Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 175: Frank Hospital


I don’t know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. Although the last sentence of the task emphasizes the result of failure, this may be a collective task.

According to the information in the feeding log, anyone who heard the piano music would die in three days. It would soon be the fourth day of entering the dungeon. According to Wen Shi's seven-day main quest, three days later would be the time for players to leave the dungeon.

If piano music were broadcast publicly like the current radio, all players would inevitably be affected, and they would die suddenly on the eve of leaving the copy, which is in line with the BE aesthetics of the game.

The alarm sounded continuously, and Ao ran angrily to the deep area to deal with the first batch of patients in the hospital.

Not long after, Yu Xingzhou and others walked into the hall, confirming Wen Shi's guess, and they all received tasks.

Song Yan muttered quietly: "From this point of view, the music is not that powerful."

It's impossible that all patients would be cursed to death after hearing this song. If it is a prop that only targets humans, it would be a stretch to call it a super artifact.

Wen Shi said with great experience: "After killing Ao and taking it away, it should be able to undergo a qualitative change, such as becoming [Bloodstained Music], [Melody of Resentment], etc."

The zombie's harp and his blood-stained white coat that represents his identity are the best examples.

Wen Shi talked freely and the others had only one thought after listening: this person must have done a lot of evil in his daily life.

Ever since the black market players changed their jobs to gatekeepers, the players have been divided into three waves. One wave consists of Wen Shi and others, one wave is mainly composed of Seven Commandments players, and there are a few who used to be with the black market players and are currently acting as free men.

The three small groups each gathered in their own area and discussed in low voices, using anti-eavesdropping props.

Wen Shi looked at Song Yan and said, "Go and change your job."

Song Yan nodded in confusion.

Turning killing the dean into a collective task is good for Wen Shi, as it will be much easier, but it increases the difficulty in other aspects.

The information on the task panel is unclear. There is no clear way to kill Ao, and the most important thing is that there is no mention of when Ao will play the song.

There is an executioner standing behind you, and you don't know when he will strike, which causes considerable mental pressure.

Wen Shi suddenly asked: "What do you need to play the piano?" Song Yan: "Piano."

"And his hands." Wen Shi said slowly, "Ao couldn't have played the song the next second. The mission left a time gate for us, and it also left a time gate for him. Ao didn't play it immediately, which means that this song cannot be completed with one hand."

Song Yan immediately reacted: "Maybe he could transplant someone else's hand onto himself?"

"Of course," Wen Shi thought of Ao's hook, his expression slightly cold, "unless Ao is willing to let someone else play the song for him."

The task emphasizes the main role of playing, and playing on behalf of others is almost impossible.

Changing jobs will definitely be useful. Ao needs a fresh hand. Everything that happened before is enough to show that interns have the lowest status in the hospital. Compared with formal doctors and nurses in the hospital, interns with the least freedom will most likely become the primary target.

Not only Song Yan needs to change his job, but Ji Yuanzhi also needs to change.

But there was a more troublesome problem. Song Yan had almost nothing that could be used for trading. Even if he was given a precious item, given the mental state of the True Spirit in the cross, he would probably take something else.

Wen Shi once used the Mirror God to trample on the true spirit of a liar. As his clone, Song Yan might be the target of his anger.

"Don't worry about me." Seeing Wen Shi frowning, Song Yan gritted his teeth, "If he proposes an excessive deal, I will stop the loss in time and cut off his arm in advance."

As long as you have no value, you will not be noticed by the dean.

Wen Shi shook his head when he heard this. He used his actual actions to tell Song Yan a rule of survival in Sunset Town: when life and death are at stake, you must be ruthless to others, and even more so to yourself. Song Yan did it, and in order to avoid being influenced by the NPC's will to harm his teammates in the mirror house, he chose to poke out his own eyes.

However, this road is a bit narrow. Whenever something happens, Song Yan first thinks of the value of personal sacrifice.

"Don't always think about self-abuse," a hint of cunning flashed in his round pupils. Wen Shi pulled Song Yan aside and said a few key words in a very low voice. Song Yan understood immediately and opened his mouth slightly.

After he finished speaking, Wen asked Song Yan to pay attention to the message he had sent in the [Kingdom] panel later.

The kingdom is not yet perfect, but the functions of checking the status of believers and sending messages and giving orders remotely are still very practical.

Song Yan and Ji Yuanzhi left at the same time and went to the prayer room as quickly as possible. The way to change jobs is no longer a secret, but not all players have chosen to change jobs before. If you are not prepared to explore the dungeon in depth, it is not very cost-effective to exchange precious things for a relatively wide range of career freedom.

Once everyone reacts, the mechanism will inevitably limit the number of nurses.

So the sooner the better.

Wen Shi and others did not continue to stand at the door. Instead, they walked in the same direction and turned into the office halfway.

When he was not working with Wen Shi, Song Yan did not say much. The patients on the first floor were more excited than before. In the corridor filled with strange sounds, Ji Yuanzhi asked casually, "What new ideas does Pei Wenwei have?"

Song Yan: "Teach me how to get something for nothing."


The protective net further filtered out the little remaining daylight. The cross in the prayer room hung high on the wall, with the rust on the metal surface faintly visible, as if an eye was looking down at them from above.

Song Yan took a deep breath, walked to the cross, crossed his fingers, closed his eyes and began to pray, "Great God, I want to change my job to become a nurse."

After a long time without a response, Song Yan opened his eyes, feeling a little confused.

Why is there no response

Just when he was full of doubts, the black end of the cross actually reflected a strange light in the gloomy rainy day. Song Yan and Ji Yuanzhi subconsciously closed their eyes.

Because he was too sensitive to light, Song Yan almost shed tears under the strong reflection. When he opened his eyes again, the world in front of him had completely changed.

The familiar prayer room turned into a crossroads, where darkness and day alternated with each other, just like the two different-colored pupils of the God of Deception sitting at the stone table.

Ji Yuanzhi had encountered a true spirit in a dungeon before, but he didn't show any surprise. It was easy to distinguish between a true spirit and a demon. The former had a kind of majesty that was difficult to imitate, and players could tell them apart at first sight with their sixth sense.

Song Yan is different.

He had seen the mirror spirit before, but at that time it was possessed by the tour guide, so there was no such strong sense of oppression. Song Yan was brought up by Wen Shi and had not yet developed the psychological qualities to match his thoughts.

He mustered up the courage to raise his head, and in an instant his fear was replaced by astonishment. Song Yan was surprised to see that the turtle man was there too!

The turtle man looked very aggrieved, with his front legs resting on the stone table and a listless expression.

Although he was extremely curious, Song Yan still knew his own capabilities. He knew that a strong man would not have the patience to answer questions for an ant, so he resisted the urge to ask more questions.

"Any transaction has a price." A leisurely voice came from the front.

Since he is the avatar of the Mirror God, he can extract a little more value within a reasonable range. Bullying the weak and torturing the elite are equally interesting. Taking away other people's cherished things is a scene that the God of Fraud likes to see.

While reading the philosophical articles in the book, Zhen Ling was considering what to take away.

The survival rate of such a weak clone after the transaction will be greatly reduced. He might as well recycle the mirror-like body later, so that the clone will no longer have any special abilities.

There was an invisible malice in the space gate, and Song Yan couldn't help but shiver because of his keen perception.

There is a hint of pressure that is deliberately imposed by the True Spirit in order to make the human spirit more susceptible to submission.

According to what Wen Shi had said before, Song Yan opened the [Kingdom] interface and found that a message had been sent not long ago.

The real god in his heart actually sent him a carefully crafted script, even noting the timing of speaking.

Before the True Spirit made his request, Song Yan followed the guidance and humbly said, "I choose to exchange keys."

Suddenly, Men realized something, and the God of Fraud's sharp eyes swept towards Song Yan.

Song Yan's voice was soft but clear: "I voluntarily give up my right to obtain the key."

Under normal circumstances, players who enter the 3S copy have the opportunity to obtain a key, and the issuer of the key is the true spirit, but the other party will never issue a key to a clone of another true spirit.

As if he had seen through what the God of Fraud was thinking, Wen Shi's timing for each message was perfect. Song Yan continued, "I'm a player."

As a player, you have the opportunity to obtain the key. This is the fairness given by the game.

Ji Yuanzhi looked at Song Yan quietly. No, it should be Pei Wenwei who remotely controlled Song Yan to put his true spirit into a logical chain.

Song Yan may not get the key. From this perspective, he is taking out a loan from the True Spirit. But if all the tasks are completed and the True Spirit does not give Song Yan the key, it means that the True Spirit has violated the fairness mechanism of the game.

The true spirit's gaze was somewhat frightening, and Song Yan lowered his head and stared at the tip of his shoe.

"I can send you the key." After a few seconds, the God of Fraud picked up the book again and said coldly: "The item you provided is of no value."

Just one key won't do the trick.

Wen Shi was a prophet. Song Yan looked at the latest news on the panel and his voice became softer and softer: "Someone asked me to tell you something. If you give me a key, he will use all his wealth to exchange two keys with others and send me away in one go."

The black market boss must have the key, and he doesn't seem to care about leaving the game. Millions of points plus the artifact [Super Abacus], not to mention the black market players, even Yu Xingzhou might be willing to exchange it.

As the president, he also has to consider the future development of the guild.

Wen Shi did not take advantage of this loophole himself, but wanted to see what would happen after inheriting the hospital. Frank Hospital was a legacy left by his adoptive father, and everything must have a beginning and an end.

The game also takes Wen Shi into consideration in some ways. The latter also has to consider his family members. For example, Xie Tangyan needs the "Mahayana Sword Technique", and other family members almost all need the help of the game to varying degrees.

"… He also said," Song Yan was worried that Wen Shi's hatred was too strong, and he hesitated whether to continue reading. In the end, he habitually obeyed the other party's order and repeated it word for word: "When the clones collect all three keys and have the qualifications to leave the game, he will also pat his butt and leave. You, you stay to fill the hole."

No matter how you calculate it, it's a bad deal; after all, it's a Schrödinger's key.


The spine of the book fell down, and with just a slight slam, the stone table broke into pieces.

The turtle man silently crawled to the other side.

Song Yan looked at the Zhen Ling's unconcealed resentment, and his personal worship reached its peak: My king, the eternal God!


Wen Shi found a tea bag in the drawer and drank hot tea on a rainy day.

After expelling the cold air, he slowly stated the way to get rid of the transaction routine. He was worried that the conversation would be eavesdropped by the real spirit, so he couldn't say it out loud. Now he no longer has such concerns.

Finally, Wen Shi did not forget to summarize: "Four sentences, let the true spirit give a free job change."

Once upon a time in the plastic surgery hospital, the Mirror God first gave everyone a choice, and then gave Song Yan a body transformation.

They knew Song Yan's identity and did not make a fuss about it. The transformed body given by the Mirror God himself meant more to Song Yan than the key, even if he could not buy it with the exchange points, so everyone turned a blind eye to it.

But now, the liar Zhen Ling in the hospital wants to ask for something from Song Yan. That is the personal property of the citizens of the [Kingdom] and cannot be squeezed away by the NPC for nothing.

Yu Xingzhou and Li Nan were both silent.

After a while, Yu Xingzhou reminded with a blank expression: "Don't forget that there is another citizen in your kingdom."

The citizen even generated an apostle code, but unfortunately it was not "equally benefited".

"Cough cough..." Wen Shi choked while drinking tea.

As for Ji Yuanzhi, he had no way to help him. Song Yan completely relied on a bug in his clone to get by, and Ji Yuanzhi could not make a fuss about it. But the sponsor was not called for nothing. The price paid for just a nurse's job transfer was definitely within Ji Yuanzhi's tolerance.

"Let's talk about business." Wen Shi put down his teacup, "Patient No. 351 on the fourth floor, Patient No. 151 on the third floor..."

The patients he pointed out were all those whose ancestors were from the ghost world and whom he had seen in the archives. They were also the first patients of Frank Hospital. The game later used this place as a copy and housed many other monsters, but the real purpose of its establishment was for these ghost world NPCs.

Judging from Ao's previous reaction and the nurse's words, many patients who had been sleeping for a long time have woken up.

Wen Shi doesn't need to deal with them for the time being. He has to deal with Ao, the obstacle, first.

"Fantasy area, abnormal area, autism and depression area..." Wen Shi checked almost all the areas: "There is a ghost patient in every area, except the fairy tale area."

That is to say, the Fairy Tale Area might be an area that was established later, and the only one who had the qualifications and opportunity to establish the area was Ao.

This extra area looks like a secret base.

Yu Xingzhou: "We can only know what's there by going there and seeing it."

In fact, they had some guesses in their minds. There would not be an area closely related to Ao for no reason. From the mission perspective, it was nothing more than an operating room for transplants or a place to hide pianos.

After they discussed for a while, they heard the obvious sound of footsteps.

Wen Shi looked up and saw that it was Song Yan and Ji Yuanzhi who came back.

The fact that Song Yan was able to return safely shows that his job transfer was successful.

"He didn't embarrass me again. I'm afraid this loophole will be blocked in the future." Song Yan was a little worried: "The True Spirit looks angry."

In fact, you can be more confident and omit two words.

"It's okay," Wen Shi said nonchalantly, "He has the same masochistic potential as the host."

This monster, who claims to be highly intelligent, tends to show a hint of submissiveness in his anger when being teased.

Song Yan: "I also saw the turtle man."

Wen Shi and Yu Xingzhou were both stunned when they heard this. Not to mention Wen Shi, even for the experienced Yu Xingzhou, among all the NPCs he had come into contact with, the turtle man was definitely the one that left the most impression on him. He was an invisible trap that kept people away from him. After the tour guide lady had divined once at the train station, nothing went smoothly again.

"No wonder." Wen Shi remembered that the turtle man's status bar on the [Kingdom] interface lit up not long ago.

It turns out that it is really logging in.

On second thought, the mirror god's body was in Frank Hospital, and Sunset Town was under his management, so it made sense for him to bring the people within his territory over. According to Wen Shi's speculation, the turtle man must not have come here of his own will.

"It also asked me to bring you a message."

Wen Shi waited for a while but didn't hear Song Yan speak. When he looked up, he saw Song Yan making a heart shape with his hands.

"I love you." Song Yan repeated his original words.

"… "

(End of this chapter)