Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 179: Frank Hospital


These three words instantly made the corners of his mouth collapse.

What a pity. Wen Shi sighed inwardly, Youxi had a big mouth but couldn't speak human language, let alone nice words.

How is he unworthy

Yu Xingzhou removed the anti-eavesdropping barrier and interrupted Wen Shi's sigh: "Let's go. The dignified President of the Seven Commandments is "fighting bravely" for us at the front. Don't waste his hard work."

At this time, no one cared about why the president of the Seven Commandments was under siege. While the other party was being targeted by monsters, without Yu Xingzhou's reminder, the players had already started trying to break out of the encirclement.

When he saw someone coming down, a little hope rose in the eyes of the Seven Commandments President who was fighting the monster, but it was immediately extinguished by the cold water of reality the next second.

Previously, the [Great Sealing Technique] was used, and Wen Shi's aura was blocked. With his hands on the handrail, he directly broke free from the constraints of the narrow staircase and swung to the next floor.


He greeted very gracefully, and as his words faded away, he firmly grasped the handrail of the stairs below.

The other players didn't want to get involved in the rescue and focused on escaping.

Just because a patient focuses his fire on one person doesn't mean he will completely let go of any player who passes by.

Li Nan took out a syringe and stabbed the patient in the neck. The Seven Commandments leader wanted to use the force to rush forward, but as soon as he took a step, his ankle was tripped by the soft spider silk. When Yu Xingzhou passed by him with the props put away, he whispered, "Did Ji Yuanzhi avoid you when he used his skills?"

When the President of the Seven Commandments almost immediately remembered to search for clues about the piano, Ji Yuanzhi demonstrated his abilities without reservation.

Only the dead keep secrets.

Without even giving him another look, Yu Xingzhou ran straight downstairs.

Now that all the patients have not come out, the other party may not confess in the dark corridor. But it doesn't matter. Unless the Seven Commandments President goes to kill the black market players, he will be the first to bear the brunt of the patients' riots in the next few days.

Wen Shi had already arrived at the first floor.

On both sides of the corridor, fat nurses were twisting patients' arms and forcing them to go to the treatment room. The patients on the first floor were much inferior in terms of force, but when they all rioted, it was still a trouble.

In front of Wen Shi's office door, the wall was covered in red blood, from someone's patient or nurse's blood.

There were no other patients around the office, as if everyone was avoiding this place. Wen Shi subconsciously slowed down his pace and looked around vigilantly.

Yu Xingzhou and others who arrived later also lowered their footsteps.

Wen Shi's only main attack skill now was [Break Shell] which could smash the monster's head, and its attack power was relatively limited. He did not take the lead, but adjusted his position and walked behind Yu Xingzhou.

There was a large hole in the outer wall of the secret room, and the books on the ground were blown to pieces. The light in the corridor was too limited, and looking through the hole, one could only vaguely see the shattered remains of the piano.

Wen Shi easily guessed what had happened in the ruins. Ji Yuanzhi finished playing quickly, took away the music score, and then used the [Small Steel Egg]. The secret room without the protection of the music score was reduced to ruins under the impact of the explosion.

"The financial sponsor died such a tragic death." Wen Shi shuddered.

A substitute can save one's life, but the shadow left by death is difficult for most people to dissolve. The only consolation is that Ji Yuanzhi did not gain nothing, at least he took away the music score.

Yu Xingzhou paused and suddenly looked towards a certain area in front of him.

Without the illumination of the piano, there is a vague outline in the corner where the light cannot reach.

There were no obstacles between the two sides, so there was no risk of suddenly becoming a target. Wen Shi simply took out the lighting props. Under the illumination of the lantern, the person standing in the dark corner was finally completely exposed. It was Ao.

Ao stood in the corner with his head down, half of his shoulder was covered in blood. It was hard to imagine how thick his health bar was. Not only was he alive, but he could actually stand there steadily.

Li Nan: "There's something wrong with his condition."

The players following behind also noticed this and did not risk going for the last hit for the time being.


The toes of the low-quality rain boots were destroyed in the explosion, making an even more unpleasant noise.

Ao took the initiative to take a step forward. He lowered his head slightly, just like he was standing in the corner just now. His small eyes, which were always filled with viciousness, now became lifeless and even a little dull.

Ao walked over like a puppet, with a strange black aura lingering around the place where his wrist was transplanted.

Wen Shi vaguely guessed something and stopped Yu Xingzhou who was about to finish him off: "Wait."

Ao finally walked up to Wen Shi, without any signs of attacking, but there was occasional struggle in his eyes, but it quickly returned to emptiness.

Yu Xingzhou saw the problem: "Being controlled?"

Ao's character does not allow him to have any acting skills. He did not attack Pei Wenwei even at close range. The only explanation is that he was being controlled.

Wen Shi not only confirmed that Ao was controlled, but also knew who was controlling him.

He tried it briefly, then clapped his hands at Ao: "Lower your head."

Ao slowly lowered his head, and Wen Shi raised his eyebrows: "Sure enough, he is very obedient."

The players were too quick to act before, and they started to attack in groups within 30 seconds. When the piano music just started, the pollution source had limited intrusion, and Jian Qingrong could not rely on the hand condensed from the black mist to interfere too much with Ao's will. But after Ao was seriously injured, it was much easier to control his broken body.

Wen Shi looked at the players who were ready to make a move in the back, "The longer the dean lives, the more the patients will behave. Let's see what kind of trouble the patients will cause tonight."

This statement certainly cannot convince everyone. What they care about is the tangible benefits gained from killing the dean.

Facing these intentions, Wen Shi tilted his head and said, "If you want to be the next president of the Seven Commandments, you can try."

Currently, not many people know that the reason why the President of the Seven Commandments became the target of concentrated fire was because of the black market players behind the scenes. When Wen Shi said this, everyone couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive.

Compared to openly using power to pressure others, playing tricks behind the scenes is more disturbing.

Even someone as cautious as the Seven Commandments' president fell into the trap. No one dared to say that they could completely escape the hidden hand behind the scenes before the end of the internship period.

the most important is…

Their eyes fell on Yu Xingzhou and Li Nan, who seemed to agree with the idea of not dealing with the dean for the time being.

Wen Shi breathed a sigh of relief. He only had to kill Ao before the end of the mission tomorrow. Before that, with the help of Ao, he could get rid of some of the troubles caused by the patients.

The rules were relaxed so that patients could kill nurses and interns without any conditions, but they were not relaxed to the point of targeting the dean all at once.

Yu Xingzhou noticed that Wen Shi kept moving his wrists.

Noticing his gaze, Wen Shi explained, "I'm under a curse on the fifth floor, and I have to resolve it within two days."

After being cursed, he developed the same condition as the host, his body becoming increasingly stiff.

"Two days?" Ao died suddenly three days after listening to the curse music.

Wen Shi nodded calmly: "When I do things, I always like to be one step ahead of others."

Including racing on the line of death.

Yu Xingzhou: “…”

Although he was pretending to be cool, Wen Shi was not as calm as he appeared. He decided to go back to the deeper area to check the situation.

First find patient No. 233, and then try again with the help of Ao to see if you can get more information from him.

If it is confirmed that no more useful information can be obtained from No. 233, and Jian Qingrong has not informed that hidden clues have been found on the fifth floor, Wen Shi narrowed his eyes... Then he can only go and meet the patient who woke up in the ghost world.

Wen Shixian waited in the office for a while, calculated the time and saw that the Seven Commandments President had almost cleared a wave of monsters, and started walking again. He turned around and looked at Yu Xingzhou and Li Nan, asking with his eyes why no one came.

Yu Xingzhou asked: "Don't you like challenging the death line?"

Wen Shi coughed lightly: "I may need a bodyguard."

On the other side, Li Nan reminded him matter-of-factly: "You are a 3S bodyguard yourself."

"..." Wen Shi, who had just finished installing, laughed twice and waved his hand awkwardly, suggesting that someone come over.

If the patient really loses control, Ao alone will not be enough.

In the end, Li Nan accompanied him upstairs, as Yu Xingzhou's skill cooldown had not yet expired.

In just a short while, the corridor was filled with the smell of blood. On the second floor, a patient's head was cut off and hung on the door frame. The nurse hoped to make an example of him to warn other patients who were running around.

Wen Shi whispered: "It will only backfire."

The main quest has a clear time limit, and combined with the current situation, a certain number of patients will escape control every day. At the beginning, the riots are in the first two floors, and the deep areas account for a small number. But on the last day, if you don't leave the dungeon in time, you may have to face the patients of the entire hospital.

Wen Shi suddenly had a strong desire to inherit the hospital, not for anything else. After the hospital was transformed into a dungeon, various monsters and NPCs that were worse than monsters were fighting against each other, and the interior was in a mess. The original intention of its establishment had long been lost.

The sooner I take over the hospital, the sooner I can end all this.

There was someone breathing heavily in front. When the president of the Seven Commandments heard the footsteps, he immediately picked up his weapon. Seeing that it was Wen Shi who had returned, he was shocked and there was an unconcealable murderous intent in his eyes.

He was now seriously injured and planned to take a break and hide in the dean's office to see if he could avoid the monster there.

If black market players have a built-in slacking buff, Wen Shi does have a talent for taking the blame.

The president of the Seven Commandments still didn't understand how he got tricked. Just from the "bye" he heard when the other party came downstairs, he subconsciously thought that it was Wen Shi who was in league with the Second Commandments and had been plotting against him from the beginning. The two sides had already torn their faces apart, and the president of the Seven Commandments stared at the two men, alerting them that they were deliberately attracting monsters.

"Good luck."

After Wen Shi finished speaking, he continued walking up, without any sarcasm or intentional attraction of patients, simply sending his blessings.

There was no need for him to do anything. Just because of the hair trading issue, Yu Xingzhou would not let the other party go.

When passing through the fantasy area, Ao's deterrent power was barely still there when facing the wandering patients.

We arrived at Area XX smoothly. Patients on both sides cast suspicious glances at us. Wen Shi had expressed his intention to kill the dean in front of No. 233, and this matter had already spread widely in the area. Now seeing Ao following him like a servant, everyone's expressions were quite interesting.

When the piano music sounded earlier, they felt something was wrong. They had never heard such uncomfortable music in the hospital before.

“233.” There are not many patients from District XX who travel across districts. They prefer to sleep.

Patient No. 233 was standing by the door, sleepily wondering whether to continue dreaming or go out and join in the fun.

Hearing someone calling him, the voice was very familiar. Patient No. 233 looked up and saw Wen Shi and the burly Ao, who obeyed his orders.

Because Li Nan was walking further behind, his figure was half blocked by Ao's strong body, and Patient No. 233 subconsciously ignored him.

He couldn't help but stand up straight and began to look at Wen Shi with some vigilance, realizing that the status of the dean and the doctor had changed.

"You stand here, I'll go and say a few words." Wen Shi gave the order, and Ao stopped where he was.

Seeing this, other patients not far away changed their expressions slightly and made many guesses at once.

Every time Wen Shi came to No. 233, he would pretend to be a little bit and try to get information from him. This policy was consistent throughout his entire visit.

"Can you tell me about the fifth floor now?" he asked with a smile.

If he has the power to control the dean, he probably also has the power to kill the patient. Patient No. 233 was silent for a while, then spoke after a long while: "Only the patients in the ghost world know what happened on the fifth floor."

“…” The thing I was most worried about happened.

No. 233 didn't want to get entangled with Wen Shi any more. An extraordinary doctor could be used by them as entertainment to spice up their lives, but if it was too much beyond their control, it would be better to stay away from him.

“You can ask a question,” he said, “but I don’t have to answer it.”

Does that mean you only have one chance to ask a question? Wen Shi thought about it and spoke again: "Among these ghost world patients, which one is more soft-hearted?"

When asked about his specific strength and situation, Patient No. 233 could not afford the risk of offending the big boss to answer, so he chose a relatively mild question.

In No. 233's opinion, this is an even more worthless question.

"… If I must say, the temper of Patient No. 51 in the rift zone might be slightly better."

After hearing this, Wen Shi turned around and walked towards the crack area.

The patients near the south area tend to be gloomy and violent. Ao's deterrent effect here is average. Wen Shi looked at the monster in front of him with a malicious smile and said, "I want to see patient No. 51. Please lead the way."

This one sentence confused the other party.

Tired of living? What kind of bizarre way of committing suicide and reincarnation is this

Wen Shi repeated it a second time, confirming that he was really seeking his own death. The patient was ready to say something out of curiosity, but at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the corridor ahead, and the patient immediately took a few steps back.

Wen Shi looked over and saw that the shadow had a bracelet on his hand that the other patients did not have, and it had the number 51 written on it.

His eyes lit up, it was effortless! However, the next second he found that No. 51 in front of him gave him a very unreal feeling, and the facial contour was blurred.

No. 51 stopped and looked at Wen Shi intently.

As if he understood something, Wen Shi took a step forward, and No. 51 turned around and led him towards a room in the rift area.

Patients in the rift zone all have different degrees of splitting abilities. No. 51 can turn his consciousness into a phantom and temporarily separate it from his body, similar to the legendary soul leaving the body. The difference is that his soul and body have almost the same combat power.

With a slow creaking sound, a door in front opened automatically.

The shadow disappeared, and an extremely cool breeze blew through the corridor. Wen Shi was very cautious and just stood near the door frame and looked up.

The patient inside had gray hair and light eyes. His hospital gown was crescent-colored, unlike the traditional blue and white stripes. It looked strangely holy when worn on him. No. 51 had been looking out the window with his side profile. There was no protective electric fence in this ward, and the night wind blew the rain in without restriction.

When Wen Shi was considering what entry point to take the initiative, No. 51 had already spoken first.

His tone was slightly hoarse, and no emotion could be heard: "You really want to inherit this hospital, right?"

"Yes." Wen Shi did not conceal anything, his voice was clear and soft, and there was no trace of ambition in his expression.

The air was quiet for a few seconds.

Before the atmosphere became oppressive, No. 51's lips finally moved again.

"Let's play a little game." Beneath the seemingly holy body of No. 51, there is a sinister undercurrent rolling.

The ward was shrouded in invisible darkness, and the light of the corridor floor lamps was also obscured. Wen Shi's alertness reached its highest point.

He calmed himself down and asked, "What game?"

"Doctor-patient relationship." No. 51 looked at the young man from the side, as if he was looking at a moth flying into a flame. At the end, he smiled and said, "This is your last game."

(End of this chapter)