secretly scratched it with my fingernail when I rang the bell for him before, and I also steal it when I go out on the street.

Unexpectedly, she had been noticed long ago. A Yu showed a trace of embarrassment on her face, but she did not forget to comfort him first: "Don't be afraid, Mom doesn't have a hair collection fetish."

"I know. You are probably afraid that one day after I am gone, you can try to summon my soul back."

A Yu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the other party knew him so well. He hesitated and asked, "Do you think my behavior is strange?"

Summoning spirits is definitely not a good thing. Summoning spirits for a short period of time is fine, but if you want to keep the soul for a long time, its temperament may change drastically or even turn it into an evil ghost.

Wen Shi waved his hand: "I also have a son who wants to have a zombie parent-child package. My grandmother also mentioned that she wanted to resurrect me. She is a witch doctor, and her methods are much more extreme than yours."

Not to mention that Jian Qingrong carries the source of pollution with him. If the situation really becomes a last resort, as long as he can keep his breath, Jian Qingrong will definitely choose to do so even if it means turning himself into a monster.

Compared with them, Ayu can be described as democratic, civilized and harmonious. Wen Shi even praised her.

"… "

I went back to the guest room mainly to take another look at the shrine. Just like before I went out in the morning, it stood quietly on the bedside table. After looking at it for a long time, I had an urge to make a wish.

Wen Shi stood in front of the shrine for a while, but the demon did not appear. The demon had already created too many conveniences in this copy. The game had just been badly defeated, and it was not a good thing for both sides to meet and celebrate at this time.

There is also a reason that Wen Shi does not know. After devouring part of the Mermaid King's torso and developing new abilities, Jian Qingrong's previous memories of the Lord of Terror are gradually revived. He is currently engaged in a silent tug-of-war with the game over whether to accompany the 3S copy in slices or to go with the whole person.

Wen Shi wiped the dust off the shrine one last time and said softly, "Make a wish and you will get what you wish for."

After saying that, he turned and left. After a long time had passed since the door was closed, a faint black gas appeared in the silent and dim room.

The black air hovered over the shrine for a long time, and then let out a long sigh: "You are my wish."

Unfortunately, Wen Shi had already walked far away and did not hear these four words.

After the extreme weather, the terrifying chain of thunder and lightning disappeared and the temperature in Golden City dropped to the lowest point in history.

There were fewer pedestrians on the road than usual. When Wen Shi was about to reach the city gate, he suddenly heard someone calling Lin Hejing's name.

The man in the flowered shirt walked towards him and asked in surprise if he was going out of town.

Wen Shi nodded.

"You're doing so well in the city now. Once you've been certified as a professional in the City of Gold, you can never come back once you leave." The man in the flowered shirt didn't understand his choice at all.

Wen Shi had no intention of discussing this issue in detail, so he changed the subject and asked, "Have you solved the problem you wanted to solve?"

"I bought a talisman. They said that if you stick it on the corpse and chant a few words, 'Dust to dust, ashes to ashes', everything will be fine after the bad luck is removed." The flowered shirt said, "How about you come with me to remove the bad luck? Maybe it was the party before I went abroad when we played the morgue adventure and got contaminated with unclean things."

Wen Shi almost immediately thought of the drowned ghost who wanted to strangle himself in the first story. If it was not for the purpose of starting a new chapter, the information mentioned in the flowered shirt might be related to the promise made before the game.

When the number of people in the live broadcast room rises to 50,000, the game prompts that there will be unexpected benefits.

Just like when he came, Wen Shi left directly in the car of the man in the flowered shirt. He was not worried that the other party would do something wrong. If he was a player, it would be unlikely for him to leave the Golden City so early. Besides, now that A Yu was by his side, his safety was guaranteed.

After the car drove out for a distance, Wen Shi felt something vaguely and looked back from the window. It had just rained and the speed in the desert was not very fast. During the bumpy ride, he saw a figure standing on the city wall from a distance.

As the man in the flowered shirt chattered, the figure quickly disappeared like the golden city, turning into a blurry black dot.

The car drove all the way to the morgue.

The man in the flowered shirt greeted everyone in advance and walked straight in with Wen Shi.

After Wen Shi asked a few questions, he found out that there was a corpse frozen in the morgue of this funeral home all year round. Every time the body was taken for cremation, strange things would happen and in the end the body was just frozen here.

The temperature in the morgue was very low. As Ayu, shivering in his flowered shirt, looked for the cabinet door, he directly opened a refrigerator on the lower right side, and a swollen body of a drowned person appeared in front of him.

Wen Shi looked carefully and confirmed that it was the corpse that tried to strangle him.

Not wanting to stay in such a place for even a second, Hua Kongque followed the Feng Shui master's instructions and directly pasted the talisman paper on the corpse's forehead and began to complete a series of procedures. When he recited the spell for the second time, the corpse suddenly opened his eyes, sat up and pinched Wen Shi.

"Fuck!" The man in the flowered shirt swore and ran away using his hands and feet.

Wen Shi, who were all fleeing in the face of imminent disaster, stood still. With A Yu around, the corpse was nothing to be afraid of.

The bell rang softly, and the body was instantly frozen.

The ferocious face stopped right before his eyes. Wen Shi was puzzled: "We have no grudges against each other, why is he staring at me?"

"There's a similar aura about you two."

"..." Wen Shi only smelled the smell of decay on the corpse.

Ayu used his hands to check his swollen belly and limbs. After a moment, he took out a knife, cut open the trachea and took out the gem stuck inside.

Even though it was covered in blood, one could still smell the faint smell of gasoline coming from the gem. A Yu called this smell depressing: "It must have come from the hands of a powerful and unlucky being. This thing caused the corpse to turn into a corpse."

After staring at the gem for two seconds, Wen Shi took out the dented key in his hand, and the gem fit perfectly into it.

Wen Shi raised his eyebrows. In this way, he had two complete keys in his hand.

One of them came from the mirror spirit, and the other one should be an unlucky spirit as Ayu said.

"The God of Death." Wen Shi thought of the famous name in the live broadcast room.

He suddenly felt that the work of the mirror spirit was easier to do. He just had to put the key in front of the mirror and it could be copied infinitely, unlike other spirits who had to do manual work.

A Yu pushed the refrigerator back and said, "It's too gloomy here. You should leave first."

The moment Wen Shi turned around, there were clanging sounds coming from several cabinets. A Yu told him not to worry about it and just leave.

The wind outside the morgue was warm, and the flowered shirt disappeared. Wen Shi's previous plan was to go to the orphanage to gloat over the misfortune, but after listening to A Yu's description of Pei Hongxin's current situation, he was not very interested. If he could survive the 3S instance, he would find a way to reunite the couple.

While I was still waiting for Ayu, the system notification sound came first.

"Congratulations to the player for completing the S-level dungeon "The Horror Collection". The dungeon settlement will be carried out soon."

"The player has earned a total of 4,000 points this round. Based on the player's performance in the dungeon, a new achievement [Safety Helmet] has been added."

"The money balance chips are about to be settled. Do you want to exchange all the other party's chips for points?"

"Yes." The props that the president is willing to take out to be frozen as chips must be those that are not often used on him. It is more cost-effective to have these things than to have points.

"The exchange has been completed. Congratulations to the player for obtaining 1.4 million points!"

Wen Shi, who suddenly became a wealthy man, took a few seconds to digest this fact. This time, the bank president really suffered a lot of bleeding.

Wen Shi first transferred the points that Li Nan and Xiao Hua had bet on. As for the points exchanged, Wen Shi took out half of them as an expression of gratitude for their timely help, and also as a preparation for the 3S copy.

Of the two, Li Nan is undoubtedly going to go to the next dungeon, but Xiao Hua may not be. It is impossible for both of them to have the same power to go to the next super dungeon at the same time.

"What are you daydreaming about?" Ayu appeared from behind.

Wen Shi closed his eyes and stole the hair again. He said helplessly: "Why don't I give you some more blood."

"That's really great!" Ayu recalculated the probability of locking the soul when there is blood, and nodded with satisfaction.

It was really powerless. Her strength was restricted too much. There were only two times when she could provide help. One was to lend some of her strength to the other party when they were parting, and the other was when something unexpected happened to Wen Shi and she had to find a way to keep him alive.

"..." Once words are spoken, they can be taken away. Wen Shi almost lost ten drops of blood.

After Ayu sealed the blood, he gently covered the back of Wenshi's hand.

[Skill: Super Sense

This skill is a limited-use skill, and can be used 0/2 times in a copy.

Points required for a single use: 300

When you touch an object, you can get some private information about the owner;

After activating the skill, you will have an additional five minutes of clairvoyance, in which you can see monsters that are difficult to detect.]

"It's not summoning the dead?" Wen Shi thought that this skill would be related to summoning the dead, but now this one is more to his liking. The overlap between summoning the dead and pretending to be dead is too high, and it is not as practical as the extrasensory ability.

"Try to stay alive." Wen Shi lifted his eyelids and met A Yu's focused eyes: "Although I am ready to lock the soul, and others also have their own backup plans, but life is only once."

If we force ourselves to start over, no one knows what kind of butterfly effect it will trigger.

Wen Shi nodded. He had finally come this far and would definitely be extremely cautious.

Everything around him started to become hazy, which indicated that the game had begun its transmission. Wen Shi seized the last moment and said, "See you for tea later."

Hopefully by then everything will have settled down and he can take a truly complete family photo.


The square in the virtual world was crowded with people. Just when I had gotten used to the deserted Wen Shi, I suddenly felt like I was being picked up by a celebrity.

Some players heard that the giant screen had changed and came to confirm the latest announcement of the game, but more of them were targeting Wen Shi himself. Ordinary team props cannot achieve high-difficulty dungeon matching, but there are many players in the virtual world, and there are always people who have this type of props. If you want to enter the super dungeon, teaming up with Wen Shi is undoubtedly the easiest way.

It is difficult to ambush people. Looking at the player number, Li Nan is also in the same copy. I didn’t expect that this copy has a sequence of appearance.

That's all there is to it.

Wen Shi glanced around casually and saw the surging anger in some people's eyes. He walked forward calmly. Yu Xingzhou must have sent someone over. The surrounding players did not rush over immediately, which made him more certain of his guess. Not long after, Wen Shi saw a familiar figure in the crowd.

Before the two men met and talked, someone handed over a business card. Many people did this one after another. Those who blocked Ji Yuanzhi's way all had powerful forces behind them. It was far from the point of breaking off relations just by handing over a business card.

"Why not consider auctioning off the team quota?" The player who handed over the business card said with a smile, "I guarantee that the transaction amount will be more than ten times that of last time."

Wen Shi was perfunctory and did not give a clear answer.

Following Ji Yuanzhi through the dense crowd of players, Wen Shi saw many people doing business. Most of the players who came here today were interested in the 3S copy, and many players in the black market took the opportunity to come here to sell and promote items.

The most popular of these are skin transactions containing hospital scene elements. They are now sold out in the mall, and some have been sold for tens of thousands of points in the virtual world.

After getting away from the crowd, Ji Yuanzhi reminded: "Don't hold an auction."

The benefits of the dungeon are limited, and the risk factor is too high. It would be troublesome to recruit a well-prepared player. It is not clear how many players will enter the Frank Hospital dungeon for the first time, so it is better to leave everything to the game.

"Since the last time I saw you, I no longer take risks for petty gains." Wen Shi said in a light tone, "In the last instance, I earned more than a million points."

Ji Yuanzhi paused and asked, "You stole the copy and sold it?"

“…” He is not this dealer!

When they were almost at the hotel entrance, Ji Yuanzhi spoke again: "It seems that the president of Wangcai Bank was ripped off."

So many points cannot possibly be settlement rewards. The bank manager’s player number is also in the copy, so it is clear who has been cheated.

Important matters must be discussed after Xiaohua and the others return. Wen Shi was about to go back to the guest room to rest. Ji Yuanzhi mentioned the hair theft: "We have already caught someone. I will make him confess the instigator within two days at the latest."

It is common for people to choose to betray for profit. What is more important is who the hair is sold to and who gave the business inspiration.

Wen Shi never doubted Ji Yuanzhi's ability, so he nodded without asking any further questions.

I hadn't had a good rest for several days, and when the room temperature rose, I fell directly on the bed. When I opened my eyes again, I was woken up by the doorbell of the room. It was already the next day.

Wen Shi was taken to the interior of the Two Commandments Guild.

The same building was filled with the same people who had discussed the matter before entering the solitary copy last time. Qi Qi, the vice president of Yijie, was not here. Xiaohua sat in Qi Qi's seat and waved at Wen Shi in a good mood, "You are so generous."

She was referring to the extra points awarded to Wen Shi.

Wen Shi smiled but said nothing. Everyone knew how much the president had staked. Since they had decided to give, they had to treat everyone equally and give as much as possible in order to gain true favors.

Yu Xingzhou changed into a thinner mask. Looking at it for a long time would make you dizzy, just like losing your sanity. He asked straight to the point, "Did Qi Qi predict anything?"

Li Nan looked at Wen Shi and said, "Bring Song Yan with you."

What he was talking about was the result of divination.

Wen Shi felt a little headache after hearing this: "I'll ask first when I get back."

I have to ask Song Yan's opinion first. It seems unfair to bring people to 3S after just two dungeons.

Yu Xingzhou: "Then there is no need to invite other people. Even the most advanced team-building props will be half as effective in super dungeons. The maximum number of people allowed in a team is five."

The quota is now full.

Just as Wen Shi expected, Xiaohua will not participate in this copy trip.

"President, you must come back alive, otherwise I will be heartbroken." Xiaohua still has a lot of delusions that have not been realized.

Yu Xingzhou said calmly: "Yes, I have to think about the guild."

If Xiaohua were allowed to lead the guild in the future, it would be the guild members who would be heartbroken to death.

The opening time of the dungeon is unknown. Wen Shi, who has the world fragment before the opening, will definitely feel it. In order to facilitate contact at the first time, Li Nan temporarily lives in the hotel under Erjie, and Yu Xingzhou and Ji Yuanzhi are the same. During this period, no one took the initiative to leave the dungeon or return to the real world.

When Song Yan heard that he was going to compete with Wen Shi, he was very positive without asking about the difficulty. He could be said to be an absolute extreme fan.

Wen Shi wanted to emphasize to him the danger of this copy when several unexpected people showed up.

Liu Yuan and Liu Yun supported Zhou Xiaochun on the left and right, and the latter greeted him weakly.

Wen Shi was stunned for a moment: "Were you beaten?"

Zhou Xiaochun smiled bitterly: "Divination, the 3S copy is online, I will make a small investment. If the information I divine is useful, remember to share some with me."

It is more of a friendship than an investment. Judging from the player survival rate and the difficulty of divination, the risk of this investment is too high.

Wen Shi was surprised that Zhou Xiaochun dared to predict things related to the 3S copy. Qi Qi's absence today was most likely the backlash of the divination.

Knowing what he was curious about, Zhou Xiaochun simply gave a brief explanation: "Advanced divination can perform secondary capture based on the information the player has. You must have something in your hand." He was having difficulty speaking now and didn't want to go into details. He only gave the result: "The whole and the part."

Although these five words were vague, Wen Shi was already very grateful.

Zhou Xiaochun didn't stay here for long. He had to go find Ji Yuanzhi. In an indirect sense, the people who went to the dungeon with him owed him a favor. Zhou Xiaochun had to ask Ji Yuanzhi for the props to delay the dungeon. In his current state, he would not be able to recover for at least half a month.

After Zhou Xiaochun left, Wen Shi sat alone by the bed, thinking.

Boss Mei, Qi Qi and Zhou Xiaochun should give the same information. Zhou Xiaochun is more specific based on the previous two. Song Yan can transform into a philosophical mirror, and the whole and the parts can also be viewed from a philosophical perspective.

After two days of studying philosophy, Wen Shi's mind was full of dialectics. On the second day, the fragments of the world were slightly hot, and the temperature even extended from the backpack to the whole body. Wen Shi, who was reading, immediately threw the book aside and called Ji Yuanzhi and the others.

Several people met in the guest room. At this time, the fragments of the world had appeared from the backpack and fell into Wen Shi's hands.

"It seems like it's time." Yu Xingzhou narrowed his eyes and took out the team props.

[All members formed a team successfully]

[Matching the copy...]

[It is detected that a member of the team holds a world fragment. This copy is a directional copy "Frank Hospital"]

[The copy is loading... ]

[Loading successful!]

The world was dark, and Wen Shi heard the introduction from the prompt sound:

[Frank Hospital: Small and Medium-sized Dungeons

Difficulty: 3S

Initial number of players: 21

Plot summary: In the forgotten old times, the first director established the Frank Hospital, which means freedom, frankness and generosity. After the first director disappeared mysteriously, the hospital fell into chaos, but it has never stopped operating for a day and it is still a famous hospital.

Frank Hospital holds bloodthirsty thugs, horrific mental patients and innocent people. It is said that there is only a fine line between genius and madness. If you are a smart person, you must be careful when you come here and always prevent yourself from being assimilated!

Role identity: Your name is Aaron. A few months after the quarrel with the dean, you finally decided to go back. During the days of wandering outside, you learned your identity as the heir, made good friends, hooked up with a black-hearted monster, and now you are fully armed and ready to go.

This time, you must take back everything that belongs to you!]

[Note that you cannot summon yourself from a parallel world in a special copy. ]

[Note: the homeland function in special dungeons is temporarily unavailable.]

Wen Shi's eyebrows jumped. This character's identity introduction was too speechless.

When he heard that he could not summon his family, he was surprisingly calm. Everything arranged by the game and the protection of his family in the previous copies seemed to be waiting for this moment.

"Try not to rely on others, and try to be more stable."

When the world regained its light, Wen Shi silently recited these two sentences to remind himself.

"It is an honor for you to work at Frank Hospital right after graduation." The instructor who was giving the lecture looked at his students and said in a loud voice, "You are simply the luckiest group of students. Not only will you be able to meet the dean in person later, but you will also meet a formal doctor from Frank Hospital on the way."

There were two rows of people standing around, and Wen Shi found himself standing alone on one side. When he saw the NPC who was talking, the system automatically popped up to introduce him.

[Teacher: A worker who trains students in higher hospitals.]

[You just returned to the familiar city and unexpectedly met a group of young people who were about to go to work in the hospital. During the communication, the coach learned that you were a doctor at Frank Hospital and was very excited. You are on your way to Frank Hospital together.]

Wen Shi's face darkened.

No wonder the game is so kind that it has a special introduction to NPCs. The coach's words about meeting the dean in person later were simply a death warrant!

Having already met the NPC, it was impossible for him to disguise himself again. Wen Shi originally thought that the game would make arrangements for Ao, such as the dean was recuperating, to avoid a direct meeting between the two parties. Unexpectedly, the game provided a death meeting package.

Ao, who has been tricked several times, will definitely chop him into pieces when they meet.

"I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do." Wen Shi pushed the NPC away and ran in the opposite direction.

The coach was confused by his actions.

The players looked at each other in bewilderment. Only new players would run away. The key point was that Wen Shi ran away by himself. One of the players couldn't help but ask Ji Yuanzhi: "I heard that you two have a good relationship. Why didn't he take you with him when he ran away?"

If you find danger, you should at least call your companions before leaving.

It was now dark, and there were not many people on the streets. The old buildings on both sides looked even more mottled in the night, and the mechanical sound was giving a reminder colder than the cold wind.

[Please arrive at Frank Hospital before midnight.]

Wen Shi decisively jumped onto a carriage. When the driver heard the destination, he was about to refuse, but a dagger was placed across his neck.

"Now, immediately, right away." Wen Shi demanded through gritted teeth.

My life was being held in the palm of my hand, and the wheels of the car were almost smoking as I hurried along. About half an hour later, just after I swore to be steady and not rely on anyone's warmth, I stood sadly in front of a terrifying iron door.

The moon seemed to be pierced through by the sharp towers on top of the castle building. He took a deep breath, opened the door and walked in.

Neither the inner nor the outer doors were open, so Wen Shi followed the route he remembered and went straight upstairs.

Inside the stone door at the end of the corridor.

The owner of the castle was sitting on a luxurious sofa reading a book, and his scepter was almost always with him. After turning a page, the count said with a slightly cold expression: "The rats these days are getting more and more reckless."

A hand full of bony beauty suddenly grasped the staff, and the owner of the castle stood up and walked towards the door.

After the door opened, the scepter was about to take the life of the person who came. Wen Shi, who was prepared, stood a few meters away and showed an awkward smile.

The owner of the castle had a hint of surprise in his brows: "It's you?"

Wen Shi looked at his gorgeous long pajamas that were almost dragging on the ground, and thought that the Earl's daily routine was becoming more and more regular. Fortunately, there were no obvious wrinkles on the clothes, proving that he had not fallen asleep yet.

"I'm here to invite you to afternoon tea in a while." Wen Shi tried to put on a natural smile. "Before that, could you send me to work the night shift?"

"… "

(End of this chapter)