Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 31: Big factory


The dim light on the wall shone on the big words "Workshop 3".

The large factory is divided into three workshops. The first workshop is for processing raw materials, the second workshop is for processing, and the third workshop is responsible for shipment.

The uneasiness of entering the factory was alleviated. Wen Shi did not deliberately lower his voice when communicating with Ji Yuanzhi. His answer gave the black-hearted players a strong reassurance.

Only the parties involved don’t know what they are laughing at, when it is obvious that the purity of their souls is second only to their health points, which is at full value.

Wen Shi thought to himself: A full score of 100 still limits my development.

We passed several large machines and saw several factory workers passing by with carts loaded with boxes of goods. One was pushing the cart in front, while two others were guarding behind with electric batons. When they saw Supervisor Zhao, the three of them stopped and greeted him.

Supervisor Zhao didn't even look at them, his eyes were always focused on the box, just like a hungry person seeing a pot of freshly cooked meat, already drooling.

He took a deep breath, as if he wanted to smell the contents through the box. After a moment, he recovered and said, "The purity of this batch of beauty liquid is quite high. Don't steal from the company. Do you understand?"

The three employees pledged in unison: “We will definitely abide by the factory rules.”

Supervisor Zhao then nodded with satisfaction.

Wen Shi quickly glanced at the box and saw only one line of words on it: Improved version of Meiling Liquid.

When it comes to Meiling Liquid, Supervisor Zhao has a lot to say: "The factory sells three types of Meiling Liquid to the public: the first generation Meiling Liquid, the improved version of Meiling Liquid, and the enhanced version of Meiling Liquid." When he talked about the last one, he swallowed unconsciously: "The main feature of the enhanced version of Meiling Liquid is that it can be eaten, and the absorption effect is better."

The further in we went, the more stinky the smell became. Players couldn't cover their noses or do other actions, fearing that they would violate the rules, so they could only hold their breath. Just when everyone was about to lower their heads, they finally arrived outside a house.

"go in."

The air doesn't circulate well in the dim and cramped room.

The interviewer was extremely thin, with bulging veins all over his body, like a person whose blood had been sucked dry. He sat in the middle of the empty space with an arrogant look on his face, and when he saw that there were only a dozen people, he frowned in dissatisfaction.

Supervisor Zhao hurried over and said a few words: "The driver is contaminated, and these people are the only ones left."

The interviewer had a stern face and said impatiently: "Okay, hurry up and interview, go get your stuff."

Supervisor Zhao went out to get something. The interviewer half-closed his eyes and said nothing. The player also did not speak. The whole room was dead silent. After a while, Supervisor Zhao brought a box. When he opened it, there were exactly fourteen ampoules inside. Then he took out a handful of syringes from his pocket. The player immediately had a bad feeling.

Supervisor Zhao turned around and pressed the power button without warning. This light was not like the dim fluorescent light in front. All of a sudden, the overly glaring light was all on the platform in front. The interviewer below the stage opened and closed his harsh lips, and said sharply: "Line up, and those whose names are called will come on stage."

After receiving the booklet respectfully handed over by Supervisor Zhao, the interviewer called out the first name: "Wang Li."

The name he read was naturally the name in the character setting.

A burly player walked onto the stage. It was he who had urged everyone to leave the tunnel and indirectly killed a player with fluorescent powder.

The interviewer directly announced the scoring rules: "This interview consists of three questions in total. The first question accounts for 50 points, the other two questions account for 20 points each, and mental state accounts for 10 points."

There weren't too many questions. Wen Shi could clearly hear Zhou Xiaochun's relieved voice beside him: "Fortunately, it's just questions, not answers."

“…” What have you been through

Zhou Xiaochun had already given the answer directly: "There was a copy before, a written test, which actually included advanced mathematics and physics questions."

Wen Shi's expression was indescribable: "And then?"

Zhou Xiaochun glanced at Ji Yuanzhi and said, "Fortunately, the examiner was a monster. Your father killed him."

"… "

"That dad" Ji Yuanzhi seemed to have heard their conversation and glanced over, and Zhou Xiaochun immediately shut up.

The interviewer asked the first question: "Are you a good person?"

The player answered ambiguously: "I occasionally take advantage of others, so I may not be a good person in the traditional sense."

"Thirty points." After the interviewer reported the score, he asked the second question: "What bad things have you done?"

"I don't remember it all." The player smiled naively. He hesitated for a moment, not daring to tell a big lie on this question. He randomly picked a memory that was not too serious: "I betrayed a friend once."

"Zero points." The interviewer asked expressionlessly, "What good things have you done?"

Hearing the zero score, the player's face turned grim. He racked his brains to recall the good deeds he had done, and finally managed to spit out a sentence that he had done in real life: "I, I donated steps for charity."

"Five points."

Finding that the whole process seemed to have no verification, the player quickly added nonsense: "I donated money."


The player didn't dare to talk too much nonsense, and after saying one more thing, he was sure that it was almost 60 points, and then he shut up.

Just as he was about to step down, Supervisor Zhao suddenly appeared in front of him, the needle in his hand exuding a cold color: "Roll up your sleeves and stretch out your hand."

Tiny beads of sweat appeared on the player's forehead, and he intuitively knew that this was not a good thing.

Supervisor Zhao repeated in a tone that brooked no refusal: "Stretch out your hand."

In just a dozen seconds, the player was already sweating profusely: "This is..."

"If you don't cooperate, you will be deemed to have voluntarily given up the interview."

Unable to refuse explicitly, the player can only grit his teeth and do what the other party says.

Supervisor Zhao's acupuncture technique was very rough, almost pushing the needle directly into the blood vessel. The player didn't care about the slight stinging and watched the unknown liquid being injected into his body. This feeling was quite bad. The initial extreme tension passed, and gradually, his mood calmed down. His eyes were relaxed but peaceful. Supervisor Zhao brought a stool and the player sat on it blankly.

On the stage, the player had a dazzling headlight above his head. The person sitting alone on the stage did not look like a job applicant but more like a prisoner being interrogated.

After checking the time, the interviewer resumed his conversation and asked the first question: "Are you a good person?"

"No." Without the ambiguity just now, the player answered without thinking.

The interviewer reset his score to zero for the first question, "What bad things have you done?"

"I killed a teammate, hurt several people, and molested a neighbor's low-IQ child..." The player was already unconscious, mixing together all the bad things he had done in real life and those in the dungeon.

Other players had no time to gloat, not to mention that they had been struggling in the dungeon for a long time. Before being pulled into the dungeon, everyone was just living their routine lives. If they had to talk about good things, they could only barely remember a few.

Someone whispered, "Not only have I donated steps, I've also donated eggs, which are two good things."

"… "

This kind of self-deprecating joke cannot ease the tense atmosphere. As it stands, one good thing, even a very small one, can be converted into five points. If the mental outlook points are sufficient, as long as you can name ten good things, you will pass.

Not surprisingly, the first player was judged to have failed the interview.

The interviewer asked: "You have two choices, leave the factory and wait for the bus, or stay in the factory, which one do you want to choose?"

The player looked dazed: "Stay."

This was the answer that came from his subconscious mind. Subconsciously, he remembered what Supervisor Zhao had said, that if he stayed outside, he would be attacked by monsters.

The interviewer showed a strange smile on his arrogant face. He looked at Supervisor Zhao and said, "Take him to the cafeteria to help."


"Wu Shu." The interviewer immediately called out the second name.

The player corresponding to this name is Tu Bianxi.

He walked onto the stage calmly, showing no signs of nervousness.

Tu Bianxi answered the same three questions fluently.

"He is a good person. He has done the worst thing, spreading rumors. He seems to have saved a drowning child and donates regularly every month..."

It sounds like nonsense.

Supervisor Zhao quickly sent the man to the cafeteria, and gave him an injection when he came back. Tu Bianxi's muscles immediately relaxed and his eyelids drooped, but he did not change his previous statement.

Wen Shi exclaimed that it was brilliant. There was actually someone who could talk nonsense more seriously than he did: "Could this be the legendary brainwashing technique?"

"He transferred part of his consciousness to the puppet doll." Ji Yuanzhi's eyes flashed and he saw the clue.

The puppet doll's cloudy eyes now sparkled with a strange wisdom.

Tu Bianxi did so and everything went smoothly until he suddenly heard a buzzing sound in his ears. At first he thought it was a mosquito, but the sound became stronger and stronger.

"Warning, your spiritual purity is declining."

The puppet's eyes moved unnaturally, realizing that lying about good things would directly lead to a decrease in the purity of the mind, and each lie would cause a decrease in purity.

Tu Bianxi didn't dare to make up any more questions. Anyway, the first question accounted for the majority, so passing the test should not be a problem.

The final result was not satisfactory, and considering his mental state, the interviewer finally gave him a score of 67.

"Lin Fei."

Ji Yuanzhi: "It's my turn."

He walked even calmer than Tu Bianxi, and only slowed down suddenly when he passed the interviewer.

The interviewer frowned and was about to urge him when he heard Ji Yuanzhi say, "I am honored to be interviewed by you. To express my honor, please allow me to use my first month's salary after joining the company to buy you a bottle of Meiling Liquid."

The interviewer's face was uncertain when he heard this: "Are you bribing me?"

Ji Yuanzhi calmly explained: "It is a tradition in my family that the first paycheck after joining the company should be used to buy gifts for respected elders."

The interviewer was very satisfied with this kind of flattery, and of course he was even more satisfied with Ji Yuanzhi's understanding.

Next, Ji Yuanzhi only answered the question once on the stage.

Wen Shi sighed: "The ones that cost money are really different."

The financial sponsor is awesome.

Ji Yuanzhi's strategy undoubtedly gave the next player hope, using the same method.

The interviewer knocked on the armrest of the chair twice. The player's face froze. He understood the hint and consciously increased the amount of Meiling Liquid from one bottle to two bottles.

The game prompt sound appears:

"Attention, you owe the interviewer two bottles of Beauty Spirit Liquid. Please pay it back before the end of the month."

At first, Wen Shi thought that the interviewers would ask for more as time went on, but later he found out that was not the case. When the twin sisters came on stage one after another, the interviewers only asked for one bottle of Meiling Liquid, but the male player before them was asked for two bottles.

Wen Shi thought thoughtfully: "It seems to be related to the purity of the soul. If the value is higher, the cost will be relatively less."


Finally it was Wen Shi’s turn.

The previous player was blackmailed for three bottles of Meiling Liquid. He had not yet entered the factory, but the debt was paid first. When he passed by Wen Shi, he felt a little better. Seeing someone who was about to be worse off than him, he suddenly felt that three bottles were not a big deal.

Wen Shi walked forward almost under everyone's gaze. He did not stop when passing by the interviewer. The interviewer, who was waiting for him to curry favor with him, suddenly had a cold look in his eyes.

Wen Shi walked straight to Supervisor Zhao, rolled up his sleeves and revealed half of his fair wrist: "Give me a shot."

This new guy didn't know how to deal with things. When he thought about how he had offended the interviewer, Supervisor Zhao didn't give him a good look at all: "Follow the procedure, you go up first."

Wen Shi said seriously: "Trust me, just give us the injection, it will be good for both of us."

"Hit him." The interviewer said unhappily and gave the newcomer a zero for his mental appearance on the spot.

Wen Shi watched the needle go in with indifference, and recalled the highlight of the scene when he gave the owner of the castle an injection. He knew it was not a good thing, but he had to let the liquid go into his body. This kind of invisible domination was not pleasant. Later, the owner of the castle's worldview collapsed so violently and quickly, probably because he realized that he was being dominated.

The more powerful the boss, the stronger his awakening consciousness seems to be.

Wen Shi had no way to think about the questions that followed. He felt as if he was floating in the clouds. Breathing became increasingly difficult, and his consciousness was floating up and down, as if he had entered some strange standby state.


"Are you a good person?"


"have no idea."


“What good things have you done?”

Wen Shi was silent for a moment. Just as the interviewer sneered and was about to give a zero, he slowly said:

"I have helped the police destroy criminal dens three times. I volunteer at welfare institutions every month. Although I live in poverty, I have a fixed amount of money to donate. When I was in college, I prevented my roommate from falling into traps three times. In the first semester, I won the Citizens' Bravery Award thirteen times, and I actually performed brave deeds 72 times. I will take one day a week to go to public places to correct uncivilized behaviors such as cutting in line to smoke..."

Wen Shi raised his head slightly. There was a light above his head that was too strong. His whole body was coated in the light and his face was shining with kindness.

Do one good deed a day.

In the nearly three years since he made the promise, Wen Shi has conscientiously implemented this principle, only giving himself holidays during the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day. Last year, because it was a leap year that occurs once every four years, he did one more thing.

After entering the dungeon, he relaxed the enforcement of this rule, but he would do it as long as the conditions allowed. Praising the Blood Bride before death and the report letter are good examples of this.

The audience below opened their eyes wide, and some could not help but pinch themselves, wondering if they had inadvertently entered a fantasy, otherwise there would not have been such an outrageous scene as before.

However, twenty minutes passed and Wen Shi was still pouring out the good things he had done.

The players were in disbelief at the beginning, but now they only have one feeling: Will he ever stop

Supervisor Zhao's legs were numb from standing so long, and he finally understood what Wen Shi meant by "it's for your own good." If he asked the questions in two batches, it would be dark by the time he finished answering them.

After being injected with something similar to truth serum, Wen Shi continued to tirelessly talk about good people and good deeds: "I also went deep into a pyramid scheme organization to secretly photograph evidence. Oh, that was an unforgettable experience. This organization was actually related to the transnational trafficking of contraband..."

Tu Bianxi's expression was indescribable. Finally, he couldn't stand it anymore and asked Ji Yuanzhi, "How old is he?"

Ji Yuanzhi rarely responded: "He looks to be in his early twenties."

Tu Bianxi's brows were furrowed so much that he could strangle a fly to death. He deeply suspected that Pei Wenwei was brainwashing himself in some way. But even so, lies were lies after all, and the other person's spiritual purity should have declined like his own.

The effectiveness of the truth serum is also limited. After forty minutes, Wen Shi's voice became hoarse and his dilated pupils gradually regained their luster.

Offstage, the interviewer changed his previous prejudice and rushed forward excitedly. The few muscles on his face kept twitching. He excitedly held Wen Shi's hand: "... Great, you are the spokesperson for Beautiful Mind that I'm looking for! Come on, come with me to see the factory manager!"

(End of this chapter)