Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 170: Frank Hospital


Poor quality rain boots will make a squeaking sound when you walk.

In the darkness, the smell of blood in the room hinted at what had happened here. The corners of his mouth covered by a beard suddenly pulled out a very bad smile. Someone broke into the nest of his precious pet and paid the price for it. On the closed door of the inner room, the sign "Do Not Trespass" was a little crooked, and a shadow darker than the night was hovering nearby.

The monster took shape as it devoured the corpse and kept moving towards the door, as if hinting at something.

"Are there any more thieves?" The iron hook that replaced his hand flashed with an impatient luster, and Ao walked towards the inner room.

Every step you take can be heard very clearly from inside the door.

The player's heart beats more violently than the footsteps.

"It's too late." Someone in the room said softly.

There must be other clues here, but there is no time to search for them.

"There is a risky method. Use an invisible prop to seal the breath. After the door is opened, there may be a chance to find out something from the dean's behavior."

If a thief is suspected, NPCs may check for important items.

A meow interrupted randomly: "There is a more risky way, now light up."

"… "

The harmless little black cat sitting on Ji Yuanzhi's shoulder made suggestions that didn't seem like illumination, but more like a final farewell to everyone.

However, Wen Shi was not joking. He explained the situation seriously: "I have a way to get information from personal belongings."

The feeding log belongs to Ao. If he uses the skill directly, the scattered clues he digs out are likely to be about Ao. He needs to start with things that are more relevant to monsters.

I just don't know if I can find this type of thing in this house.

Yu Xingzhou compromised and said, "Divide into two groups. Ji Yuanzhi and I will try to find clues, and the rest of you will look for items."

No one objected. The footsteps were almost reaching the door, and they had no better choice.

"Prepare the props to resist mental pollution." Before Ao broke into the room, Wen Shi shouted, "Zombies!"

The zombie cooperated very well and appeared holding the Harp. The strength that was drained by the solution in the special treatment room during the day had not yet been fully recovered, and the zombie's eyes were a little dull.

"Me, performing?"

Wen Shi nodded: "Play the music however you want."

Upon hearing this, the zombie immediately perked up, and his long blue nails moved. The next moment, an unbearable melody that could cause severe mental pollution began to play. The performer seemed to be plucking the tense brain nerves of everyone as strings.

Once the sound of nature is used, it does not distinguish between friend and foe.

Except for the owner, all living things will feel weak and powerless within one minute.

The footsteps at the door that brought heavy psychological pressure stopped briefly. Although Wen Shi had warned them in advance, President Qijie and the female player still felt weak in the knees.

As a former victim, Ji Yuanzhi knew that they had made sufficient preparations when they knew that the zombies were going to be summoned. At this moment, the two of them had successfully walked to the experimental table and began to carefully check the items on the table. Without bothering to complain about the horrible song, the female player on the other side took out the lighting tools again and started to search other corners as quickly as possible with the rest of the people.

"There are very few skulls." About ten seconds later, Li Nan said while looking at the pile of corpses.

The lack of a head meant that the body was often dismembered. Carrying the body parts by hand was conspicuous and troublesome, so Li Nan narrowed his eyes and said, "Find a bucket."

In a sense, that was also the monster's food bowl.

Shortly after he finished speaking, the female player happened to touch a loose wall panel. She pushed it, and the storage cabinet hidden behind the wall panel was exposed. A dirty iron bucket was lying inside, and some dried meat was stained on the edge of the bucket.


The black cat nimbly scurried to the side of the iron barrel, and even under its shiny black fur, one could still feel the disgust on its face.

Ignoring the disgusting flesh and blood, it raised a paw and pressed it on the iron bucket.

"Do you want to use [Super Sense]?"


The skill introduction specifically emphasizes that private information can be obtained, so I don't think it will be too disappointing.

The moment the skill was activated, a chilly air passed through the flesh pads and traveled through the internal organs, finally reaching the brain. This was the first time Wen Shi used this skill, and he never thought there would be such a negative effect. He shuddered immediately.

My ears were feeling cold, so I checked the property interface with concern and found that I was currently in a state of Yin energy entering my body.

The brain loses its cognition of external things, and a fragment of the past is forced into the mind during spiritual communication.

In the memory fragment, the first thing that appears is Ao's strong body, and he is looking at a certain place in front of him with satisfaction.

With the help of his perspective, Wen Shi looked over.

An irregular black shadow drilled into the iron barrel. Under the large-area contact, the flesh and blood in the barrel dissolved and disappeared rapidly. The eating process was exactly the same as the scene where the male player was swallowed before.

Is this what the monster originally looked like

Wen Shi frowned. He had no facial features or shape, like a flowing liquid, and it was impossible to see where his weaknesses were.

There was a candle burning next to the iron barrel, and the timing was just right. When the candle burned out, the shadow monster also finished eating. In the last few seconds of the candle's remaining light, the shadow turned towards Ao. It did not attack Ao, but instead slowly differentiated into a schizont in front of him.

There was a similar black shadow in the room.

"Very good, we finally have a new helper." In the picture that Tong Ling saw, Ao's voice sounded a little distorted, but he could still feel his expectation: "Shadows are omnipresent. I hope you can help me find that thing as soon as possible."

Ao seemed to say something else, but it was blocked by the rules and Wen Shi couldn't hear it clearly.

"Pei Wenwei!"

"Pei Wenwei!"

Wen Shi suddenly came to his senses and heard someone calling his name anxiously.

The influence of the heavenly sound had disappeared, and the room became dark again. Li Nan and President Qijie blocked the door, and the iron hook kept falling on the door. Several times, it almost hooked past their cheeks. The whole door was shaky and could not hold on for long.

"Split." Wen Shi's throat moved, and his voice was a little hoarse. "The monster is like a mother body. It can reproduce new individuals by sucking a lot of blood and flesh."

The Monster in the Archives is one of the finished products.

Ji Yuanzhi and the others seemed to have discovered something, but before he could speak, the door was completely destroyed by the iron hook. Ao kicked the door in roughly, and the unpleasant piano music of the zombies intensified the anger of this once true musician.

Wearing a shocking smile, Ao swung the hook roughly. Just as he was about to get close to him, the system's mechanical voice sounded in time:

[You successfully discovered the monster's splitting properties]

[Current collection progress 3/6]

[Transmission is about to begin—]

Compared to the performance of the zombies, what players hear now is the real sound of nature.

Ao's sinister laughter faded away in an instant, and from one darkness to another, everyone returned to the corridor on the third and fourth floors.

The twisted and weird voices of the patients in the deep area came, and the frolicking and fighting never stopped after midnight. For about ten seconds, no one in the player spoke, and they all adjusted their breathing.

Wen Shi slowed down. The transformation was still in effect. He still showed himself as a black cat. He said with a smile: "Ao is really Pandora's box."

There are new disaster surprises every time you open it.

Neither he nor President Seven Commandments paid much attention when they encountered monsters in the archives room. It was normal to have some strange species in the copy, just like the fox fairy that Wen Shi had encountered before.

But now thinking back on it, it's really odd to have something like this in a psychiatric hospital.

Li Nan: "It's not safe here, let's go to the first floor first."

When going downstairs, everyone had different thoughts.

Since it is a special mission, there must be benefits in completing it. What they are considering is whether it is related to the legendary supernatural power tool.

Wen Shi is not interested in the so-called super-powerful props. His next task is to kill Ao, and this pet will undoubtedly make the task even more difficult.

Wen Shi sighed lightly. He had to find out everything about pets as soon as possible to see if there were any clues that could be used in reverse.

I walked all the way to the first floor without any incident.

When there were only a few steps left, the fat nurse at the nurses' station complained: "So many bottles of medicine were wasted, and now even feeding medicine is so troublesome."

Since the day, the patient's strangely excited state has caused great trouble to her work.

Seeing the player coming out of the stairwell, the fat nurse looked strange and praised him: "Much better than those useless interns before."

After saying that, she took the potion and walked to the patient's room. The black cat hiding behind several players poked its head out again and walked towards the staff dormitory with Yu Xingzhou and the others.

Wen Shi now really wanted to know the specific contents of the feeding log.

Song Yan was the only one in the dormitory at the moment. In the dim environment, he locked his eyes on the black cat accurately. Song Yan's DNA moved, and he almost wanted to worship and call him "my king".

The hypnotic effect of Mermaid Coast had ended long ago, but the potential of a fanatical fan in him became even stronger.

Wen Shi's lips moved when he saw this, but in the end, he couldn't utter a word. In this utopia, Song Yan was probably the only believer who had the quality of loyalty.

On a whim, I checked the interface of [Kingdom] and found that the hypnotic effect of President Seven Commandments was about to end. His name became dim and seemed to disappear at any time.

What surprised him was that there was a faint light flashing from the turtle man, as if saying [Online].

Wen Shi shook his head to get rid of this strange idea. At this time, Ji Yuanzhi took out the feeding log, and everyone began to formally study the contents on it.


Cross space.

The God of Fraud was reading a book. He liked all books related to logic. In the extreme silence, a ripple appeared in the air. Not long after, the Mirror God stood in front of him, holding the orcs in the dimension he managed in his hand.

"I, I, I, I..." The turtle man was at a loss, shrinking his neck and wanting to cry without tears: "Why are you arresting me again?"

The God of Fraud finally opened his eyelids and took a look, wanting to see what tricks the Mirror God was going to play.

"I've been having bad luck since my clone did the divination." The mirror spirit was pointing at the tour guide.

Then he added, "Not long ago, I asked it to tell fortunes, but I got nothing but depression."

This time, he was referring to the plastic surgery hospital's scheme being in vain.

The God of Fraud frowned slightly: "Why are you telling me this?"

"Divination is addictive," the mirror spirit asked, "Do you want to try it?"

It will soon be clear who will become the ghost in the hospital between the child and Ao. He wants to tell fortunes, but doesn't want to be unlucky, so he wants someone else to try.

"Try it." The mirror spirit recommended sincerely.

God of Fraud: "…"

(End of this chapter)