Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 23: Castle Night


The zombies cannot speak and the time for disguise is very limited, so Wen Shi must make use of every minute that comes.

He went straight to the end of the road, where was the room of the castle owner. As the groom, the castle owner, who was very particular about etiquette, would not be late when the wedding started. Other players would not risk being lazy in decorating the church and follow him.

Now is the best time.

The animal-faced door knocker on the stone door showed its sharp teeth. One of its eyes was wide open, as if staring at the thief who wanted to break into the house, while the other one was half-closed, revealing a restrained danger in its silence.

The memory of being pierced in the chest here came back to him, and Wen Shi's body trembled slightly.

The shadow of death cannot be shaken off in a short period of time.

The game store sells [Door Battering Hammer], which is specifically designed for locked rooms.

Wen Shi was about to decide to exchange it, but the lifelike animal-faced door knocker made him hesitate, fearing that violent destruction would lead to bad consequences.

Every second of hesitation was a waste of time, so Wen Shi decisively changed his strategy and entered the nearest room, twisted the bed sheet into a tight knot and tied it around his waist. After taking the simplest protective measures, he climbed out of the window.

Under normal circumstances, the height of the second floor is nothing to be afraid of, but the distance between each floor of the castle is several meters higher than the normal distance between buildings. The two rooms are not too far apart, but are just in the same ring surface.

Church music could be heard faintly from above. Wen Shi couldn't find a foothold. There were no plastic water pipes suitable for climbing on the outer edge of the castle. He was not in a hurry. He stretched out his arm and knocked on the outer bricks: "Don't hide. I know you are here."

Waiting to trick me.

A tall black shadow gradually emerged from the smooth outer wall. It was a monster that was seeking revenge.

A monster stretched out its arms, just enough to reach Wen Shi's ankles. It kept exerting force, as if it was thinking about whether to crush the thin ankle directly or pull the living person into the wall bit by bit.

Wen Shi said calmly: "I am going to steal the picture frame now and give you a home. The previous unpleasantness was only because you wanted to devour my zombie friends. What I hate most is betrayal."

He always speaks very sensibly: "When we went to the secret passage, I made it clear that only Catherine and the others could follow me in. As friends, they betrayed me. And you and I had never met before, so I did not join forces with the bride to harm you afterwards."

Wen Shi stated the facts while misinterpreting all the starting points.

"Help me climb through the window. I'm going to steal something from the castle owner's room first, and then I'll steal the picture frame. I'll get my money's worth in one go."

"Finally, I will hand the picture frame over to you. The bride no longer needs to worry about being trapped in the picture frame. You will no longer be homeless. I will take the rest of the stolen goods and set sail. We all have a bright future."

He was almost moved by what he said.

There was a disagreement among the monsters.

"Liar, don't believe him."

"Picture frame. I just want to live in a picture frame."

"Give him a chance... This might be our last chance..."

"It's so cold inside these walls. So cold..."

Intermittent sounds continued to be heard. Although Wen Shi appeared calm on the surface, he was actually quite anxious inside. Three or four minutes had passed.

After another thirty seconds, the discussion finally came to an end.

The ending was happy. The monster camp that Wen Shi was standing on did not capsize, and the black shadow that was pulling his ankle did not kill him. The extra black shadow above grabbed Wen Shi's arm and swung him forward like a swing. During the game of passing the flower, Wen Shi successfully reached the window of the house where the owner of the castle was.

He hissed softly, his arm almost dislocated.

The window was not closed, which saved us some trouble.

The monsters were filled with fear of the castle's owner, and even though the other party was not in the house, they had no intention of breaking in.

Wen Shi jumped to the ground. There was no light in the room and everything was in darkness.

Fortunately, the moon tonight was round and bright enough for him to see a lot clearly.

At the end of the carpet opposite was a leather sofa, with a thick red coral fleece blanket draped over it, making it look even softer. Not far from the sofa was a mahogany bed, with two carved bedposts in front that were slightly wider than normal ones, and fluffy bed curtains were opened and piled on both sides, with sheets and quilts all in an uncomfortable scarlet color.

Wen Shi took out a small lantern. He disliked this prop at first, but now he found it was really useful and most importantly, it did not require any fuel.

He wasn't complaining, but this luxurious bed looked exactly like a memorial tablet stand from the front.

The owner of the castle wore a different set of clothes every day. Wen Shi originally thought that his wardrobe would be as long as a street, but now it looks no more than that.

Wen Shi did not forget the purpose of coming here, and his eyes explored every corner like a scanner.

There is a small hexagonal lamp on the bedside table, and directly above it is a chandelier that is too high vertically to point downwards.

Wen Shi looked around but didn't find the candlestick.

He also searched the bedside table and the wardrobe carefully, but still found nothing.

Just when Wen Shi was getting anxious, he noticed the mirror on the wall. This was the first time he saw a mirror after moving into the castle. Wen Shi walked in front of the mirror and saw himself holding a lamp. The image in the mirror was pale.

Wen Shi checked the edge of the mirror and confirmed that the mirror was firmly glued on and could not be removed, and there were no mechanisms around it.

When he turned his head, there seemed to be some stain on the mirror, even though there was nothing there just now. Wen Shi moved closer and vaguely saw an outline, but he couldn't see it clearly. He had to get closer and closer... The black spot suddenly turned into a pair of vertical pupils, and the ferocious and majestic eyes stared coldly at Wen Shi.

The two sides seemed to be looking at each other through a cat's eye.

"I go."

Wen Shi leaned back and almost fell over.

The strange relief lines became more and more vivid, finally revealing a clear face of a beast.

The mirror was facing directly towards the door, and at this moment it only reflected two things: the animal-faced door knocker outside the door and Wen Shi inside the door.

Wen Shi bravely did not look away, making sure it was not an illusion.

There is a difference between the beast face in the mirror and the beast face door knocker. The door knocker only shows part of its fangs, while the beast face in the mirror has its mouth open a little wider, with a faint light flickering inside.

Wen Shi was startled and shook the lantern in his hand to make sure the light source was not coming from here.

The only possibility is that something is glowing inside the beast's mouth.

"No way."

I can't be that unlucky.

Wen Shi came up with a bold guess that the candlestick was in the mouth of the beast.

Just as he came to this conclusion, his body began to move forward uncontrollably, and the beast face in the mirror opened its bloody mouth, like a jackal waiting to be fed meat.

Now Wen Shi had no time to take the candlestick, saving his life was the most important thing.

In the next few seconds, Wen Shi tried various actions: closing his eyes, stepping back, and moving forward actively.

Either way, it didn't bring any changes, he was still controlled by an unknown force.

As his limbs became further out of control, Wen Shi prepared to put away the lantern.

When he was about to take back the prop, he loosened his hand for some unknown reason, and the lantern fell to the ground. The glass cover on the outside shattered, and the flame inside flickered wildly due to the vibration.

Ignoring the fact that the distance between him and the mirror was getting closer, Wen Shi's entire attention was now focused on the lantern itself.

The light had gradually become stable. Wen Shi looked at the direction where the flame was shifting and slowly uttered a word: "Wind."

The wind is blowing in the wrong direction.

The window was wide open and the night wind was blowing in. The flame should have been biased to the left, but it was now shifting in another direction, proving that there was a vent in the inner room.

When the body is warm, it is stiff, and the blood circulation is much slower than usual. The paralysis caused by hypothermia makes him unable to feel much wind.

Wen Shi tried to move diagonally to the side where the wind was blowing. The movement trajectory at this angle gave him a little freedom.

He wanted to find where the hidden wind vent was, but apart from the flame of the lantern, there was nothing else that was moved by the wind, not even the thin blanket on the sofa.

What exactly is the problem

Wen Shi frowned. The lantern was a prop. It did not require any fuel. It was close to the lowest level of Yin objects in the NPC classification. Its essence was different from that of ordinary objects.

So this evil wind can only be felt by special things

Wen Shi did not escape the clutches of the mirror, and the two of them stuck to each other. The sweaty skin seemed to be tightly glued to the winter metal, and it was impossible to pull it off.

His neck also began to become stiff, and he was forced to look into the eyes of the beast in the mirror. The mouth was getting bigger and bigger, and it looked like it was going to bite off the prey's head in one bite.

Wen Shi was sure that if he didn't think of a way to break the situation before the mouth opened as big as the circumference of his head, his neck would definitely be bitten off.

The only thing to be thankful for was that he had changed his direction of movement slightly before, so he was not sticking tightly to the mirror, and half of his body was sticking to the wall, but he was still able to move.

The mouth in the mirror was almost opening like a hippopotamus. Wen Shi was suddenly stunned. Why was there an animal mask

There were clearly two animal-faced door knockers outside the door, but there was only one in the mirror. He remembered that one of the two animal-faced knockers was very energetic, while the other looked sleepy. The one in the mirror was undoubtedly the energetic one.

Wen Shi had tried various methods before, but the game did not give any hints. Now he could only go all out and bet that the solution would be the other beast-faced door knocker.

The right hand that could still move rubbed hard against the edge of the mirror, and blood spurted out.

Wen Shi stretched out his arms in the direction of the strange wind in the inner room, trying to use blood to lure whatever might be there.

"Come—" Wen Shi's behavior at this moment was a bit like teasing a puppy, and he even made two clicks of the tongue in an amusing manner.

The influence of blood on monsters should never be underestimated.

This trick almost always worked. A dull humming sound came into his ears. Something woke up and snored before waking up. With a whoosh, the flames in the fireplace ignited by themselves. The next second, a beast shadow separated from the flames and pounced towards Wen Shi's arm.

Wen Shi quickly shrank his body and put his hands on the mirror.

The beast in the mirror was protecting its food, and was very annoyed by anyone trying to steal its prey.

The beast's shadow that was pouncing on him disappeared, and the mirror showed a scene of two ferocious beasts colliding and fighting each other. Wen Shi was knocked out instead, and his internal organs seemed to be dislocated.

Now is the best time to escape, but Wen Shi cannot run. He stares at the flames that appear when a beast face opens its mouth, racking his brains to think about how to take out the candlestick.

Straight into your mouth

Losing an arm is a small matter. I’m afraid I’ll be dragged into the fight between monsters and torn into pieces on the spot.

Wen Shi picked up the lantern.

He caught a glimpse of the blazing fire in the fireplace and had other thoughts. The candlestick was now in the mouth of one of the beast faces, and the fire in the fireplace was ignited when the other beast face ran out. Perhaps the two had similar functions.

Wen Shi hurriedly took out the candle from the small hexagonal lantern on the bedside table, and when he walked to the fireplace, the hem of his clothes accidentally brushed against the harp in the corner.

[Harp: One of the craftsman's works during his lifetime. The strings were once stained with the craftsman's blood. It is a harp filled with resentment.]

Something that can specifically cause the game to give hints can't be simple, so Wen Shi immediately put it into his backpack.

"Warning, illegal gains cannot be collected."

"Warning, illegal gains cannot be collected."

I tried twice and got the same warning.

What to do? Give up

No, of course I carry it with me.

Then Wen Shi came to the fireplace and carefully lit the candle.

The fight in the mirror continued, and the fangs of one beast mask bit off the horn of another beast mask.

Wen Shi did not dare to delay. He used his hands to protect the flame from being blown out, and ran all the way to the study, preparing to use the secret passage to directly enter the attic.


At midnight, an abnormal and grand wedding is taking place.

The real bride was originally wearing a wedding dress. The white fishtail skirt was slightly yellowed, close to the texture of oil painting. She held a paper knife in her left hand and a silver floribunda in her right hand. The large and gorgeous flower bud pressed against her chest, almost covering her entire collarbone. The real bride lowered her head slightly, and the tip of her white chin touched the top flower.

The carpet under her feet had been stained with the blood of many players. The laces on her shoes were not tied properly and were scattered. The bloodstains that should have dried up long ago were somehow still able to rub onto the hollow patterns.

The cuckoo flew out of the dining room clock and landed on the statue beside the dais, singing over and over again:

Silver lilies bloom at midnight

The red carpet of the church is spread out

Come and witness this wedding of the century

Even weirder than all of this was the bridesmaids walking beside the bride.

'Wen Shi' had his cheeks painted an exaggerated red and he didn't say a word the entire time. He was like a walking corpse. He didn't even help hold up the bride's skirt when they went up the stairs, he just walked on his own.

There is no priest.

The shrill song of the cuckoo replaced the priest's wedding speech.

The owner of the castle wore a bright palace suit tonight. He preferred red, and the walls of the castle were almost all scarlet. Unfortunately, he had to pursue solemnity and choose calm colors to wear on a daily basis. Until this special moment, he finally chose a dress with a bright color as the main color.

This red seems to foreshadow something.

There was no love in the eyes of the castle owner when he looked at the real bride. It was as if he was looking at a perfect work of art, admiring his own creative talent.

Not to mention the real bride, her bloodless face clearly revealed her thoughts: I want to stab him. I really want to stab him.

There were only four people in the audience.

Chu An stretched out his fingers, a small movement he often made when thinking about something. There was a big gap between Chu An's fingers, and he was born with an extra finger. This movement made his palms look like duck feet stretched to the extreme.

"I always feel that there is something wrong with that new guy."

Chu An's eyes were fixed on the person next to the real bride.

The ones who are most concerned here are Chu An and Zhao Sanjie.

Zhao Sanjie also felt that something was wrong. The bride's sudden appearance made it seem like they were in cahoots with each other.

If Zhao Sanjie wanted to kill Wen Shi in the beginning in order to steal the props and complete the Monster Alliance's recruitment task, now there is another reason: different positions.

Pei Wenwei, a teammate who is playing both sides and is clearly leaning towards the bride's camp, must not be kept.

Zhao Sanjie's eyes never left Wen Shi. Suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something, and his eyes darkened: "He is not Pei Wenwei!"

Although Chu An, who was closest to him, also doubted the newcomer, he found this conclusion ridiculous.

There are only so many players in total, it is impossible for the other party to entrust an NPC to impersonate themselves.

Zhao Sanjie said in a deep voice: "He is not breathing."

Chu An was stunned and took out a prop telescope to try to see more carefully, to make sure that there was no rise and fall of the chest on the upright figure.

Chu An looked a little ugly.

What on earth is this bridesmaid who looks like the newlyweds

Also, does he want to expose it

As long as the Earl's wedding is successfully completed, the main task will be completed naturally. Under normal circumstances, he should eliminate all episodes. But if the newlyweds are not present, they must be planning something.

While Chu An was hesitating, Zhao Sanjie had already stood up and shouted to the owner of the castle on the stage: "The bridesmaid has been replaced."

Not far away, A Ling was sitting alone on a chair with her eyes downcast, thinking about something.

hurry up.


He should have five or six minutes left, but Wen Shi knew very well what it meant that plans could not keep up with changes, and the wandering corpse could be exposed at any time.

What you fear will come to you.

"Your zombie has suffered a great trauma."

"The [Scented Bag] worked, the zombies' dodge increased, and they avoided the fatal crisis."

"The wandering corpse exuded the sweet scent of mutant pomegranate flowers, which aroused the disgust of the castle owner, so he did not kill it immediately."

"Should we recall the seriously injured zombies?"


Before Wen Shi and You Shi exchanged clothes, they gave each other the sachet and ruby that could increase luck.

Peng Lu was able to be successfully refined into a wandering corpse before his death, which was more or less due to his luck. These two items may be able to amplify this luck.

The candle burned very quickly. There were only the last twenty or thirty meters left in the secret passage, so Wen Shi quickened his pace and rushed forward.

Now it’s a race of speed to see whether the real bride can gain complete freedom first, or the owner of the castle arrives first.

To put it another way, as long as he can get the picture frame and give it to the monster, he can complete the main mission of the Monster Alliance, and the monster will provide him with a secret passage to leave the castle.

At the end of the secret passage was a wall. Wen Shi groped around in the dark and touched a brick with an obvious dent. He pressed down hard and the wall in front of him automatically flipped over. Wen Shi lost his balance and his first reaction was to protect the candle, then he fell to the ground in front of him.

The body of the harp behind me cushioned my back and it felt like my ribs were about to break.

He had no time to rub his waist at all. Wen Shi's mind and eyes were filled with the picture frames on the wall.

The frame became more and more three-dimensional, until it seemed to come alive in the night, and the guillotine above it moved strangely on its own.

Wen Shi was clearly the only one in the silent attic, and the weak yet suppressed sobs of pain came from nowhere.

“It hurts. It hurts so much.”

Every word was pronounced with extra emphasis, continuously conveying the kind of shattering pain.

"My head, where is my head?"

Wen Shi frowned and looked for the source of the sound.


Just then, something rolled next to his shoes.

Wen Shi lowered his head and saw the whole thing: it was a human head, with flesh and blood still hanging from the broken part of the neck, and greasy hair stuck to the face.

The human head opened its dead fish eyes, and a smile appeared on its bloodstained face: "So my head is here."

The sticky hair continued to grow longer until it wrapped around Wen Shi's ankles, dragging him towards the frame, where the guillotine was ready. The head grinned again: "I have been trapped for too long, I am in so much pain, you have to feel the same pain as me, unless..."

"Unless I can free you, right? Stop talking. I'm in a hurry. I've brought the candle that can burn your soul to ashes. I'll free you now."

Wen Shi finished speaking almost in one breath, and had already used the candlelight to light the hair wrapped around his ankles.


Damn, who gave away the question

Why are there still people answering the question?!

(End of this chapter)