Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 167: Frank Hospital


The contrast between No. 233's stress reaction and the enthusiastic doctor who is completely different from him is particularly beautiful.

Wen Shi successfully became the focus of the ward.

The other two patients finally looked him in the eye, and for a moment they also felt like vomiting.

Under the aura of [Cutting Princess], any man would feel his lower body tighten when he sees Wen.

Ji Yuanzhi knew that they had long been accustomed to it through long-term contact, which was almost equivalent to having "resistance". People like the President of the Seven Commandments would only become more unhappy, and their hostility would increase by one or two points, but this influence was basically fleeting.

Sex addiction patients are different. The identity of a formal doctor and the halo of this will make them feel naturally uncomfortable. When patient No. 233 watched through the live broadcast room of the patient, the discomfort was weakened until the real person met offline...

Patient No. 233, who still felt like vomiting, suddenly raised his eyes and looked at the blood-stained white coat meaningfully, "You come here to be a doctor?"

"Yes." Before the other party had any ill intentions, Wen Shi seemed to be daydreaming: "It's too difficult to work here, and I have to catch patients."

He smiled and said, "It's a good thing I met you. Please take me to the escaped patient's room. The patient is too fierce, and I'm afraid they will bully me."

Just listening to the intimate tone, it seems as if the relationship between the two parties is very close.

Although Wen Shi was very cute when he was young, and his voice rose slightly when he spoke, like a cat that was acting coquettishly without knowing it, in the eyes of the patient, this was a provocation, and his appearance destroyed the gorgeous dream of the sex addict tonight.

Now, the other party is brazenly ordering them to do things again.

"Send you there?"

Song Yan, the most timid one, stood behind Wen Shi. Facing the murderous intent that the patient inadvertently revealed, he did not even take a step back. He was almost blindly following Wen Shi, thinking that the more bizarre the other party's actions were, the more stable things would be.

Patient No. 233's eyes gradually turned cold: "What a request."

Fear and physiological disgust have completely different meanings, and he still has the ability to kill the other person.

According to hospital regulations, doctors cannot cause the death of patients without reason unless the patient escapes. Sex addicts have more abilities than just dreaming.

The sweet smell faded a little, the humidity in the air became heavier, and the three patients stayed in their beds, doing nothing. The words "Advanced Collective" opposite them were brightly colored, as if reflecting each other how qualified patients they were.

When the breath passed through the respiratory tract, Wen Shi felt as if his bones were loosening and shrinking, and the speed at which his body was shrinking was increasing.

Whether making people younger is considered an attack on a doctor is in a gray area determined by the rules. If he strikes with his sword, there is a 50% chance that he will be punished by the rules.

Wen Shi was not annoyed, he stood there calmly, still smiling: "Want to play a game?"

Patient No. 233 saw the same expression in the live broadcast room, when the other party offered to save the reporter's life with 10,000 readers.

Patient No. 233 would not be fooled by him again. A scornful smile flashed across his face, and he immediately refused: "No..."

"Take me to the ward," Wen Shi said in a leisurely manner, "Friendship Day is coming soon. I will go and kill the dean tomorrow to cheer everyone up."


In one ward, many faces were shocked.

Both the patients and the teammates were stunned.

Song Yan, who had confidently believed that he had secured victory a second ago, never expected that Wen Shi would take off so suddenly.

The three sex addicts stared at Wen Shi at the same time, as if they were trying to see through him.

Wen Shi only stared at Patient No. 233: "Want to play?"

It is unrealistic to directly ask the other party to lead them to catch the patient. Since they are not in the same ward, it is unlikely that No. 233 knows the patient's hiding place, and the copy will not leave such a big loophole for players to exploit.

The air returned to normal a little, and No. 233, who had vowed not to make any deals, had forgotten his determination from the previous second.

"You want to kill Ao?"

Wen Shi glanced at his white coat and said, "Why else would I come all the way here to be a doctor? Life should be more exciting."

Time was tight, and he planned to find out about the host later. Wen Shi took the initiative to dispel the other party's doubts: "I am a trustworthy person. If I don't keep my word, you can still deal with me."

Working the night shift is an inescapable fate. Ji Yuanzhi said that powerful patients can roam across regions, and it is easy for patients to ambush a doctor on night shift.

With an indifferent tone and cold eyes, Wen Shi retracted the [Aoki Sword], put his hands naturally in his pockets, and waited for Patient No. 233 to make a decision with a half-smile.


This is the most appropriate description that No. 233 can think of.

After becoming the dean, he not only has invisible power, but also patients cannot attack and kill the dean. But this cannot deny the strength of Ao's body. If he explodes completely, no monster can suppress him except a few patients.

No. 233 had a vague feeling that when the other party used the sword, he was leveraging the force, because the human's own flesh and blood was very fragile.

The force that can be borrowed is limited, and if one cannot bear it himself, he will explode and die. Under such conditions, he actually had the audacity to say that he was going to kill the dean. If he is not a madman, what is he

The three patients all had the same thought: What a good show!

The teammates tried to see cunning on Wen Shi's face, at least to show that he had other plans, but all they saw was a faint smile.

The cat doctor had a smile on his face but tears in his heart.

He's not crazy! Why would he attack the dean for no reason

This is one of the main quests in the crappy game, what can he do? ! This guy must act up tonight.

Wen Shi already knew the result from the patients' expressions, and hooked his finger at Patient No. 233: "Come on, take me to the ward first."

Patient No. 233 looked at him for a few seconds and finally chose to stand up from the bed.

Evil doctor vs. dean.

The thought of that scene made their blood boil, and the patients would applaud if any staff member of Frank Hospital died.

Returning to the dark corridor, the endless long road gave off a chill.

Unlike the fantasy area, the patients in area XX sleep better as the night goes on. Patient No. 233 turned and walked towards a ward at the back, his expression gloomy as he walked: "The patients in our area are all very grumpy when they wake up."

Wen Shi's every move was like a master: "So we need a reliable guide."

He guessed that No. 233 wanted to stay alive now and watch him and Ao kill each other. The other party would help to deal with the situation within his ability.

"No. 209 is always the best at hiding." Patient No. 233 pushed open an old ward door and said with a twisted smile: "I hope you are lucky enough."

In the dim light, you can see that one of the three beds is empty, with the bedding neatly laid out, with no signs of anyone having slept there.

Wen Shi and others' eyes moved. It was this ward!

The light switch was right next to the door frame, and the men were careful not to touch it. If the light was turned on suddenly, the patient would most likely freak out. The damp air that was coming straight at them stopped about a meter in front of them. The patient on the bed turned his head away, puzzled by the visit from No. 233.

Seven or eight minutes had passed since the last time it became smaller. While patient No. 233 was reminiscing about the past, Wen Shi moved sideways to the middle bed, bent down and opened the cabinet door directly.

Ji Yuanzhi and Yu Xingzhou searched the public area of the ward.

The patient in bed number 1 rolled his eyes indifferently and asked patient number 233: "Did you hook up with the doctor?"

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why the other party helped the medical staff to search for things.

The patients knew very well what these people were looking for. If they didn't catch the patient in bed No. 1 who liked to play hide-and-seek in time, the doctors on night shift would have to report them here.


The patient in bed number one stared at the ceiling expressionlessly. Whenever it was that guy's turn to play hide-and-seek, no doctor could catch him, and countless staff members had died at his hands.

Wen Shi checked the cabinet as quickly as possible and found some things here and there.

You found a bit of dirt.

Ji Yuanzhi and his team found a hammer in a public area.

This is not good news. If the patient dug a hole somewhere and crawled into it, it would be really difficult to find him.

In addition to the eleven wards, there are three treatment rooms and a pharmacy in Area XX. There is also a prayer room. According to the inertia of the game, if you enter the wrong room, you may trigger side quests in these rooms. In another five minutes, their age will be half a round younger.

Wen Shi stood up and looked around to see if there were any areas that he had missed.

As a result, he happened to see the patient in bed number one staring at the back of him, and the same was true for patient number 233. Wen Shi turned around and found that the patient in bed number three opposite him were both looking at one person at the same time: Li Nan.

Li Nan leaned over, lightly touched the surface of the bedding with the tip of his nose, then moved to the pillow and the changed hospital gown, carefully sniffing everything about the patient in bed number one.

The position of his ears changed, moving to the top of his head. Both ears were covered with black fur, and a fluffy tail appeared behind him. After his body became smaller, the loose male nurse uniform covered a small part of his tail. Li Nan was very serious in everything he did. He looked dignified and perverted when he held the hospital gown and sniffed it seriously.

No. 233 had a complicated expression: "Are you a fellow patient?"

It's so unpopular to play.

After noting down the smell, Li Nan turned around and said to his teammates, "We can go catch him now."

"Do you have the skill to transform?" He followed him subconsciously, and when he walked to the door of the ward in a trance, everyone came to their senses and asked in surprise.

Li Nan frowned slightly, not understanding what was so shocking: "In Xi Yang Hong's book, for the last optional mission, I chose the thief."

The game gave three options at the time. Hunting shadows would greatly improve your overall quality, and stealing the god-level evolutionary fluid would transform your body.

“And the expressions on your faces when you heard it at the plastic surgery hospital were exactly the same as they are now,” Li Nan reminded.

He had already been despised once.

Among the five people, four had played the game of Sunset Red, and the dead memories began to attack them with sit-ups.

Yes, that's what happened. At that time, except for Wen Shi and the boy, most of the elite players in the same group chose Shadow Hunter.

It is not worthwhile to take a big risk and download a unique copy to get a body transformation. After all, the increase in the body transformation is limited, and in general, players can find alternative props.

As the first president of Li Nan, people would always subconsciously have the illusion that he had chosen a more difficult task.

In fact, Li Nan himself has different ideas.

His purpose of betting on the lone copy was for the key. After weighing the survival rate, Li Nan made a direct decision. Later, there were several kinds of god-level evolutionary fluids to choose from, and he chose the dog. No prop could replace the dog's sense of smell.

Although this ability is basically useless in high-difficulty dungeons, it is better to be prepared.

Now it would come in handy perfectly.

It was really hard to get nervous in the eerie corridor because there was a person calmly sniffing around.

Wen Shi and the others followed quietly like a few other tails, unable to do anything. After a long while, Wen Shi whispered, "I also tried to be steady during the day."

Several "newbies" began to attack each other personally.

Ji Yuanzhi pushed up his glasses and asked, "Are you sure enough to kill the dean?"

Wen Shi's eyelids jumped, and he spoke of his actions in the archives room as proof: "I was super calm at the time, I don't know what happened, the alarm went off, and the NPC ran away."

Ji Yuanzhi, who raised the first alarm: “…”

He chose to bury the truth and change the subject: "Have you figured out how to kill the dean?"


While muttering, Li Nan, who was working alone, stood outside the pharmacy. The similar smell disappeared here.

He stopped without any warning, and Wen Shi, who was still talking behind him, almost bumped into the other person's fluffy dog tail.

The door was not locked, and Li Nan easily opened the door of the pharmacy.

A smell of dust and formalin hit me at the same time. The fourth-floor pharmacy was twice as large as the first-floor one, and there were two inner rooms inside. Things were piled up in a mess, and if you were not careful, you would kick over the debris.

The light from the corridor could not penetrate the inner room. Wen Shi took out a small lantern and asked softly, "Which room should we go to first?"

Li Nan hesitated for a moment and pointed to the left.

The air smelled bad, which was a bit disturbing. The inner room on the left was full of tables and cabinets, and some of the containers were not sealed properly, emitting a strong pungent smell.

Li Nan covered his mouth and nose, sealed the bottle and opened the window to let in air.

Wen Shi walked to one of the long tables with cabinets and raised the lantern. The cracks on the wall extended upwards like a spider web. He lowered his head and saw some tiny pieces of soil next to the legs of the cabinet, which matched the clues found in the ward.

Yu Xingzhou walked to one side, Wen Shi and Song Yan stood on the other side, and Ji Yuanzhi and Li Nan were facing the direction of the table, ensuring that they could react immediately to any situation after the door was opened.


After everyone nodded slightly, Yu Xingzhou pulled hard, and instantly the cabinet legs rubbed against the ground, making a harsh and unpleasant friction sound, and many medicine bottles on the table fell over.

Without any object to cover it, the hidden hole in the wall was exposed to everyone.

The patient, wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown, was incredibly lithe, like a baby, hugging his knees and pressing against the concave area of the wall.

There was a hint of surprise on his face. He was more surprised that he was discovered in such a short time than that he had failed in the game of hide-and-seek.

How did this group of people do it

Just before leaving the ward, Li Nan put on his hospital gown to take a smell sample. At this moment, he compared the smell and nodded: "Yes, it's him."

The patient twisted his neck stiffly and watched a dog man with a dog tail and dog ears sniffing his clothes. He suddenly understood how he was found.

Song Yan, who witnessed the whole process, couldn't help but recall an old story from ten years ago: high-end patients often use the simplest way of searching.

"I caught you." Li Nan looked down at the patient in the narrow cave and said lightly the result of this chase and escape drama.

The next second, everyone received a game prompt:

"Side mission - Capturing the escaped patient*1 has been completed."

"You successfully caught a patient in Area XX during your night patrol."

"The mission reward has been sent to the backpack."

Lacking the rigidity of normal mechanical sounds, this time the system broadcast could convey a subtle chill from the subtle changes in tone.

Especially after the word "reward" came out, everyone shuddered inexplicably. The mask of killing people with a blunt knife in the copy seemed to be finally revealed, replaced by intuitive violence and blood.

Only Wen Shi's lips curled up slightly. He did not escape the night shift tonight. This side quest overlapped with the quest to go to the deeper area. Whether it was the third or fourth floor, there must be important clues on the escaped patient.

The patient did not come out from his hiding place immediately. Under the dim light of the small lantern, his eyes seemed to be fixed on Li Nan. He still could not accept the reason why he was caught.

Finally, the patient's lips suddenly moved.

Song Yan asked in a low voice: "What is he mumbling about?"

It feels like scolding.

Wen Shi, a tenth-level lip-reading master, repeated word for word: "Fuck, it's dog."

(End of this chapter)