Matryoshka Off-Limits

Chapter 85: Sunset Red Tour Group


Fatty finished his words with a sigh, and Wen Shi looked down at his hands: "Huh? Where's my knife?"

The insect, who had just said that life might not be so precious, immediately changed his expression, walked to the water tank, and rubbed the head in the tank with one of his legs: "Call daddy."

"… "

Wen Shi coughed lightly: "They have lost their tongues too."

The fat worm chose to break through the mouth because it had no limbs, and now the only breakthrough point is gone.

Li Nan then said, "Can't you just turn into a bug?"

Fat Bug responded coldly: "I still want to turn into a butterfly? Do you think I can do it?"

Looking at him with a look that showed he was not afraid of back pain, Fatty continued, "Read more books. Jinta has a complete evolutionary system. There is only one way for insects to evolve: survival comes first."

Golden Pagoda Country

Li Nan and Wen Shi looked at each other, and combined with these strange passengers, they immediately thought of the pyramid. The pyramid has many symbolic meanings, and the one that best fits this copy should be the symbol of level, which is what the tour guide called the law of the jungle.

A shadow couldn't help but ask: "Don't you feel aggrieved like this?"

The fat worm shows off his plump body: "The vitality of the worm body is the most powerful."

Shadow muttered, "That can't stand being stepped on by higher animals."

"No," Fat Bug smiled strangely, "People who step on bugs will also feel disgusted and won't lift their feet easily. Maybe we will become an animal system in the future."

The latter sentence is creepy to hear.

The sun was too strong, and the heads in the tank all drooped. Fat Bug couldn't think of a solution, and the crew cut suddenly whispered something in its ear.

"..." Fat Bug suddenly felt how kind he was standing with this group of people. Silent turned around, found a sharp piece of iron, and came to the front of the tank, asking people to look directly at him. During this time, Fat Bug's small eyes focused on a certain place in the water, and said with a sense of evil, "There is a place that should not be used."

Everyone raised their heads, looking dazed at first, then they seemed to understand something and shook their bodies desperately.

The crew cut reminded in a low voice: "If you can make it out of the game alive, just think of it as a dream. You have nothing to lose anyway."

His words were cold-blooded and practical: "Otherwise, all the sins you have committed before will be in vain."

I lost my limbs, my tongue... I have persisted until now, it would be a pity to give up. Especially for new players, the fear of death is stronger than that of old players. The person in the tank who stayed with the shadow also compromised under the sudden silence.

Unlike their previous struggles, this time they actually began to accept it actively.

The crew cut said coldly at the right moment: "Can you hurry up? Dead or alive, everyone is waiting."

When the fat worm raised the iron sheet again, the human head looked at the impatient expressions of the people around him, and the fear gradually faded away and became numb.

The player closed his eyes, but instead of feeling any pain, he felt the sound of something falling to the ground.

The fat bug actually threw away the piece of iron. It was just trying to scare these people. What it really needed was a numb state at this moment.

Mucus came out of the mouth, the water in the tank became turbid and sticky, white silk covered the black scab surface, the wound gradually became smooth, and new short legs grew out of the body.

The tour guide came back to her senses, looked at Wen Shi and said happily: "You are really good at saving people."

"The door between life and death is just their own choice." Wen Shi said expressionlessly: "And it's not that there is no way out, such as evolution."

There was a slight ripple in the eyes of the leader of the man in the jar, and he looked up at him.

Wen Shi: "Humans also evolved from ordinary animals."

Since the game is set up according to the food chain, the law of the jungle will definitely provide them with channels for evolution.

Yu Xingzhou, who had been silent, suddenly spoke up: "The process of breaking the inherent mentality is a kind of training in itself."

But this is not something that everyone can do, and most of the time it sounds like a sarcastic remark.

Half of the body of the man in the jar has turned into a worm, but the head has not yet been transformed. Once the mentality changes, it is difficult to change. Although they know that becoming tougher may prolong the process of alienation, in fact, now they just want to be like the fat worm, find a hat to put on their heads and avoid other people's eyes.

The half-human, half-insect new player grew his tongue again, and suddenly he wanted to know the answer urgently. He asked Wen Shi: "If it were you, what would you choose?"


The answer without thinking shocked everyone, including the NPC. The new player obviously didn't believe it and smiled bitterly, "Who can humiliate you?"

He thought the other party was deliberately comforting him. This was not sarcasm, the new player said a fact recognized by everyone.

"Of course you can," Wen Shi pointed at the little scarecrow, "If someone hurts it in front of me and I can't do anything about it, I will feel humiliated. Even if you hurt my and my grandmother's shadow in front of me, I will feel the same, but less humiliated."

He paused and said, "No one should tolerate someone who is connected to them being hurt for no reason."

Sincerity is always useful and scary.

The little scarecrow leaned over and quietly put his face in his palm.

On the other side, the girl came close to the boy and reminded him carefully: "My dear grandson, he wants to dominate us."

The boy said coldly: "I know."

The girl was still worried and said, "You are young and don't understand. He wants to..."

"I know everything." The young man chuckled and looked at the girl with a fake smile, "Guess why I know that?"

Here is a textbook case.

The girl looked at him confidently, "Anyway, dear grandson, let's not be fooled by him."

The new player's face was uncertain after hearing this, but he felt better after all. "One last question, how are you going to escape after you turn into a bug?"

Wen Shi: "Change into a dragon, a Tyrannosaurus Rex."

It was an absurd and speechless answer, but for some reason, everyone found it believable.

Under the blazing sun, the tour guide mercilessly punctured his fantasy: "It's not realistic at all."

"Yeah." Wen Shi responded perfunctorily, avoiding the tour guide's gaze.

The boy ruthlessly revealed the truth: "Ants and reptiles are the same in his eyes. Who do you think he wants to kill and plunder his identity?"

In the twisted dungeon world, the way to evolve is definitely not to change the environment for a long time. Killing and plundering are closer to the theme of the game. If it were the original body, the first choice would definitely be to kill the tour guide.

[Tour guide's favorability towards you -10]

When the prompt sounded, Wen Shi glanced at the boy.


The one who spoke was not Wen Shi, but the mechanical cat.

Jian Qingrong was obviously dissatisfied with the young man's sabotage. Facing the almost identical faces, there was no trace of tolerance and mercy in his big eyes. He was even too lazy to ask about the origins of these shadows, and summarized them in one word: inferior bionic people.

Fatty Bug had quietly left the door while they were talking. Wen Shi had no interest in chatting under the scorching sun, so he cleared the water in the tank and put away his backpack.

The tour guide asked all players and

Shadow walked to the first section of the broken track, which served as the starting line, with the whistle already at his lips.

As she took a deep breath, the system prompt sounded:

[Side Quest: Crazy Runway

Mission content: In order to prevent outsiders from entering the rails that are being repaired, the line workers have set up many roadblocks. Please rush through them quickly within the limited time!

Be careful, some things can kill you!

Tip: Sunset Red Travel Agency does not exist on the map.]

Xiaohua was speechless: "The speed at which the game accesses the Internet words is quite fast."

Yu Xingzhou nodded: "Players talk a lot every day, so it can capture some of them."

The ability and speed at which games learn human behavior is faster than we can imagine, which is a hidden danger in the long run.

But they couldn't think about the future right now. A quick whistle sounded and everyone sprinted quickly. Wen Shi's voice floated from the front to the back: "Miss Tour Guide, please help me take care of my grandma."

[Tour guide's favorability towards you -10]

At first glance, the track seems very wide, with only one track. But after entering, I found that there are seven tracks of different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, blue and purple, which together form the colors of the rainbow.

The little scarecrow dragged the cat along with him and ran along with him, taking on the task of watching the road ahead.

A huge, talking stuffed rabbit suddenly appeared in the sky in front of us. It held a piece of white paper and said in a very human way: "Here are the safety tips. If you accidentally enter the construction site, please remember the following four points—"

“1. Successfully touching the shoe to the curb can significantly increase your speed.

2. Passengers are requested to run away from this section of road within eight minutes. Except for the broken track, it is safer to stay on the track at other times.

3. A line worker once saw an illusory train passing by on this section of road after getting drunk. When he woke up, he found himself sleeping hundreds of meters away. If you see a similar train, please don't worry, it's all an illusion.

4. The safety passage is very safe. "

It's all an illusion.

The rabbit stuffed animal's voice is several times sharper than the mechanical cat's.

There are different scenery on each color track.

Wen Shi ran straight into the front track, landing softly. The stones on the red track didn't hurt his feet at all, and they were as soft as a door. In this soft hinterland, every few meters, there was a tooth no longer than a thumb growing upright. This thing reminded Wen Shi of a toy called a biting shark. When you press a specific tooth, it will bite your finger, but there is sky above their heads, and there are no sharp teeth to press down.

Wen Shisheng could not feel relaxed at all. He was almost certain that

There are special traps that will be triggered when you step on some of the teeth. Now it depends on who is the unlucky one.

No track is safe, and those who choose this path together with similar ideas will not change lanes.

The first thing to do is to maintain speed. Under this premise, try not to step on the small teeth on the ground when the temperature is warm. Even so, you will still step on them a lot.

Some players cleverly followed him and stepped on the places where Wen had stepped on, which delayed the door a little but saved a lot of trouble.

Because the teeth would bounce back every three seconds or so at each door, the latter followed very closely and his shoes were almost stepped on several times during the warm-up.

"Don't follow too closely."

The player's eyes flickered, but he continued to chase after him. He thought that the risk he was taking was too high. He clearly saw the shadow of the newcomer step on a tooth, and then a dagger flew out of nowhere from behind. He failed to dodge in time and it got stuck in his carotid artery.

After reminding yourself twice in a row, stop talking when running. Talking while running can easily disrupt your even breathing.

The player took it as an acquiescence upon seeing this, his guilty conscience dissipated, and he followed even more closely.

When he almost stepped on Wen Shi's shoes again, his own shoes seemed to be pulled by something. His feet stagnated, and the player's body shook violently. He tried to find his balance again in a few brief seconds, but he still fell down due to the unstable center of gravity. The player's palm pressed a small tooth on the side, and hot flames rose from the ground.

The flames were very hot and he let out painful screams under the blaze. The half-human, half-insect players nearby quickly moved away, fearing that they would be roasted into protein.

The robot cat kept repeating: "I did it, I did it..."

One sound after another, echoing in the ears of everyone running under the scorching sun, like a warning.

The scarecrow wanted to take action since Wen Shi’s heel was stepped on for the first time, but the target was running and it was not easy for the pollution source to accurately contaminate the shoe surface. Jian Qingrong also had to prevent the other party from tripping over Wen Shi when he fell, so he had to endure it until now.

Fire is not fatal, it just burns people. The player gritted his teeth and stopped wailing: "Help, help me..."

Wen Shi, who had saved even Shadow earlier, never looked back.

The player struggled to drag his broken leg forward.

"Something's wrong." The door between the two sides had been opened for a distance, and Jian Qingrong spoke in a very low voice into Wen Shi's ear.

Wen Shi nodded to show that he had noticed.

Not only here, there is a broken track outside the tooth land, and further ahead is a fork. The road splits again, and one of the roads has a safe passage clearly written on it.

The Rabbit said the emergency passage was safe.

Li Nan and Yu Xingzhou turned to the safe passage without hesitation, so that they could try out whether what the puppet rabbit said was true.

As soon as I entered, the rails disappeared and weeds grew wildly. These weeds stood upright and dense like water plants, swaying even without wind.

In terms of speed, Yu Xingzhou was faster than Li Nan. When he accelerated forward, a thin rainbow-colored steel rail suddenly popped up under his feet. Yu Xingzhou continued to run forward without hesitation, making sure the height was sufficient, and flipped over the last raised section of the board and landed safely.

He wasn't the only one. There were players and shadows who came to this road one after another, and many of them were caught.

Someone yelled, "Don't go in. The more people go in, the more unsafe this road will be!"

Just like a seesaw, every step taken by the person at the back may cause the person in front to bounce away.

The grass is soft, and the rails disappear automatically after flying up, so people who fall down will not be fatally injured. Overall, this road is safe.

However, even if someone reminds them, due to the uncertainty of other unfamiliar roads, more people would rather try their luck and rush in. The back is always safe, and the people in the front bounce up more and more times. The people in the back rush to the front and are bounced up again.

"Damn! Let the one in front go first. This road is not long and it will only take half a minute to finish it."

The system only gave a total of five minutes. Because the road was not long, people halfway along the road noticed out of the corner of their eyes that no one had stopped, so they were even less likely to stop, gradually falling into a vicious cycle.

"What the puppet rabbit said is true, but there are pitfalls." Wen Shi, who was behind, saw this scene and chose another fork instead of the safe passage. "This link is deliberately provoking conflicts between players."

This is true whether it is a tooth field or a weed field.

Compared with veteran players, Wenshi's running speed is very average, only ranked in the middle to lower levels.

"There's a pair of shoes buried under a pile of stones at the broken track 30 meters ahead." The mechanical cat gave a reminder.

Wen Shi said seriously: "You are so lucky to have a mouth."

Bu observed from mid-air: "Only the toe of the shoe is exposed, it's red."

"Men's and women's running shoes?"

"Women's style." Jian Qingrong had limited knowledge of women's shoe styles and could not give a definite answer. "It's not a running shoe. It's very delicate. The toe cap has no paint peeling at all."

Relying on the vision of his big eyes, Wen Shi can have a time gate for buffering thinking in advance, and when he is about to arrive, he can choose to avoid it directly.

At the same time, the door did not wait for anyone to come. The shoes jumped out from the stones, stomping on the gravel as if they had feet, chasing after me.

During this time, Men Wen looked back and saw a pair of red dancing shoes rushing towards him.

He almost immediately thought of the story of the red dancing shoes, breaking the personal running record in such a hot environment.

[Countdown forty-five seconds.]

Wen Shi sprinted forward with all his might. He could vaguely see the platform about a kilometer away. With his current physical strength, he would need to run for at least four minutes at the fastest.

There are two adjacent roads at the fork, and there is a sign next to it that says: Shortcut.

Wen Shi’s principle in life has always been: if there is a shortcut, just go for it!

Besides, he couldn't reach the destination relying on his own speed.

Shortcuts and detours can always be transformed into each other. Taking this path means greater danger.

Suddenly, a train whistle was heard from behind. Even though he was mentally prepared, Wen Shi's body still trembled reflexively. The whistling sounds were intertwined, and it sounded like more than one train was coming.

The safety guide for the toy rabbit said that they were all hallucinations and they should not be taken seriously, but the system said that something would hit them to death.

"There must be something unreal in it."

According to Toy Rabbit, this imaginary car can take him hundreds of meters.

The door between the tracks was not far away. Wen Shi turned around and saw two trains running side by side in the distance. Their speed was much slower than that of ordinary trains, which gave the players time to think.

Wen Shi slowed down his running speed and stared at the train for a few seconds. When his eyes just focused on a certain pattern, a voice came to his ears:

"give it to me!"

The echo of the mouthpiece's words was still lingering as the scarecrow turned into a shadow and rushed backwards a long distance. In a flash, he was ruthlessly hit by the oncoming train and flew into the sky.

The Scarecrow's hands are not suitable for typing, so he installed a brain-computer interface on his body, so that he can send voice commands to the mechanical cat with his consciousness.

The impact was so great that the eyeball was knocked out of the socket for a moment, causing the speed of mind control to fail to keep up.


“… ”I can see it.

As soon as the scarecrow was knocked away, Wen Shi jumped deep into another track at the fastest speed in his life. In an instant, the door was dark for a few seconds, and the wind blew across his cheeks. He could only close his eyes under the wind and sand. When he was able to open his eyes again, he was less than a hundred meters away from the platform.

[Countdown seventeen seconds.]

Wen Shi ran towards the platform with all his might, racking his brains to think of some props that could help him climb onto the platform.

"I'll do it." A half-human, half-insect player came running from another track. His body was the same size as the fat insect in the carriage. He began to expand continuously and easily lifted Wen Shi and placed him on the platform.

"Thank you very much."

After getting on the platform, Wen Shi turned sideways and looked up, and saw a scarecrow with a dirty face, holding a deformed mechanical cat, standing there in a daze not far away.

After being knocked away, it immediately got up and came to find Wen Shi excitedly, but from a distance it saw the other party being picked up by the insect man and smiling and saying thank you. Wen Shi inexplicably felt guilty.

The little scarecrow walked dejectedly along the railway tracks, not even trying to fly. When he was about to reach the platform, he flapped his wings twice and went up.

"You just saved my life." Wen Shi coughed lightly, not mentioning that he had already seen the clues at that time. Since he realized that the train also cooperated with the Sunset Red Travel Agency, he had been keeping an eye on it. On the head of a locomotive, there was a very conspicuous symbol, exactly the same as the one on the travel agency's brochure. The game prompts that the travel agency does not exist on the map, which means that everything related to it is virtual, and the same is true for the cooperating train.

Wen Shi had just deduced it, but the Scarecrow had already helped him test the truth through practice.

Life-saving grace.

The little scarecrow was very satisfied with the answer. After giving the fat worm a warning glance, he hovered over Wen Shi's shoulder again.

Wen Shi patted its head and smoothed its fur soothingly, thinking that Jian Qingrong was still easy to coax when he was not using his brains.

Wen Shi and the insect player were the last few to arrive at the platform. The players who had already arrived and Shadow stood far away from each other. Although their bodies were exhausted, they did not dare to be careless at all. They stared at each other vigilantly to prevent anyone from attacking them at this time.

Wen Shi counted and found that there were eighteen players left and eleven shadow players.

Fortunately, Yu Xingzhou successfully hunted two of them, otherwise the number gap would be quite large. Shadow's survival rate when boarding the car was much higher than that of the players.

"Let's go." After a short rest, Wen Shi took the little scarecrow to the tour guide to pick up the suitcase.

Despite the sudden drop in favorability by 10 points, the tour guide did not show her dissatisfaction directly. When Wen Shi thanked her, she smiled and waved her hand: "Helping passengers with their luggage is also one of my job responsibilities."

This kind of smiling tiger NPC is the most difficult to deal with, and Wen Shi can only try to avoid dealing with it.

"My dear grandson, did you feel it?" A faint voice came from the box.

Wen Shi bowed down.

A dark light flashed in the old lady's dark eyes: "Malice."

Wen Shi didn't look at the guide immediately. He seemed to have thought of something and glanced in a certain direction. The person who met his gaze immediately avoided him. It turned out to be the player who was burned by the fire before. The latter somehow managed to leave the runway alive.

During the few seconds when their eyes met, Wen Shi could feel the hatred hidden in the player's eyes.

Wen Shi smiled, feeling deeply that the other party could consider the evolutionary channel of mice.

After giving the reminder, the old lady got back into the box.

As for monsters that posed a threat to Wen Shi, such as the passengers in the carriage, the old lady would simply chop them with her knife, but as for the delicate relationships between people, she had no intention of getting involved for the time being and seemed more inclined to let Wen Shi deal with it himself first.

At the same time, the girl on the other side whispered to the boy, "Dealing with people is the most troublesome and hypocritical thing. I will try my best to help you eliminate it."

The boy did not argue with her. He stood tall and straight, keeping an eye on the little scarecrow.

Jian Qingrong's Shadow is a three-no product, and the game is almost a one-to-one copy. Neither the scarecrow nor the person himself should be like this.

Wen Shi got on the train early and had not seen Jian Qingrong yet, so he did not have any doubts for the time being.

"Are you really not curious at all? Where is he?" the boy suddenly asked.

Wen played dumb: "What do you mean by him? Who are you talking about?"

He was absolutely sure that once he inquired, the little scarecrow would explode. Jian Qingrong's possessiveness was comparable to his own shadow in the parallel world.

The young man looked at him deeply, pretending to be stupid.

In terms of kung fu, I might not be able to compare with the other person.

Wen Shi actually had to take care of the little scarecrow's emotions, but more importantly, he and Jian Qingrong were a bit alike and were not very interested in each other's shadows. The previous game was one round after another, and Wen Shi had no time to think about these things. Now that he had stopped for a while, he was too lazy to try to get words from the boy.

Wen Shi's attitude towards Jian Qingrong's shadow remains consistent: as long as it doesn't cause trouble for himself, everything else is fine.

The passengers who came on the same train as the player were not subject to the time restrictions on the door, and so far only a few passengers could be seen walking slowly in the distance.

The tour guide found another small flag, walked to the middle door between the player and the shadow, waved the flag and said, "Welcome to Sunset Station. All the tourist attractions we visited this time are in Sunset Town. In order to give everyone a better travel experience, I hope that you will not leave the group without permission and leave your name casually to show your experience of visiting here. In addition, there are many precious and special cultural relics in Sunset Town, and taking photos is not allowed."

"Later, I will take you to the town inn to rest. At 11pm, we will visit the first check-in attraction of this trip: the Screaming House." The tour guide pretended to be mysterious and said, "This is a free welfare project newly added by the travel agency this year."

After saying that, the tour guide turned around and led everyone out.

Before I completely walked out of the train station, I heard all kinds of shouting outside, as if it was really a bustling world.

This illusion disappeared instantly after seeing the turtle man at the door. The turtle man's physical features were standard turtle-like in all aspects, except his limbs, which were the same as humans.

The tour guide seemed to hate slow things and reminded everyone: "Some turtle people make money by fortune-telling. They can roughly predict whether things will be good or bad, but I advise you not to go."

The newbie who was eager to try it out humbly asked: "Why?"

"Because they saw the outcome of something in advance, they were unwilling to try to change, and kept shrinking, and finally evolved into turtle people." The tour guide raised his eyebrows: "Of course, if anyone wants to take this evolutionary system, you can consider it. I will tell you the specific method."

Not wanting to be stopped by these fortune tellers for sales pitches, she walked to the other side.

However, before the tour guide took a detour, the turtle man stared at her with his small eyes, and then he moved quickly to the other side on all fours.

The tour guide frowned and threw the flag with a snap. The small flag went three inches into the ground and just stuck in front of the turtle man.

"Why are you running?"

The turtle man never wanted to cause trouble, so after much hesitation he gave her a reminder and gave her a proverb as a fortune: "When it rains, it leaks; when it rains, it rains; when it is late, it encounters headwinds."

Turtle people have a special sixth sense.

I was trying to avoid some unlucky things as much as possible. After talking to the tour guide, I suddenly felt that I was also infected with bad luck.

He looked around, and the moment he saw Wen Shi's door, his eyes suddenly lit up.

It moved over and leaped over from Wenshi's feet.

"..." Wen Shi looked puzzled.

The old lady's voice came from the suitcase: "It's jumping over the fire basin to avoid bad luck and seek good luck."

Warm fire basin: “?”

They were now walking in the corridor leading to the outside world. The old lady's voice was not loud, but everyone could hear it.

There are many people doing business at the train station, including those pulling carts, selling snacks, and some trying to snatch tourists away to their own hotels.

Many passengers who come here have some small troubles in life and need solutions, so there are also many turtle people who set up stalls nearby.

When they saw the tour guide coming, they were too late to move their stalls, and the disgust was obvious on their faces.

Wen Shi became a hot commodity.

There were turtles flying over his feet one after another. If it weren't for the height issue, they would have even wanted to jump over his head, muttering as they did so—


"I straddle."

"Great wealth and great honor, great luck and great fortune."

"… "

The people behind were stunned.

Xiaohua moved to Yu Xingzhou's side and said, "President, you have done some research. Is Pei Wenwei really so lucky?"

It's like God's favorite.

Yu Xingzhou shook his head. Luck always has a reference. After the turtle man sensed that the tour guide was very unlucky, he started to use Wen Shi as a brazier. No matter how he thought about it, there must be some kind of energy conservation in the middle door.

"The tour guide's impression of you is -10."

"The tour guide's impression of you is -10."

The notification sound came at Wen Shi like hail. His expression was a little distorted. He didn't do anything, but he had to suffer the consequences of taking out a loan

People's joys and sorrows are not the same. Some people discussed Wen Shi's good luck with envy and jealousy, muttering quietly: "I heard that Pei Wenwei's skill is [Lucky Star]."

Liu Yun and the others helped Wen Shi put up a few smoke bombs, and kept promoting to the outside world that the opponent's skills were just as he said: luck.

Most people were still very rational. Xiaohua's shadow asked back, "So what did he get?"

As it stands now, it seems like I have gained nothing except becoming a thorn in the tour guide's eyes for no apparent reason.

The person who was beeping just now fell silent.

The tour guide grabbed a turtle man with an expressionless face, took out a hundred yuan with the attitude of believing it was possible, and asked: "Is there any way to crack it?"

Turtle Man: "Your matter is a bit big, it will cost two hundred."

The tour guide took out another banknote.

The turtle man raised one arm, pointed at Wen Shi and said, "It's simple! He is very blessed. If you stay closer to him and interact with him more, you will definitely be blessed by him."

It said it sincerely, the turtle people had been avoiding problems for so long that their brains were almost like muscles.

The tour guide squeezed out a few words from between her teeth: "I'm very unlucky, he's super lucky, don't you think there's something wrong?"

The tour guide wanted to induce the tourists to die from the very beginning, and the game segments he designed were also going in this direction. They seemed polite on the surface, but in fact both parties were standing on invisible opposite sides.

The turtle man opened his mouth, as if he understood something and knew that he had made a stupid suggestion.

It was not ashamed, but looked serious: "See, you lost money but still couldn't avoid disaster, this is the beginning of bad luck." After a pause, it tried to shift the contradiction: "Every grievance has its perpetrator, and if you were not unlucky, you wouldn't come to me, so who do you think the problem is?"

"The tour guide's impression of you is -10."

Wen Shi: “…”

(End of this chapter)