Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 48: Big factory


Ji Yuanzhi opened the iron cage without knowing when.

Not only did he come out by himself, he also pasted two high-level talismans on the inspector and found another bunch of keys. After that, Ji Yuanzhi released the players from Tu Bianxi's team who were also in the contaminated state to fight.

Wen Shi knew the purpose of this action, which was to plunder the other party's beauty spirit liquid.

He calmly suppressed the hint of surprise in his eyes.

What if the Beauty Spirit Liquid was stored in the backpack? Ji Yuanzhi would not act in vain, he must be fully confident. Wen Shi confirmed from this detail: the items in the backpack space could also be looted.

The real bride once stole a safe for herself. Wen Shi had never paid much attention to this newly added column, but now, wow, it is so important!

May the kind true bride be free forever.

Wen Shi gave her a thumbs up in his heart.

Being bold and careful can make up for most of the shortcomings, but it can never make up for combat experience. At this stage, Ji Yuanzhi's combat experience is far beyond Wen Shi's reach, and he got a bottle of Meiling Liquid as a supply as he wished.

Ji Yuanzhi put the alienated player back into the cage.

The Seven Commandments players watched the entire process and had no intention of stopping it.

Wen Shi looked at the Beauty Spirit Liquid in Ji Yuanzhi's hand, and then looked at the alienated player in the cage: "He would rather be alienated than use it?"

"It's not that I don't need it, it's that it's useless," Ji Yuanzhi said in a slightly cold tone, "This is the first edition of the Beauty Spirit Liquid. The first time it's used, the effect is best. It can directly restore nearly ten points of spiritual purity, but it will increase drug resistance by 45%. The more times you take it, the less effective it will be."

This is the most disgusting part. When they first entered the factory, they had no way to get the higher-grade Meiling liquid, and they had to go into debt just to pass the interview. The side effect of the first version of Meiling liquid was permanent drug resistance, which meant that even if they got the improved or even enhanced version of Meiling liquid later, the effect would be greatly reduced when they used it.

The only thing that could make up for it was the cafeteria food, and there was a rule posted at the door: only dine-in.

The bloody words on the cloth faded further. Wen Shi did not dare to let the Liu sisters repeat it too many times, for fear that they would be sent away because of insufficient health points before their alienated state was alleviated.

The effect of the talisman disappeared, and the inspector did not launch a vicious attack immediately. The recovery of his memories caused too much harm to him, a double trauma to his mind and body.

Ji Yuanzhi came to his side and used the [Hallucination] skill to further break through the psychological defense of the quality inspector who was on the verge of collapse.

"Is there a kind of box in the quality inspection area? The outside is welded with wooden strips, and the inner wall is steel."

While questioning, Ji Yuanzhi also talked to Wen Shi about what happened not long ago.

After parting with Wen Shi, Ji Yuanzhi and others split into two teams. Zhou Xiaochun, Zhang Suihe, and Lu Tang went to the underground floor, while he took Liu Yuan and Liu Yun to explore the underground floor. There, they found a blood-stained box. The task required them to explore the box. As soon as they opened it, a monster flew out of it. After a fight, the three of them killed the monster together and were teleported to the quality inspection area at the same time.

Who would have thought that as soon as he came in, his spiritual purity would drop by eight points.

The second underground floor, monsters, and suspicious boxes.

Wen Shi almost immediately remembered that when he went to workshop three, the inner edge of the box that Jian Qingrong was pushing was bleeding. It was very likely the same box that Ji Yuanzhi and the others were now going to explore.

"The sanatorium... the special pollution source sealed box... the technology is still immature, and the inner wall will be corroded by the monster's saliva..." The quality inspector uttered a sentence intermittently.

The quality inspection area used to be the only institution that had access to nursing homes, and they would regularly receive samples from the nursing homes for biopsy testing.

"Sanatorium?" Wen Shizhi seemed to be thinking. So the sealed box on the second underground floor also came from the sanatorium? He directly linked Jian Qingrong to the sanatorium.

That place is very dangerous, and it is very interesting that Jian Qingrong was able to bring things out.

Facing Wen Shi's subtle changes in expression, Ji Yuanzhi raised his eyebrows. They were clearly making progress together, but the other party always seemed to get more information before him. He was a newcomer who spoke casually and was even a little unreliable, but he could not let his guard down.

There was a sudden noise outside, and Ji Yuanzhi raised his head: "The person you called may be coming."

When Wen Shi leaned towards the crack of the door, he asked, "Where is Tu Bianxi?"

"He went out." Ji Yuanzhi said, "His second skill can confuse the auras of humans and ghosts, and it is also related to space."

"You have such an amazing skill?"

Ji Yuanzhi nodded: "A ghost wall."

Soon Wen Shi no longer had time to be surprised and looked out through the crack in the door.

The lighting in the work area is sufficient, but the fan-shaped area about half a meter away from the entrance is dim.

The boy stood in the fan-shaped area where the light alternated. His milky white lamb horns emitted a soft glow, and the tip of his beautiful and powerful tail swayed slightly. Unlike when the doorman ghost delivered the goods to the door, the quality inspector at work did not immediately define the visitor as a sample, but instead felt a strong desire to blaspheme.

It was strange that even though Wen Shi's eyesight was deteriorating, he could still see the details of the boy very clearly.


what's your name?-

Adam, Jehovah, Raphael...

This was the answer the boy had given to Wen Shi, and the scope was always fixed on God and the Archangels. After watching quietly for three seconds, Wen Shi took a breath, but this horn and tail, no matter how you look at it, it is a demon species!

Wen Shi recovered and said to Ji Yuanzhi, "Quickly release the gatekeeper ghost, so that you can see how powerful my brother is."

The mysterious feeling just now disappeared. Ji Yuanzhi looked at him deeply. Others rely on their parents, but you rely on your younger brother. You are really great.

The guard ghost was released and walked over suspiciously, not understanding what was going on.

"Please help cover my brother's eyes."

Suddenly, a bewitching voice came from outside. When Ji Yuanzhi came to his senses, his hands had already covered Wen Shi's eyes.

Almost at the moment when Wen Shi was blinded, the boy disappeared from the spot, and appeared next to the nearby quality inspector in the next second. His tail directly pierced the other's chest, leaving a long string of blood when he pulled out his tail.

When the security guard ghost saw this scene, his eyes almost popped out!

This was not a real killing. The boy absorbed these souls.

The quality inspection area kept recalling what happened on the day the area was sealed off. In a sense, time had stopped here and their souls were fresh.

But it's another matter in the eyes of outsiders.

Whether it was the old man ghost on Wen Shi's back or the guard ghost in the cage, their bodies were shaking uncontrollably, and Ji Yuanzhi's eyes hidden behind the lenses were no longer as calm as before.

Due to the angle, the members of the Seven Commandments could only hear a sound like a rushing wind.

Wen Shi had no idea what kind of killing show was going on. He was blindfolded obediently and started communicating with the guard ghost.

The worship task is a special hint given when the copy is upgraded. The gatekeeper ghost must have some important clues here.

Frightened by the teenager and not wanting to be the next member of the quality inspection area to be killed, the security ghost was now more docile than a domestic puppy and basically answered every question.

While Wen Shi was trying to extract information, the security guard ghost said a total of three relatively useful sentences.

"The factory manager asked me to help him carry boxes of Meiling Liquid to the dormitory every few months. The factory manager lived on the seventh floor."

"Once I was curious and asked who lived on the eighth floor. The factory manager scolded me, but he still answered that the eighth floor was occupied by the staff of the sanatorium."

"I asked again if the director of the sanatorium lived on the eighth floor. The factory director said he didn't know. He had never met Director Jin and they usually contacted each other by phone."

When talking about Dean Jin, the guard ghost shuddered for no apparent reason, and his voice trembled unconsciously, as if this name, which he had never met and only existed in other people's mouths, could kill people invisibly.

He subconsciously felt that Wen Shi would also tremble, but the other party looked strange and murmured in a low voice: "I hope he is not a judge, otherwise it will be disadvantageous for me to select outstanding new employees."

If the other party does not live in the dormitory but in a nursing home, the dormitory management plan cannot be implemented, which will be a bit troublesome.

"!" The factory manager is dead, they are trapped in the quality inspection area and can't get out, and you still have the mind to think about the selection of new employees!

Devil, absolute devil.

The real devil is out there slaying ghosts.

There was no smell of blood in the air, but every time a quality inspector disappeared, the salty and smelly smell of seafood would burst out from their disappearing bodies, just like the smell emanating from Wang Wei's body in the freight elevator. Wen Shi was made nauseous by the smell, which further irritated his already aching stomach.

The pain helped him concentrate, and Wen Shi took the opportunity to analyze the information he had.

The guard's previous words made him feel very strange. To be exact, this strange feeling had existed since day one. There was something strange about this factory, but he couldn't put his finger on why.

His brain seemed to be rusted. Wen Shi's brows were furrowed from beginning to end. Earlier in the quality inspection area, he thought Ji Yuanzhi was a fake and wanted to kill him with a knife. He felt the same way, as if he had gotten stuck in a dead end.

The quality inspection area is amplifying the players' misconceptions. Is this true for the entire instance

It may not be as exaggerated as here, but it will limit people's thinking to some extent.

Once this idea came into being, it was unstoppable. Wen Shi singled out the facts that he was extremely certain of since he entered the dungeon, and then questioned them one by one from a perspective beyond the scope of the game. Suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something and clenched his fingers suddenly.

Ji Yuanzhi noticed his change, but before he could ask any questions, the young man who had almost slaughtered the entire quality inspection area came towards him and pushed open the half-open door of the sample area.

Ji Yuanzhi let go of his hand, and Wen Shi saw the light again.

There were only running machines left in the work area, but no one was seen, as if the previous scene of everyone working overtime was just an illusion.

"Brother, they wanted to kill me, and I fought back a little bit."

Ji Yuanzhi & the old man ghost & the gatekeeper ghost: "..."

My goodness, is the purpose of blindfolding just to make it easier to talk nonsense

Wen Shi actually seemed to believe it, and looked at the boy from head to toe with great concern: "Are you okay?"

The game actually condoned this kind of killing, and he was worried about whether there would be any backlash.

It was the first time that the boy was looked at with concern. He was so nervous that he could hardly speak: "I'm fine." He glanced at Wen Shi cautiously, making sure that he did not see any fear of his appearance in his light eyes.

Wen Shi even praised it, saying, "The horns are indeed better looking than the aperture."

He believes this from the bottom of his heart based on his personal aesthetic.

"My brother will have those too... ears."

"Hmm?" Wen Shi didn't hear clearly what he said.

The boy suddenly sighed: "I wanted to see my brother dressed up."

Dress up? What does that mean

"It's a pity that the being who rescued me is guiding me to a place." The young man narrowed his soul-stirring eyes. "It seems that he wants to use me to deal with something. It smells very good and is very nutritious."

He wanted to tell Wen Shi the exact location, but was restricted.

A place? Wen Shi asked, "A sanatorium?"

The boy smiled without saying anything. The forced intervention of the game made Wen Shi certain of the answer.

Wen Shi suddenly asked in a tone of inquiry: "A person who hides very deeply and is even more cunning is easily increasing his favorability towards someone. What does this mean?"

When the entire quality inspection area was about to turn completely black and white, the boy's horns still shone with a pure luster. He slowly wiped the blood beads on the tip of his tail:

"There is a flower on the road, it is very beautiful, so you like it. When you see a small animal for the first time, you feel it is new and you like it because you have never seen it before. But would you lose your life for a flower or a small animal?"

Wen Shi understood what he wanted to express. As long as you hit the point, liking someone is an easy thing, but also a very limited thing.

"If 100% is everything, what's important is not the 99%," the boy glanced at the security guard ghost.

The guard ghost went from trembling to obsession, and then to obedience... Master, I am your dog!

Ignoring the guard ghost's fall, the boy continued, "It's the one percent that the other party retained."

It would be interesting to get that one percent and turn this insignificant liking into a surrender that you are willing to give your soul for.

[Protect my brother.]

He gave orders to the gatekeeper ghost.

After saying this, the boy raised his innocent smile again, shook the tip of his beautiful tail at Wen Shi, and disappeared from the spot.

This time, there is no need to tick the √ in the booklet separately, and a reminder tone will sound:

[Dedicated night security guard, congratulations on completing the sleepwalking patrol. Since you are not the first person to complete the patrol point, you cannot obtain the note fragment. ]

The first person to leave here was Tu Bianxi. When Wen Shi heard this, instead of feeling depressed, the smile in the corner of his eyes deepened.

Ji Yuanzhi quickly released Liu Yuan and Liu Yun from the cage. They were not fully conscious yet and kept muttering, "Meat, meat."

The members of the Seven Commandments had originally left Tu Bianxi as a backup to deal with Wen Shi. They had originally intended to wait until the other party strengthened his misunderstanding and then release the [Boost] skill, but they hadn't anticipated the possibility of calling for help.

But it doesn’t matter. The member of the Seven Commandments showed a weird smile and mouthed to Wen Shi: See you soon.

In an instant, the world was plunged into darkness. After a dizzying moment, the fishy smell of seafood in the air turned into the smell of dust, and the roof was covered with spider webs.

A monster flashed past the deserted quality inspection area. It was the ghost of the quality inspector who was left out of the sample area and escaped the killing of the teenager. He jumped to the other end, and the rotten flesh on his face rolled to Wen Shi's feet.

Wen Shi remembered that before entering the quality inspection area, there was also a monster standing on the stairs to provoke him, and the rotten flesh on its face fell to his feet.

Going around in circles, it's like going back in time.

The two sides stared at each other for a few seconds, and then the monster ran deep into the quality inspection area and disappeared.


When Wen Shi came to his senses, he saw Ji Yuanzhi had to tie up the twin sisters' hands: "Take them to the cafeteria as soon as possible."

The food in the cafeteria is more effective than the Meiling Liquid.

Wen Shi found a cart, put the Liu sisters on it, and started running down the corridor. He couldn't go down the stairs with the cart, so he walked on the gentle slope for transporting goods. When he went down, Wen Shi not only did he not fall over with the cart, but he was able to ask while running: "How many spots did you patrol?"

"Including the quality inspection area, there are two in total."

Wen Shi: "I have two too."

Ji Yuanzhi called Zhou Xiaochun and asked the same question. The call lasted for a long time before the other end answered. He responded weakly, "Two, two. Lu Tang can't hold on any longer. Our legs are weak now. Let's go to the cafeteria."

Everyone was in poor health. When Ji Yuanzhi looked at Wen who was running with a cart in front of him, he was sure that he was not in good condition either. But the most shocking thing was that this person dared to turn his back to him.

Ji Yuanzhi was finding it increasingly difficult to see through him.

Of course, no one can guarantee the basis of the game's judgment. After each patrol, the reminder sound will add a description: dedicated night shift security guard. How to distinguish between dedication and disrespect, and what punishment will be imposed for disrespect are all unknown.

Fortunately, the booklet did not explicitly state that people were not allowed to go out during shifts. At most, they would be accused of being unprofessional and have their wages deducted for that night, but the crime would not be punishable by death.

In front, Wen Shi tried hard to focus his eyes: "Tell me the time."

Gateman Ghost: "A quarter past three in the morning."

The worst thing happened. After coming out of the quality inspection area, the time inside and outside was the same.


Chuck, chuck.

While running, a strange laugh came from somewhere.

Woo woo woo. Woo woo woo.

Voices of mixed sadness and joy rang out from all directions. Wen Shi already had a headache, and when he encountered such a noisy scene, his brows furrowed.

Suddenly, faces of different shapes and sizes appeared around him, spinning densely. However, these ghost heads did not actively attack Wen Shi, but only formed a wall that meandered like a river, flowing back and forth.

Wen Shi felt that these people looked familiar, so he stopped and sneered, "Tu Bianxi."

The bracelet that Tu Bianxi wore tonight was made up of terrifying little human heads. That thing left Wen Shi with an extremely ominous feeling at the time. Even though his memory has declined now, he can still remember it at the first moment.

He said to Ji Yuanzhi, "Take Liu Yun and the others and retreat first."

These two people can no longer afford to delay.

Ji Yuanzhi looked at him with some surprise.

The broadcast was almost saying that action could be taken against the mastermind behind the murder of the factory director. Tu Bianxi would certainly show no mercy, but he didn't even seek help at this critical juncture.

Wen Shi had been observing Ji Yuanzhi's expression. When he got satisfactory feedback, he withdrew his gaze without changing his expression.

All along the way, he has been undermining the other party's vigilance.

Firstly, Wen Shi was sure that this selfless act of saving people would make Ji Yuanzhi relax his guard. This was the same as increasing his favorability. One day, he would find an opportunity to find out how Ji Yuanzhi obtained the key information point [82]. Secondly, Wen Shi did not intend to be a lone wolf. Liu Yuan and Liu Yun were not bad people. He believed that they would remember this life-saving grace. With their help, it would be safer to walk in the virtual world.

But the most important point is that Wen Shi has already figured out how to kill Tu Bianxi.

This mad dog has been biting me since it entered the game. It's time to deal with it.

"Don't waste time. I still have two ghosts with me. I have ways to deal with it."

Ji Yuanzhi thought for a moment and said, "Okay, then you should be careful."

If they are held back by the ghost wall, Liu Yuan and Liu Yun will be completely alienated, which will be even more troublesome. They cannot kill players, even in the alienated state.

Ji Yuanzhi pushed the cart and was about to leave.

At first, the wheels of the cart didn't work properly and it just spun in place and didn't move.

"… "

He looked at Wen Shi deeply, increased his strength, and it became smooth the second time.

Tu Bianxi hoped that Wen Shi would have as few helpers as possible, so he naturally would not stop Ji Yuanzhi from leaving.

The administrator and his son were on standby not far from the quality inspection area. When they found out that Wen Shi was not with the terrifying young man, they considered taking the opportunity to stab him.

A few hours later, they were now much stronger than when they first met Wen Shi. But when he saw two ghosts following him, he gave up the idea and simply returned to the archives room.

Wen Shi was completely surrounded by a wall of ghosts.

He was very weak now, his body was shaking after running for so long. Wen Shi rolled up his sleeves to check and saw that the cut on his arm was bleeding because of the previous action of pushing the cart.

There are eighty-three health points left.

After being tamed by the boy, the gatekeeper ghost took the initiative to offer advice: "I need some time to find the source."

People's faces are changing all the time, and the breath of humans and ghosts is intertwined, which is very troublesome.

In fact, the guard ghost is very powerful, but it is more like a passive skill. Unless Tu Bianxi actively worships him, he can only take action if the sacrifice is not enough.

Wen Shi speculated that Tu Bianxi's plan was to trap him, waste time, and then wait until his condition was extremely bad, and then use the [Puppet] skill to sneak into his consciousness.

If Wen Shi was not in a hostile position, he would have wanted to applaud his perfect plan that went so smoothly.

"Let's talk."

Wen Shi raised his eyes and said bluntly to the densely packed faces: "How about cooperation?"

This sentence sounds fake, and it makes you the first to show weakness.

What Wen Shi wanted was for the other party to first raise his suspicion to the highest peak and then let it drop little by little.

"The big factory is the pre-copy of the 3S copy."

Among more than a hundred alternating faces, Tu Bianxi controlled his expression, but his heart was tense. Although he had guessed it long ago, actually hearing it was another matter.

"The big factory is not the focus, the focus is on the sanatorium." Wen Shi said in a deep voice: "You should know how important the exploration of the sanatorium is without me telling you."

Tu Bianxi also had a guess about this, and the dangers of the sanatorium were specifically emphasized when the copy was upgraded.

"I need a way to get to the sanatorium. Let's exchange."

Tu Bianxi was unmoved for the time being. He successfully used his puppet skills to control the opponent, and he could get what he wanted.

Wen Shi seemed to know what he was thinking: "The gate ghost can't attack you directly, but I can ask it to get someone else."

This is not the iron cage in the quality inspection area. For the guard ghost alone, it is not difficult to pass through the ghost wall.

Tu Bianxi hesitated for a moment, but only for a few seconds. In his opinion, if he could command the more than 100 residents on the sixth floor to kill people, the dungeon would have been in ruins long ago. The same was true for these ghosts. Unless they really set foot in the opponent's territory or triggered certain conditions, they could not do anything to him.

Wen Shi: "Okay, let's wait and see. Your puppet skills may not be 100% successful. My brother is trapped in a place now. If he comes out, all your efforts will be in vain."

Tu Bianxi was a very shrewd man and he immediately sensed the bluff in his words.

However, Pei Wenwei was right about one thing. His skills might fail to activate. If he failed to successfully control the opponent, it would be very difficult to check in at other patrol points to collect clues.

Since it is a pre-copy, once you successfully enter the sanatorium, you will be able to obtain useful information 100%.

More than a hundred faces opened their mouths at the same time, and Tu Bianxi was finally moved: "Give me the clues on you, and I will let you go."

Wen Shi insisted: "Exchange."

The two of them were in a stalemate for five minutes. Wen Shi's stomach ached so much that he half-bent over and chose to compromise first: "Two bottles of Beauty Spirit Liquid, and a contract signing tool to guarantee my personal safety."

"I only have one left."

"Then one."

"Okay." This time Tu Bianxi did not hesitate.

"Player 372543 uses the [Integrity Scroll]. Would you like to sign the contract?"

"Yes." Wen Shi immediately made a request: "Before the night shift ends, player 372543 cannot inflict any physical harm or imprisonment on me, and cannot use puppet skills on me."

More than a hundred people said in unison: "Additional, provided that the other party does not take action first."

Wen Shi: "Additionally, player 372543 cannot collude with his teammates."

"In addition, the other party cannot forge clues, and cannot order ghosts and any other old employees to cause trouble for me."

"Replenish… "

"Reminder: The [Scroll of Integrity] can only sign up to ten additional clauses."

Tu Bianxi added another scroll and the two sides further refined it.

The gatekeeper ghost watched them add more than a hundred details in nearly ten minutes. Human trust is fragile, as thin as a piece of paper.

Another two minutes passed, and Wen Shi's eyes sparkled as he finally completed the signing.

He handed the [piece of paper] to Tu Bianxi.

Tu Bianxi actually knew that he was hiding something and said, "It's a work badge."

Wen Shi pretended not to know: "What work badge?"

Tu Bianxi sneered: "Don't pretend, I've clocked in at the quality inspection area and know exactly what I'll get as the first person to open it."

Even though there was already a work card, he wouldn't let the other team stay.

Without the stuff, you won’t be able to successfully get on the company bus, which means you lose the qualification to go to the nursing home, unless you can complete one more check-in point in less than half an hour.

In the summer, the temperature in Workshop 3 has now dropped to below 20 degrees, which shows that the strength of the ghosts in the factory is increasing rapidly.

Unless the other party is extremely powerful, it is impossible to continue patrolling.

Wen Shi frowned and reluctantly took out the official employee badge he got from patrolling the archives room. After taking it, the latter threw the beauty liquid on the ground like throwing away garbage and removed the ghost wall.

I don’t know why, even though he had the upper hand and got what he wanted, Tu Bianxi always had a feeling that something was not right.

It seemed a bit... too smooth.

However, when he looked up, he saw the young man's thin back covered in blood. Wen Shi was staggering and quickening his pace as he walked out, looking back from time to time, as if he was worried that the trading party would do something tricky, looking even more uneasy than Tu Bianxi.

"It seems I'm overthinking it."

Only then did Tu Bianxi finally put his mind at ease and dispel any previous suspicions.

The two men were walking in different paths. Wen Shi seemed to be really wary of Tu Bianxi and was ready to go out through the back door, but they soon put some distance between them.

The ghost security guard looked at Wen Shi in confusion. This man who had tricked ghosts into the quality inspection area with zero tribute didn't look like a person who would easily compromise.

There was no sign of abnormality on Wen Shi's face, nor was there any resentment in his heart. He quietly opened the Meiling Liquid and used it.

Tu Bianxi threw him a bottle of Meiling Liquid, and he gave him a poisoned apple in return. According to Jian Qingrong, it should be regarded as a funeral gift.

[Mind purity 10, drug resistance 45%. ]

Before they could relax because of the increased purity, Wen Shi's vision became even more blurred. Everything he saw in front of him was covered with black spots. The lights above his head were flickering, and soon the entire factory was plunged into darkness.

It took Wen Shi three seconds to react. Maybe it wasn't that the factory was dark, but that he was blind.

The effect of the counterfeit protective clothing cannot effectively prevent the decline of body functions. Old players have stockpiled anti-pollution props, which are rare items that cannot be bought even if you have points.

He quickly tried to look at the attribute panel and finally breathed a sigh of relief, confirming that he just couldn't see external objects.

If you can't see the property values, that's a real problem.

Just as Wen Shi was about to close the attribute panel, he accidentally noticed the skill column and his body suddenly tensed up. Without his knowledge, the skill column had been quietly updated.

[Skill: I am me

Companion skills: One sword to settle the matter; Drunkenness and dream of death

Note: Since this game has not yet ended, you can only unlock the primary state of drunkenness and dreaming - Temptation of Cats

In this state, a single use requires 300 points and lasts for 30 minutes. After use, agility 5, night vision 20]

This life of drunkenness and dreams must be a gift from youth.

Wen Shi’s focus was only on the last ability: night vision.

I am really a lucky boy. When I feel sleepy, someone immediately sends me a pillow.

Wen Shi chose to use it without hesitation.

"Do you want to spend 300 points to use the primary version of Drunken Dream, Temptation of Cat?"

The more he heard the name, the more indecent it sounded. Wen Shi's mouth twitched: "Yes."

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt an itch on the top of his head, as if something was coming out again, and even his tailbone was itching.

"You have grown ears." said the guard ghost.

Wen Shi was startled and quickly reached out to touch the side of his ear. The place where a human ear should be was empty. On the contrary, his hair had grown longer. His facial features were already delicate and noble, and the long hair made his face look even better.

The temptation of a cat? Could it be... He touched the top of his head. It was soft and moved. Its two ears nestled docilely in his palm. Behind it, a long, smooth tail pierced through the loose overalls and trembled innocently.

In a state of uneasiness, the tail uncontrollably hooked onto the iron railing next to it, as if seeking some sense of security.

Wen Shi: “?”

(End of this chapter)