Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 2: Castle Night



Wen Shi did not deliberately lower his voice when he said this.

The three players fell silent one after another, realizing that his calmness might not be due to his strong psychological quality, but rather some mental problems.

They were not the only ones who had this idea. Most people who had come into contact with Wen Shi would have similar comments: he had a weird personality, was not sociable, and even his sense of humor was different from others.

Wen Shi had no time to pay attention to other people's expressions. The cold reminder sound had not yet ended:

"Friendly reminder: the fewer players there are in a dungeon, the easier the game will be."

"Please note that the game prohibits players from killing each other."

"Please note that players cannot kill anyone in the dungeon. Please accurately distinguish the identities of all those present."

At first glance, the first two are self-contradictory, and the second and third are repetitive. But if you think about it carefully, the first is almost an iron rule, and the last two are somewhat intriguing.

"What do you think of this dinner?" The owner of the castle spoke again, interrupting Wen Shi's thoughts.

When that gloomy face put on a hospitable expression, it looked more like a monster crawling out of hell.

There were only a few people sitting at the long table, but the empty seats were filled with plates and food. Roasted chicken, goose liver, red wine... all kinds of aromas intertwined together, giving people the illusion of being hungry.

Except for Wen Shi who had just arrived, the other players looked in very bad condition, their clothes were wrinkled, and almost everyone had injuries.

It's always right to say good things. Wen Shi said without any hesitation, "Every dish is impeccable. I can hardly describe how good they are. After seeing these meals, I found that what I ate before was simply rubbish.

Wen Shibuwang emphasized again: "They are perfect like a work of art. I absolutely cannot bear to destroy them."

The previous ones are nonsense, the last sentence is the key.

Who knew there was no poison in the food? When the situation was unclear, he would rather starve than touch the knife and fork on the table.

His exaggerated words made the other three players look at him twice.

After the initial shock of the castle owner, he seemed to be deeply pleased by Wen Shi's words: "Yes, I am a person who pursues perfection. The most perfect food, the most perfect artwork, and the most perfect bride."

His eyes were filled with deep intoxication.

On the contrary, the players looked unhappy, especially E Xiu. They were already traumatized by the term "the most perfect bride".

As the person assigned to find the bride, E Xiu still has no idea about the mission.

The smile and murderous intent in the eyes of the castle owner mixed together and condensed in the goblet. He moved his wrist, stood up and shook the unknown red liquid in the goblet, making a gesture of raising the glass.

E Xiu's lips moved, and he quickly mouthed something to the other two players. Because he lowered his head slightly, it was as if he was talking to himself. Wen Shi didn't understand lip reading, but he noticed that when other players clinked glasses, the walls of their glasses would deliberately be lower than the castle owner's. He followed suit and made a humble gesture when toasting.

Under the gaze of the castle owner, seeing that everyone else had drunk, Wen Shi also took a sip.

It was not the smell of red wine, but it had a faint fishy smell, but it was not the smell of blood either. She caught a glimpse of the smile on the thin man's lips, and an ominous premonition arose in her heart.

After drinking a glass of wine, the owner of the castle elegantly cut the medium-rare steak. He ate very quickly and wiped his mouth after finishing. There were some blood stains from the steak on the silk handkerchief.

After the meal, the owner of the castle looked at Wen Shi again and said, "It's too late today, let's stay here."

Wen Shi looked at his back as he left and asked boldly, "Which room?"

It's getting late now, and there's no way to survive if he goes out, so he can only stay here.

The owner of the castle half turned sideways, his face grim in the dim corridor: "Only the second floor can be lived in, you can do whatever you want."

As soon as he left, the pressure in the dining room eased a lot.

The thin man was the first to introduce himself: "Hello, my name is E Xiu."

[Edwin: Your old friend, after the party half a month ago, you visited the gallery together, where you met the owner of the castle by chance]

When the prompt sounded, Wen Shi was stunned for a moment, and soon realized that this was the identity of the character played by the player. It was obvious that E Xiu had no intention of playing the game character seriously.

He can't always act alone.

Wen Shi also gave up the role play and introduced himself: "Pei Wenwei."

"You must have a lot of questions, and I can answer them for you." E Xiu's mood seemed to have improved a little, and his tolerance returned.

He knew what questions to ask as a newcomer.

Where is this place? How do I leave? Why was I pulled in? And so on.

Wen Shi asked, "Is it not possible to drink that glass of wine just now?"

This sentence was like a bombshell. E Xiu couldn't control his expression for a moment, and his brief loss of composure revealed the answer.

Wen Shi pursed his lips when he saw this. He was sure that these people had drunk alcohol, but they might be able to deal with it if they drank, but it was different for him.

"Thank you for your answer." Wen Shi took the initiative to end the topic.

He did not continue asking, because who knows if the other party would mislead him on a key issue.

E Xiu looked at him deeply and left the dining room.

The other two players also stood up one after another. E Xiu had previously promised that as long as they cooperated with him to invite this newcomer to drink, he would trade props and points to them. Now it was time for the other party to fulfill his promise.

Before leaving, the female player said, "The owner of the castle is looking for the perfect bride. If he can't find one, he will kill the player who is designated to look for her. However, if there is a funeral, his plan to choose a bride will be postponed for one day."

[An, your old friend, after the party half a month ago, you visited the gallery together, where you met the owner of the castle by chance]

Wen Shi frowned slightly.

He didn't think that the other party was giving him a kind reminder. If she had meant well, she wouldn't have cooperated with E Xiu's plan. It seemed that she was deliberately trying to create hatred in E Xiu and provoke him to find E Xiu and die together with him.

The game does not allow cannibalism. In other words, it means that players just want to die quickly.

In a blink of an eye, he was the only one left in the dining room. It was quiet all around. Wen Shi rubbed the table gently with his fingertips.


Start a business.

Make at least one friend before you are twenty-three.

This was something he had promised someone. Whenever Wen Shi felt irritated, he would think over and over again in his mind about the agreement he needed to keep.

He originally thought that the last two items were the most troublesome, but he didn't expect that now he had to put in the effort to accomplish the first one.

The man called E Xiu looked at him as if he were a dead person before he left. Wen Shi already had a premonition that drinking that glass of wine would bring him a lot of trouble.

He calmed down and thought about countermeasures. If all escape routes were blocked, then there would be no meaning for the game to exist. There must be some way to deal with the next crisis.

The reminder sounded again at this time:

[Newcomer skill mission starts:

Optional Task 1: Sit alone in a restaurant at midnight and drink a glass of red wine (you’ve already had one glass, so why not drink another)

Optional Task 2: Sleep (Close your eyes when it gets dark, and make sure to close them for twelve hours)

After completing any task, you can activate the skill (after the game ends, the damage incurred during the game will be automatically restored)]

[Your 2B luck value has come into play. Do you want to upgrade the ordinary skill task to an advanced skill task? ]

Wen Shi pursed his lips tightly, first saying that the injury during the game would recover, and then asked whether the difficulty of the task should be upgraded, as if he was deliberately giving him a reassurance, wanting him to choose to upgrade.

The words in the game are ambiguous. For example, you cannot kill each other, but you are given the benefit of eliminating each other. For example, now, the premise of injury recovery is that the game is over. How is it considered over? Is it only for completing the task

"The countdown begins. After ten seconds, the player will be deemed to have given up the upgrade mission. Ten, nine, eight..."

At the last second, Wen Shi closed his eyes and said, "Rise!"

The brave will die of overeating, while the timid will die of starvation. Some dangers are worth taking.

"The player chooses to upgrade the difficulty of the mission. The mission is being updated—"

[Advanced skill tasks are enabled:

Optional Task 1: Sit alone in a restaurant at midnight and drink from a bottle (you’ve already had a glass of red wine, so why not drink from another bottle)

Optional Task 2: Sleep (As a person who loves cleanliness, should I take a shower and then have a good sleep for twelve hours?)

After completing any task, you can activate advanced skills (after the game ends, the damage incurred in the game will be automatically restored)]

"Task one." This time Wen Shi did not hesitate.

You need to close your eyes when sleeping, but there are too many uncertainties. You can't close your eyes when running away? What's more, you need to take a shower. What should you do if you encounter danger? Run naked

"The bottle blowing task has been opened for you. Good luck."

The prompt tone finally stopped. Wen Shi’s scalp felt tingling as it spoke in his mind.

The cuckoo clock on the wall showed that there were seven minutes to midnight.

Wen Shi sat down in the restaurant again. There was an unopened bottle of red wine on the table. He opened the bottle first, then grasped the bottle with his fingers, fixed his eyes on the wall clock, waiting for the task time to arrive.

The coolness of the bottle helped to calm him down. Wen Shi’s palm completely covered the bottle. After a moment, he suddenly put it close to his nose and sniffed it.

Like the previous glass of wine, this one also had a slightly pungent smell, but it was stronger, a bit like gasoline, but much fresher than gasoline.

Wen Shi always felt that this smell was very familiar, but he couldn't put it into words. The taste of the red wine itself diluted most of the strange smell.

The seconds are turning towards the final lap.

Finally, the small wooden door above popped open and the cuckoo popped out. It did not make the traditional cooing sound, but its cry was particularly shrill, as if its throat was strangled.

Amidst the shrill screams, Wen Shi began to guzzle the wine.

A liquid that is several times more unpalatable than normal red wine goes down my throat.

Wen Shi's Adam's apple rolled wildly as he quickly drank one third of the bottle of wine. He didn't dare close his eyes, and kept an eye on every corner.

The huge crystal chandelier above the dining table suddenly shook, and the tassel-like light tubes made a rattling sound. The light visibility in the dining room suddenly decreased, and the red walls dimmed to scarlet.

Wen Shi had no other choice. In the weird atmosphere, he desperately drank the rest.

Even if he drank a bottle of mineral water in one gulp, he would feel uncomfortable, let alone finishing a bottle of red wine with a strange taste in one breath. Wen Shi tried his best to suppress the urge to vomit and clenched his teeth to prevent himself from vomiting.

After waiting for half a minute, I didn't hear any prompts that the skill task was completed. At the same time, the temperature in the dining room continued to drop. Wen Shi put down his rolled-up T-shirt sleeves and cursed in a low voice:

"Dog games."

He knew it wouldn't be that easy.

A layer of frost covered the wall of the cup. After a crackling sound, the crystal chandelier stopped working and the dining room was plunged into complete darkness.

The faint light from the corridor seeped in, but the dining room was too large to have much effect. Wen Shi's breathing tightened, and a dark shadow appeared across the dining table without him noticing.

The vague outline, neither a human nor a beast, floated on the chair in a distorted posture. Cold sweat slid down Wen Shi's forehead. He stared at the shadow, and just when his eyes felt sore, the shadow opposite him suddenly disappeared.

Is it an illusion

No, he didn't even blink, he was very sure he was not mistaken.

Windowsill, chandelier... Wen Shi held his breath and scanned other corners of the dining room with the help of the only dim light, but there was nothing there. Where did the black shadow go

The chill spread down my ankles, and it felt like being wrapped around by a snake.

Frankly speaking, he is more afraid of snakes than ghosts.

Wen Shi lifted the tablecloth slightly stiffly. He lowered his head with his heart pounding. He could just barely see his legs, as there was nothing wrapped around them.

"Hu—" Wen Shi breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could finish his breath, the chill he felt increased instead of decreased.

"Huh—" Almost at the same time, someone blew gently at Wen Shi's slender neck.

The source of the cold air was not from under the table, but something like a thread piercing the skin.

Wen Shi realized something, calmly grasped the silver spoon on the table, pointed it in the direction of the light coming in from the corridor, and turned it slightly.

The raised surface infinitely magnified the scene behind him: a skinny woman was standing behind him with her neck tilted, her head almost buried in his neck. The distance was too close, and the reflection of her face continued to magnify through the silver spoon.

Wen Shi silently put down the spoon, was silent for a moment and then said, "Honey, I promised someone that I would make a friend before I turned 23."

The skinny woman's skin was peeling off like paint on the wall. She seemed to understand what people said. Before her murderous intent boiled over, she didn't hear Wen Shi's frightened cry for help, and her movements paused slightly.

"But I hope it's a human!"

After saying that, Wen Shi grabbed the tablecloth and threw it backwards, then rushed out immediately. He was a little impressed with himself, as he ran at the fastest speed in his life even though his legs were a little weak.

(End of this chapter)