Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 172: Frank Hospital


There are pros and cons to letting Ao go out in the game, at least you don't have to worry about Ao coming to the rescue in the middle of the game.

But this itself was not a problem worth worrying about. Unlike Jian Qingrong, Ao's heart could not have its own will and split into independent individuals. Even if the other party was in the hospital, according to the balance mechanism of the game, at most he would notice it before being completely killed.

Releasing Ao is far less impactful than the impact of Ji Yuanzhi and others being taken away.

Wen Shi accompanied them to the door and saw the rows of carriages outside, with a forced smile.

Ji Yuanzhi wanted to say something, but it finally turned into a soft sigh... Pei Wenwei is quite miserable, and this conclusion is true no matter when and where.

Side quests are inevitable in team building, but they are definitely much easier than killing the enemy alone.

He was the last person to get on the carriage. The ancient wheels rolled happily over the muddy road, pulling the people away in a cloud of dust.

Wen Shi looked at the black market players who hadn't gotten on the bus and asked in confusion, "You don't have to go?"

The black market player shook his head: "No, but I can't help you with anything."

Pei Wenwei was left alone, there must be some tricky personal mission.

"I found a way to change my job last night," he pointed to the guard room, "and now I'm a janitor."

The gate guard is also going to participate in the team building today, and the black market players are responsible for guarding the gate.

"..." When Wen Shi discussed with others before, he summarized the professions that could be transferred to, and mentioned security guard among them, but no one took it seriously at all.

Once you leave the hospital, it means there will be no chance of contacting key NPCs, and the chance of obtaining super artifacts and keys will be greatly reduced.

He really couldn't understand why someone would take the initiative to change this career

Ignoring Wen Shi's confusion, the black market player walked into a small guard room and lay down on the table to catch up on his sleep.

Outside, Wen Shi looked at him deeply, then turned and walked back.

The sky was covered with dark clouds and it was a cloudy day today. Wen Shi stopped for a moment in front of the overgrown hospital building, and finally walked in without looking around.

There was no one at the nurses' station. Patients did not need treatment during team-building days, and the nurses on duty only needed to come out to patrol the wards every once in a while.

After returning to the office, Wen Shi began to think about countermeasures again.

"Death in the light..." He pondered to himself, feeling like he had overlooked something.

I don’t know how much time had passed, but a gust of cold wind before the rain blew in from the window. In the semi-dark environment, Wen Shi suddenly sat up straight.

The content of this mission was a bit lengthy, and it emphasized the reason why he wanted to kill in the open: he was worried about being recognized, so he planned to strike first.

If the game wasn't mocking his stubbornness in a sarcastic way, the monster might have really remembered his appearance and even his aura.

Now he is the only living person left in the building. Whether out of suspicion or the urge to find food, he will not easily let go of such a good opportunity.

What's more, the flesh and blood of players have a natural attraction to monsters.

"The pet introduction says that it can kill people as long as it sees light..." Wen Shi's body became stiff.

He was influenced by habitual thinking, and believed that killing people did not necessarily require a shadow, but could be done wherever there was light.

He didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but after making this judgment, Wen Shi felt as if something was spying on him in the office. The limited light on a cloudy day shone through the broken glass, and his nerves became more and more tense.

The monster could kill people without them being seen, and he didn't want to gamble on the possibility that it was an illusion.

Wen Shi decided to respect his sixth sense. Before the terrible feeling continued to spread throughout his body, he jumped up without warning and rushed to the door as fast as possible.

There is no such thing as alerting this kind of monster. No matter how calm you pretend to be, you cannot delay the time it takes to attack.

The cool and damp air in the corridor brushed against my cheek. I didn't know where the fat nurse was hiding to rest. Even after hearing the loud sound of running, she still didn't show up.

Wen Shi cut his palm and bright red blood dripped onto the tiles. He looked back and the blood on the ground disappeared almost instantly.

It's not an illusion, there is indeed something following me!

It wasn't him who actually took the initiative, but he was the one who died in the light.

Wen Shi did not stop the bleeding. He gritted his teeth and rushed forward. When he was almost at the nurse's station, the Qingmu sword appeared in his hand, and the tip of the sword was pointed at the place where the blood was left behind him.

"The use of [One Sword to Level the Sword] failed."

"Reminder: Unable to lock onto the target's aura."

Wen Shi's face looked a little ugly. Death by light was like the legendary colorless and tasteless poison. He had the power of Xie Tangyan, but not the other party's terrifying five senses. When he encountered this monster with unclear aura, his disadvantage was instantly revealed.

The blood spots on the tiles were still disappearing rapidly, and now they were less than one meter away from him. Wen Shi put on a speed-up item and thought about how to survive while running and gasping for breath.

There was no point in running outside. The buildings inside the hospital blocked some of the light. Outside the hospital, there was nothing but weeds and flat ground and the guard room. He couldn't shift the blame to someone else. That would only hurt himself and others.

Wen Shi had already run to the nurses' station. He glanced around quickly and turned into the stairwell.

Although there was no way to execute last night's plan, the general idea was the same, to determine where the monster was.

The doors of the patients' rooms on the first and second floors were closed during the day, but Wen Shi continued to rush forward when he passed the second floor. The temperature in the stairwell was very low, and he could already feel the cold air coming from behind him on his spine.

The clothes were soaked with sweat and stuck to the skin on my back in the cold, forming a thin layer of frost.

It's so cold.

The effectiveness of the acceleration item is about to expire, and the Yin energy entering the body has affected the basic running speed.

Soon they reached the third floor. Wen Shi turned in, quickly glanced at the sign, and rushed towards the direction of the mentally retarded area.

According to Ji Yuanzhi, the doors of the wards in the deep area during the day are not locked like those downstairs, and there is no need to tie restraints except during treatment time. Combined with the words of the little octopus, the abilities of the patients in the mentally retarded area are not very high, so he does not need to worry too much about the crisis brought by the patients.

Wen Shi held the pendant on his chest with one hand. Few monsters could resist the temptation of Jian Qingrong's flesh and blood, let alone his own blood.

He needed to find a monster as bait, sprinkle its blood on the other party, and locate the position of Jianguangsi while the patient and Jianguangsi were fighting.

In the memory fragments seen by the ESP, when Jianguangsi devoured a large amount of flesh and blood, a more obvious black shadow would appear.

Wen Shi wanted to forcibly pull the patients on the fourth floor into the water, but unfortunately the patients there were not easy to deal with, so he was not sure of success.

The mentally retarded area is the first ward on the right. After more than ten seconds, Wen Shi successfully dived into the area.

Almost the moment he entered, his consciousness began to feel uncontrollably confused. Who am I, where am I, and what am I going to do

It took Wen Shi a few seconds to barely remember the purpose of coming here, and his distracted eyes regained some brilliance: "Very good, this is the feeling."

He had recited the boy's real name more than once when he was in the factory. His willpower was stronger than he could imagine. Despite this, after entering the mentally retarded area, he still felt like he had lost his brain stem, let alone a monster.

Be a little more stupid, just a little more stupid.

Wen Shi was looking forward to it eagerly.

When the last copy was settled, he relied on his experience as a 3S bodyguard to obtain the [Safety Helmet] record. Under this aura, the dementia monster can gain a sense of security for seven seconds.

As long as the Death on Seeing the Light is more thoroughly affected by the Idiot Zone, its killing intent towards itself will be greatly reduced within these seven seconds.

Now he just had to seize the opportunity and find a target that could divert his aggressiveness.

Cat fishing, bait, come quickly!

Wen deliberately made his footsteps heavier, not believing that the mentally retarded patient would not show up to watch the fun. At the same time, his slender knuckles turned white and he exerted force, almost crushing the pendant in his hand, waiting for the first one to come to him.

"Baby!" A deep voice came over, each tremor exuding joy.

Many wards in Frank Hospital have one or two books for patients to read, especially those in the mentally retarded area where the average IQ is low. One of the treatment methods is to read more. Like Jintaguo, the hospital books contain a lot of popular Internet memes from more than ten years ago.

In the lonely midnight, besides chatting on the phone, the little octopus would read books and learned a lot of passionate love words.

It was carrying two telephones and was planning to sneak into other areas to continue stealing. However, it saw the familiar figure it had been thinking about day and night as soon as it went out, and the other person was running towards it.

The little octopus almost thought he was dreaming.

"You finally came to pick me up—"

The two tentacles can't wait to dance and fly, ready for a warm hug.

A pendant with a perfect parabola shape replaced Wen Shi first and it was attached once.

The little octopus recognized it as the pendant given by the original master at a glance.

"Find a suitable target." Wen Shi said in a low voice.

After noticing that Wen Shi’s palm was bleeding and the blood on the ground behind him was evaporating, the little octopus’s eyes instantly became gloomy.

After nine brains raced, it roughly understood the current situation.

An invisible monster is chasing Wen Shi.

The little octopus suddenly became huge, and one of its tentacle extended along one of the ward doors that was opened a crack.

The patient quickly closed the door with force.

The rather resilient tentacles were not severed, but instead found their target more quickly.

The patient it had chosen had reported the small octopus escaping and wanted to give it to patients in other areas as a snack.

This was the reason why the little octopus and Wen Shi mentioned that two of its tentacles were broken. It was ambushed by a patient who had ambushed it next to the telephone receiver.

The tentacles reached out to the empty collar of the hospital gown.

The little octopus moved smoothly and directly crushed one end of the pendant, successfully pouring its blood on the other party.

Most of the blood rich in energy automatically sticks to the skin. The blood from the heart is difficult to be absorbed for a while and slowly seeps into the skin bit by bit.

The other two patients in the ward all had greedy looks on their faces, not to mention the stupid people outside who would die in the light.

It smells so good!

It rushed into the ward and rushed straight to the patient. Before that, two patients who had already pounced on their fellow patients with murderous intent became its first targets.

In the interweaving of light, shadow and dust, a monster that moved silently in the air covered the head of one of the patients. Seeing the light, he only wanted to have a feast and was not interested in the other two patients. He mainly hunted rather than preyed.

The patient's body was still moving, but in just half a minute, only a bloody head was left, and all the brain stem tissue in the middle had been completely absorbed.

Seeing this, the remaining patients quickly stepped back.

The monsters housed in the mentally retarded area are generally not strong in other aspects except for deceiving the brain perception of others, and are simply no match for those who are exposed to the light.

Without the predator, an awkward shadow gradually appeared in the air, moving towards the prey.

The patient only felt that he was wrapped in jelly mucosa, with a strong feeling of suffocation. Driven by the desire to survive, he desperately used his ability to lower the IQ of the invader.

However, there is only one result when the monster's IQ drops, which is to follow its instincts.

Its instinct is to hunt.

"Now." Wen Shi narrowed his sharp peach blossom eyes and raised the sword for the second time.

When the monster is eating, a little bit of its breath will leak out.

The terrifying sword energy turned into a roaring dragon and rushed towards Jianguangsi.

Under the halo of [Safety Helmet], the demented Jianguangsi didn't pay attention to Wen Shi's approach at first. By the time it reacted, a cold sword light flashed and directly cut off part of its body.

A sharp and unpleasant animal cry was heard in a hurry.

Along with howling in pain, a black, sticky mass fell to the ground and turned into black water. A pungent, fishy smell instantly filled the ward, and Wen Shi felt dizzy and his head swelled. The effect of this smell was comparable to the singing of the zombies.

not dead.

As the sword holder, Wen Shi had an instinctive feeling that what fell was only a part of the monster's body.

Its appearance of being dead in the light was too deceptive. When it stopped eating and chose to hide, it once again escaped the lock of the remaining sword energy.

"Run!" Wen Shi turned around and rushed out of the ward without any hesitation.

The furious Jianguangsi would definitely take revenge on him. He felt it was a pity that the cooldown time of the zombie skill had not yet passed. If only Yu Xingzhou was here. Even if time stopped for three seconds, it would be enough for him to deal with Jianguangsi.

The little octopus transformed into a mimic octopus, clinging to the edge of the white coat's pocket, carefully distinguishing the movements around it to prevent Wen Shi from being attacked secretly.

"Go find the real one," said the little octopus, "and use him as bait."

Ordinary patients are unlikely to attract monsters. The intelligence-lowering effect of the mental retardation zone is time-limited. It is best to find a bait that the monster cannot refuse before it regains its rational judgment.

The little octopus's body grows with the help of evolutionary fluid, so it lacks that fatal attraction to monsters.

His throat was a little congested from the intense exercise. Wen Shi's eyebrows jumped and he said in a hoarse voice: "You two are so loving."

The eyes and the body stabbed each other in the back, which was an unprecedented performance.

But this is the only solution for now. If the problem of exposure to light is not resolved quickly, everyone will be in trouble later.

"How strong is Jian Qingrong now?" Wen Shi asked.

To find Jian Qingrong, one has to cross two districts, which involves considerable risk.

"If he's still alive, he should have crossed at least one district." The little octopus made an objective analysis: "The real body wouldn't just stand there stupidly."

After saying that, the little octopus thought for a moment and asked, "Did the main body call you?"

Wen Shi shook his head.

"Hurry up and go find him." The little octopus said decisively: "The real body will definitely come out soon."

Otherwise, Jian Qingrong would insist on calling no matter what.

The treatment was suspended for one day, and the nurses' station on the fourth floor was also empty. However, unlike the gloomy and empty corridor on the third floor, the patients in the south area of the fourth floor were all at the door of the ward.

There was a big turmoil in the North District last night, and they were sitting at the entrance of the ward eating melons with nothing to do.

Unless it is necessary to treat the patient, the nurses will not participate in the fight between patients, of course, the premise is that they will not leave the ward. If a serious incident occurs, the nurses do not need to take action. Each area has a manager whose ancestor is the ghost gate. They are usually asleep, but when the basic order is disturbed, these patients will wake up.

"It's a standard riot." A patient in the Fantasy Zone commented, "It seems that a patient in the Rift Zone broke through the blockade and is trying to cross the zone."

"The idiots in the phobia zone will have a stress response to the slightest disturbance. They definitely won't want to pass through. Tsk, let's fight." We can even pick up a few corpses and bring them back.

While I was eating the melon, a vague silhouette appeared at the other end of the corridor. He was covered in blood and I couldn't tell whether it was me or another patient. The man looked calm, and his blood-stained fingers were grasping a telephone receiver, as if he was about to dial a number.

A burst of messy footsteps suddenly came, and the man paused.

Downstairs, Wen Shi was about to leave a shadow. Just as he was about to reach the stairwell on the fourth floor, something strange happened.

The little octopus suddenly grew bigger and pushed it to the side. Wen Shi’s waist hit the railing and he gasped in pain.

The thing that really makes people gasp is behind. When Wen Shi raised his eyes again, he saw a strange black shadow hidden on the top of the wall in front and behind the crack of the door.

There were many similar shadows, the light bulb, the last step... He thought of a fact that made his whole body shudder. The monster had the ability to split, and it had created many of its kind before.

Wen Shi frowned. When Jian Guangsi was cut, the short animal cry was not because of pain, but a distress signal sent by the mother to the schizont.

Behind me is a monster that is about to catch up, and in front of me is a split body. The good news is that the split body is relatively weak, and the shadow can be barely seen, but the bad news is that it is too dense.

Wen Shi's breathing became rapid, as [One Sword to Alleviate All Destruction] only had one last use left.

On the fourth floor, a patient in the fantasy area heard footsteps, came over to take a look, and exclaimed, "Wow!"

Today is indeed a busy day, the annoying doctor is being hunted down.

The next second, the expression of watching a show on the patient's face disappeared. The stench of blood in front was getting closer and closer to him. The patient looked at the man walking towards him and began to retreat back to the fantasy area vigilantly.

When Jian Qingrong lightly raised one arm, the patient in the fantasy area was already ready to call his friends.

However, the hand was reaching out to a dark shadow at the stairs. It was the first time the shadow saw food being delivered to its door, so it reflexively covered it.

The moment the two sides touched, the black shadow miraculously turned into white light and disappeared, but the man's hand remained as smooth as before.

Forced purification is the most deadly.

The purification ability that Wen Shi once complained about has now made a qualitative leap.

"Jian Qingrong?!"

When he saw the face clearly, Wen Shi was surprised and happy.

The moment Jian Qingrong's icy gaze met his, the corners of her eyes seemed much softer.

There were too many split bodies and there were pursuers behind them. There was no time to reminisce, so Wen Shi seized the opportunity and ran upwards.

At the moment when the surrounding dark shadows rushed towards Wen Shi, Jian Qingrong stood in the stairwell and gently stroked his palm with his fingertips.

Every blood molecule that bursts out is full of deadly temptation.

The split bodies that were originally going to besiege Wen Shi changed direction after smelling the strong sweet taste and surrounded Jian Qingrong. In a moment of time, Jian Qingrong seemed to be wrapped in a huge black beehive.

The complexion changes slightly when warm.

No matter how strong the purification ability is, it is limited. If he were to lead the mother body to Jian Qingrong at this time, the latter would probably not be able to bear it.

The mother body can hide its breath at any time. Wen Shi is not sure whether the split bodies can do it, but he is still prepared to use [One Sword to Eliminate It] to try to deal with the split bodies surrounding Jian Qingrong.

The little octopus grew bigger, and several of its tentacles danced wildly behind Wen Shi to prevent the monster from attacking it.

"Here it comes." It reminded.

One of the octopus's tentacles was melted off.

"Keep running." A dull voice came from the "Black Hive".

Wen Shi hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to listen to Jian Qingrong and go all the way up.

He had never been to the fifth floor before. It didn't have the natural chilly feeling of the third and fourth floors. The fifth floor was deadly silent. Wen Shi felt very uncomfortable after he ran in. The corridor on the fifth floor was not long, and he soon ran to the end of one side.

His back was tense and pressed tightly against the wall, and Wen Shi’s Adam’s apple rolled a little.

After seeing that its prey had nowhere to escape, the irregular body began to tremble with excitement.

This damn prey is just like a rabbit, with helpers on every floor. This time, the opponent finally reached a dead end. Jianguangsi vowed to devour the young man's flesh and blood bit by bit in the most cruel way, from skin to bones, without leaving an inch behind!

At this moment, all the tentacles of the little octopus were no longer complete, and it turned into a camouflage again, clinging to Wen Shi's shoulder pitifully. Wen Shi's pupils trembled and his cheeks were pale.

His sight was empty, as if he was unable to lock onto the monster and it was farther away.

The colorless and tasteless creature spread out its body and surrounded its prey in the helpless eyes.

I'll skin you, tear your bones and eat you!

If it had been more cautious and looked back in the direction of Wen Shi's gaze, it would have seen a horrifying scene.

Behind Jianguangsi, a man in a funny pink suit appeared out of nowhere. His hair was a little messy, and his dark eyes were on his overly cold white skin, like a weird stone sculpture. The host held a pen in his hand, and he seemed to be able to see the position of Jianguangsi, and stabbed it straight down with an expressionless face.

(End of this chapter)