Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 43: Big factory


Does the factory director need to personally take part in selecting outstanding new employees

This damn game is full of exploitative capitalists!

Wen Shi thought to himself: "Tell me quickly that the factory director is just one of the judges, tell me quickly!"

He looked up guiltily and found that everyone, including Ji Yuanzhi, was looking at him. Their expressions were complicated, definitely not just the shock of hearing about the murder of the factory director and the joy of winning a team battle.

Great, it seems the game has informed everyone that the factory manager is a judge.

You bastard, I'll kill you sooner or later.

The silence was not broken until the old employees finished packing up and left work and asked Wen Shi if he wanted to go out for dinner.

"I'll go later."

In fact, the old employees didn't dare to spend too much time with him. After giving him a meal card, they immediately flew away excitedly like a bird released from a cage.

As soon as they left, Liu Yun said with a dry throat, "You killed the judge?"

Wen Shi smiled weakly: "It's not all my credit, and the factory director was infected with the virus before."

Afraid that they wouldn't believe him, Wen Shi raised his hand to swear, "It's true."

At most, he was the one who pulled out the oxygen tube at the bedside.

After the prompt sound is stuck for a while, it starts playing again -

"One of the judges of this event passed away unexpectedly. In order to continue the spiritual culture advocated by the factory director during his lifetime, the selection of outstanding new employees will continue."

Hearing this, Wen Shi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s good that it didn’t collapse. If it collapses now like the first copy, wouldn’t all the efforts in the first round of team battles be in vain

The players finally accepted the reality and focused on discussing the reasons for the difficulty increase.

Zhang Suihe's dead eyes became extremely bright: "Is it because a new boss has been added?"

Now the factory manager's death has not been discovered yet, and no one is sure what state he was in before his death, whether he returned to dust or turned into a monster running rampant in the dungeon. According to the inertia of the game, the latter is definitely more likely.

Ji Yuanzhi hesitated for a moment and shook his head almost at the same time as Wen Shi: "Impossible."

After looking at each other, Ji Yuanzhi signaled Wen Shi to speak first.

"If the factory director was really that powerful, he wouldn't die so easily." Wen Shi was not trying to excuse himself. Jian Qingrong had already secretly given the factory director an unknown drug once. Even if he didn't take action, the factory director wouldn't last long.

After he stopped, Ji Yuanzhi only said two words: "Judge."

The factory manager is gone, and a new judge has been added to the game, and this judge is probably the fatal threat.

Zhang Suihe was convinced, and after a moment of silence, he said, "This book is very strange."

The selection of outstanding employees is generally based on employee attendance, technical ability, or outstanding contribution to the unit, but the tasks assigned so far are all going in the opposite direction.

"The notice said that we should promote the corporate spirit and culture," Ji Yuanzhi said, "it's just an elimination mechanism."

You don't have to be the best, just make sure you have no competitors.

From the fact that the losing party in the first round of team battle mission needs to vote out one team member, it can be seen that the game is indirectly encouraging players to fight like wolves. This is the corporate culture that [big companies] should implement in depth.

"And..." Ji Yuanzhi sneered, "Team battle missions only have punishments, no rewards."

He is so stingy even with the purity of his soul, as if he just wants more people to die.

Everyone took a deep breath when they heard this. That’s right, if the other team had no one left at the end, victory would naturally belong to them.

This inevitably reminds people of the direction of the dungeon of [Horror Castle Night], which is essentially a process of mutual elimination.

Liu Yun couldn't help but look at Wen Shi, who was leaning casually on the operating table. He was only in his early twenties and had not even had much contact with the real society. However, it was this gentle appearance that directly led to the second round of endgame and the current copy upgrade.

Just then, Wen Shi raised his eyelids, and when they looked at each other, his pupils, which were lighter than those of ordinary people, showed a natural cruelty. Liu Yun felt a chill in her heart for no reason.

Could it really be a hidden antisocial personality

"I think you are a little extreme in thinking about the issue."

Wen Shi looked at everyone in confusion: "Why do you think of fighting and killing when something happens? Isn't it said that the key point lies in the judges? Then we should naturally build good relationships with the leaders and strengthen personal exchanges."

The chill that Liu Yun had felt before was swept away, and turned into something indescribable.

The players are cunning, and the NPCs are not good character settings. No matter how good the relationship is, there is no guarantee that they will not turn against you in the end. What's the point of building relationships

Seeing her thoughts, Wen Shi was helpless: "Do you know what the benefits of being a dormitory manager are?"

Liu Yun realized it later and recalled the respectful attitude of the old employee during the day, and asked in surprise: "Could it be..."

"The residents of this floor will obey your orders." Wen Shi smiled and held up three fingers. "So what we should do is: first, find out who the judges are; second, determine which floor the judges live on; third, become the dormitory manager of that floor."

What about group battle missions, side quests, work tasks... all of them are nonsense. Climbing up is what serious people should do.

Furthermore, the game advocates truth, kindness and beauty. At any time, if the starting point is to harm others, it will be backfired sooner or later. Unfortunately, due to the influence of the general environment, most players think that not harming others is not being defensive and stupid, which is completely a substitution of concepts.

Wen Shi shook his head after saying that. He turned off the lights in the work area as required by the general factory and checked whether the windows were closed. "But now I am more curious about who Tu Bianxi's team will kick out."

Ji Yuanzhi gave a direct answer: "Kick attack skill."

General attack skills can be replaced by props.

"..." Lu Tang, who also possessed attacking skills, felt the deep malice from the world.

Before leaving the workshop, everyone voted for the captain, and Wen Shi, who provided them with free lunch and extra work, was elected with a high vote.

"Player 460872 was successfully elected as the captain of the first team."

"Congratulations on choosing the player with the full initial mental purity score as your team leader. The team mental purity is 2."

Everyone was shocked.

Full marks

Game, is what you say actually human

Wen Shi remained calm, thinking that a perfect score was not worth mentioning. Later, he even passed the exam with a burst of points.

It was getting dark outside.

When they went out, they saw two staff members in tight protective clothing carrying a player.

The protective clothing worn by the staff was different from the ones worn by the workers every morning when they unloaded the goods. It was very thick, with a layer of soft armor embedded on the surface. When the old employees passing by saw them, they all took the initiative to stand far to the side, with a hint of fear in their expressions.

Ji Yuanzhi took out the binoculars and said, "There is a capital letter F embroidered on the chest of the protective suit."

It's so worn that it's hard to see without looking closely.

Wen Shi immediately thought of Frank Hospital: "It's someone from the sanatorium."

"I'm not contaminated!" The player who was taken away struggled desperately, trying to improve the purity of his mind as much as possible by taking the Beauty Spirit Liquid. However, it was all in vain, and the staff continued to drag him away in a very cold manner.

There was really no other way, so the player had to use props to resist. He knew that once he was taken away, there would be no way to survive.

[You have been listed as a contaminated person. All damage output during the transfer process will be considered invalid attacks.]

The prompt given by the system made his eyes go dark.


The staff mechanically warned Wen Shi and others who tried to come over to find out what was going on.

Tu Bianxi's team was also there not far away, obviously observing what punishment the members they had chosen to eliminate would suffer.

The staff didn't allow them to follow, so in the end everyone could only watch the player disappear from their sight.

"It turns out to be a teammate who gave up his attacking skills." Lu Tang's overdeveloped muscles twitched. "I know that person. His name is Qu Zikun. His skills are related to swords."

Soon he had no time to sympathize with others, as the system sent a reminder, asking Lu Tang to pay off today's fine, the Meiling liquid promised during the interview, and the credit from Haisheng as soon as possible.

"Failure to pay back your debts will cause your Soul Purity to decrease by 5 at the start of each workday."

Except for Wen Shi, everyone received a repayment reminder.

The unscrupulous factories do not pay wages during the probation period, and they can only earn subsidies by working night shifts.

Lu Tang said painfully: "I have inquired, the internal price of the first generation of Meiling Liquid is 30 yuan per bottle, the improved version is 80 yuan, and the enhanced version is 100 yuan."

Compared to what I owed for the interview, the fine I paid for going to work today was nothing.

Wen Shi: "If all else fails, we can only deal with the creditors."

“…” md, who just said that they think in an extreme way

In any case, the night shift salary must be earned, and Wen Shi himself is preparing to stock up on some Meiling liquid. The radio reports on air pollution are repeated one after another, and they are still on loop. I am afraid that after a while, the purity of 101 will not be able to withstand it.

Everyone spontaneously followed Haisheng's instructions and prepared to go to the guard room.

Zhou Xiaochun moved closer to Wen Shi: "They are all looking at you."

He was referring to Tu Bianxi's group. The baby-faced girl in the group even spoke up with interest: "You seem to be very good at killing people."

Wen Shi: “…”

Shut up, you smart guy!

The security guard who had boasted to Supervisor Zhao about riding horses in the duty room was gone. The new security guard went straight to work without a normal handover and made several mistakes during the day. For example, when Haisheng went out to withdraw money at noon, he did not ask the supervisor to issue a travel permit, resulting in a scolding from the leader who came to inspect the work in the afternoon.

"They said someone is missing, but I think he just stole things and ran away." The new security guard kept complaining.

The game allows players to try to communicate with the former guard, and the fact of death is beyond doubt. Tu Bianxi, who was walking in the front, explained his purpose: "The leader asked us to get the night shift duty manual and do a simple training."

The security guard searched frantically.

The duty room was very small, and it would be very crowded if both teams squeezed in, so Wen Shi and others stood outside.

The security guard opened a cabinet door, and a pile of unorganized booklets fell out. They had red text on a black background and no unnecessary embellishments on the cover. The title "Large Factory Night Shift Duty Manual" was particularly eye-catching.

The square characters were crowded into a line, flashing a cold color. Just looking at the cover was enough to make people feel chilly.

The guard picked it up from the ground and impatiently distributed one to each player in turn.

Wen Shi also got it. The surface of the light booklet was very cold and smooth. After opening it, the contents were all written in red letters.

Night shift security job requirements:

1. Don’t sleep, don’t sleep, don’t sleep!

2. It is not recommended to patrol alone, as you will always need a companion to remind you not to doze off.

3. Please note that there are many harms of staying up late. The first hour of the night shift will cause your skin to crack; the second hour of the night shift will damage your brain and reduce your memory; the third hour of the night shift will cause excessive gastric acid secretion and you will start to vomit in pain; the fourth hour of the night shift will cause your vision to decline due to excessive eye use, blurry... or even temporary blindness; the fifth hour of the night shift will finally make you manic and irritable; the sixth hour of the night shift will cause you to suffer from heart failure and be in danger of sudden death at any time.

4. In order to implement great love, the factory only requires employees to work six hours of night shifts, from 10 pm to 4 am the next day. Please leave the workshop in time after 4 o'clock.

5. There is a shortage of electric batons in the factory recently, so they are not being distributed to employees for the time being.

6. Only workshop 3 needs night shift security. Be sure to register after patrolling. After 4 o'clock, the number of locations that each team has not patrolled will determine the number of team members that need to be eliminated. Note that the player who patrols the most locations cannot be eliminated.

There were sounds of people gasping for air all around, and Zhou Xiaochun covered his chest in pain: "My heartbeat has started to become irregular."

Wen Shi said in a deep voice: "The world needs entrepreneurship."

Zhou Xiaochun beside him had already closed the booklet, not wanting to look at it again. He said with emotion: "You need capital to start a business!"

Wen Shi said seriously: "Have you heard of direct inheritance-style entrepreneurship?"

Zhou Xiaochun shook his head and asked, "What do you mean?"

Wen Shi smiled gently: "I was just talking nonsense."

Zhou Xiaochun inexplicably felt that his smile was more creepy than the words in the booklet.

Wen Shi continued to flip through the pages, and a series of locations were listed at the back: archive room, quality inspection area, shipping warehouse... There was a small grid behind each one, and a "√" had to be drawn behind it when the patrol was over.

After reading it all, he reminded Zhou Xiaochun: "Finish reading it."


"You can only give hints after you finish reading it."

Zhou Xiaochun scanned it like a scanner, and sure enough, there was a prompt sound:

"Congratulations on learning to slack off during your day job. This represents a step towards becoming a mature employee."

"As a good employee, you should help your colleagues, but you should also learn to refuse others appropriately. During the night shift, if the old employee who asks you for help is a human being, please help him as much as possible, and he will repay you. On the contrary, if you think the other party is not, please immediately tell the person who asks for help, "Do your own thing."

"Those seeking help are often fragile and sensitive. Please protect their self-esteem."

"Come on, new employee! Your kindness has to have a bit of an edge."

It's already an S-level horror copy, why the hell do you still want to be kind!

Zhou Xiaochun was so angry that he wanted to swear.

The security guards didn't even understand their jobs, let alone any training. They took the opportunity to let these cheap laborers clean the retractable door and sweep the ground near the gate, as if they wanted them to clean even the gaps between the curbstones.

The only advantage is that the security guard will pay a little attention to the player while they are working and provide some information.

When Wen Shi seemed to complain that the air was getting worse, the guard took him at face value: "More and more people are infected outside, so I came here to be a security guard. If things get worse, I can hide in a sanatorium. I heard that it is the last piece of pure land in this city."

Wen Shi took the opportunity to ask where the sanatorium was. In fact, he had privately asked the residents on the fourth floor during lunch, but he didn't get an answer. They all said that the factory didn't allow discussions about the sanatorium, and they didn't know anything about it. The guard spread his hands and said, "I haven't been there either, but it must be nearby. It's a remote place, probably built next to a bank or a store."

Wen Shi pressed the issue further: "Can you help me draw a rough location? I'll treat you to a drink after I get my salary next month."

While the guard was drawing, a girl from Tu Bianxi's team calmly took out a small mirror. There was an inharmonious light flickering on the mirror, and it was obviously a prop.

Wen Shi noticed this scene but did not stop it. He was always skeptical about information that came too easily. If someone was really willing to explore it, he would fully support it.

The night shift started at 10 o'clock, so to be on the safe side, everyone went to the cafeteria to have a meal.

The initial spiritual purity is still very important. In addition to the mission rewards, the subsequent values increased by food supplements and beauty spirit liquid cannot exceed the initial limit. Of course, the extra one in Wen Shi was an accident.

The players gathered at the entrance of Workshop 3 half an hour in advance. The two teams were far apart, each making their own plans.

Wen Shi suddenly had a strong feeling that he was being watched. He raised his eyes slightly and found nothing wrong.

Over there, Tu Bianxi was communicating with several teammates, standing sideways with his back almost facing him.

At this moment, Ji Yuanzhi suddenly invited Wen Shi to go to a big tree farther away alone.

"He's going to take action." Ji Yuanzhi said straight to the point.

Wen Shi looked at Ji Yuanzhi, who was staring at Tu Bianxi in front of him: "Tu Bianxi will definitely attack you tonight. I am not exaggerating. The first 48 hours after entering the dungeon is almost a protection period for players. After these 48 hours, all of our energy will be focused on staying alive."

"So..." Ji Yuanzhi asked seriously, "Do you need a bodyguard?"

Wen Shi: “For example?”

Ji Yuanzhi recommended himself: "I only need 3,000 points."

Wen Shi neither trusted Tu Bianxi nor the person in front of him.

"I won't hurt you, because I've already got what I want." Seeing Wen Shi's unmoved expression, Ji Yuanzhi slowly uttered a number, "Eighty-two."

Wen Shi's heart sank.

Deleting file No. 82 is his unique mission.

Wen Shi's first reaction was that the other party could read minds, but he denied this view. He had not thought about this since he entered the dungeon. Wen Shi quickly calmed down. Ji Yuanzhi must not know more about the inside story, otherwise he would not have just said a number.

Seeing him calm down so quickly, Ji Yuanzhi secretly admired him.

"I can tell you straight away that Tu Bianxi is a dual-skilled person. In addition to [Puppet], he has another very powerful skill that even the leader of the Puppet Guild doesn't know about. Without a bodyguard, you won't survive this night."

"Of course, if you are willing to join the Second Guild, I can be your bodyguard in a dungeon for free, and give you 3,000 points."

Wen Shi was silent for a moment, then asked, "So generous?"

Ji Yuanzhi pushed his glasses down out of habit and responded with his previous address: "As long as you nod, I'm still Dad."

"… "

Before Wen Shi gave his answer, Ji Yuanzhi looked down at his vibrating phone: "Supervisor Zhao is here."

The two stopped communicating temporarily and quickly returned to the workshop door.

Supervisor Zhao came over specifically to explain some things to pay attention to during the night shift.

He seemed to have completely recovered from his emotional injury. He mentioned two things: "It is strictly forbidden to steal the beauty liquid during the night shift, and it is strictly forbidden to gamble and drink during the shift. I am tired of saying these two sentences every year, but some people just like to challenge the factory system."

Supervisor Zhao suddenly raised his voice: "I'm talking about something, why are you in a daze?!"

The one he scolded was Liu Yuan. Everyone subconsciously looked in the direction Liu Yuan had just looked. On the third floor, there was a figure standing by the window. Not only on the third floor, but also every few windows, there were figures swaying. There were also heads sticking out of the windows on the first floor. The heads looked like smashed watermelons, deformed and rotten.

It was hard to imagine that they would later take the initiative to walk into this ghost-filled place and stay there for six hours.

"It's almost time." Tu Bianxi looked at his watch and said, "Go back and rest early. Leave the evening's affairs to us."

While everyone was trying to avoid it, he seemed to be eager to step into the dark and bloody factory.

Tu Bianxi wore a bracelet similar to Buddhist beads on his wrist, which was wrapped around his hand three times. However, if you look closely, you will find that the bracelet is made up of fingernail-sized human head beads. Each face has a different expression, changing from laughter to anger and anger all the time.

Wen Shi felt as if his soul was being sucked away after just one look. He forced himself to calm down and sent a message to the former dormitory manager to take his place on duty tonight. As he pressed the send button, he suddenly became curious about whether he could get paid as a dormitory manager. He almost worked for nothing.

Game, game, Answer me!

game:"… "

The prompt did not answer this question, but brought another message:

"Hint: Interviewer, right? Increase your favorability by 100."

"Reminder: Add 100 to 602 resident Qiu Chi's favorability towards ?."

"Reminder: Add 100 points to resident Yi Zhen's favorability towards ? in room 603."

"hint… "

"Reminder, ? Officially upgraded to sixth-floor dormitory manager."

"Sixth floor dormitory manager? He is leading his residents on their way to you."

Wen Shi was stunned. A few minutes later, there was a noise coming from the front that could not be ignored.

On the other side under the dim light of the street lamps, at least a hundred people were walking aggressively. They were all wearing work clothes with their sleeves rolled up high, revealing their muscular bodies. The workers in the front row were each carrying a stick, those in the middle were holding steel pipes that they got from nowhere, and those in the back row were holding a brick in each hand and had folded knives on their waists, looking like they were part of a gang fight.

But their boss did not have any bloody and brutal temperament. The slender boy like a dodder was in the C position, and the dim moonlight could not weaken the color of his silver hair.

The residents on the sixth floor were not like those on the fourth floor, all of whom were as skinny as monkeys and had expressionless faces. Every step they took was very oppressive, and the wind brought by the corners of their clothes made the leaves on the roadside fly up.

"… "

The players at the workshop door opened their mouths wide.

Wen Shi was no exception. The scene even made him feel like he had accidentally entered the filming set of a movie.

Finally, the boy walked up to him and smiled: "Brother, I'm late."

As soon as he finished speaking, more than a hundred people behind him bowed to Wen Shi at the same time and said with full energy: "We are late!"

very noisy.

The young man frowned first. The types of employees on the sixth floor were rather simple. They only grew muscles but not brains. They could only be used as is during special periods.

Wen Shi's throat moved, and he swallowed his saliva before he could find his voice again: "They are..."

"I'm here to be your bodyguard."

Supervisor Zhao finally came to his senses.

When he saw the name tag on the boy's chest, he almost lost his voice, "You, you became the dormitory manager on the sixth floor?" He looked around the crowd impatiently, "Where's the interviewer?"

The interviewer also lives on the sixth floor, but his status is very ordinary and he lives in the most marginal position.

The boy just glanced at her casually, but his eyes seemed to be filled with the Milky Way in the sky, flowing and shimmering: "My dog can only be a Tibetan Mastiff, no Teddy bear."

Tai, Teddy

Supervisor Zhao quickly took out his sunglasses from his pocket and put them on. His shoulders could be faintly seen trembling.

There is strength in numbers, this saying never goes out of date. With so many people gathered here at this moment, the factory that looked like a man-eating monster in the night did not seem so scary. Wen Shi even felt that there were too many people, the air was not circulating, and it was a bit hot.

As the new generation of the Patron King, he pulled Ji Yuanzhi's sleeve and said, "Come on, call me daddy."

"… "

(End of this chapter)