Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 161: Frank Hospital


The noise was so loud that only a deaf person could hear it, and Ao knew that the praying intern could see it clearly too.

But there was only one person who stared at him.

The president of the Seven Commandments reacted quickly and looked away, but it was too late. Ao looked at him with a horrified murderous look.

Ao stood up and wiped the blood from the corner of his eyes. The dark red color made him look like a grotesque clown. "Where are the others?"

One player replied: "I went to the bathroom."

There is no other reason. Running to the bathroom is an excuse that never goes out of date.

"Someone go and call them back."

Blood was dripping from the place where Ao's broken wrist was connected to the iron hook, and maggots were crawling on the wound. He seemed to feel no pain at all, and was completely shocked by another fact: the earl had become so strong!

When Ao was puzzled, he didn't know what he was thinking. He glanced at the ceiling quickly with resentment. If the patients on the upper floors were willing to help, he would definitely not be so embarrassed tonight.

Ao clenched his intact hand and endured it. When he found that thing, the entire hospital would obey his command.

Wen Shi and others came back soon.

Pretending to be unfamiliar with Li Nan and the others, Wen Shi entered the room first. The moment he saw the wound on Ao's face, he was immediately furious: "It's a medical dispute, absolutely a medical dispute! The Earl is really too rampant. I suggest you report him to the sheriff."

Although he looked angry, but while scolding the owner of the castle, Wen Shi was still leisurely pushing his glasses up his nose, and it was obvious that he was gloating.

The two sides' eyes met in mid-air, and Wen Shi did not dodge. He showed two faces at the same time, showing his fearless appearance to the maximum, just to make Ao feel afraid.

After a while, he said meaningfully: "You can arrange it as you like within the scope of the hospital's duties. If it's outside the scope..."

The enemy does not use hooks to dig out human flesh at will, and we will not send out the count.

As he spoke, he glanced out the window and saw that the corner of the carriage that he had vaguely seen before had disappeared, indicating that the count had left.

The Count was somewhat wary of Frank Hospital, and besides, the other party had the habit of going to bed before midnight except in special circumstances.

Wen Shi was not panicked. If a brutal beating did not make Ao behave, he would not mind teaching him again with the sword. With the Earl as a foundation, it would be effective after two times.

The blood dripping from the edge of Ao's rain boots had gathered into a puddle. At this moment, he unexpectedly calmed down and did not respond to Wen Shi's words. Instead, he continued the lecture that he had not finished before.

"Interns have to work night shifts." After emphasizing a bunch of work precautions and the location of the interns' accommodation, Ao's malicious smile returned to his face. The rusty iron hook in his right hand pointed at Song Yan and Li Nan: "You two are responsible for feeding the medicine to the patients in the south area on the first floor. Remember, you must make sure they swallow the medicine and check their mouths carefully afterwards."

Ao also arranged for Ji Yuanzhi and Yu Xingzhou to feed medicine to the patients in the North District, and made a request: "Giving medicine too late is not good for the health of the patients. The feeding work must be completed before one o'clock."

Others regretted not leaving immediately. It was not a good idea to stay in the prayer room. Usually, patients would be relatively safer in places like the first floor, which were close to the main door.

Ao then arranged ten players to go to the north and south areas of the second floor for drug injections, which were also required to be completed before one o'clock.

Those who didn’t get a number suddenly became nervous. Would they be sent to the third floor

The situation was much better than they had imagined. Ao divided the six doctors into two groups, also on the second floor: "One group will be on duty from 2am to 4am, and the other group will take over from 4:30am to 6am. We must be careful not to let patients escape."

“… As for Dr. Aaron, you have returned from a long journey, so just rest up in your office tonight.”

This arrangement was really unexpected, and anyone could see that Ao was dissatisfied with Wen Shi. However, he quickly realized that it was not that he didn't want to arrange it, but that the trigger of the dungeon had certain innate advantages.

If Ao were allowed to be with his personality, he would definitely throw everyone to the top level.

"There are two more things you need to pay attention to. Unless the patient escapes, the death of a patient during the night shift will be punished. Most importantly, do not be influenced by the patients and become a madman like them!"

When talking about punishment, Ao's tone was flat, but when talking about not being assimilated, his expression was filled with a wonderful expectation.

After arranging the work, Ao left with heavy steps, his rain boots rolling over the blood on the ground, leaving bloody footprints. When he passed by Wen Shi, he paused for a moment and lowered his voice and said, "It's best to sleep with your eyes open at night."

Ignoring the threat to his life, Wen Shi left after him and went straight back to the office.

The door was broken and the office was a mess, perfectly preserved in the same state it was in before he left.

Wen Shi simply cleaned the sofa. It felt a bit strange to be alone while others were doing their tasks. After he came back from taking out the trash, he looked at the rules posted on the wall and couldn't move away for a while.

"Friendship Day."

Looking at the three words mentioned in the rules, Wen Shi felt a mixture of emotions. He didn't know what his father would think of Frank being in such a state.

[Main quest generated]

The sudden system prompt made his eyes slide down. It was rare for a game to directly generate the main quest on the day of the next dungeon.

The mechanical sound was slightly different from the usual one, and contained a sense of weirdness that was completely indescribable in words—

[Main Mission: Survive for Seven Days

Mission content: You are back on the first day;

The next day you need to save an innocent person;

On the third day you set out to the deep areas; on the fourth day you decide to kill the dean;

On the fifth day, you start looking for an important item in the hospital; on the sixth day, you gain recognition from your patients and are named the Outstanding Doctor of the Year;

On the seventh day, you successfully inherited the hospital.]

[Note: If you do not complete the required tasks on any day, it means you have failed to clear the level, and the game will celebrate the seventh day for you.]

Wen Shi chuckled.

The Count was also waiting for his seventh day, and was thinking of putting an advertisement in the newspaper to say thank you to me.

"Seven days..." He sat down on the sofa. The game was like a to-do list. Some items were not specific enough, but killing the dean alone was a century-old problem.

The copy would not allow him to find loopholes and use the Count to kill the dean, so he might not be able to leave the hospital for the next few days.

"As expected, in the end, the only one you can rely on is yourself." Wen Shi smiled bitterly, then looked at the moon in the sky and frowned: "Why hasn't Jian Qingrong appeared yet?"

The purifying power of the Lord of Terror should be able to help him punish Ao.


While Wen Shiyu was holding up the banner of self-reliance under the moonlight and was actually trying to stretch out his claws to try to take advantage of others, Song Yan and Li Nan were working diligently on their tasks.

Frank Hospital made a lot of money, but Ao was so stingy that he was reluctant to replace even the broken floor tiles. The blood mud between the gaps easily stained the soles of shoes, and the smell irritated the patients from a distance. The beast-like roars squeezed out of their throats and drilled into their ears made people feel very uncomfortable.

The South District accommodated all male patients. In the empty corridor, Song Yan glanced at Li Nan, who nodded and he pushed open the door of the first ward.

The moment he entered, Song Yan felt that this was not a ward, but a fish tank.

Like a depressed goldfish banging against the glass frantically, the patient's body was shaking violently, causing the iron bed to creak. The hemp rope that replaced the restraints rubbed his flesh tightly. His mouth was stuffed with something, and he was unable to utter complete sentences.

Seeing someone coming in, the patient's eyes flashed with pleading, as if he wanted to say something.

They were originally here to feed him medicine. Song Yan took off the patient's gag. This thing used to prevent the patient from shouting was very cleverly designed and was much smaller than normal models, ensuring that the patient could not scream but could still make a low, hoarse roar of pain.

After a brief respite, the patient said with a sad face: "This hospital..."

However, at this moment, Li Nan moved so fast that an afterimage appeared. He pinched the patient's face tightly, and with a little skill, he twisted the patient's jaw joint, dislocating it on the spot.

Li Nan took the medicine from Song Yan and forced it down his mouth, which was having difficulty closing. "Once he dies, we will trigger the punishment rules."

The patient looked at them with eyes almost blazing with anger.

Song Yan stood aside. He found that he seemed to be very good at a certain kind of memory. After learning that the patient had other purposes, the pain and deliberately pitiful and calculating expression he showed, he immediately generated a template in his mind, and evolved no less than ten expressions on this basis.

This was only the first ward. When we arrived at the second ward, the patient there had already freed one arm from the hemp rope, and he was trying to untie another hemp rope so that he could bend down and reach the broken tiles on the floor.

When Li Nan went to stop it, Song Yan realized something was wrong.

Every once in a while, the patients seemed to gain some mobility. If all patients were not fed their medicines as quickly as possible, there would definitely be casualties. However, there were only two of them and they had to be responsible for the entire South District.

On the other side, the North District.

Yu Xingzhou and Ji Yuanzhi are in charge of female patients.

They had already judged the urgency of the medicine feeding task, and relying on Ji Yuanzhi's [Hallucination] skill, both sides were able to handle it with ease.

"Something's not right." Yu Xingzhou's eyes were dark when he successfully came out of the second to last ward.

Feeding medicine is just right as the opening side quest of the S copy. It is barely okay to do it for 2S, but if it is put in a 3S copy, the opening difficulty is a bit wrong.

Ji Yuanzhi also felt something was wrong: "Do you need me to interpret the information?"

Yu Xingzhou shook his head: "The mission is already halfway done, there is no point in interpreting it further."

The most troublesome situation is the unsolvable death rule. They are still alive now, so this can be ruled out.

"Go on." He turned around and glanced at the clock hanging on the nurses' station. There was more than enough time, still half an hour.

The players completed their tasks smoothly tonight.

Before 1 a.m., all the patients on the first floor were successfully fed medicine. At the same time, all the players in charge of injections on the second floor also completed their tasks.

The second floor is a Class A dangerous area, and the patients are very aggressive. Players here almost have to wait for the right time to get the injections, and some even had bruises on their bodies. Fortunately, they escaped unharmed.

At 2 o'clock, the first wave of players on duty began to work. In order to prevent patients from escaping, players chose to patrol. During their shifts, players need to fill out the night shift form to record the process and results of the event.

Because there is no specific format requirement, the table is recorded rather sloppily:

[At 3:30 in the morning, we found an escaped patient in the toilet. We started a fierce battle and the patient was successfully escorted back to the ward.

At 3:50 in the morning, intern Liu Chen found the patient hiding in the trash can and successfully arrested him. Ten minutes later, the shift was handed over.

At 5:30 in the morning, a patient tried to disguise herself as a nurse, but put up a desperate resistance after being discovered. Because the patient was very vicious, five interns including Qian Yue and Hu Bumeng teamed up to eliminate him.

At six in the morning, the night shift ends.]

All players who finished their night shifts were arranged to rest in the intern dormitory.

The dormitory for interns is easy to find, not far from the prayer room. The design inside is quite inhumane. A small and narrow cubicle with a bed casually stuffed in the partition. There is no ventilation and the environment is extremely bad.

In comparison, Wen Shi’s office can be considered a good environment.

Wen Shi leaned on the Hug Bear to keep watch, and slept soundly on the sofa in the second half of the night. At dawn, the fat nurse came from the corridor and urged impatiently: "Prayer room, everyone come to the prayer room!"

Wen Shi was woken up, got up, rubbed his temples, and walked towards the prayer room.

The iron railings outside the window have been repaired, and the prayer room seems much more spacious today, mainly because there are fewer people.

The fat nurse went to pray in front of the cross first. Wen Shi looked around and asked Yu Xingzhou, "Where is Ji Yuanzhi?"

Yu Xingzhou said in a deep voice: "He was called out by the nurse in the middle of the night and never came back."

Not only Ji Yuanzhi, but five other players also did not show up. One even finished his night shift at six o'clock and was taken away by the nurse before he even entered the dormitory.

After the fat nurse finished praying, she said in a hoarse voice, "Everyone follow me!"

The patients on the first and second floors were much easier to manage during the day than at night, and very few patients showed suicidal tendencies during the day. When I passed the torture room, I heard the rather shrill cries of the patients inside, and a lot of dust and small insects fell off the ceiling.

"Hurry up, what are you dawdling for?" The fat nurse noticed a player slapping a spider on his body and urged him in a harsh voice.

This was Wen Shi’s first time setting foot on the second floor, and the game did not remind him that it was a dangerous area like it did when he first arrived.

The layout of the first two floors is similar. The nurses' station is closest to the stairs. The corridor is completely dark from one-third of the way up, and the vision cannot explore further.

The fat nurse led them into the darkness. There was an indescribable smell lingering in the corridor. Wen Shi felt that the smell was somewhat familiar. Thinking about it again, it was similar to the smell of the morgue in his previous copy.

At the end of the corridor is an "ice house" with a large number of buckets of ice piled up in the corner and four stretchers covered with white cloth placed in a row on the concrete floor.

The fat nurse emphasized: "If you encounter a patient who dies unexpectedly, you must incinerate him within one day to prevent the spread of disease and disaster."

Wen Shi didn't know what happened last night, so he asked quietly, "Did any patient die last night?"

Song Yan shook his head: "Not when I was feeding the medicine."

Wen Shi suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

The players with good sense actively carried the stretcher in groups of two and were praised by the fat nurse.

Unfortunately, this behavior did not work out well. The stretcher was made of bamboo poles and hemp ropes, and was crudely made. Years of use had caused partial deformation, and the two players failed to lift the body steadily, and the body fell to the ground.

After hearing the thumping sound, the fat nurse pointed at their noses and yelled, "You can't even do such a small thing? How did your instructor teach you..."

The string of insults were all different, but the player being insulted didn't hear a single word and stared at the corpse that rolled to his feet.

The corpse's mouth was wide open, his chest was full of vomit, and his hair, stained with black and red blood, was wet and stuck to his forehead. His eyes never closed until he died, and his blurred and bloodshot pupils met the player's, and the player couldn't help but take a step back.

"Zhao..." His chest heaved violently, and he almost called out the deceased's real name.

The person who died was not a patient, but a player, and one of the top 50 players on the leaderboard.

Yu Xingzhou's eyes suddenly changed, and he walked forward and uncovered the white cloth on the other bodies.

They were all relatively familiar faces. When he saw that Ji Yuanzhi was not there, Yu Xingzhou's shoulders drooped slightly, but this was not much relief. A total of six players were called away last night, and four of them had died in a miserable way. One of them had half of his face shattered.

The fat nurse stood behind Yu Xingzhou without knowing when, looking at the lifted white cloth, and her cold breath sprayed on the skin of his face: "What are you looking for?"

(End of this chapter)