Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 70: Crazy Love Season (revised)


It wasn't just the tone of his voice. When he sent out the wedding invitation, the young man's face also had an evil look that was both human and ghostly.

After saying that, he supported himself on the edge of the coffin and jumped directly. The arc of the corners of his clothes lifted by the wind as he fell looked particularly cold.

A Sang and Scarecrow followed suit and jumped down. The only remaining camera crew member at the back was in tears and asked the player, "What should we do?"

Tian Wanling's mouth twitched: "Shouldn't we be asking you this?"

Wen Shi jumped without thinking, and the staff looked at Ji Yuanzhi again, after all, he was the one who brought the best man.

The latter looked at the paired guest calmly and said two words: "Go down."

In order to prevent accidentally violating the rules of death, Wen Shi used ghost marriage as an excuse, which was the first line of insurance.

Ji Yuanzhi now has to put up the second safety bolt. The paired guests certainly do not meet the conditions to enter the ghost gate, but they have to go because they are forced to sign the contract with the program team. This creates a paradox.

The law does not punish everyone, so if we all violate the rules, we should all do so together.

The paired guests wanted to retreat, but the ending was similar to that of the previous ones, and they were thrown directly into the abyss.

After throwing the man away, Ji Yuanzhi jumped straight down.

Entering the Ghost Gate or not is not an option at all. The ghosts in Fengguan Village are surrounding you. If you continue to spend another night there, you will be seriously injured if you don't die.

Liu Yun followed closely behind, not forgetting to remind the rest of the people: "Hurry up."

If we lose the protection of the [Eternal Lamp] and a ghost comes out at this time, it will be really troublesome.

The others had obviously considered this as well, and they stopped being timid and jumped down one after another.

The cemetery, which had been somewhat noisy before, fell into silence again.

One comment broke the silence of the comments: "I've never seen such a shocking thing before. Someone actually jumped into the ghost gate on their own initiative. The last time I was so surprised was more than a decade ago when someone broke into the door by force..."

A stone stirs up a thousand waves, and soon a ghost replied:

"Oh my god, stop talking, this is a nightmare!"

"In fact, there was a moment when you felt that this guest named Aaron was a little bit like that person?"

"Let's end this topic! If he doesn't die after entering the ghost gate, he will be half crazy. Let him die quickly."

At this moment, Wen Shi, who was carrying the curse of countless evil spirits, was still falling endlessly. The advantage of his body's sense of balance broke out, and the feelings of weightlessness and dizziness were all within controllable range.

It’s so deep, will I fall to death if I go down

When Wen Shi was seriously considering this problem, he saw countless scarlet spider webs with his enhanced night vision. There was something like a ruler standing in the middle of the spider web. He was now falling to the position where [5000] was written.

His body hit the spider web and slowed down, and a big hole appeared on the web in an instant, followed by a new round of falling and deceleration. This cycle continued for a while. Wen Shi tried to touch the broken spider silk with his hand, but touched nothing.

He had a vague premonition that these ethereal threads were inextricably linked to him. The further he went down, the darker the red thread became, until it became so thick that it turned black. It was as if countless evil spirits were howling in his ears, and the scale was constantly decreasing, four thousand, three thousand, two thousand...

Until it finally dropped to zero, the whole world turned upside down.

The system's cold prompt sound came to my ears:

"It was detected that the program team does not have the qualifications to enter the ghost gate."

"It has been detected that some NPCs do not have the qualifications to enter the Ghost Gate."

"It has been detected that all players do not have the qualifications to enter the Ghost Gate."

"It was detected that some players requested to get married, and the program team needs to record it; it was detected that the best man is responsible for hosting the wedding; it was detected that the other players and NPCs are guests of the wedding."

After a series of system announcements ended, an even colder voice sounded beside Wen Shi's ears:

"Player 460872, where are your nesting dolls?"

"… "

It was dark all around, and this endless fall finally came to an end.

Stop, Wen Shi smiled guiltily after landing.

The broken spider silk above suddenly glowed with a dark luster and condensed into the shape of a door in front of him.

There is a ridiculous couplet on the door: Those who enter this door on the left will die, those who exit this door on the right will live, with the horizontal banner "Live towards death".

Wen Shi hesitated for a moment and tried to push the door open.

The door was bone-chillingly cold, almost weightless, and he opened it without even trying. A light suddenly appeared in front of him, and Wen Shi half-covered his eyes with his hands. When the red mist dissipated, he finally saw the world in front of him clearly, and the whole person was stunned for a moment.

"This is… "

Countless skyscrapers are rising from the ground. The tallest one among them is unique in shape. The whole structure is azure blue, and a looming statue of a beauty is embedded on the top, like a mermaid peeking out of the sea.

This is the landmark building of Tianhai City - the Mermaid Tower. When the tower was first built, it was criticized and complained by many citizens that it was scary, but decades later, it unexpectedly became the most representative building in the city.

"The real world?" He shook his head in self-denial before he finished speaking.

Tianhai City, as the most prosperous city, was far from being so deserted. Looking around, there was not a single car on the street, let alone pedestrians. The whole city was silent, and dark clouds covered almost every corner of the sky.

After a while, as the beams of white light disappeared, Ji Yuanzhi and others appeared one after another. However, the paired guests were gone, but the program team and the best man were still there.

"A'sang?" Wen Shi was looking for the child when he suddenly heard a rustling sound in his ears.

Thinking it was a mosquito, he reflexively raised his hand to slap it to death. In mid-air, the scarecrow, which was not even the size of a palm, made a sharp turn and moved closer to him, almost touching Wen Shi's nose.

Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, Wen Shihe met her big eyes and blinked: "Jane..."

He swallowed the word "Qingrong" because he was too surprised.

The rustling sound was the scarecrow flying up. For some reason, he had grown bat wings.

Two small black wings emerged from the gaps in the straw, and the only eyeball was a little confused. The straw body was not his real body. As Tian Wanling said, there was a big gap between the soul and the body. After returning to the door, the straw demon would show a complete form, but Jian Qingrong could not achieve the unity of soul and body, which led to this situation.

He accurately caught the word "simple" from Wen Shi's mouth and realized that his identity might be exposed. He immediately understood why the other party was not afraid of being rejected by the Straw Demon and dared to propose marriage.

Wen Shi stretched out his hand, and the winged scarecrow tried to land on the soft palm of his hand, but ended up sitting down with a plop, and his big eyeballs trembled.

He is like a hummingbird that cannot land and can only hover.

When the three of them looked at each other, Wen Shi decided to maintain the dignity of the Scarecrow and tried his best not to laugh out loud.

"Is the equipment damaged?" The host not far away was anxiously urging the staff to check the equipment.

As soon as Wen Shi took a glance, the system prompt sounded:

"Reminder: The player has triggered a special map: Mirage."

"The mirage is located at the intersection of the passage between the ghost world and the ghost gate. There are still twenty-one hours and thirty minutes before the ghost gate closes again. Please return to the outside world through the ghost gate before then."

The game has obviously been balanced and adjusted so as to not allow this group of unqualified people to completely enter the ghost world.

Tian Wanling suddenly said, "Quick, retreat!"

The sense of crisis developed in the copy makes the players instinctively step back before looking up to see what is happening. They see a white unidentified object falling from the sky, and their sight follows the falling trajectory. When it is about to land, everyone can see clearly that it is a dice.

The dice was as bouncy as jelly, and it bounced several times after landing.

"What the hell?" Liu Yun carefully leaned over to take a look, then poked it with his fingertips to confirm that it was just a soft dice.

Its edge is about one meter long, and each point is composed of skulls and hearts alternating.

Looking down, I found a pink number plate on my chest with [3] marked on it.

Other players also have it, Wen Shi is [1 Ji Yuan Zhi is [2].

Seeing the numbers of these three people, everyone quickly guessed that they were arranged in the order in which they jumped off the coffins.

Liu Yun said, "We should roll the dice according to the numbers later."

This is an uncertain event, and the first person to throw the dice must take the risk.

Wen Shi didn't look nervous at all, and asked the host who looked resentful, "Don't you find it weird?"

Behind the ghost gate is not a mass grave or a smoky area, but a modern world.

The host, who always pays the most attention to his image, had his tie crooked. He re-tied it and forced a smile at the camera: "Dear audience, we are now at the Mirage. As the saying goes, you can know a person's face but not his heart. Here, the guests finally have the opportunity to really get to know each other."

The host's professionalism was beyond everyone's imagination.

Wen Shi locked his eyes on him, as if he was thinking about something. When he turned around, he put away the thoughts in his eyes and said gently, "Dear, you haven't answered me yet."

Kiss your uncle!

The host wanted to grind him to dust on the spot.

After a while, his tone was unfathomable: "The scenes in the mirage are ever-changing. Any place in the world may become the scenery here for the day."

Wen Shi humbly asked, "Where is my son?"

The host smiled but said nothing.

The cameraman adjusted the angle and started filming again.

The program crew was in a good mood because they didn't go directly to the ghost world. The host smiled and continued his hosting speech: "Do you remember the words in the wedding vows? Regardless of life, old age, sickness and death, everything that happened here today is related to life and death."

He walked to the side of the dice and said, "Friendly reminder, it is not easy to throw a big number. Please consider carefully whether to use it or not. Be aware that gambling is risky..."

Before he could finish his words, the dice was kicked into the air like a football. It somersaulted several times on the ground before landing steadily on the number [6].

Wen Shi asked, “Is this difficult?”

host:"… "

The players looked at each other.

Being in an unfamiliar environment, no one expected him to throw it so easily. If it were them, they would definitely hesitate for a moment.

A ding sound rang in everyone's ears.

[Collective Task: Crazy Dice

Players roll the dice in turn and need to go to the corresponding position collectively according to the number of points rolled. Each time they arrive at a position, they have the opportunity to receive corresponding rewards or punishments.

Go around the city and the door you encountered when you came in will appear again. Please use your good luck and quickly push open the door!

Mission Reward: Advanced Ever-Burning Lamp, which can confuse your breath for a long time after being lit, helping you to hide from the eyes and ears of ghosts (only for use in this instance)]

After the dice landed, all players stood still without any reaction.

A full circle would take about 7,100 kilometers, which was simply impractical to walk, so there must be some other arrangement.

At this moment, the scarecrow suddenly flew down and pulled Wen Shi's sleeve.

Wen Shi moved two steps to the side due to inertia. An unmanned hearse was driving madly from behind and braked suddenly where he had just stood.

Oh shit!

Do you want to kill me

Unfortunately, the car was unmanned and he had no way to complain.

The front door opened automatically, Wen Shi spat lightly at the driver's seat, and other players and the program crew followed up.

The game time is limited, and they must ensure that they can get out in less than a day. Wen Shi said as he sat down, "I hope that after we get on board, the speed of this car won't suddenly become as slow as a bicycle."

Everyone is on board and the car sets off immediately.

Wen Shi leaned back heavily, and the hearse was in the city.

Drifting. The player had basically not eaten anything yesterday, and was almost vomiting bile after being shaken like this. Without a seat belt, no one dared to open the window. At this speed, they would definitely be thrown out. Wen Shi grabbed the front seat tightly, hooked the tail on the pole next to him, and barely maintained balance.

He stared out the window, and for a few moments he saw tick marks on the ground. Then, the car braked suddenly, and a male player in the front row was thrown to the door. After being hit hard, he climbed up in pain: "My waist."

The car stopped and Tian Wanling, who already had a head injury, got out of the car, leaned against a tree and vomited violently.

Wen Shi's steps also became unsteady.

In comparison, the hosts are much more stable, and the staff can keep their bodies steady even when carrying the cameras.

After getting off the car, he took a few deep breaths, and Wen Shi fell to the left. The little scarecrow tried hard to pull him to the right, and he swayed a few times like a tumbler, and the dizziness was finally relieved.

He rubbed his eyes. Right in front of the wheel was a thick line with the number 1,200 engraved on it.

Calculated this way, it was just like playing a grid game, with one grid equal to 200. Plus, he still had six players left, so if he was lucky, he could finish the round in one go.

There were two words written in large letters next to the tick mark: Wedding.

[Please ask the dice shooter to complete a wedding within half an hour. If you exceed the time limit, the number of steps will be reduced by one].

This is neither a punishment nor a reward. Wen Shi came here under the pretext of holding a wedding.

The best man couldn't wait to push the staff aside and come over. He wanted to finish the wedding quickly and leave this place. After calming down, the best man looked at the shrunken scarecrow and said conscientiously, "The basic procedures cannot go wrong. Go and invite the elders first."

The scarecrow stood there in silence.

The best man realized that this thing probably had no parents. He turned to look at Wen Shi, who shook his head and said, "I'm an orphan."

The best man almost wanted to kneel down before them, and he said to the straw devil: "Then go to your territory, we need a wedding venue."

The scarecrow shook his head, and the straw rustled dryly, indicating that he had no territory.

According to the customs of Fengguan Village, a wedding is nothing more than paying respects to the parents and guests and entering the bridal chamber. The best man asked with a fake smile: "Excuse me, what do you have?"

The Orphan duo faced the wind in silence.

Ji Yuanzhi glanced in the direction of the scarecrow and suddenly said to the prime minister, "His territory is in the real ghost world."

Rather than this so-called intersection.

The best man also realized that this was an impossible task, and after a moment's hesitation he said, "Then I'm afraid your marriage won't be possible."

A short sentence can be like a bolt from the blue to someone.

The scarecrow's bat wings began to flutter violently, vibrating too fast, showing a ferocious and aggressive look. Finally, just as it was about to rush into the eyes of the best man and make him pay with blood for his inaction, it suddenly felt a tingling sensation on its back.

Unlike the dizzy little scarecrow, the young man with cat ears had a serious expression. He gently touched his white chin and pondered whether there were other ways to complete the task.

About two minutes later, Wen Shi turned around and got into the car, decisively choosing to give up.

The scarecrow chased the nimble tail and followed behind, flapping his wings.

The hearse did not turn around, but actually retreated backwards. Tian Wanling resisted the urge to vomit and said intermittently: "Sooner or later, sooner or later, I will die in this car."

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Ji Yuanzhi who was sitting opposite him. From his expression, it seemed that he was still thinking about something.

Is this the world of the big guys

Ji Yuanzhi had only one issue in mind: the punishment was too light.

Simply retreating a certain distance really doesn't fit in with the game's evil taste.

Everything in the mirage flashed by like smoke, almost disappearing into thin air.

At the speed of Dao Afterimage, they quickly retreated to the position of one thousand.

The host asked the camera to give a close-up, especially to zoom in on Wen's facial expression.

"Quick, a few more close-ups."

The barrage of comments was full of praise and it made me feel a little sweeter in life.

The host happily said to Wen Shi: "Everyone likes to see Mr. Aaron suffer."

Ji Yuanzhi, who was getting off the bus in front, turned around and asked: "A car sickness makes you so happy?"

The expressions of the other players were also indescribable.

Shouldn't the spectacle that demons and monsters like most be the death scene, or at the very least the player being seriously injured and bleeding

How come Pei Wenwei's motion sickness made them so wet? And they even gave him a close-up.

"… "

The host and the audience who were watching the show fell into collective silence. They had suffered one blow after another in the past two days, and they really felt that it was amazing to see motion sickness.

The male player rubbed his waist and whispered: "Although NPCs are nothing, I actually feel a little pity for them."

Wen Shi: “…”

Is it my fault

Ji Yuanzhi had already thrown the dice. He added the lucky bonus items and finally threw out a [5].

After the dice landed, Ji Yuanzhi looked at Wen Shi with a complicated look. How could someone get a six with just a kick without using any props

The hearse moved forward to the 2,000-meter position, which was a safe area without any rewards or punishments.

After arriving at the station, Liu Yun took a deep breath. It was her turn.

Liu Yun took out the lucky items and used three in a row.

"Pray." She put her hands together and prayed for ten seconds, then she threw the dice devoutly with both hands.

The soft and bouncy dice rolled around on the ground and stopped at number four.

Liu Yun's faint gaze swept towards Wen Shi.

Everyone's destiny is indeed different.

Fortunately, although the moving location is not far, it is still a safe area after arrival.

Learning from the experience of the people before her, when it was Tian Wanling's turn, she ate a lucky candy.

Because he threw the dice too hard, it bounced twice after falling to the ground, one of which hit him directly on the face, leaving a deep red mark, showing the number two.

Everyone walked onto the hearse in silence.

The hearse sped away, and this time the production crew got off before the players, with the only three remaining cameras all pointed toward the door.

It doesn't look like a good result at first glance.

Tian Wanling stole a glance at Wen Shi, feeling extremely melancholy.

The saddest thing for a non-African is not that he is a non-African, but that he has met a European emperor.

Wen Shi: “?”

What are you all looking at me doing

He jumped directly down the last step. The big skull pattern in front of him pierced his eyes. It was obviously the punishment area.

The host could no longer control his expression, and the corners of his mouth curled up wildly.

The players' anxiety grew.

"Do you remember what I just reminded you?" The host blinked his eyes in a cute way, "Everything here is related to life and death."

The players had all seen that couplet before, and the words "Live towards death" appeared in their minds uncontrollably, and they couldn't help but swallow.

They had no choice but to calm themselves down and walk closely up to the skull to observe it.

The three-dimensional 3D ground painting has a sharp contrast between the black skull and its exposed white teeth. In the empty eye sockets, there are countless long scarlet lines floating, shaking in the wind.

Wen Shi narrowed his eyes. These lines were exactly the same as the ones he saw during the previous fall.

The ratings started to pick up again. The host's eyes lit up. He looked at the slightly confused players and whispered, "These lines are called..."

Wen Shi answered quickly: "Red line?"

"Shut up, you're in love," the host said unhappily.

The moment he scolded Wen, Scarecrow hid in the dark and studied how to assassinate the host.

Wen Shi curled his lips, thinking that he was just considering it from the perspective of a love game.

"They are the most interesting things in the mirage, called death lines." The host introduced them kindly, "As the saying goes, you reap what you sow. The death lines represent the causes of death. If you have killed anyone, whether directly or indirectly, they will all follow the death lines to the mirage and take revenge on you."

The host even managed to tie it into the theme of the show: "This segment can be a good way to detect whether someone has a criminal history and protect the other half's right to know."

Tian Wanling's first reaction was: "So people really become ghosts after they die?"

Ji Yuanzhi shook his head: "The Tianhai City we are in is fake, so the things we see are naturally not real."

It's nothing more than data created by the game based on the personalities and backgrounds of the dead.

There was a subtle change in everyone's expression. Even if it was just data, the damage it caused was definitely real.

Among all the people, Wen Shi had the ugliest expression.

Liu Yun noticed this and consoled him, "We are the ones who should be worried. You are only on your third instance."

He rubbed his brows as he spoke. Which player has never harmed someone in the game? Being forced to counterattack or engage in group fights are all considered indirect killings.

The system prompt sounded again—

[Side Quest: Soul-stealing

In the next three minutes, all the evil spirits in this city will be resurrected, returning to the state they were in half an hour before their death, and will do everything they can to take your life.

Mission requirements: Survive for thirty minutes

In addition, the greater the power of the deceased during his lifetime, the shorter the resurrection time, ranging from three seconds to one thousand eight hundred seconds.]

"That is to say, although some people are resurrected, they will disappear after three seconds." Tian Wanling breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, otherwise, if some high-level players were resurrected and given thirty minutes, they would definitely be in trouble.

The prompt sound ended, and the scarlet thread floated away with the wind, and began to merge with the soil in the city into blood mud. Then more threads crawled into the blood mud, and a complete blood man was formed. In just one minute, there were more and more blood men, and their skin surface began to become smooth, their facial features became clear, and they gradually became no different from living people.

These people were in different states, some were wearing prison uniforms, some were wearing chains, and some were holding sharp blades... The only thing they had in common was that after being resurrected, there was a strong hatred flashing in their eyes.

The bloody wind was blowing from all directions, and the player had a premonition that a huge disaster was approaching.

Ji Yuanzhi: "The red line is mostly drifting to the southeast, we have to go to the north."

Before he could finish his words, a car accelerated towards them.

Zhou Lulu's expression changed: "Does the enemy in real life count?"

She will never forget this car until she dies. Once she had a quarrel with her ex-boyfriend, she got out of the car in anger, and the ex-boyfriend stepped on the accelerator to hit her to death. Harming others will eventually hurt yourself. The car crashed into a telephone pole and the ex-boyfriend died on the spot.

Now the scene was repeated, the car was crashing around like crazy, but Zhou Lulu was no longer as panicked as she was that day.

As an experienced gamer, she glanced at her surroundings and immediately ran towards a narrow place to guide the movement of the crazy car.

The car seemed to want to crush everyone indiscriminately on the way, and other players were also desperately fleeing. Wen Shi relied on the agility of a cat to dodge with ease. He even found time to search for useful things in the game mall.

Shortly after the car appeared, a man with a knife ran out of the alley, and dozens of figures appeared in the distance, all with ill intentions.

The camera crew released a drone to follow the scene, and the host stood there excitedly and said to the camera: "It seems that the records of our guests are not so clean."

Zhou Lulu leaped suddenly, and the car following behind her flipped over and fell into the ditch. She had a fierce look in her eyes and was about to kick open the car door and break the other person's neck with her own hands.


How familiar

The cry.

The last time I heard such a heart-wrenching sound was... No, it was just a few hours ago when Pei Wenwei was holding a competition to recruit a bride.

Wen Shi shouted as he ran: "Don't waste time!"

Everyone then realized that he had armed himself almost from head to toe, with defensive props hung all over his body, even wearing an explosion-proof suit.

Liu Yun, who was closest to him, looked confused: "How can you run with so many clothes on?"

After a pause, he continued, "We need to survive half an hour. Running all the time is not a solution. We should find a place to hide now."

Wen Shi had an expression that said, "Are you kidding me?", but before he could say anything, he suddenly heard the sound of a propeller.

Liu Yun was surprised: "Why is there a helicopter?"

Players definitely cannot use this thing in the game. It must be the cause and effect created in reality.

Before she could think too much, the cabin door opened. With a series of "da da da" sounds, the visitor from high in the sky fired wildly at the area below.

There were several holes shot out of the overpass not far away, and the air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

After the initial shock, the player leaned over to find cover nearby.

Tian Wanling's head was buzzing: "Who the hell is this enemy?"

Looking closely, I saw Wen Shi in front of me was actually crawling forward while looking for cover in this environment.

Realizing that something might be out of the ordinary, Tian Wanling covered her ears and growled, "Where are you going?"

Wen Shi pointed ahead, suggesting that they hurry up.

"The game has to at least give you a way to survive."

This sentence sounds very strange.

The machine gunner's resurrection time is only thirty seconds. After he disappears, Wen Shi gets up without delay, and the cat's speed is brought to the extreme.

Liu Yun and Ji Yuanzhi also realized that something was wrong. They had participated in interviews at large companies together. You know, Pei Wenwei's resume showed that he had helped the police to crack down on criminal dens several times.

Running against the wind, the strong wind slapped his face. Wen Shi looked up and wanted to cry but had no tears: "Dad, what are you going to give me to pay me back?"

The uncle who adopted him had taken him on trips to several dangerous countries, under the pretext of strengthening his mental qualities, saying that it would be good for his future. During the trip, he also insisted on doing one good deed every day. Especially in the year when his health was the worst, he not only did not take good care of himself, but instead seized every opportunity to travel.

When he was young, Wen Shi once tried to resist, but all he got was a light-hearted remark: "You cky boy, what are you afraid of?"

"No matter how lucky you are, you can't stand this!"

The handsome uncle was indifferent, blowing smoke rings and saying:

"Don't worry, when you are in big enough debt, the bank will hold a cushion underneath to catch you if you jump off the building."

Wen Shi woke up from his memories, cold sweat on his forehead. According to the mission, indirect deaths would also be counted, which was terrifying.

Game you are not human!

He cursed in his heart, why can't it be back to five minutes before death? Those vicious criminals are basically in their most crazy state half an hour before death.

At the same time, the ratings reached a new high!

The guests' previous arrogance in calculating others was fully repaid in this mirage that claimed to be living towards death.

The host looked at Wen Shi, who ran away as a shadow and turned into a small black dot and disappeared at the end of the street, and said with a smile: "Guest Aaron seems to have some powerful enemy? I wonder if he..."

The voice stopped abruptly.

The surrounding air vibrated violently, accompanied by a buzzing sound, and a beautiful arc was drawn on the horizon.

There was a loud bang, and a terrifying mushroom cloud exploded on the dome. An extremely powerful shock wave swept through, and thousands of high-rise buildings below were instantly reduced to ruins.

The Mermaid Tower, the landmark building of Tianhai City, collapsed, and the beautiful mermaid was torn into pieces and fell into the raging sea of fire. However, the scene was so horrifying that this murder

The device did not actually demonstrate half of its power and fell abnormally after a malfunction.

The hearse was blown into the sky by the aftermath. The smiling host the previous second was thrown dozens of meters away by the air wave the next second. The brand new pink suit was burnt, and the pretty face covered with powder turned pitch black.

He moved his fingers and climbed up from the ground with difficulty. He wanted to take a deep breath, but when he opened his mouth, he spat out a mouthful of black ash.

"Who..." The host's voice was as hoarse and unpleasant as a crow's: "Who is it—"

The muscles in his throat were strained, and he screamed with almost all his strength:

"Whose enemy is the one who makes missiles?!"

(End of this chapter)