Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 178: Frank Hospital


After the initial shock passed, Wen Shi, the executioner, immediately put away his distraction and asked, "Where are the other players?"

The Seven Commandments president responded, "The patient's condition tonight is not right. Someone needs to keep an eye on him. There are also nurses patrolling the first floor occasionally, and they also need attention."

Wen Shi heard this and looked at a female player standing in the office, and said seriously: "It's the same on the second floor. We have to send someone to keep an eye on them."

Everyone was puzzled. What was there to stare at

"See if the nurse comes down." Wen Shi said quickly, "If Ao chooses to take off his pants for repair, there won't be anyone around, so we'll strike back."

He looked at Yu Xingzhou: "You can use your time-stopping skill to escape then."

The limited number of times of [One Sword to Flatten the Situation] has been used up, and the next step is to rely on other players to take the lead in the attack.

Each hit causes a little bit of damage.

"If the nurse doesn't come down," Wen Shi said in a deep voice, "it means that Ao has chosen to quickly complete the final repair of his wrist."

The only role of the nurses during the operation is to keep an eye on everything and ensure Ao's safety. They cannot just stand aside with their eyes closed and wait for the transplant to be completed.

Once Ao gives up on repairing it, the time left for them will be even more limited.

Once Wen Shi's counterattack plan came out, even Song Yan found it difficult to come up with any good words to beautify it.

The female player turned around silently and went upstairs to start her lookout work.

Wen Shi was online the entire time today, and immediately focused on another key question: "Is the piano hidden in my office?"

While asking, he walked straight in. The mission of the Seven Commandments President and others was to destroy the piano, so it was impossible for them to come here for no reason.

Inside the office, the bookcase had been moved, and on the grey wall there was an inconspicuous musical note symbol that was slightly sunken. Wen Shi pressed it subconsciously, and instantly lime fell from the ceiling, and the wall flipped before his eyes.

"… "

Wen Shi once complained that as the only formal editor, his office was so small. Now it seems that this one-room doctor's office is a remodeled piano room.

The secret room is half the size of the outside, and a harpsichord is placed diagonally in the center.

The keys do not have the smooth texture of traditional ivory white. They are more like the color of shells, slightly yellowish, and there are many fine scratches on the body of the piano, as if there are red worms wriggling inside.

In addition, there are many small holes in a honeycomb structure on the wall, and directly below is a broadcasting station that is shaped like a large enclosed speaker. The alarm sounds they hear every day come from here.

The only source of light in the room was some strange light that was automatically emitted by the piano shell.

Ji Yuanzhi was standing not far from the piano. He seemed to know who had come in. He did not look back, but shook his head and said, "It cannot be destroyed."

He even tried props like the [Steel Egg] that could create an explosion effect, but each time a system prompt would appear: Important items in the area are protected by music scores.

But it was not all in vain. Ji Yuanzhi continued, "The loudspeakers on the wall can be damaged to some extent."

This can at least ensure that the piano sound will not completely cover the entire hospital later.

After roughly explaining the situation, Ji Yuanzhi asked, "How are you guys doing?"

Wen Shi: "I hurt the dean with my sword."

In this short sentence, the three nouns contained are all very complicated.

Ji Yuanzhi, who had played several copies with him, seemed to have figured out something. Upon hearing this, he looked at Wen Shi deeply.

The female player has not used the communication item to contact the president of the Seven Commandments, which means that the nurse did not leave the operating room in time.

Yu Xingzhou, Li Nan and others also entered the secret room one after another. While exploring the environment, Yu Xingzhou said, "The cooldown time of the invisibility item is almost over."

The implication is that he is ready to lie dormant here and wait for the right opportunity to deliver a fatal blow. As for whether it can be fatal, there is only a 30% chance of success. After temporarily removing the iron hook in his right hand, Ao's strength will be slightly inferior.

He then looked at Wen Shi again: "Is the sword still usable?"

Advanced skills are generally limited skills.

Wen Shi shook his head.

"You don't have to stay for a while. Just move the bookshelf back to its original place after you go out."

Wen Shi glanced at Song Yan, meaning that Song Yan should do this and he had to stay.

Yu Xingzhou: "Don't force it. There's not much point in you staying."

Wen Shi insisted: "If Ao becomes alert and I show up in time, he will definitely distract himself and rush towards me. You can take the opportunity to attack from behind."

In any dungeon, firepower characters who can attract hatred are even more scarce than attacking characters who can kill monsters.

The secret room was silent for a moment.

No one could find any rebuttal to Wen Shi's words, and everyone even thought in unison: Pei Wenwei is indeed very important.

The expression of the Seven Commandments president suddenly changed. Just now, he received a reminder from a female player.

"The nurse is coming down! Ao is coming down with her."

The female player spoke with a slight gasp. The surveillance job was not easy. The patients on the second floor were more excited than those on the first floor. The nurse turned into this floor halfway to inject tranquilizers into the patients. The female player was looking for a hiding place.

Wen Shi immediately looked at Song Yan: "After the office is restored to its original state, you also find a place to hide."

Of course Song Yan would not be pretentious at this time and immediately went out to move the bookshelf.

Wen Shi, who was left behind, began looking for the switch to leave the secret room, and finally found the same note button near the broadcasting station.

Now the only question left is when they will do it.

Anyone would be on guard against being killed by an open door, especially after what happened just now, Ao would be even more alert.

"About thirty seconds." Li Nan pondered and said, "Ordinary humans will die suddenly three days after listening to the song. We interrupted it halfway. Even if the curse is still effective, it will exceed this time limit when it takes full effect."

No matter how powerful the music is, it is impossible to complete the entire curse in one measure by just listening to one note. Delay the time for the curse to break out and leave the dungeon before it happens.

Thirty seconds is the most appropriate time. Ao's attention will inevitably be distracted during the performance. On the other hand, they also have to consider the timeliness of the invisible props.

Ji Yuanzhi suddenly said: "If you can't kill Ao, start with the music score."

The things in the secret room are protected by the music score. The notes are the medium, but the real source of the power of the curse lies in the music score. When Ao plays, he will definitely take out this score.

Without the music score, Ao's curse plan will fail.

"Also, the mission clearly states that the piano is the dean's soul. Whether we destroy or take away the music score, the piano will lose its power to protect it. Destroying it will also severely damage Ao."

There was a faint sound of bookshelves being moved outside, and the lime on the ceiling was falling off. These were the signs before the secret room was opened.

Wen Shi's cloak could only be used tomorrow, and the time he could remain invisible was halved compared to the time he was in the operating room. After activating the prop, he stood in the direction that the piano could see, diagonally opposite to the other players.

He will then stand in front of Ao, with the rest of the player behind him.

The secret door opened.

A huge light-colored shadow pressed in. The sound of Ao's rain boots was slightly louder than usual, and his steps were a little heavier.

Wen Shi took a deep breath, pressed his back against the cold wall, and looked forward.

Considering Ao's body size, the hand that he forcibly stitched was out of tune with his whole body, and the lines on the joints were very eye-catching, but the control power of those long scarlet lines should not be underestimated, and the flexibility of Ao's fingers was not affected at all.

As for his expression, the viciousness in his eyes could burn the eyes through the air. The muscles on Ao's face kept twitching, and his beard trembled. He was obviously extremely angry, especially when he saw that there was no one in the office, he was more convinced that the sneak attack was related to Wen Shi.

"Aaron..." Every word was squeezed out from between his teeth.

Ao had an unreasonable attitude of putting the blame on Wen Shi.

Even though Wen Shi looked powerless, he still blamed the other party for his lost X. The empty office seemed to Ao like a guilty conscience.

Finally he sat down at the piano, but out of concern for his wound, Ao only sat on half of the stool.

He pulled out a piece of music from his dirty white coat.

Faced with this prop that could potentially become a super artifact, everyone couldn't help but hold their breath.

There were no obvious signs of folding on the surface of the score. The material of the music was not ordinary paper, but a very thin skin of an unknown animal, which automatically stuck to the music stand at this moment.

In an instant, the light emanating from the piano case deepened, and Ao's two completely different hands were gently raised and placed on the keys.


The sound of the piano floated through the loudspeaker in the hospital. Even on the fifth floor, one could hear some of the melody. In the entire building, all the dark emotions were stirred up by the sound waves. On a cold rainy day, the indoor temperature dropped a few degrees again.

The sudden drop in temperature gave Wen Shi goose bumps on his skin. He stood opposite the piano with a stern expression.

Anger is the best way to destroy a monster. If Ao had been more careful, he might have noticed that some of the loudspeakers were damaged by Ji Yuanzhi and chosen to scout the environment more carefully instead of rushing in to play the music of death.

The song had only played a few notes when Wen Shi's expression gradually became restless. The chill that penetrated his skin triggered physiological nausea.

Although the melody is melodious, the effect is comparable to or even better than the zombie's harp.

Ji Yuanzhi and the others were in a better condition, not because they were so strong, but because they had listened to the performances of the zombies on a daily basis, and now they had developed a certain "resistance" to even the darkest music styles.

As the owner of the wandering corpses, Wen Shi will only be affected by 1% each time and does not have the strong ability to withstand pressure like others.

During the performance with strong side effects, Ji Yuanzhi stood a little forward and listened for half a minute. During this time, his eyes never left the score to prevent the song from being too short and not exceeding 30 seconds. Shortly after Ao entered the state, he made a fist gesture.

Almost at the same time, everyone took action.

The clear voice reached my ears without any warning, and instantly stirred up boundless anger.


Ao was the one who could recognize Wen Shi even if he turned into ashes. He subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, which made his reaction half a beat slow. The next second, when he tried to deal with the rapids coming from behind him, he only blocked most of it, but a bullet accurately pierced his shoulder.

There was another "bang".

There was a faint smell of gunpowder in the air. In less than a second, Li Nan fired two shots.

The last blow caused Ao to reflexively use his strength to protect his lower body, which gave Li Nan an opportunity to take advantage.

When the second bullet hit his shoulder blade, Ao finally realized that there was nothing under his crotch, so what was he protecting?!

From the operating room to the secret room, the two instinctive reactions hit me hard both times.

As the first party to be attacked, Ao finally didn't hold back and made a strange sound that was almost like a hissing.

My brain suddenly felt like it was about to explode.


Wen Shi hugged his head tightly. In a trance, he seemed to have returned to the day when the Earl and Ao fought. At that time, he also hugged his head in such an awkward manner, and almost had his body separated. In his blurred vision, he vaguely saw a pair of rain boots approaching him.

The next second, the rain boots stopped not far away, and everything in the world seemed to have pressed the pause button.

Within a few seconds of silence, Li Nan and Yu Xingzhou immediately launched a new round of attacks.

Their weapons successfully opened a small hole in Ao's chest. Unfortunately, the damage that could be done to key NPCs during the time pause was limited. The surging light of the music seemed to be protecting Ao to a certain extent, and the fatal wound even showed a tendency to heal.

Just as Ji Yuanzhi predicted at the beginning, destroying the music score and the piano was the breakthrough point.

The eyes of the Seven Commandments president were bleeding from Ao's mental attack. He did not join the previous attack, but when Yu Xingzhou used the time-stop skill, he ran to the piano as fast as possible to take away the music score.

The moment his fingers touched the score, the ecstasy in his eyes had not yet fully condensed, and his fingers suddenly stopped.

The music score was like it was covered with super glue, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get it off the music stand.

President Seven Commandments suddenly had a bad feeling. Could it be that once the performance began, the music score could only be taken away after it was finished

"Step aside."

Ji Yuanzhi came over at some point, glanced at him sideways, and actually sped up the playing of the music.

Due to the forced acceleration, the skin on the back of his hand cracked and a line of blood flowed from the corner of Ji Yuanzhi's mouth.

Even Ao was playing according to plan. His method of speeding up and taking shortcuts obviously came at a price. In just three seconds, Ji Yuanzhi's body was covered with cracks.

"Let's go." Yu Xingzhou said in a low voice and pressed the switch of the secret room: "Let's go to the dean's office."

Li Nan was also preparing to retreat, and he also pulled Wen Shi who was standing there: "Don't worry about him, Yu Xingzhou must have given him a death substitute."

Ji Yuanzhi was obviously still controlling the speed and had not accelerated to the fastest speed. They had to rush into the dean's office during this time. There was a hidden map there. After the loudspeaker was partially damaged, the piano sound could not penetrate the separate dimensional space.

After time resumed, Ji Yuanzhi was the only one present who could rely purely on his strength to fight back for a while.

Wen Shi put on the speed-up prop and took a last look back.

The blood from Ji Yuanzhi's body flowed down the piano. His hair grew wildly, extending towards Ao like a tide, and the silver-blue hair close to the mermaid king wrapped his huge body in it. This is a common method used by mermaids, wrapping their prey in a cocoon and sucking the other's blood and flesh clean bit by bit.

Everyone ran upstairs as fast as they could. Wen Shi did not forget to use the communication item to notify Song Yan. The players on the first floor who were following the nurses and patients subconsciously followed them upstairs.

While running, Wen Shi was still a little worried.

Yu Xingzhou whispered, "After the performance, Ji Yuanzhi can take the music score away. At that time, nothing in the office will be protected by the rules anymore."

Ji Yuanzhi would definitely seize the last bit of time to violently destroy the piano, and once the dean's soul was severely damaged, he would no longer be a threat to them.

When he ran through the second floor, Wen Shi saw that some of the ward doors were open, but he didn't have time to think about it, so he rushed to the third and fourth floors. Wen Shi didn't call Jian Qingrong, because the curse music didn't have much effect on patients and other non-human creatures.

Following the same method as last night, everyone followed the pattern of the musical notes and fell into the hidden space.

The horrifying music was isolated in another dimension. In the darkness, all the players turned pale and cold sweat broke out on their temples.

It took almost half a minute just to relieve the violently heaving chest.

"It should be about done." Wen Shi leaned against the wall to steady himself.

After Jianguangsi disappeared, the Dean's Office, which originally housed the monster, had an additional note button similar to the one in the study, making it easy to leave. Wen Shi was now ready to go down and finish him off. His main quest explicitly mentioned that he wanted to kill the Dean.

The person who deals a fatal blow to the monster will sometimes receive extra rewards, especially this kind of *boss.

Naturally, the other players were unwilling to give up this opportunity, and almost everyone left together.

As expected, there was no piano melody playing outside. However, almost as soon as we returned to the original map, an extremely noisy sound replaced the original melody.

Patients on the third floor were moving across the corridor, and the same was true on the fourth floor, but with fewer people.

After the dean was seriously injured, the patient, who had been extremely excited in the past two days, lost some kind of check and balance.

"The rules have been relaxed." Wen Shi's face looked a little ugly.

Patients cannot attack the dean, but they can kill nurses and interns. At least there were many rules restricting this before, such as they would be killed only if they failed to complete the task.

Judging from the body of a nurse lying in the stairwell, they were able to launch an active attack. The ghost world patients who had regained consciousness did not intervene, as if they had tacitly agreed that they could now hunt across regions as long as the patients did not leave the hospital.

The Seven Commandments president urged softly, “Go and deal with the dean first.”

The nurse's body indicates that there may be patients hiding at the staircase, but they cannot stay here forever.

But Wen Shi still raised a trace of caution, he heard a hint of impatience from the Seven Commandments President's mouth.

When they were almost at the third floor, the president of the Seven Commandments suddenly started to speed up.

He used [Fire Doll].

The Seven Commandments president had Wen Shi's hair in his hand, and he was the instigator who let the hotel staff sell the hair. When entering the dungeon, the Seven Commandments president carefully observed that Ji Yuanzhi did not show obvious hostility, and Pei Wenwei also took the initiative to seek cooperation. If they knew that they had hair in their hands, they would never show such a calm attitude.

With this [Fire Doll], Pei Wenwei will become the priority target of all patients.

Wen Shi was stunned when he saw this. The president of the Seven Commandments seemed very confident that he would not be attacked by the monster, so he rushed forward stubbornly.

The next moment Wen Shi immediately realized a possibility and his eyes turned cold.

"Great Sealing Technique."

He used his skills to seal his own aura.

"Don't be so nervous." Yu Xingzhou beside him suddenly said lightly, "The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. Who is the mantis?"

Before he could interpret this sentence carefully, the patient hiding in the stairwell ignored the players not far away and chased after the president of the Seven Commandments.

When the President of the Seven Commandments turned around and saw this scene, his pupils trembled. Wen Shi was also stunned. What was going on

Yu Xingzhou used an anti-eavesdropping tool and sneered, "As long as we can kill the holders of special items such as keys and world fragments, we can recycle the items."

This was also the reason why Wen Shi was killed by the president of the Six Commandments in the Mermaid Coast dungeon.

"It's a pity that he is short-sighted. He only knows how to keep an eye on you and be on guard against us."

As a result, I forgot that there was a security guard outside who pretended to be living a peaceful life.

"Puddle." Wen Shi suddenly remembered the heavy rain in the afternoon. The carriage slipped and fell into a puddle. The black market players took the initiative to reach out and pull others out. Ji Yuanzhi refused their help at that time.

The president of the Seven Commandments was the first one to be pulled out. After the team-building activity, all the players were injured to varying degrees, and the president of the Seven Commandments was also inevitably injured with exposed wounds.

Yu Xingzhou said calmly: "Ji Yuanzhi had already figured out that the black market man's skill was theft."

It was at that time that the hair and blood of the president of the Seven Commandments were taken away.

In the same cursed state, the [Fire Doll] stained with human blood will be the first priority for monster attacks. Once President Qi Commandments dies, all non-special items will automatically disappear. Wen Shi naturally no longer has to worry about the fire-collecting effect of the previous doll.

Knowing full well what this "gatekeeper" would do, in order to allow the Seven Commandments president to further let down his guard, neither Ji Yuanzhi nor Yu Xingzhou did anything extra.

Wen Shi felt a chill in his heart: "If you listen to the piano music quietly in the duty room, at most you will waste a death substitute after the curse breaks out, but you will gain the key and the world fragment."

The president of a large guild must have a key.

"Smart businessmen only earn limited profits." Yu Xingzhou raised his eyebrows: "It's a good deal, isn't it?"

It is safe to just slack off throughout the whole process. On the contrary, those who are serious about the dungeon will still send out a scapegoat.

Wen Shi was still reflecting on how careless he was. He didn't even question whether the other party was just slacking off or not.

Seeing what he was thinking, Yu Xingzhou said, "We played two dungeons together. He has a record called [A Gentle Man Like a Chrysanthemum]. It is said that it takes three S dungeons of slacking to generate it, which will automatically give others the illusion that I am slacking."

"!" It's so explosive. Wen Shi's DNA moved, and Maomao wanted it too. Maomao wanted a cat as calm as a chrysanthemum.

For example, once you use body transformation, you can confuse the enemy with the color of darkness and create the illusion of slacking off.

Can you arrange the game

After entering Frank Hospital, all players were under high surveillance in the game. What was originally just a casual question with earnest expectations received a cold system response -

"Are you worthy?"

(End of this chapter)