Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 168: Frank Hospital


Wen Shi translated these four words accurately and precisely.

Li Nan, who was insulted by the patient, was very calm. Now there was no need for odor samples. He returned the hospital gown to patient No. 209 and said, "Don't insult the dog."

The side quest was completed, and everyone's bones made a crisp sound like firecrackers. The alienation of the young people was forced to stop, and their condition was recovering little by little.

The nurse's uniform was no longer loose, and the explosive power of Li Nan's muscles under the clothes could be fully felt through the thin fabric. Patient No. 209 licked his lips. This man had a good body.

"Would you like to play in my dream together?" he made a midnight invitation.

Wen Shi stood aside and watched the show unkindly, and found that Yu Xingzhou and the others were the same. Watching Li Nan being teased was much more interesting than watching him live.

Li Nan himself showed no emotion, and was completely focused on his task. He moved the table away completely, pulled the patient out coldly, and prepared to send him back to the ward.

Hide and seek is easier than pursuit, as you just need to find the person. The possibility of the patient attacking or escaping again after being caught is not high.

The patient's arm was twisted into a knot and he sighed with regret.

As soon as he left the pharmacy, Wen Shi immediately put away the lantern. He didn't want to be a source of too bright a light in the corridor.

In fact, if you look closely, the corridors in each area give people a different feeling. The fantasy area is falsely warm, while the XX area is like an unfathomable *, opening its bloody mouth to every passerby.

If you stay in such an atmosphere for a long time, your mental state will be affected, so it is better to leave as soon as possible.

"You actually found it?" Patient No. 233, who had just left the previous ward, raised his middle finger to Patient No. 209 and said, "I lost to a dog's nose. You are amazing."

It was common for patients to fight with each other. Before the atmosphere became more tense, Li Nan quickened his pace and sent No. 209 back to the ward.

Wen Shi did not follow him in. He stood in the corridor and had something else to say to Patient No. 233. He asked directly, "Where is the reporter?"

No. 233 smiled strangely when he heard this: "He claimed that he admired the first dean and came here because of that. Of course we have to satisfy him."

If other patients said this, it could be translated as the host had been sent underground to be buried with the first dean, but these patients would never go against the gambling game hosted by Yugi himself... Wen Shi frowned and wanted to ask further questions.

At this time, Patient No. 233 stroked his lips with his finger and made a zippering motion, implying that he would not provide any extra information.

It would not be good for anyone to completely break up. Seeing Patient No. 233 return to the room, Wen Shi stood against the wall and thought.

There is no need for No. 233 to deliberately conceal the whereabouts of the host. The reason he did not speak out may not be because he was unwilling to say it, but because he was restricted by the rules.

Putting aside the rest of the thinking, Wen Shi began to check the mission rewards.


This photo records the scene when the advanced collective was awarded.

The certificate was the same one seen on the wall of the ward before. Ao, with a hypocritical smile on his face, and the sleepy patient were holding up the same certificate for a photo. The scene was particularly ironic.

Wen Shi focused on the background, desk, portraits, etc. Even the location of the trash can was the same as the dean's office in his memory, but it had no windows, and the interior area in the photo was obviously larger. There were a few more bookshelves against the wall, and a door could be vaguely seen on the side of the bookshelf.

It is obviously not the dean's office on the first floor.

Wen Shi stared at the photo: "Is there more than one dean's office?"

The more you think about it, the more likely it is. Under normal circumstances, the director's office is definitely one of the important exploration points in the hospital. In a high-difficulty copy, it is set on the first floor. As long as the player seizes the opportunity, he can enter and exit freely. It is too sloppy.

The door closed and Li Nan and the others walked out of the ward.

"I got an extra key." Seeing that Wen Shi's eyes were blank, it was easy to guess that he was looking at the attribute panel, so Li Nan spoke.

Everyone else got the same photo as Wen Shi.

The dungeon seemed to be distributed according to work. Li Nan had contributed the most in the previous mission, and the reward he received was also unique. The key must be an important item. If he chose to conceal this information, the other players might be at a loss at some point.

Based on the information provided by the photo, Wen Shi said, "The key should be available in another dean's office."

The next step is to find the location of this office.

Yu Xingzhou said: "There are also clues on the escaped patients on the third floor. We may be able to deduce the location by combining them together."

If they didn't want to share clues, they would have to go to the third floor themselves to catch a fugitive patient. Efficiency was paramount, so this was obviously unnecessary.

Wen Shi smiled: "The hypnotic effect of the Seven Commandments President has not been completely lifted. It is not difficult to convince him, provided that he is still alive."

Yu Xingzhou didn't have this worry: "As the president of a big guild, it won't be that easy for him to die."

Wen Shi gave orders to the president of the Seven Commandments through the [Kingdom] interface, thought about it, and asked the other party to meet in the stairwell on the third floor.

Tonight, the players come to the deep area to work the night shift, and only the fat nurse can be on duty on the first and second floors. Now going back to the first floor directly may be regarded as leaving the night shift, and it will be difficult to come up again.

After sending the message, Wen Shi looked at Song Yan and asked him whether he wanted to get off the night shift or continue following.

"Get off the night shift." Song Yan was decisive.

Previously, there were tasks to complete, so everything was under control. Now, everyone was preparing to continue exploring for their own purposes, and no one knew what would happen. If an emergency occurred, the others would have to divert their attention to protect themselves.

They walked together to the stairwell on the third floor, and Song Yan continued down to the intern dormitory.

It is difficult to estimate how long it will take to complete the side quest. The instruction sent by Wen Shigang did not leave a specific meeting time, so we should prepare to wait for half an hour.

While waiting, her slender white fingers gently stroked the pendant on her chest, and the blood in it persistently flickered with a very faint red light in the dim environment.

I don’t know what the situation is with Jian Qingrong.

Wen Shi believes that there is a high possibility that the other party is in the rift zone, which is located at the end of the corridor. To find Jian Qingrong to meet up, he must first pass through the phobia zone and the autism zone.

"Wait and see."

Li Nan had personally witnessed the gambling game between Yugi and the Lord of Terror, and could guess Wen Shi's thoughts. The Lord of Terror could be made into a slice and accompany him in the dungeon, and it seemed that this time would be the same.

Besides the one in the mentally retarded area, there may be more in other areas.

Before leaving the fourth floor, Li Nan took a special look at the clock on the nurses' station. It was almost one o'clock, so it was not a good time to take the risk of looking for someone.

As if to confirm what he said, a strange sound suddenly came from upstairs. The two extreme sounds of playfulness and wailing were intertwined together. The temperature of the entire corridor dropped suddenly, and cold air could be felt while people were talking.

The few of them were extremely nervous and walked down a few more steps.

It was a bit cold, Wen Shi shrank his body. The validity period of the [small cloak] had not yet expired, so it could not be taken out at the moment.

He looked at Li Nan's fluffy tail, and the other two did the same. After the body recovered, the tail also expanded and looked very warm.

Wen Shi asked tentatively: "Can you lend us your hands to warm them?"

Li Nan controlled the tail to rise up and place it on the hands of three people lined up in a row.

It instantly became much warmer.

The three of them couldn't help but study what kind of body transformation Li Nan had.

"It has a mixture of wolf and fox genes." Li Nan took the initiative to speak.

It’s just that the abilities of the other two animals are not very obvious, and you can find props to replace them.

Cracked area.

There were funny noises, patients who seemed to be playing while chasing each other but were actually pulling off each other's scalps with their entire heads attached, and patients who were trying to steal each other's eyeballs. As soon as it was past one o'clock in the morning, the patients' excitement level rose by one degree.

Basically, all districts are unwilling to deal with the Rift Zone. Even the hospital's daily treatment will skip here. Ao simply and crudely blocked the area and set up several protective gates.

This is also the area with the largest number of patients. Jian Qingrong's "cut flesh to feed the eagle" plan has already completed the first round in this area.

His flesh and blood is limited, and it is impossible to cover all patients. Only those with top-notch strength can snatch their flesh and blood.

There are pros and cons. These patients can be used by Jian Qingrong, but unfortunately it will take some time to completely control their consciousness.

At present, only some preliminary and easy-to-execute commands can be issued.

A hand covered with veins took out a photo, and the patient who suddenly appeared said mysteriously: "I stole it from room 444. I'll show it to you if you treat me to a midnight snack."

Jian Qingrong had said before that he would treat anyone who could find secret information related to the hospital to a meal.

Patient No. 444 is a patient whose ancestral home is in Guimen. He is also one of the earliest patients to come to Frank Hospital. These monsters are basically sleeping on a daily basis.

Jian Qingrong completed the exchange with a smile.

The photo was well preserved. The patient urged with blood in his mouth: "Hurry up, I want to put it back."

Ignoring him, Jian Qingrong's eyes were fixed on the photo. The unkempt man in the white coat in the middle of the photo was the first director of Frank Hospital, and Wen Shi's adoptive father. Standing on the left and right of him were two people whose faces could not be seen clearly, and the three rows behind were patients.

The strangest thing is that there are three people in the front row, but there is an empty seat in the middle. The empty seat is covered with mosaics, and even just one look at it can easily make you feel scared.

This is an alternative family portrait. Unlike Wen Shi, the man has few human friends and spends his days hanging out with monsters.

Jian Qingrong's memory has now been partially restored. Although he still cannot remember their names, he can be sure that the two people standing in the front row whose faces he cannot see clearly are real spirits.

One of them was undoubtedly the mirror god that Wen Shi had dealt with in the plastic surgery hospital, and the other one...

His vague memory told him that the other one was very deceptive.

Regarding the mosaic standing shoulder to shoulder with the man in the middle, Jian Qingrong has a bold guess: the supreme will.

His eyes suddenly darkened.

The photo made a noise when it was pinched by the knuckles, which scared the patient. He hurried back to smooth it out and return it to its original place.

After the patient left, Jian Qingrong still kept holding the photo.

He played the role of a demon in the Golden City. With the temporary ability granted by the story, he could freely enter and exit any place with a shrine, including the Meijin Casino. Jian Qingrong knew about the "commonality" that Boss Mei reminded Wen Shi.

The moment he saw the photo, he suddenly realized something.

In Sunset Town, the Mirror Spirit released three avatars: a tour guide and two newcomers. These identities will inevitably intersect with Wen Shi.

As for the wandering corpse who likes to sing and cheat people, Wen Shi made an investment in him in advance because he suspected that the wandering corpse was related to the Supreme Will.

By analogy, it is impossible for another true spirit to do nothing.

"Host." Jian Qingrong narrowed his eyes.

The pen that the host gave to Wen Shi has the brainwashing effect of deceiving the public and confusing their consciousness. The host also tells lies and likes to deceive people during the show.

Could the so-called commonality be that these three bullies placed a clone next to Wen Shi at the same time

It is still unknown what the reason is.

At present, we can rule out the option of purely harming people.

The Supreme Will has a complicated attitude towards Wen Shi. Wen Shi has the ability to be resurrected once, as if the Supreme Will wants to make up for some regrets in life on him. But on the other hand, judging from the twisted mentality of these bullies, they really want to use Wen Shi's life to exchange for another's.

Therefore, these three clones definitely had traps for Wen Shi, but they also left him with some benefits.

Thinking of this, Jian Qingrong snapped his fingers lightly and ordered the monster to find the receiver.

In all the treatment rules, there is a reminder at the bottom that if you have any questions, you can use the phone to contact the doctor. Wen Shi happened to be a doctor, and Jian Qingrong guessed that he could be contacted based on this.

"Supreme Will, this time, I'll see what you can do to stop me."

The Golden City was bound by rules and could not reveal a lot of information even though he knew it. But this time, since the telephone receiver was a legitimate thing, the other party had no reason to stop him from contacting Wen Shi.

Jingle Bell-

In the stairwell, the ringing sound in his mind startled Wen Shi, and he answered the call and said "Hello".

"I miss you." The little octopus said in a hoarse and sexy voice: "Why don't you come to pick me up?"

Wen Shi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and replied patiently: "It will be soon, and you are safe now..."

"Two tentacles are broken." The little octopus felt aggrieved.

Wen Shi stopped smiling and asked solemnly, "What's going on?"

"I sneaked into another area and killed two patients." The little octopus said proudly: "I can also become stronger by devouring them."

Wen Shi never thought that the little octopus that always liked to stick to him has become very strong now, as if it finally realized the importance of strength. But once it has this awareness, can it still be as happy as before

"I hope you can be happy." Wen Shi said seriously.

"Very happy." The little octopus said, "I do this just for fun. The time I can talk on the phone is too short each time, and I have to wait a long time before I can make another call. I can't find a second telephone in the retardation area, so I can only lurk in other areas to steal."

The little octopus has unlimited potential. The mentally retarded area is the weakest of all the deep areas. It has forcibly stimulated intelligence beyond its body, and in order to fight for the telephone, its strength has been broken through again.

The little octopus was dancing with joy, and he said excitedly: "Now we can talk on the phone for a while longer!"

"… "


Cracked area.

"The user you dialed is currently on the phone..."

"Please call back later."

"The user you dialed is currently on the phone..."

Jian Qingrong took the telephone receiver that the monster found and dialed several times, but the call was always busy.

After making sure that it wasn't the Supreme Will that was causing trouble this time, Jian Qingrong lowered his head with a depressed look on his face. He finally uttered a sentence in a low voice: "It's so late, who is he talking to on the phone?"

Who is it? Who is it

(End of this chapter)