Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 30: Big factory


Refining the corpse of an old player is a horrifying event no matter where it is placed.

In an instant, more labels were attached to Wen Shi: high IQ antisocial personality, true pervert, born bad guy... These words seemed to be able to be associated with Wen Shi.

In comparison, Tu Bianxi's puppet suddenly looked a little childish.

Faced with those meaningful gazes, the muscles on Tu Bianxi's face twitched unnaturally, and he felt a sense of absurdity as if he was brandishing a sword in front of Guan Gong.

There were twenty players, and after Wen Shi, several more appeared, including the one who called him "big boss" before.

The player's name was Zhou Xiaochun. He seemed to have a strong ability to distinguish. Even in the darkness, he could remember the smell of zombies. When he saw Wen Shi, his mouth opened directly: "You..."

You are really a newcomer!

Since he hadn't lied about the previous incident, Zhou Xiaochun's mind got hot and he subconsciously looked at Ji Yuanzhi: "So you are really his father too?"

Ji Yuanzhi glanced sideways and stared at Wen Shi.

Wen Shi laughed awkwardly and said, “Yes, that’s how I introduced you to others.”

After the nineteenth player came out, there was no sign of anyone for the next few minutes. The player who had not come out was obviously left in the tunnel forever.

Wen Shi also paid special attention to the fact that among the people walking out of the tunnel, none of them had fluorescent powder on their shoulders. In addition, no one mentioned the fluorescent powder incident, so it was obvious who died in the tunnel.

"Let's go. If we just stand here, what if a monster comes out?" The player who urged them to hurry up was the one who had spread the fluorescent powder earlier.

He didn't feel guilty at all. He could only blame that person for losing his sense of proportion and using his ultimate move on the monster without thinking, angering the monster. The fewer people there are, the easier the game is, especially in group battles. Since there is no faction assigned yet, the more people die, the fewer variables there are.

Although Wen Shi looked down on such people from the bottom of his heart, he agreed on one point: it was not advisable to stay here for long.

The air in this world is very bad, with a faint sour smell.

Wen looked around and saw a tattered sign inserted diagonally in front of him. It was a very primitive bus stop sign. The group walked in that direction and finally saw the words on the bus stop sign. At the top, 404 bus was written in red paint, and in the middle was the more eye-catching station name: Dachang. The worker who painted the words was not very careful, and the paint was too thin. The traces of the original flow have been preserved until now, making the two words look like they are crying blood, and they have a very ominous and weird feeling.

This station is the final stop.

There was a large chimney in the distance, and billowing milky white smoke swirled up and merged with the clouds above.

Because the place is too remote, not a single person can be seen. The towering chimney is now like a lighthouse on the sea. No matter where it will eventually guide people, it is now the only direction for players to move forward.

Everyone walked very carefully on the road, keeping their eyes and ears open.

Wen Shi broke the tense atmosphere, looking around with curiosity as if he was out for a trip, and said to Ji Yuanzhi with great joy: "I have an innate advantage in this copy."

This sentence made all the players prick up their ears.

Wen Shi: "Look, this dungeon is called [Big Factory], so it must be a 997 work system? I can tell at a glance that you are the youngest among all of them. Young people are strong and easy to fool, so they are an excellent choice for black-hearted bosses."

Of course, the premise is to bring in his real-life identity, and the copy doesn’t know how old Dr. Aaron is.

"… "

There was a buzzing sound coming from the front.

An electric tricycle was coming towards them. The rider was young, but the skin on his face was tight and unnaturally smooth. When they got closer, they could see that he was wearing a navy blue work uniform with a factory badge on his chest.

"Why are there so few people?"

Wen Shi had already called back the wandering corpses, but nineteen people was not a small number.

The visitor seemed very dissatisfied and took out a booklet from his pocket: "Didn't you say that thirty people came to apply for the job?"

The thirty people he mentioned included some NPCs.

One player's acting skills were perfect, perfectly portraying the fear and trepidation of a first-time interviewer: "Including the driver, several people have had accidents."

The visitor cursed, "It seems to be polluted, and it has attracted monsters, these filthy things!"


Wen Shi picked out this word accurately.

The visitor was quite satisfied with the person who answered first, and gave him a slightly better look: "Get in the car, I'll take you to the factory."

Players got on the tricycles one after another.

In the city where Wen Shi lives, electric tricycles cannot carry people, but in the dungeon, it not only carried people, but also carried more than a dozen people at a time. The electric tricycle was driving on the uneven road, the thick dust on the ground made people frown, and the speed was too fast. Several times he felt that he was going to be thrown off.

Under the scorching sun, all players received the first system notification sound:

"Congratulations on finally walking towards the light. Just keep your heart pure!"

Wen Shi saw that a column of mind purity had temporarily appeared on the attribute panel, and it was even ranked above the health value, which showed the importance of maintaining purity in this copy.

"Tip: When your spiritual purity is lower than 80, you will experience mild auditory and visual hallucinations. When your spiritual purity is lower than 70, you have entered a polluted state, your auditory hallucinations will intensify, and you will feel more hungry than ordinary people. When your spiritual purity is lower than 60, your immunity will continue to decline, you will begin to alienate, and hunger will force you to attack others indiscriminately. When your spiritual purity drops below 50, how can you still live in this world with dignity?"


This description gives people an uncomfortable feeling.

Wen Shi thought of the monsters in the tunnel. The previous attackers whose strength was weaker than the monsters should be people whose purity was lower than 60 and who were in an alienated state.

The player who had previously left a good impression on the visitor pretended to be nervous and asked, "What's your name?"

"I'm the factory supervisor, just call me Supervisor Zhao." Supervisor Zhao seemed very proud of his identity, and his tone was quite high: "Don't think that you all graduated from college, you may not even be able to be an ordinary worker."

He became more and more excited as he spoke, and the electric car was almost running at sixty mph.

The player was quite calm. After all, he had never heard of anyone dying in a dungeon because an NPC drove too fast and then flipped over. He continued to seek information: "What happens if I don't pass the interview?"

"Of course we should go back to where we came from." Supervisor Zhao said unhappily, "But there is only one bus a day here. If you can't catch it, you have to wait at the bus station until the next day. As for whether you can survive the night, it's not certain. More and more people have been affected by the pollution recently."

From what he said, it seems that the people in this world have become accustomed to the endless emergence of monsters.

Thanks to Supervisor Zhao's desperate driving speed, the group quickly arrived at their destination.

Outside the gate, you can only barely see a corner of the building surrounded by trees, but you can vaguely feel that this factory is very large, which is in line with the name engraved on the huge stone next to it: Dachang.

The factory does not have a separate entrance and exit door, only a retractable door, and people and cars must go in and out through this. In the duty room, the guard was yawning inside. When he saw someone, he took the initiative to open the small window and said, "Supervisor Zhao?"

The guard quickly let him in, and even bowed and congratulated him: "I heard that you were listed as a candidate for outstanding employee. Congratulations!"

Supervisor Zhao was still in the car, but he stood straight.

The guard shouted to the players, "You need to learn more from Supervisor Zhao."

There are many green plants in the factory. Wen Shi didn't know whether to call them green plants. If you look closely, you will find that these trees that seem to be full of vitality have gray leaves, which are a bit like the faces of Zhao the supervisor and the guard, giving people a false impression.

Supervisor Zhao parked the electric bike on the side of the road: "Everyone get off!"

The building closest to the gate is the cafeteria, and there is a fishy and unpleasant smell of meat oil wafting from it.

The chef happened to be pulling out a large black barrel without a lid. When the chef passed by them, the oily water inside spilled out, and through the turbid liquid, the meat underneath could be vaguely seen. Wen Shi held his breath to prevent himself from inhaling the unpleasant smell. At this moment, he began to miss the owner of the castle. At least he never did these disgusting things.

"I don't know how lucky I am." Wen Shi deeply reflected on his past self.

Supervisor Zhao led them forward and said as they walked, "You guys are lucky. The factory is short of people, and I think a lot of them will stay. New employees have a three-day internship period, and the salary is not high in the first half of the year. However, our employees can buy Meiling Liquid at an internal price, which is the biggest employee benefit."

"We're here." Supervisor Zhao stopped.

There is nothing special about the square building. It is a very old factory building and some of the glass is broken.

Supervisor Zhao pushed open the door and a cool breeze blew in his face. Even during the day, the brightness in the factory was still insufficient, and the lampshade above his head was so dirty that the light could not be fully dissipated.

There was an indescribable smell in the air, even worse than the smell in the cafeteria before.

"Excuse me," a weak voice sounded. The female player who spoke had a baby face and long bangs that covered her cold eyes, but her tone was pitiful: "Can you tell us how to please the interviewer?"

Wen Shi secretly sighed that everyone was better at acting than the other.

Supervisor Zhao snorted coldly: "Just have a beautiful heart."

The baby-faced female player asked seriously, "Can a person's heart really be seen clearly?"

"Of course, the factory has a special testing process," Supervisor Zhao smiled strangely, thinking of something, "Big factories advocate truth, kindness and beauty. Even if you are recruited later, you will still be divided into different levels..."

He chuckled twice and stopped talking.

At this point, players already have an idea in their minds, and later tests may be related to their initial purity of mind.

Thinking of this, many people's expressions began to become subtle. To be able to survive in the game until now, it is obvious that they have nothing to do with the word purity.

Truth, goodness and beauty.

When first entering the dungeon, the game emphasized these three words, but most players turned a deaf ear to them.

The high-difficulty dungeons have a common feature, which is an unsolvable death rule. Even if the player does nothing, he may be judged as eliminated because he does not meet the conditions. Just when the old players were worried that the interview might have an unsolvable rule and felt uneasy, they saw Wen Shi standing aside, and they all became confident!

Speaking of being cruel, who could be more cruel than a newcomer who turned veteran players into corpses and caused a second round of mess in the first copy

When it comes to craziness, who can be crazier than the players who auction themselves off as commodities

This is an era of competition for worse, I am grateful to have you, Pei Wenwei!

Wen Shi, who was concentrating on observing the surrounding environment, had an unusually strong sixth sense. When he turned his head, he saw more than a dozen pairs of eyes filled with strong emotions, which almost scared him.

Oh shit, what’s going on

Are these people possessed by evil spirits? Why are their eyes glowing

He couldn't help but take a step back.

Fortunately, Ji Yuanzhi was relatively normal in the crowd, so Wen Shi asked quietly, "Why are they staring at me?"

"Maybe I feel safe seeing you."


Ji Yuanzhi suddenly asked: "What is the purity of your mind?"

Wen Shi was silent for a moment after hearing this, then waved his hand and said, "Don't ask anymore."

You will be scared to death when you know the truth. Even Wen Shi himself was shocked when he saw the number.

(End of this chapter)