Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 166: Frank Hospital


Wen Shi has always wanted to know how others think of him, but after thinking about it, he decided to give up.

I don't know which area Xiaoyu and Jian Qingrong are in. The mentally retarded area doesn't sound very advanced, so it's probably on the third floor. Jian Qingrong is very likely on the fourth floor. Wen Shi thought calmly that the game definitely restricted Jian Qingrong, otherwise he would have found the telephone receiver long ago.

After giving the instructions, the fat nurse waved her hand, indicating that they could leave.

No player wasted time. After leaving the prayer room, everyone headed for the stairs. Midnight was a dividing line, and they had to arrive at the duty area before then to ensure their personal safety to the greatest extent possible.

As soon as my feet stepped on the cold stairs, a mission reminder sounded in my mind—

[Side mission: Capture escaped patient*1

Mission content: Just teasing you!]

In the dark stairwell, the weird mechanical sound gave the player goose bumps.

President Qijie is a bully who likes to form a small team. He is very useful at critical moments. "The patients upstairs and downstairs are not of the same level. The nurses are afraid of it. If they really have to run outside the plan, they will not run one every night."

The female player walking behind him thought for a moment: "So this is just their way of having fun?"

The Seven Commandments president hummed, "It's barely good news. The patient's activity area won't be too large."

The patient's purpose was to play a trick on the doctor on duty, not to really run away, which saved them the trouble of catching people all over the world. There was no need to worry about the patient quietly using his ability to leave the area on this floor and run outside the building during the blind sniping process.

When they reached the third floor, President Qi Jung led the way and turned into the dark deep area, and the remaining players also disappeared into the darkness one after another.

Wen Shi and the others continued to go up, the atmosphere was eerily quiet. Soon they reached the fourth floor, standing at the entrance and looking around, the fourth floor was not as it looked from the outside, there was no light at all, the lighting from the floor lamps was weak, and the field of vision was about three or four meters. In the area beyond the reach of the eyes, there was endless black fog.

The nurses' station was empty, so Wen Shi walked to the stereoscopic guide sign. There were six areas on the fourth floor, with the nurses' station as the dividing line. To their right were the rift area, phobia area, and autism depression area, and to their left were the fantasy area, XX area, and mania area.

Wen Shi's gaze lingered on the line of small words in the cracked area for a few seconds. Excuse me for being frank, but Jian Qingrong looked like he was prone to cracking.

"We are lucky. To get to Area XX, we have to pass through the Fantasy Area," Wen Shi retracted his gaze and said, "It will be convenient for us to go find Ji Yuanzhi first."

The Fantasy Area was the closest, so the group didn’t walk for too long in the dim light. After passing through the first protective iron gate, they saw a sign hanging right above it: Fantasy Area.

After a brief pause, everyone stepped over the small area of light cast by the prompt light sign without looking back.

The world suddenly became warm and bright.

The walls on both sides are brightly colored. The signboards above are no longer visible. What comes into view is the tassel decorations. There is no wind, but the air is filled with a faint scent of flowers. The beautiful environment is just like the red slogan on the wall: Create the best environment for patients.

The players appear as doctors and nurses, and are not airdropped into the patient room as patients, which can barely be considered an advantage.

Song Yan suddenly said, "The smell of blood."

Soon Wen Shi and the others also smelled it, and felt a strong sense of disobedience. If the fantasy zone was committed to creating a fairy tale atmosphere and boiling a frog in warm water, there shouldn't be such an intuitive pungent smell.


"There are patients who are killing people." Yu Xingzhou said in a low voice, "And they are not far from us."

Several people deliberately lowered their footsteps, and gradually they got closer to the source of the bloody smell.

Being in the same building, the length of the corridors on each floor should be about the same, but they have already walked through most of the length of a corridor on one floor, and there is still no end in sight ahead.

The second iron door was ajar, and strange noises came from behind it.

Yu Xingzhou walked in the front, always ready to use his skills. Li Nan also had an extra talisman in his hand. Song Yan hid behind Wen Shi who was holding the [Qingmu Sword]. He had only been in two dungeons and had no ability to protect himself.

"Open it." Li Nan said.

Yu Xingzhou pushed the door open directly.

A stream of dark red blood instantly flowed along the cracks in the floor to his feet. Yu Xingzhou looked in the direction of the blood flow and saw a man standing not far away with skin as pale as ice and snow. In front of him was a cocoon more than one meter high.

The source of the blood is this mysterious cocoon.

In the next few seconds, the cocoon gradually faded until the illusion disappeared, and a broken skeleton fell out of the blue and white striped hospital gown. The man who had swallowed the monster looked at the scene indifferently and suddenly turned his head.

Wen Shi and others, who were on high alert, were stunned for a moment after seeing the face clearly.

"Ji Yuanzhi?"

Ji Yuanzhi's hands were covered in blood and he nodded slightly at them.

After finally meeting, everyone did not move forward, but became more vigilant. After all, they were in a fantasy area, and no one knew whether the person in front of them was real or an illusion.

Ji Yuanzhi's lips moved, not to say hello. The next moment, a staccato tune sounded in the empty corridor, and the world in front of everyone's eyes changed: the bright wallpaper on the wall became dirty and muddy, blood and brain matter were mixed together, and just looking at it made people nauseous. The decorative tassels on the ceiling turned into spider webs.

When Ji Yuanzhi first arrived at the deep area, he was unable to break through the confusion of the patients in the ward, but the real environment in the corridor could not be hidden from his eyes.

Wen Shi and the others did not use any special props, nor did they have the [Hallucination] skill, so when they first saw the corridor, it was like seeing a paradise.

"You..." Seeing that his singing could break through the illusion, Wen Shi thought of a possibility.

"I absorbed half of the mermaid king's heart." Ji Yuanzhi picked up the hospital gown on the ground and wiped his hands with the only remaining clean piece of cloth. "In the eyes of those patients, the species have been unified."

There were several more similar skeletons behind him. The reason why Wen Shi and his team did not encounter any danger was that Ji Yuanzhi had played the role of "cleaner" in advance.

"After you visit the prison during the day, I guess you will come again at night when you are ready," Ji Yuanzhi looked at Wen Shi, "so please come to pick you up."

Just as those people had never hesitated to come to the deep area to rescue Ji Yuanzhi, Ji Yuanzhi was also certain that they would come.

The impact of the unpleasant air and bad environment in the corridor was temporarily reduced. Wen Shi and Yu Xingzhou looked at Ji Yuanzhi and nodded slightly, indicating that some things did not need to be expressed in words.

Song Yan poked his head out from behind Wen Shi at this time: "They are the same species. We can catch him and send him back, and then we can go home."

Others: “…”

"The elite player just analyzed that the patients were escaping for fun, so if they are caught, they will be punished at most, which is not fatal. If I am not mistaken, the punishment will slow down the speed of transformation into monsters." Song Yan looked at Ji Yuanzhi, tentatively stretched out a claw and asked: "Then we will catch them? Or you can run a few steps first."

All eyes focused on Wen Shi again.

Wen Shi's eyebrows jumped. Why was he looking at him again? It wasn't all taught by him.

Song Yan had already taken action. He was timid but had great ideas. He gently grabbed Ji Yuanzhi's sleeve and said timidly, "I caught him."

[You successfully saved a fellow intern]

[You are one step closer to becoming a formal doctor]

[The remaining rewards will be settled after the copy ends]

Song Yan blinked.

Can't afford to play the game

Wen Shi had already guessed the ending, so he sighed and asked, "What is your main mission?"

Song Yan always answered his questions: "Survive the internship period and get the internship certificate."

After saying that, he immediately realized that Ji Yuanzhi's current identity was a patient, and it was impossible for him to complete the main task, so he had to change his identity back.

One way to change jobs is by exchanging with the deceitful spirit in the cross, but the game definitely has other ways out, such as reversing your identity after being rescued, as just now.

"There is only one way to become a full-time doctor and dean, and that has to be done on the premise that the previous role has died." Wen Shi said calmly: "Becoming a nurse also requires a certain price, but the transition between a patient and an intern will be much simpler and more brutal."

Directly use the skills of using explosives, directly transform into a monster, wait for someone to rescue you, etc.

Going to District XX is their destined fate.

Song Yan put away his hope and hid behind Wen Shi again, moving forward cautiously.

Everyone quickened their pace. A wave of monsters had been cleared in the Fantasy Zone, and the risk factor was greatly reduced. But Ji Yuanzhi told them that at about one o'clock, the really powerful patients in the Fantasy Zone would start to move around. Powerful patients would occasionally move across zones, and if they did not leave the fourth floor before then, they would most likely encounter a siege by a group of demons.

"Have you been to District XX?" Wen Shi asked.

Ji Yuanzhi shook his head. After being diagnosed as a patient, he had no restrictions on using the [Hallucination] skill. With the help of the mermaid king's singing, it was easy for him to fish and devour monsters in the same area. The abilities of patients in the fantasy area were very fixed. Except for some really powerful patients, it was not a problem for him to restrain them with the same ability.

After the bright and warm illusion disappeared, the light of the floor lamp dimmed. Basically, one person stared at one direction to avoid being attacked.

The color of the sign on area XX was unique. The two Xs in front would change color every time they blinked. The few of them looked at each other and completely stepped out of Fantasia into a brand new area.


In the flickering light, Song Yan saw a blurry font from the messy light.

The environment in the new area seemed relatively normal, and the wards on both sides were very quiet. I walked for a while with bated breath, and no crisis occurred.

The deadly silence exacerbated the uneasiness in everyone's heart. It was easy for Ji Yuanzhi to clear the way in the Fantasy Zone, but in the XX Zone, this kind of calm was particularly abnormal.

More than ten minutes later, they could already see the sign for the Manic Zone hanging ahead.

"what's the situation?"

There were no monster attacks and no escaping patients. It was so harmonious that it made people wonder if they were still in the fantasy zone.

In a strange situation, Song Yan suddenly grabbed Wen Shi's clothes: "You've become smaller!"

His slender body shrank to the height of a high school student. The adolescent Wen Shi had a little more flesh on his cheeks, and his narrowed eyes seemed to be deliberately imitating the depth of an adult, making him look rare and cute.

It's not just Wen Shi. Li Nan and Yu Xingzhou also face the problem of becoming smaller. Their upper body clothes are loose on their bodies, as if they are secretly wearing adults' clothes.

Ji Yuanzhi's condition is slightly better. I wonder if it has something to do with his fusion of the mermaid king's heart.

If Song Yan hadn't suddenly brought it up, no one would have noticed it. It was as if a certain area of the brain was obscured by some interfering element.

Looking at the hands and feet that were shrinking, Wen Shi and the others all felt a palpitation in their hearts.

Qi Qi's divination results were very accurate, and bringing Song Yan along played an irreplaceable role. The true spirit clone always had some extraordinary intuition.

A drop of water fell from the ceiling, and an even colder reminder sounded.

"Congratulations on successfully entering Area XX and discovering the abnormality of your physical condition in time."

"The content of the side quest has been updated, please check it in time."

After opening the task surfaces one after another, new content is added on them.

Wen Shi raised his eyebrows. No wonder the previous task content only had four words. It turned out to be incomplete.

[Side mission: Capture escaped patient*1

Mission content: Sex addicts are the patients who cooperate most with Frank Hospital's treatment. In order to become civilized, they have erotic dreams when they are asleep and abstain from sex when they are awake.

Play a game of hide-and-seek with a sex addict on the run. Catch him and he'll let you have sex!

Tip: After entering the area, you must find the patient's hiding place as soon as possible.

If you don’t find the first patient within fifteen minutes, you will be 3 to 6 years younger; if you don’t find the patient within the second fifteen minutes, you will be 6 to 12 years younger; and so on. If you don’t find the patient quickly, you will eventually become a cute cell!

If you were never born, there would be no *, perfect abstinence and 100 fainting!]

“…” There is nothing shameful in being cute, but when a game is cute, nothing good will happen.

After the prompt sound ended, Wen Shi's skin became more delicate, and the process of becoming younger was deepening every moment.

Song Yan looked grim: "If you all turn into cells, will I turn into mirror fragments?"

Racing against time is always the most difficult. As the body becomes smaller, physical endurance will further deteriorate. They have to try their best to complete the task within the first half hour.

Now half of the time has passed.

Ji Yuanzhi put on his glasses again, and returned to his usual polite demeanor. He analyzed, "First, find the escaped patient's ward. There should be clues inside."

For example, we can get a rough idea of what the patient likes to eat and where he usually goes.

They had passed through eleven wards before, and it was impossible for them to push the door in every ward. Knowing that it was time to try their luck, everyone's eyes fell on Wen Shi for the third time.

“…” I understand. No matter good or bad, it’s his fault.

Wen Shi, who was carrying a heavy load, looked up at both ends of the corridor and pointed casually: "That door."

This time it was his turn to take the lead.

[One Sword to Flatten the Silence] There are three chances to use it in a single copy. With Wen Shi’s current points, he can definitely use it three times.

The ward door would not be locked at night. Wen Shi held the sword in one hand and placed the other hand on the door handle. He took a deep breath and pressed it down heavily.

The door is open!

There were three iron beds in the dark room, and the patients lying flat on them were not tied up with hemp ropes. The patients all had their hands crossed on their abdomens, sleeping peacefully, and did not open their eyes even when the door was opened.

On the wall directly opposite hangs a red award certificate: Advanced Collective.

This is awarded by the hospital to commend their spontaneous actions to quit masturbation.

Before they had finished looking at the structure inside the ward, damp air mixed with a strange smell enveloped them. In their drowsiness, the world in front of everyone's eyes began to blur.

"Stay awake! It's to pull us into a dream." Patients who are in deep sleep will have erotic dreams, which is obviously also a kind of ability.

Wen Shi vaguely heard Li Nan's reminder, but his current condition was very bad and he had already stepped half a foot into the dreamland.

There seemed to be something in front of him. Wen Shi struggled to open his eyelids and tried to focus his vision. The air was filled with a sweet smell, which smelled even more perverted than the seeds of a mutant pomegranate flower.

After about a few seconds, the blurry outline in front of me suddenly became extremely clear!

It was an enlarged face with * written all over it. The patient was smiling at him, revealing his cold teeth.

He bit his lips hard, and when the fishy smell rushed into his throat, Wen Shi concentrated his mind again. He no longer hesitated and was about to draw his sword.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the smile on the patient's face disappeared first. He looked like he saw a rotten apple. His expression changed from expectation to disgust, and his flushed cheeks even became distorted.

The moisture receded and the ward became clear again.

The patients in the other two beds opened their eyes one after another and looked at the patient in the bed next to them: "Why are you so weak?"

The patient didn't say anything. He looked at Wen Shi and the sword in Wen Shi's hand, his expression becoming increasingly ugly.

The data in the archives showed that the number and the floor number were not closely related. Wen Shi seemed to realize something: "Patient No. 233?"

The sex addict in the live broadcast room is numbered 233.

Having witnessed Wen Shi's performance on the third floor of the casino, 233 would not have any sexy thoughts even if he had a sex addiction, let alone a thirst for sex.

Meeting an old friend in a foreign land, Wen Shi's eyes lit up, and he walked over excitedly with his sword in hand: "233, it's me! Lin Hejing, my full name is Aaron."

Wen Shigang was still very depressed that his luck value had expired. There were people on the three beds, proving that no patient had escaped from this ward.

Unexpectedly, I met 233 in the blink of an eye.

Patient No. 233 did not recognize Wen Shi immediately, mainly because the other person had become smaller, which was why he was so delighted to pull the newcomer into his erotic dream.

Now, whenever he thought about having pooped something into his dream, he felt a little nauseous.

Patient 233 sat back down on the bed and picked up the trash can.

Wen Shi was still trying to evoke the other party's memories: "233, I..."


Wen Shi: “…”

(End of this chapter)