Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 160: Frank Hospital


Before midnight, the owner of the castle was in a relatively stable mental state. The pale and firm muscles under his collar did not give him goose bumps like normal people when they were touched by the cool breeze, and the moonlight cast no shadow on him.

As if he was a terrifying monster born to move in the dark night, he went to bed on time every night. When he heard a word in Wen Shi's words, his tone was a little sarcastic: "Night shift?"

Wen Shi looked sad: "Yes, night shift."

After leaving the big factory, he still has to work night shifts when he comes back. He is destined to not escape the 996 fate.

The blood brides who wandered around late at night have long disappeared, but the benefits of working in the castle are still very good. The housekeeper and others are arranged to stay in another house at night, and there is no such thing as night shifts.

This was a good thing for Wen Shi, as he had offended all the NPCs in the castle, especially the gardener, who would probably want to use a pair of scissors on him as soon as he saw him.

The owner of the castle was crazy, not stupid. Looking at the young man who pretended to be pitiful in the night, he knew that he was talking nonsense.

The so-called invitation to afternoon tea was just a cover.

"I promise that I will send out invitations every time in the future." Wen Shi took out the only chip in his hand.

If the count was not afraid of being beaten to death, he would not care.

When Wen Shi passed by the dining room earlier, he glanced at the clock. It was almost eleven o'clock. He only had more than an hour left. The distance from the castle to the hospital was not short. Wen Shi did not hide his urgency at all and added: "The hospital has been turned upside down, which is also good for you."

The Earl refused to approach places like hospitals. Wen Shi had failed to summon him once in a sanatorium. However, this resistance was not absolute. After the other party became even crazier, his strength increased greatly. Unless the patients in the deep area took action, Ao was no match for him now. I believe that in this dimensional space, no NPC would want to see something happen to the hospital more than the Earl.

After all, Frank Hospital will not give up on admitting mental patients, and in the past, the other party relied on their status and position to fight back.

The owner of the castle stared at Wen for a few seconds.

In his eyes, the young man's strength was not worth mentioning, but his ability to stir up trouble was the best he had ever seen. Throwing such a time bomb into the hospital was indeed a good choice.

A quarter of an hour later, Wen Shi got on the carriage as he wished.

The owner of the castle changed into casual clothes, a black robe with silver buttons, and leaned back in the carriage with his eyes closed to rest.

"Either Ao dies, or you die." Halfway through, he suddenly raised his eyelids, stared at Wen Shi with his horrified eyes, and said, "If you die, I will send the obituary to all media at home and abroad."

Wen Shi lowered his eyes. Would he then lead his family to raze the hospital to avenge him

By then, Xie Tangyan will surely show up, so the Earl will not lose out from any perspective.

There was no one driving the entire journey. The two black horses seemed to be controlled and galloped towards the Frank Hospital in the distance.

Frank Hospital.

As far as the naked eye can see, the map of this super copy is very ordinary, and there is not even a secondary building.

The mental hospital, which only has one main building, is in a dilapidated state. The surrounding weeds have almost grown to knee height. Looking from the hospital entrance, some lights can be seen on the first two floors, but from the third floor onwards, it is like a swamp with no end in sight.

Such a chaotic and messy hospital has a very high social status. On the one hand, it is willing to take over patients that other hospitals are unwilling to take care of, which is good for social security. On the other hand, Ao is in collusion with aristocratic politicians and will forcibly accommodate normal people to facilitate their theft of property.

The twenty-one players, except for Wen Shi who ran away halfway, were all interns. The instructor sent them to the hospital and left, repeating before leaving that they were lucky to be able to see the dean directly, and the players wanted to give her this blessing intact.

After the coach left, the fat nurse led the players into the hospital.

The windows in the corridor were open, and through the iron railings, the dense and terrifying electric fence outside was dizzying to look at.

The fat nurse finally stopped outside the protective door that separated the north and south areas. Although she was quite heavy, the flesh on her face was stiff and lifeless.

"Some time ago, a doctor caused the dean to suffer a serious injury. He finally recovered after a lot of effort. In order to prevent similar situations from happening again, the dean will now personally give lectures to new doctors."

The environment on the first floor was too simple, and the players gathered together, making the corridor very crowded. The fat nurse pushed open the door of the only relatively large room. The word "prayer room" was written crookedly on the wooden sign, and tiny black ants were crawling in the gaps.

There is a huge cross directly in front of the door.

While everyone was looking at the interior of the prayer room, Yu Xingzhou and Ji Yuanzhi exchanged glances and came to the same conclusion: the case was solved, and they must pretend not to know Pei Wenwei later.

Combined with the fat nurse's words, this provided a perfect explanation for why Pei Wenwei made the strange move of running away.

Everyone is only concerned about their own situation now, and few people like Yu Xingzhou can spare the time to consider Wen Shi's situation.

"Really the bottom of the food chain." A player cursed under his breath when the fat nurse was praying to the cross.

Other players felt similarly.

Except for those who were brought in by the team like Song Yan, the players who entered the 3S copy this time have basically purchased fragments of the hospital scene skin, and they are experienced and can be said to be well prepared.

They had also summarized the experience from other hospital copies beforehand, thinking it would be somewhat useful, but they found that the traditional faction confrontation model could not be applied to this copy.

The fat nurse is not a simple NPC. There is also a dean above her. If they were patients, it would be fine. We only need to complete one confrontation. The reality is that the background of the story specifically mentions patients. It is likely that the patients admitted are also very scary. As a doctor, you have to deal with them, which is equivalent to being in a state of being attacked from both sides.

Song Yan retained a bit of the innocence that only new players have: "If the patient is too dangerous, will the nurse help us fight it?"

At the foot of the cross, the nurse had finished praying. She turned around and said grimly, "You must complete the tasks assigned to you on time. If you miss anything..."

A creepy smile replaced the unfinished words, leaving the player in the prayer room waiting for the dean to lecture him, while the fat nurse left first.

Song Yan completely gave up his unrealistic thoughts. He walked to the cross where the nurse had prayed before, and thought expressionlessly, this hospital is hopeless. They don't believe in a specific god, such as the only King Asa.

While Song Yan was still daydreaming, a rough voice came from outside the door: "Very good, it seems that there is still a sensible person in your group."

A bearded man with muscles that almost burst through his white coat was standing outside. The iron hook in his right hand looked terribly dirty and rusty under the dim light of the room.

The tag on the bearded man's neck reminded everyone of his identity: Dean, Ao.

After entering the room, Ao praised Song Yan: "You knew to come to the cross first. The instructor taught you well."

[Ao's favorability towards you is 1. ]

Most players were surprised that Song Yan could even think of such details. As far as they were concerned, there was no such person among the top 50 players.

"The year-end outstanding doctor selection will be held soon," Ao thought of something happy, and smiled until his face was covered with layers of flesh. He said to himself, "According to the hospital rules, all doctors must participate."

If Aaron didn't come back, he could justifiably fire him.

After being happy alone, Ao finally began to lecture: "Working here, you must abide by the hospital rules. You are absolutely not allowed to take private work outside, especially going out to diagnose and treat patients..."

As if recalling something infuriating, the low pressure from Ao made nearby players break out in cold sweats.

"Isn't it good to visit the doctor at home?"

The dean's speech was interrupted, and everyone looked in the direction of the sound. The young man standing outside the door was wearing a blood-stained white coat. The monocle on his nose made him look sexier for some reason. Behind the young man was a mottled wall. The whole scene looked strangely harmonious, as if he was a part of this place.

"Aaron...Alan?" After a second of hesitation, Ao's face trembled after seeing the face clearly, "How dare you come back!"

The sudden scene was beyond everyone's expectation. Is this the 3S copy? The NPCs started killing randomly at the beginning

Facing a target that was not a patient, Ao was restricted and could not attack with all his strength, but even so, it was enough to kill Wen Shi.

"A violent maniac." Wen Shi curled his lips.

[One Sword to Kill] cannot kill the key NPC. Ao's real defense ability is also very strong. He is well aware of the trouble, so he went to find the Earl at the first opportunity to take the initiative and make the other party quiet down.

Seeing Wen standing there motionless, Ao, who had been tricked several times, subconsciously raised his guard. The next second, a stream of air rushed from behind him, and the direction of the iron hook was forced to shift. The sharp end hooked the edge of the wall, and a horrible hole appeared instantly.

Knock knock.

The hollow iron guardrail was knocked by a finger, and the player standing near the window was startled and rushed to the other side. He thought he was alert, but he didn't even know when someone stood outside.

The face of the castle owner seemed to be divided into several parts by fine guardrails. The light inside the room conflicted with the darkness outside. Although he was not as scary as Ao in appearance, his temperament was more evil and cold.

Boss, definitely a boss!

The players who had previously hidden aside were now frowning. Even if it was a high-difficulty dungeon, wasn't the boss level a bit too high

When Ao saw that the owner of the castle actually appeared in the hospital, he was overjoyed even though he had not yet completely entered the hospital.

This time it was the Count who came to me on his own initiative. Since he was so willing to accept "treatment", of course I had to satisfy him!

Ignoring Wen, Ao disappeared into the prayer room almost instantly.

The others were confused, so one of the experts asked directly, "What is the dean in such a hurry to do?"

The first time I saw an NPC, he ran away in the middle of a conversation.

Wen Shi: "Go out and get beaten."

"… "

Wen Shi turned around and was about to leave. Before leaving, he put his hand on the pull cord at the door, ready to turn off the lights.

The leader of the Seven Commandments was also among the players who downloaded the dungeon this time. Seeing this, he said directly: "As the opener of the dungeon, you have an innate advantage..."

Wen Shi paused and turned his head to listen to what he was going to say.

"We don't expect you to reveal any key information, but at least explain your reasons before doing these inexplicable things."

These words strongly aroused the agreement of most people. Any unintentional action in the copy could trigger the death rule.

Leaving the prayer room without permission and turning off the lights seemed strange.

Li Nan made the number seven with his fingers from behind, and then raised another finger. Wen Shi guessed the identity of the person who was speaking: the president of the Seven Commandments.

He had once lost face to the Seven Commandments in the virtual square, and in the big factory dungeon, the Seven Commandments members teamed up with Tu Bianxi to try to trick him, but ended up getting tricked to death. Wen Shi and this guild didn't have any big grudges, but they definitely didn't have a good impression of each other.

"Explain?" He smiled playfully.

The last sentence of the Seven Commandments President is secondary. He is inadvertently hinting to everyone that he has key information, creating an environment in advance for them to work together with other players to force clues when they encounter difficulties.

When the president of the Seven Commandments asked for an explanation, Yu Xingzhou and Ji Yuanzhi were staring at the hospital rules next to the cross and reading them. Li Nan also seemed to be quite interested in the rules.

As for the friction and petty thoughts in this quarrel, they did not participate, nor was there any need to do so. If it really came to the point where they needed to intervene, it would be a life-and-death struggle.

While putting pressure on Wen Shi, the President of the Seven Commandments was also paying attention to the rules and the battle situation outside. It was unknown which side had blocked the space, and the specific fighting scene could not be seen. The overflowing air flow would occasionally brush against the flesh, leaving a burning sensation.

Without caring about the battle situation, Li Nan and others walked straight to the door after reading the rules. The one who was faster than them was Song Yan, who humbly asked the same question.

His thoughts were already very divergent when he followed Wen, but he still couldn't figure out why he had to leave the prayer room.

A loud noise interrupted his question.

The iron railing bent violently, and Ao's two-meter-long body was thrown in, breaking the railing and falling into the prayer room.

Wen Shi quickly pulled Song Yan out and whispered, "I've already said he went out to get beaten. If you were a leader, would you want to see yourself getting beaten?"

Before the Earl's strength evolved, he was slightly better than Ao, but now the two are no longer in the same league.

The patients in the deep area only recognize the first dean. As long as they don't make too much trouble, they will not take the initiative to help Ao deal with the count. They might even watch him get beaten while cracking melon seeds.

Ao is such a conceited person. Whoever sees him getting beaten up will be unlucky.

"The copy is not just about fighting and killing, it also involves the human relationships and worldly wisdom." Wen Shi's eyes were deep.

Song Yan looked like he had learned a lesson.

"Thank God." Wen Shi didn't walk far before leaning against the cold corridor wall, unable to hide his gloating: "Finally, someone can share the dean's hatred with me."

Based on the principle of being a kind person, he wanted to give the other person a hand, but the other person didn't appreciate it. It was difficult to persuade the damned ghost with kind words, so he could only watch the person die.

On the other side, Li Nan looked at the problem without any personal feelings: "There must always be players who play the role of candles, burning themselves to illuminate others."

It is impossible for so many interns to do just one job, and when tasks are assigned later, it will be obvious who will be unlucky.

Prayer room.

Ao was thrown to the ground with a bruised face and nose. His two slit eyes met the President of the Seven Commandments who had tried to watch the battle. They stared at each other. With the help of the light in the room, Ao clearly saw the surprise on the other's face.

President of the Seven Commandments: “…”

The name of the 3S instance is Frank Hospital. Is it reasonable that the boss, the director, was beaten into such a state? Even the most determined players would be surprised to see this scene.

It's almost like "Why are you such a loser" is written on his face.

Then the president of the Seven Commandments immediately realized that something was wrong. When his incompetent leader was beaten like this in front of his subordinates, his first reaction was definitely not to fight back, but to vent his anger on this subordinate.

The president's prediction was quite accurate, Ao's expression already revealed a strong sense of hostility.

The president of the Seven Commandments subconsciously looked at the others, and saw that the players who had not yet had time to walk out of the prayer room were all standing in a row next to the cross, with their backs to them, constantly making the sign of the cross on their chests, as if they were praying and didn't see anything.

"Amen." Everyone closed their eyes and moved in unison.

"… "

(End of this chapter)